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Political Science 199.

First Long Exam
19 October 2022
Jon Mikael B. Alea

1. Students in Political Science 160 got the following scores in their first long

91 83 96 81 76
94 85 77 78 90
92 89 92 97 57
69 78 72 76 87
88 96 78 89 85

Using 7 class intervals, starting with the lowest class interval,

a. Set up a grouped frequency distribution.

Class Frequency Midpoint Deviation Frequency Frequency > cf fm2
Intervals (f) (m) (d) x Midpoint x
(fm) Deviation

57 - 62 1 59.5 -5 59.5 -5 25 3540.25

63 - 68 0 65.5 -4 0 0 24 0

69 - 74 2 71.5 -3 143 -6 24 10224.5

75 - 80 6 77.5 -2 465 -12 22 36037.5

81 - 86 4 83.5 -1 334 -4 16 27889

87 - 92 8 89.5 0 716 0 12 64082

93 - 98 4 95.5 1 382 4 4 36481

Efm = Efd = Efm2 =

2099.5 -23 178254.
b. Compute the mean based on the midpoint and the deviation methods.

c. Determine the median and the mode.

d. What is the range? Variance? Standard Deviation. Show your

The range is always the difference between the highest and the
lowest scores. Thus: 97 - 57
RANGE = 40

VARIANCE = 77.53
e. Present your data in a histogram.

f. What is the proportion of cases between the mean and the score of 97?

Z = [ 97 (x) – 84 (mean)] / 8.81 (standard deviation)

Z = 1.48
Thus, an exam score of 97 is 1.48 standard deviations above the mean
exam score of 84.
1.48 = 0.9306 in the z-table value.
0.9306 – 0.5 (mean)
= 0.4306 or 43.06% is the proportion of cases between the mean (84) and
a score of 97.

What about the proportion of cases between the mean and a score of 57?

Z = [ 57 (x) – 84 (mean)] / 8.81 (standard deviation)

Z = -3.06
Thus, an exam score of 57 is 3.06 standard deviations below the mean
exam score of 84.
-3.06 = 0.00111 in the z-table value.
0.5 (mean) - 0.00111
= 0.49889 or 49.89% is the proportion of cases between the mean (84)
and a score of 57.

g. Percentile rank of those who scored 97

Z = [ 97 (x) — 84 (mean)] / 8.81 (standard deviation)

Z = 1.48
1.48 = 0.9306 in the z-table value
0.9306 x 100
= 93.06 or 93 is the percentile rank of those who scored 92; those students
who scored 92 on the aforementioned exam are in the 93rd percentile.

h. Write a brief essay describing your data.

25 Political Science 160 students who took the first long examination
acquired a mean examination score or a class average of 83.98 or about
84, with scores ranging from 57 being the lowest and 97 being the highest
score obtained, respectively. As seen in the data presented, 64% of the
students who took the exam, or approximately 16 out of 25 students,
scored at least 81, which is the median score, or the point on the scale that
divides the distribution of scores in half, and above. With 7 class intervals
and 6 class width, the highest frequency in the grouped data set can be
found in the class interval of 87 to 92 which can be referred to as the modal
class, with about 32% or 8 out of 25 students securing a core ranging from
87 to 92, respectively. Consequently, the mode in the grouped data is
determined to be the midpoint of the modal class which is 89.5.

2. Suppose you were commissioned to study the perception of UP Manila

students on the first 100 days of the Marcos Jr. administration. How do you
intend to go about it? What sampling strategy/ies would you use? Explain
your choice of these strategies. How will you determine the sampling size?
Assume the total student population of UP Manila is 5,000, distributed as
follows: CAS, 1500; CM, 1,200; CPH, 800; CN, 500; CPharm, 500; CAMP, 300;
SHS, 200.

As a researcher, it is important for me to maximize the representation among

different individuals in a population from varying subgroups. With that being said,
since the given total population among all 5000 UP Manila students is divided into
strata or homogeneous subpopulations based on their respective colleges, I
believe that it is best to use the Stratified Sampling strategy to ensure that each
and every college in UP Manila is properly represented in the sample.


Colleges in UP Manila Population Percentage Sample

Population . (Sampling Size of 357)
Total Population of 5000 x (Percentage)

CAS 1500 0.3 or 30% 107

CM 1200 0.24 or 24% 86

CPH 800 0.16 or 16% 57

CN 500 0.1 or 10% 36

CPharm 500 0.1 or !0% 36

CAMP 300 0.06 or 6% 21

SHS 200 0.04 or 4% 14

Total Population 5000 Total of 100% 357

N = 5000 e = 0.05
Determining the Sampling Size

Using the Lynch Formula


Z = 1.96 (the value of the normal variable for a reliability level of

0.95. This means having a 95% reliability in obtaining the
sample size.)
p = .50 (the proportion of getting a good sample)
1-p = .50 (the proportion of getting a poor sample)
d = .025 or .05 or .10 (your choice of sampling error)
N = population size
n = sample size

If: N = 5000
d= 0.05

n = 5000 (1.96)2 x .50 (1-.50)

5000 (.05)2 + 1.962 x .50 (1-.50)
= 5000 (3.8416) x .25
5000 (.0025) + 3. 8416 x .25
= 19208 x .25
12.5 +.9604
= 4802

= 356.76 (rounded off to 357) SAMPLE SIZE = 357

Now that we have determined our sample size (where N = 5000; d = 0.05)
which is 357, we can now explain how we can get the specific number of samples
that is needed from each college based on the percentage of their population in
the whole UP Manila population of students. The number of samples from each
college (107 for CAS, 86 for CM, 57 for CPH, 36 for CN, 36 for CPharm, 21 for
CAMP, and 14 for SHS) acquired through stratified sampling can now be selected
using the lottery method or simple random sampling wherein we are giving every
unit of the population in each strata an equal chance and non zero probability of
being included in the sample.

3. Following the format we presented earlier for a research proposal, present

the research problem, objectives, the scope , as well as significance of your
planned research study. Present a short description of at least three
1. What is the impact of the implementation of the SIM Card
Registration Act on the emergence of fraudulent political trolls in
social media?
2. How can the implementation of the SIM Card Registration Act
alleviate red-tagging issues among victims (e.g. students in the
University of the Philippines, human rights organizations,
journalists etc.) of fraudulent political trolls in social media?
1. To evaluate the enactment of the SIM Card Registration Act in
the Philippines.
2. To analyze the emergence of fraudulent political trolls in social
media before and after the implementation of the SIM Card
Registration Act.
3. To determine and compare the severity of red-tagging among
affected groups before and after the implementation of the SIM
Card Registration Act.
The research study will primarily assess the effectiveness of the SIM
Card Registration Act in the Philippines, as a newly enacted law,
before and after its implementation. The aim of this study is to analyze
reports among fraudulent political trolls in social media. Consequently,
the scope of the study is limited to the impact of the enactment of the
SIM Card Registration act on the malicious political activities and
red-tagging committed by the trolls against the victims.


The findings of this study will further contribute to addressing the
emergence of fraudulent acts of maliciousness committed by political
trolls. Additionally, the study will examine and will provide relevant
discoveries regarding the implementation, execution, and effectiveness
of the SIM Card Registration Act as a newly enacted law in the
Republic of the Philippines. Moreover, this study will also serve as a
reference for future researchers in assessing the effectiveness of
newly enacted laws and policies in addressing societal issues.

Cepeda, M. (2021). Senate approves bill requiring SIM card registration,

unmasking trolls.

The first reference presented discusses the possible provision of the

enacted SIM card law as a solution to the problems of anonymity which
provides an avenue for trolls to spread disinformation, hatred, and other
malicious attacks (Cepeda, 2021).
Foundation for Media Alternatives. (2017). SIM Registration: Fueling the
Security vs. Privacy Debate.

As early as 2017, the second reference presented discusses the

contrasting implications of SIM Registration between security and privacy, as
well as the underlying ineffectiveness of existing SIM Card Registration Acts in
countries such as Pakistan and Mexico, which resulted in the existence of
unregistered sim cards being sold in the black market for instance
(Foundation for Media Alternatives, 2017).

Purnell, K. (2022). SIM Card Registration Act: Pros and Cons.

The third reference presented discusses the data privacy leaks and other
security concerns as the emerging negative implications of the newly enacted
act, while regulating the supply of SIM Cards only with the verification of
identity among individuals, thus minimizing the risk of false identity and
malicious masking under anonymity (Purnell, 2022).

4. Give 3 examples each of nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio data.


1. Religious 1. Level of 1. SAT Score 1. Bank Savings
Preference educational 2. Temperature 2. The number
2. Eye Color attainment in Degrees of passenger
3. Country 2. Satisfaction Celsius aircrafts
rating 3. IQ Score from Manila,
3. Top 1 to Top Philippines
3 students to
in PS 199.1 Ulaanbatar,
Long Exam Mongolia
3. The number
of times a
delivered a

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