Group 4 - Set B TVL

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Group 4 – Set B Practical Research

Group Name:
Topics Is it feasible Is it clear? Is it significant? Is it ethical?
Water-Soluble packaging: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
A new plastic alternative
Internet use, video games ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and students’ academic
Amborella Organics: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Lollipops have plant seeds
in sticks

Group Name:
Topics Title Reason
Water-Soluble packaging: A new Importance of having Eco- Because from our group, we
plastic alternative Friendly Dissolvable plastics in noticed that there are visible
our daily life amounts of improperly thrown
and non-recycled plastic wastes
around our environment that
are threatening to harm marine
life and land life.
Internet use, video games and The effects of video game play The purpose of the present
students’ academic on academic performance research is to determine
achievement whether playing video games
Impacts academic performance
as determined by our group.
Amborella Organics: Lollipops Herbal lollipops with From what we observed, still
have plant seeds in sticks biodegradable sticks that can be people like us are still stubborn
planted to grow a herb or enough to throw our leftover
flower trash anywhere without anyone
noticing. So we decided to
include this topic which is
another way of helping the
environment of how you can
productively contribute to
nature just by throwing a stick
of an already eaten lollipop as
an example.

A. Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this narrative study is for us to find a more productive way for the
people to produce plastic bags without the intention of harming the ecosystem through
our way of disposing this material everywhere and anytime we use it in our daily life,
and using it as an alternative to replace our normal non-dissolvable plastic bags.
Central Question
Can Dissolvable Plastics fix the pollution problem?
Should we use Dissolvable Plastics in our products?

1. Research Topic
Water-Soluble packaging: A new plastic alternative
2. Research Title
Importance of having Eco-Friendly Dissolvable plastics in our daily life
3. Research Questions
1. Does banning single-use plastic even make a dent in the bigger problem of climate
2. Why is so little plastic recycled?

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