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Hidden Victims

By Josh Gasparro

Walking down the road and looking up at a hall, JACK walks up

to the door and opens the door. Entering a room full of 5 or 6
other men all sat on chairs in a circle, he grabs a chair and
acknowledges the other men as he pulls the chair into the
centre. He sits down and looks at everyone.

Mental Health Leader

Welcome back everyone, I hope everyone’s week has been
better. We have a new member joining us this week. Do you
mind telling us who you are and what brings you here?

Hi, my name is Jack and this is my story!

The scene fades to black as we go into a separate scene

following Jack down the street. He’s dressed very smartly, in
a suit with a briefcase or some kind of bag. He’s happy and
smiley, as large letters fly in showing the title as he
approaches the door to his apartment. He takes his key out and
puts it in the door. As the door opens, the door masks over
the writing as it gets rid of it. We follow him into the
apartment and as we turn the corner, we see ABI cheating on
him. A visual fade in colour happens where it goes from
vibrant and saturated to dull and pastel. Showing this as a
representation as his happiness being sucked out of him.


(stuttering and in shock)
Abi, what the f-f-fuck is going on?

(surprised she got caught)
Jack, what are you doing home so early?

I came home early surprise you. Who is he Abi?

He’s no one Jack, we are just friends.

Tell me the truth Abi.

He works with me. I started working with him more
regularly and I don’t know Jack we just weren’t working.
What do you mean we weren’t working?

I don’t know Jack, I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. I
met Dylan and I just felt something I’d not felt with you
in a long time Jack. We are over. I’m sorry.

What have I done to deserve this Abi? What have I done?

Its over Jack, my bags are packed I’m leaving.

We see Abi grab her bags and leave the house. She looks over
her shoulder for the final time and shuts the door behind her.


Jack falls to his knees and starts crying. He composes himself

and opens a kitchen cupboard with a bottle of Vodka in it. He
grabs it, sipping it as he walks. He then goes past some kind
of pole or pillar and this changes to a different time where
you can see him deteriorating. He walks past with a crate of
beer and again walks past some another object and is masked to
him going to sit down and seem to snort something. He leans
back in his chair and seems to get at rest.


Jack is sat at a table just having a drink and some food.

Behind him is a group of girls all supporting this one girl
who is crying. We track back and change focus to Jack, seeing
him sitting all alone. A WAITRESS approaches him with another

Are you okay sir? You look upset.

(trying to avoid conversation)
I’m okay, cheers

(clearly seeing something isn’t right, she sits opposite him)
You know, when I was feeling lonely and was going through a
dark time I got told this that really helped me. They said to
me, It’s okay that your feeling this way, you will get past it
– you will be okay. Might not be now but it will come when you
least expect it. I don’t know you sir but I do know when
something isn’t right. Keep hold of that for me okay.

The waitress gets up, smiles and leave Jack. He doesn’t know
what to say so he just looks down at his beer. Jack leaves 20
pounds on the table and leaves the restaurant.


JACK walks down the road on his way home to his apartment. He
heads home, we see him looking really stressed and confused.
JACK walks into his apartment complex.


JACK gets his keys out his pocket and opens his door. He puts
his keys in a bowl and walks over to the fridge to get a beer.
He opens the beer and heads over to his desk. He gets a pen
and paper out form the desk and starts writing a suicide note.

Hi, my name is Jack. I have been going through a lot
since Abi. I haven’t been able to find myself; I’m lost
in my thoughts and feelings. I’m sorry for who I am. I’m
sorry for the things I’ve done. I couldn’t live with
myself feeling this way. Abi, I love you and I’m sorry. I
don’t want this to hurt you, I want this to help you. You
wanted me out your life so I’m going forever. You will
always be the core of my heart and I will treasure the
happiness you brought me as I watch upon the world. I
love you Abi.

As the voice over is happening, we see him get up and walk to

the bathroom. He starts running the bath and watching it fill
up. He gets a knife from his kitchen and walks back to the
bathroom. He enters the bath fully clothed and leans back.
Putting his left arm on the side of the bath, he grabs the
knife and starting at his wrist, slices his skin up to the
crease of his elbow. Blood starts to pour from his arm into
the water, spreading across the bathwater. He leans back and
the camera switches to his POV as if the camera is his eyes.
We see him fall back into the end of the bath as his vison
completely blurs. The sound is muffled and dull.

We then cut to Abi coming back with her key. She opens the
door shouting at Jack.

For fuck sake Jack, bloody answer my calls I need to
finish getting my stuff.
ABI walks past their old desk where she sees a note. Picking
it up and reading the first couple lines, she drops it and
shouts out his name.

Jack, Jack where are you?

Jack what have you done. Jack fucking answer me.

Cutting back to Jacks POV, we see the camera turn as if it

where his head facing the door. Abi suddenly bursts in through
the door and sees the blood pouring from his arms. She rushes
over to him. The sound is muffled and a high pitch noise
starts to play as his blurring vision starts to fade to black.

Jack I’m so sorry.

You’re gonna be okay. I will get you help. Stay strong
for me Jack.

The picture goes completely black as the high-pitched noise

becomes more prevalent. It will slowly fade into a heart rate
monitor sound.


We see eyes open from JACKS perspective as he leans up from

the bed. Looking to the left, he sees a heart rate monitor
with his vitals appearing on them in a healthy way. As he
turns his head to the right a DOCTOR walks in holding a
clipboard with a stethoscope around his neck.

How you feeling Jack?

What happened, how am I here?

Your ex-girlfriend found you. Your very lucky to be
alive. If she found you 5 minutes later you wouldn’t be
here today.

I wanted to die.
Those scars on your arms are permanent, but the scars in
your head aren’t. We can help you. We have recommended
you to a men’s mental health charity where once a week
you can discuss how you feel. Here’s a leaflet for the
place, I recommend you go give it a visit.


Jack leaves the hospital and heads back home. As he’s walking
home, he looks at the leaflet the doctor gave him and puts it
away in his pocket. He comes up to his apartment complex and
looks up at it. He walks inside and climbs the stairs to his


Jack walks inside his apartment and walks over to the bin
where he goes to put the leaflet he got from the doctor in the
bin. However, when he takes it out his pocket and puts it in
the bin, he looks at it and we see something change within
him. He takes the leaflet back out and takes the bin bag
completely out of the bin. He walks over to his fridge and
bins takes out all of the alcohol and puts it in the bag. He
then goes over to a draw where all his drugs where and empties
them all into the bag. He cleans his table and desk of any
empty bottles. He puts the leaflet back into his coat pocket
and leaves the apartment.


Going outside, he throws the bin bag in a dumpster and heads

off, putting his hood up and walking away. He looks at the
leaflet and walks to the address. He walks to the address of
the charity. When he gets there, he looks up and takes one
last look at the leaflet given to him by the doctor. He
eventually gets himself inside the building and walks into a
room full of around 5-6 other men. They are all sat on chairs
in a circle. Grabbing a chair from a rack at the side of the
hall, he pulls it up and joins the circle.


Welcome back everyone, I hope everyone’s week has been
better. We have a new member joining us this week. Do you
mind telling us who you are and what brings you here?

Hi, my name is Jack and this is my story!

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