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Hi, I’m Mohammad Miftahul Islam Mia, currently a sophomore at BRAC University.

University, one of the best universities that the country has to offer is home to various unique
features that it delivers through its campuses. These features make the university stand out
amongst others. First, BRAC University is the only university to offer a residential semester,
where students live and spend 3 months in the Savar Campus of the university. The campus is
the perfect location to make lasting bonds with university peers and create beautiful memories
that they can cherish forever, furthermore, various seminars are hosted during the 3-month
long journey to make students aware of certain issues or to give them guidance towards their
future careers by bringing in experts from industry leaders. Secondly, BRAC Universities urban
campus at Mohakhali is not just a typical campus that is made only to deliver quality education
but rather it is also a place where students get access to crucial resources that aid them in their
future careers. Seminars, job fairs, and personal career guidance are some of the many facilities
that the campus offers that helps students to make themselves an attractive candidate in the
job market when they graduate from university.
As a student who has successfully been able to part of several organizations, I possess a
significant number of qualities that makes me a suitable candidate for the ambassadorship.
Firstly, I believe myself to be very diligent, as I am not only a full-time student but I am also
working under several organizations and clubs while maintaining decent grades. Without hard
work, I would not have able to cope up with the pressure that comes from working under
several institutions. Secondly, I am a punctual individual who has always been on time to get
anything done. Be it assignments, club works, and other activities, I have always considered the
deadline beforehand and have worked accordingly. Finally, I consider myself to be very a
responsible individual as I take my tasks wholeheartedly and give my best to create adequate
results that benefit my team and other stakeholders.

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