35 Nitrigen Removal of Leachate by Biological Nitrification

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Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087

Biological nitrogen removal from municipal landfill leachate:

low-cost nitrification in biofilters and laboratory scale
in-situ denitrification
J.P.Y. Jokelaa,*, R.H. Kettunenb, K.M. Sormunena, J.A. Rintalaa
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyvaskyl . P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyl
a, . . Finland
Tritonet Oy, Pinninkatu 53 C, FIN-33100 Tampere, Finland
Received 2 February 2001; received in revised form 7 February 2002; accepted 15 March 2002


The slow leaching of nitrogen from solid waste in landfills, resulting in high concentrations of ammonia in the landfill
leachate, may last for several decades. The removal of nitrogen from leachate is desirable as nitrogen can trigger
eutrophication in lakes and rivers. In the present study, a low-cost nitrification–denitrification process was developed to
reduce nitrogen load especially in leachates from small landfills. Nitrification was studied in laboratory and on-site pilot
aerobic biofilters with waste materials as filter media (crushed brick in upflow filters and bulking agent of compost in a
downflow filter) while denitrification was studied in a laboratory anoxic/anaerobic column filled with landfill waste. In
the laboratory nitrification filters, start-up of nitrification took less than 3 weeks and over 90% nitrification of leachate
(NH4-N between 60 and 170 mg N l1, COD between 230 and 1300 mg l1) was obtained with loading rates between 100
and 130 mgNH4-N l1 d at 251C. In an on-site pilot study a level of nitrification of leachate (NH4-N between 160 and
270 mg N l1, COD between 1300 and 1600 mg l1) above 90% was achieved in a crushed brick biofilter with a loading
rate of 50 mg NH4-N l1 d even at temperatures as low as 5–101C. Ammonium concentrations in all biofilter effluents
were usually below the detection limit. In the denitrification column, denitrification started within 2 weeks and total
oxidised nitrogen in nitrified leachate (TON between 50 and 150 mg N l1) usually declined below the detection limit at
251C, whereas some ammonium, probably originating from the landfill waste used in the column, was detected in the
effluent. No adverse effect was observed on the methanation of waste in the denitrification column with a loading rate
of 3.8 g TON-N/t-TSwaste d. In conclusion, nitrification in a low-cost biofilter followed by denitrification in a landfill
body appears applicable for the removal of nitrogen in landfill leachate in colder climates. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Landfill leachate; Nitrification; Denitrification; Low temperature; Biofilter; Waste material

1. Introduction dry weight of MSW (e.g. [2]). The hydrolysis of the

polypeptide chain is disadvantaged in energetic terms
In landfills, the release of soluble nitrogen from and this is apparently the reason for the slow kinetics of
municipal solid waste (MSW) into landfill leachate protein hydrolysis, which in turn causes the slow release
continues over a long period compared to that of of ammonia. Nitrogen can trigger eutrophication in
soluble carbon compounds [1]. The main source of receiving watercourses and therefore its removal from
nitrogen is proteins, which accounts for approx. 0.5% of landfill leachate, e.g., by biological treatment, is desir-
able. Biological nitrogen removal is nonreversible [3]
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +358-14-2602-1211; fax: and is carried out in two stages: aerobic nitrification
+358-14-2602-2321. of ammonia via hydroxylamine and nitrite to nitrate,
E-mail address: jari.jokela@jyu.fi (J.P.Y. Jokela). and, subsequently, anoxic denitrification of nitrate via

0043-1354/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 3 - 1 3 5 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 2 9 - X
4080 J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087

intermediate stages (NO3 ) NO2 ) NO ) N2O ) N2) landfill in Jyv.askyl.a (Finland), which has been in
to nitrogen gas. operation since 1963. The total volume of landfill in
Suspended processes have been applied in full scale to 1999 was approx. 5 million m3 and the annual produc-
nitrification and denitrification of landfill leachate (e.g. tion of leachate was ca. 114,000 m3. In addition to
review by Kettunen [4]). Recently, new methods such as MSW, some industrial waste (e.g. fibrewaste from a
suspended carrier biofilm processes, have also been papermill, fly ash and waste grit) has been disposed off
studied for leachate nitrification, even at low tempera- in the landfill. Putrescible household waste has been
tures (5–101C; e.g. [5,6]). These processes are reliable, source sorted and composted separately since 1996. The
but they normally require major investments, whereas leachate was delivered 1–2 times per month to the
there is also an evident need for low cost and low laboratory and stored at 41C. The feed for the
maintenance systems. This is especially the case in low experiments was prepared by clarifying the leachate in
population areas where landfills are smaller and often at a container. Due to a deficiency of phosphorus in the
a distance from sewage systems and lack trained landfill leachate, 5–20 mg P l1 (1 M H3PO4) was added
personnel. Moreover, the treatment processes used to the feed. The ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) of the
should also function in colder climates. feed was typically 60–170 mg N l1, biochemical oxygen
Normally, the conditions prevalent in a landfill body demand (BOD7) was 18 mg O2 l1 and the chemical
are anaerobic/anoxic thus enabling methanogenesis and, oxygen demand (COD) was 230–510 mg O2 l1. Between
potentially, denitrification. Since the aerobic conditions experimental days 135 and 156 of the runs, the leachate
required for nitrification are unlikely to occur in the contained some exceptional streams from the landfill
landfill body, external nitrification is required. Thus, we and, consequently, the feed had a higher COD (1300 mg
concluded that the removal of nitrogen by a process O2 l1) and BOD7 (510 mg O2 l1), whereas ammonium
consisting of denitrification in the landfill body preceded remained between 60 and 90 mg N l1. During the
by nitrification in a biofilter with low-cost filter media, nitrification experiment, the pH tended to rise above 8.5
e.g., porous waste material, could be an attractive resulting from loss of carbonate, which may cause loss
option. Previously, the feasibility of compost material of ammonia by volatilisation. The feed pH was
as a medium for the denitrification and nitrification of decreased by the addition of 1 M hydrochloric acid
landfill leachate has been shown in laboratory-scale (HCl) to approx. 7.0–6.5 to maintain the pH of the
columns [7]. Anaerobically, degrading MSW has also effluent below 8.5. Identical feed was used in all the
been found to completely denitrify leachate containing nitrifying laboratory reactors. During the runs, the
nitrate, although the leachate delayed methanogenesis ammonia load was mainly controlled by adjusting the
and decreased methane yield [8], apparently due to hydraulic retention time (HRT), but it was also affected
suppression of methanogenesis by nitrate (e.g. [9–11]). by the changes in the feed ammonia concentration.
When planning the use of landfill for denitrification it The leachate used in the pilot study was pumped from
should be taken into account that denitrifiers may the main leachate ditch at Kiertokapula municipal
outcompete methanogens [8]. landfill in Hyvink.aa. (Finland). The landfill has been in
The objective of this study was to develop a low-cost operation since 1974 and approx. 1.3 million m3 of
method for the removal of nitrogen from landfill MSW has been disposed off in the landfill. Also at this
leachate. For this purpose, the nitrification of landfill site, source-segregated putrescible household waste has
leachate was studied in laboratory filters with bulking been composted separately since 1996. The drainage of
agent of mature compost and crushed brick as the filter the compost plant is discharged into the landfill and was
material as well as in a suspended carrier biofilm process thus included in the leachate used in the experiment. The
with commercial carriers as a reference. In addition, an availability of soluble phosphorus was ensured (COD:P
on-site pilot study of nitrification using a filter of ratio of 100:1) by the continuous addition of 10–30 mg
crushed brick was carried out. Denitrification of nitrified phosphorus (1 M H3PO4) per litre to the leachate in a
leachate was studied in a laboratory-scale column mixing tank. The NH4-N of the leachate varied between
containing methane-producing landfilled material. The 160 and 270 mg N l1 (NH4-N/TKN-ratio was between
effect of denitrification on the methanation of landfilled 0.78 and 0.99) and the COD between 1300 and 1600 mg
waste was also evaluated. O2 l1 and the BOD7 was 5 mg O2 l1. The pH varied
between 6.8 and 7.5.

2. Materials and methods 2.2. Experimental set-up

2.1. Landfill leachate 2.2.1. Laboratory-scale experiments

Three types of reactors were used in the laboratory-
Leachate was sampled for laboratory-scale experi- scale experiments for nitrification of landfill leachate: an
ments from the main drain at Mustankorkea municipal upflow filter (UF) with crushed brick as the filter
J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087 4081

medium, a downflow filter (DF) with a bulking agent leachate and was used as a reference. Both columns
(wood chips) of mature compost of source-segregated were filled with two layers (250 mm) of different landfill
putrescible household waste as the filter medium and a waste. The upper layer consisted of 9-year-old landfill
suspended carrier biofilm process (SCBP) with a waste with a maximum particle size of 50 mm. The
commercial carrier. Nitrified leachate from the SCBP characteristics of the waste (753 g TS (total solids) and
was subsequently fed into a denitrification landfill 345 g VS (volatile solids) in column) are reported
column filled with two separate horizons of old land- elsewhere [12]. The bottom layer consisted of ca. 45-
filled waste of different ages. All the laboratory-scale year-old MSW (657 g TS and 104 g VS in column) from
experiments were carried out at ambient temperature Mattilanniemi landfill in Jyv.askyl.a (Finland), which has
(251C). After the laboratory experiment, an appropriate been closed for approx. 40 years. The 50 mm layer of grit
method was selected for the nitrification pilot study, on the bottom of the columns prevented washout of
which was carried out on a landfill site. The nitrification particles. The leachate from the denitrification column
filters were operated in all experiments with a loading was led from the bottom of the column through Tygon
rate between 25 and 130 mg NH4-N g l1 d1, which was tubing to 1 l Duran glass vessels (at 41C), which were
considered sufficiently high for the actual cases. No sealed with rubber stoppers. The gas produced was led
maximum loading rate of the different processes were through Viton tubing to the gas sampling bags (Tecobag
studied. PETP/AL/PE-12/12/75 of 10 l, Tesseraux Spezialver-
packnungen) after passing a water lock. Nitrification. The leachate was continuously
pumped from the feed container (41C) with a peristaltic 2.2.2. Pilot study
pump (Cole Palmer, Masterflex 7553-87) into the In the pilot study the upflow nitrification filter (pilot
nitrification reactors. The UF and DF were made of UF) was constructed from a 2000 mm long HDPE pipe
600 mm PVC pipes (total volume 9.4 l) sealed with PVC (diameter 920 mm and a total volume 1.0 m3) sealed with
flanges. In the UF, the leachate was fed through a a HDPE flange. Crushed brick was used as the filter
50 mm layer of grit (grain size from #5 to 15 mm) to the medium. The medium was sieved into particles of 16–
bottom of the filter. The void volume of the UF was 32 mm. The influent was fed through a perforated plate
approx. 2.4 l. In the DF filter, the leachate was and the effluent was discharged from an overflow outlet.
distributed to the top of the reactor through a The leachate was semi-continuously pumped from the
perforated plate. The DF medium was first washed with main leachate ditch with a submersible pump into a 2 m3
tap water and sieved into particles of 10–70 mm. At the storage tank, from which it was led to a 100 l mixing
beginning of the experiment, the nitrifying compost tank in which phosphorus was added. The leachate was
column was rinsed with 8 l of tap water to reduce further continuously pumped from the mixing tank with
the amount of soluble material. The SCBP was made of Watson–Marlow (504 S/313D) peristaltic pump via a
a 400 mm PVC pipe (total volume of reactor 7.1 l). The PVC tube into the reactor. A diaphragm pump (KNF)
bottom of the SCBP was sealed with a PVC flange and was used for aeration. At the start-up of the experiment,
the top covered with aluminium foil to minimise the reactor was inoculated with nitrifying activated
evaporation. Forty per cent of the reactor volume was sludge (2 g VSS l1), which was supplied from Hyvink.aa.
filled with polyethylene carrier medium (Kaldnes Milj- sewage treatment plant (Finland). During the experi-
oteknologi AS, Norway, bulk density=170 kg m3, ment, dissolved oxygen in the filter (from depth of
diameter=9.1 mm and length=7.2 mm) with an effec- 200 mm) was between 4.2 and 9.0 mg O2 l1. The filter
tive surface of 500 m2 m3. PVC was used as the tubing was operated for the first 5 days on batch mode to
material in all the nitrification reactors. All three ensure the establishment of microbial biofilm on the
reactors were inoculated with nitrifying activated sludge filter medium.
(4 g volative suspended solids (VSS) l1) from Viinikan-
lahti sewage treatment plant in Tampere (Finland) and 2.3. Analysis and calculations
were aerated with submerged diffusers (Rena Air 200).
On account of the mixing requirements, dissolved Ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) and total oxidised
oxygen in the SCBP reactor was approx. 8 mg O2 l1. nitrogen (TON) were determined by using a Kjeltec
system 1002 distilling unit [13] in accordance with Denitrification. The denitrification column was Standard Methods [23]. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)
made of 600 mm PVC pipe (column volume 8.8 l) sealed analyses were done by following the Tecator application
with PVC flanges. 220 ml of nitrified leachate from the procedure [13] with the same Kjeltec system after
SCBP was fed to the top of the column with a syringe digestion with a 2006 digestor. Nitrate and nitrite
once in a week. The total oxidised nitrogen loading rate nitrogen as well as phosphate phosphorous were
was calculated from the weekly added nitrified leachate. measured from filtered samples (0.2 mm filters Schleicher
An identical column was operated without added .
& Schull) with Dionex DX 500 ion chromatograph.
4082 J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087

COD (dichromate method) and BOD7 were analysed onwards. Ammonia loading reached its highest level of
according to the Finnish Standards Association [14,15]. 110–130 mg NH4-N l1 d1 with the shortest HRT (1.4
The volume of gas produced was measured by the days). From the beginning and during the whole run
displacement method. Gas methane concentration was effluent ammonia was below the detection limit (1 mg
analysed with a Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL gas NH4-N l1). Nitrification efficiency ranged from 60% to
chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionisation de- 88% until day 60 after which it was >90%. COD
tector and fitted with a PE Alumina column removal ranged typically from 26% to 62%. It was
(30 m  0.53 mm). The carbon dioxide and oxygen only with the exceptional leachate feed (between days
content was analysed with an IR-analyser (Geotechnical 135 and 156), that the nitrification efficiency dropped to
Instruments). o20% and COD removal increased to 70–75%. After
pH was measured in the laboratory with a Metrohm the replacement of the exceptional feed with normal
model 744 pH meter, whereas during the pilot experi- feed, the nitrification efficiency recovered rapidly within
ments, pH was measured with a Hanna model HI 9025 10 days and COD removal dropped. The pH in
pH meter. The dissolved oxygen was measured with a the reactor ranged from 6.5 to 7.8 throughout the
Hanna Instruments HI-9145 oxygen meter. The amount experiment, excluding the start-up period, when the pH
of immobilised biomass in the SCBP was determined by was 8.5.
mechanically scraping biomass from the surface of 12 During the pilot study, the temperature of the feed fell
carriers and determining TS and VS of the scraped gradually from 211C to 5.01C (Fig. 2) and because of the
biomass. TS and VS were analysed according to fairly short HRT in the pilot UF it was same as the on-
Standard Methods [23]. site leachate temperature. The pilot-UF was first
The nitrification efficiency was calculated by dividing operated semi-continuously with a low rate of ammonia
the effluent NO3-N by the influent NH4-N and multi- loading (26 g NH4-N m3 d1) for 5 days, after which
plying it with 100%. continuous feeding was started with an HRT of 2.1 d
until day 21. Because ammonia was detected in the
effluent, the HRT was increased to 2.6 d on day 21, but
3. Results was adjusted back to 2.1 on day 61 owing to the
reduction of the effluent ammonia below the detection
3.1. Upflow nitrification filter with crushed brick limit. At the end of the run, the effluent ammonia was
below the detection limit and nitrification was over 90%
Nitrification of landfill leachate was studied in an UF (except day 78) with ammonia loading rates approx. 50 g
with crushed brick as the filter material in both the NH4-N m3 d1 even at temperatures as low as 5–101C.
laboratory (UF) and on-site pilot study (pilot UF). The removal of COD was o5% (data not shown)
First, the UF was fed once a day for 9 days with low throughout the run whereas effluent BOD7 was 3 mg
ammonia load (2.3 mg N l1 d1) (Fig. 1). After that, O2 l1 as sampled on day 50. The pH in the reactor was
continuous feeding was started with an HRT of 3.8 d around 7.6 throughout the experiment. Effluent PO3 4 -P
until day 91 and with an HRT of 1.4 d from that ranged from 0.2 to 1.6 mg P l1 (data not shown).

(mgO2 l-1)

Feed Effluent
Nitrification NH4-N&T.O.N

200 NH4-N in T.O.N. out NH4-N out

(mgN l-1)


NH4-N load &

(mgN l-1 d-1)

150 NH4-N-load
100 Nitrification

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (days)
Fig. 1. Feed COD and NH4-N, effluent COD, NH4-N and TON, and NH4-N load and nitrification efficiency in a laboratory
experiment using an UF with crushed brick as the filter medium to treat municipal landfill leachate. HRT: semi-continuous feeding,
3.8 d, and 1.4 d between days 1–8, 9–91 and 92–169, respectively.
J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087 4083


10 Feed
(mgN l-1)
100 NH4-N in T.O.N out TKNout NH4-N out

NH4-N load &
(gN m-3 d-1)


20 NH4-N-load
0 30 60 90
Time (days)
Fig. 2. Temperature, feed NH4-N and effluent NH4-N, NO2-N, TKN and TON and NH4-N load and nitrification efficiency during
nitrification of municipal landfill leachate in on-site pilot experiment in an UF with crushed brick used as the filter medium. HRT:
semi-continuous feeding, 2.2 d, 2.6 d, and 2.1 d between days 1–3, 4–20, 21–60, and 61–85, respectively.

(mgO2 l )

Feed Effluent


200 NH4-N in T.O.N. out NH4-N out

(mgN l )


NH4-N load &

150 NH4-N-load
(mgN l d )

100 Nitrification

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (days)

Fig. 3. Feed COD, NH4-N and effluent NH4-N, and TON and NH4-N load and nitrification efficiency during nitrification of
municipal landfill leachate in a laboratory experiment using a continuous DF with mature compost as the filter media. HRT: 9.6 d,
5.1 d and 7.3 d between days 1–58, 59–91, and 92–160, respectively.

3.2. Downflow nitrification filter with mature compost presence of denitrifiers. On day 58 HRT was shortened
to 5.1 d, but was again increased on day 91 to 7.3 d.
Nitrification of municipal landfill leachate was studied From day 70 onwards, effluent TON started to increase
in the laboratory DF with mature compost as the filter and the level of nitrification efficiency was usually above
material. The DF was first operated continuously with 90% (Fig. 3), whereas effluent NH4-N varied from o1
an HRT of 9.6 d for 58 d with an ammonia loading rate to 21 mg N l1. This performance was achieved with
of 10 mg N l1 d1. During this period, both effluent ammonia loading rates of 100–125 mg NH4-N l1 d1.
NH4-N and TON were below the detection limit Both the feed NH4-N/TKN ratio and TON/TKN ratio
(1 mg l1) (Fig. 3), which could indicate TON consump- of the effluent were approx. 0.9. The pH of the effluent
tion by the compost filter biomass or suggest the varied between 6.5 and 7.0 during the study. No COD
4084 J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087


(mgO2 l-1)
Feed Effluent

200 NH4-N in T.O.N. out NH4-N out

(mgN l-1)

NH4-N load &

150 NH4-N-load
(mgN l-1 d-1)

100 Nitrification
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (days)

Fig. 4. Feed COD and NH4-N and effluent COD, NH4-N and TON and NH4-N load and nitrification efficiency during nitrification of
municipal landfill leachate in laboratory SCBP. HRT: 0.6 d, 2.6 d, 5.1 d, 2.4 d, 7.3 d and 4.6 d between days 1–13, 14–108, 109–147, 148–
169, 170–216, and 217–254, respectively.

removal occurred. On the contrary to the UF, the in the form of ammonia (data not shown) and/or
exceptional leachate feed (days 135–160) did not affect accumulated into the biomass. The pH in the reactor
the level of nitrification efficiency but COD removal rose varied from 7.5 to 8.5. On day 189, average attached
to 80%. biomass was 0.8 g VS l1 (2.7 mg VS per carrier, approx.
300 carriers per litre) and in the suspension 0.13g VS l1.
3.3. Nitrification in suspended carrier biofilm process Thus, the nitrification rate at the ammonia loading rates
of approx. 150 mg NH4-N l1 d1 corresponded to
The laboratory-scale SCBP was studied as a reference 160 mg NH4-N g VS1 d1 (including biomass on
for the laboratory filters. The SCBP was operated at first carriers and in suspension).
with an HRT of 9.3 d to acclimate the biomass in SCBP
to low carbon leachate. After an acclimation period of 3.4. Denitrification in landfill waste column
14 d, the HRT was decreased to between 1.4 and 3.5 d to
maintain an ammonia loading rate of between 40 and Denitrification of nitrified leachate was studied in the
73 mg NH4-N l1 d1 (Fig. 4). On day 170, the HRT was laboratory in a landfill waste column by feeding semi-
further decreased to 1.0 to obtain a high ammonia continuously nitrified leachate from SCBP into the
loading rate of between 87 and 160 mg NH4-N l1 d1. column.
The exceptional feed (days 204–225) caused inhibition of The loading rate was 0.36–0.40 mg TON l1 d1 until
nitrification. Also, COD removal rose to approx. 90%. day 185 which after it was increased to approx. 0.6 mg
Consequently, the HRT was increased to 1.6 d for the TON l1 d1. The latter value corresponds to 3.8 g TON
rest of the run and the ammonia load decreased to about t-TS1 1
waste d . At the beginning some TON (5.5 mg N l )

100 mg NH4-N l1 d1, which after nitrification effi- was found in the effluent, while after 40 days it was no
ciency was back to >90%. longer detected (Fig. 5). The amount of ammonia in the
During the run, the effluent ammonia was mostly denitrified leachate showed a slightly increasing trend in
below the detection limit excluding the high COD the course of the run. Effluent COD was higher than
feeding period, which caused excessive growth of feed COD except in the last sample. During the run the
biomass in the reactor. During the high COD period TKN was removed by 35–71%. The NH4-N/TKN ratio
effluent ammonia was between 31 and 49 mg NH4-N l1. of the denitrified leachate varied between 62% and 84%.
Exceptionally, some nitrite was recorded in the effluent The methane content of the gas produced and the
on day 15 (33 mg N l1) and on day 24 (44 mg N l1) cumulative amount of methane produced in the
probably due to incomplete interaction between nitrite denitrification column and in the control column are
producing and oxidising bacteria. Between 112 and 196 presented in Fig. 6. Both columns showed stable levels
days the nitrification efficiency was between 75% and of gas and methane production before starting the
99% and COD removal ranged from 53% to 63%. feeding of the denitrification column on day 87. During
During the experiment, in terms of nitrogen balance, the runs, the methane (50–59%) and carbon dioxide
from 10% to 30% of the nitrogen was lost by stripping (31–41%) content as well as methane production rates
J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087 4085


(mgO2 l-1)
Feed Effluent
NH4-N&T.O.N T.O.N. in NH4-N out T.O.N out
(mgN l-1) 150



0 50 100 150 200
Time (days)
Fig. 5. Feed COD and TON and effluent TON and NH4-N in denitrifying waste column during denitrification of nitrified (suspended
carrier biofilm process) municipal landfill leachate in the laboratory. The column contained horizons of approx. 10- and 40-year-old
municipal landfilled waste.

Feeding period
Cumulative CH4 CH4,CO2 & O2 conc.

CH4 (DN) CO2 O2 CH4 (M) CO2 O2

production (l)


20 With nitrified feed
Without nitrified feed
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (days)
Fig. 6. Methane, carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen concentration of biogas and cumulative methane production in denitrifying (DN)
and control (M, without leachate addition) waste column during denitrification of nitrified (SCBP) municipal landfill leachate in the
laboratory. Both columns contained horizons of approx. 10- and 40-year-old municipal landfilled waste.

(approx. 0.3 l CH4 d1), were identical in both columns. resulted a complete denitrification with the rate equiva-
After the denitrification study was completed, biogas lent approx. to 470 and 1100 g NO3-N t-TS1 waste d

composition and production were monitored for 76 days (calculated by authors). However, this resulted in a
and no difference was found between the columns. delayed onset of methanogenesis and in reduced
quantities of methane. In their study the added initial
nitrate load was about hundred times higher than in our
4. Discussion study, which probably explains the difference in the
effects on methanogenesis.
The results suggest that nitrified landfill leachate can The ammonia detected in the effluent of the deni-
be denitrified in a landfill body that contains old trification column may have originated from the landfill
methanogenic waste material. In our study, denitrifica- material used in this column. On the other hand, the
tion did not affect methanation in the denitrifying high COD/NO3-N ratio of the leachate may promote
column when compared to the reference column. In a the reduction of nitrate of leachate to ammonia [17], and
laboratory batch study by Burton and Watson-Craik as the COD/NO3-N ratio inside the column was not
[16], addition of nitrate (500–1000 mg NO3-N l1, added measured, the possibility that nitrate removal could have
as KNO3-N) into methanogenic landfilled MSW been due to reduction to ammonia in the column cannot
4086 J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087

be excluded. However, the few gas samples analysed excessive head of leachate caused by, e.g., channel flow
showed the presence of nitrogen (data not shown) that of leachate or clogging of the drainage system could
supported the fact that denitrification was the major result in failure of the bottom liner (reviewed by
mechanism of nitrate removal. Apparently, the waste Reinhart and Townsend [20]). Fifthly, the parts of the
materials in the denitrification column contained suffi- landfill subject to leachate recirculation must be care-
ciently available organic material and nutrients (espe- fully selected as excessive addition of leachate by
cially phosphorous) for denitrification during the run. recirculation could retard the methanation of fresh
On the other hand, during long-term operation of waste [12].
denitrifying landfill body, their sufficiency should also be The present results show that filters employing low-
considered. cost waste materials as filter media provide for the rapid
Regardless of the potentially adverse effects of the and stable nitrification of landfill leachate. At 251C
addition of nitrified effluent on the methanogenesis of above 90% nitrification efficiency with loadings of 100–
landfill, the present study suggests that the loading rate 130 mg NH4-N l1 d1 were obtained for static upflow
of TON to the methane-producing part of landfill can be and DFs similarly to the reference SCBP. However, it
at least 3.8 g N t-TS1
waste d
without any adverse effect must be noted that the maximum loading potential of
on methanogenic activity. This means that, for example, the systems is not known as that was not studied.
about 60 m3 of nitrified leachate with 100 mg TON l1 Previously, in an on-site biofilter study ammonia
could theoretically be recirculated daily in a 100 m2 removal from municipal landfill leachate above 90%
landfill area with a depth of 20 m (density 0.8 t m3). The with an ammonia loading rate of 70 mg N l1 d1 was
maximum denitrification capacity of the landfill material reported using a trickling filter (commercial carrier
was not studied in the present experiments, but that media) at 161C [22]. In practice, nitrification might be
would presumably be higher than the level used here as more feasible in an upflow mode than downflow mode
the results of Burton and Watson-Craik [16] suggest. filter due to its longer HRT, which could compensate for
However, in their study nitrate inhibited methanogenic the slower biological reactions at low temperatures. The
activity. Although the denitrification capacity of landfill apparent porosity and subsequent large surface area of
could be high, the potential of denitrifiers outcompeting crushed brick probably promoted the development and
methanogens and thus suppressing the methanation presence of nitrifying biomass. In UFs crushed concrete
of landfill waste needs to be considered. Fang and demolition waste—an often-available waste material—
Zhou [10] reported that COD/NO3-N ratios lower could probably also be used as a filter medium, whereas
than 3.3 favoured denitrification and methanogens were the applicability of compost material could be limited
outcompeted in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket owing to the possible flotation of this material in the
reactor treating wastewater. In the present study upflow mode. In addition, compost per se might be a
the COD/TON ratio of the leachate in the feed of the source of ammonia as shown at the start-up of the
denitrification column was 1.6–3.8, whereas in the present DF.
effluent the ratios were twofold, suggesting that carbon The feasibility of landfill leachate nitrification in low-
apparently was available inside the column for both temperature conditions shown in the present study was
methanogens and denitrifiers. Denitrification could also in line with the results of previous studies (e.g. [5]). In
probably be employed during colder periods as the the present study, a level of nitrification above 95% was
temperature of the biologically active part of a landfill obtained in the pilot study UF at 51C and 101C with a
body is agreeable (4–261C) even during colder periods loading rate of approx. 50 mg NH4-N l1 d1, whereas in
[18,19]. a laboratory SCBP study [5] complete ammonium
When applying denitrification in a landfill body by the removal was obtained at 51C and 101C with loading
recirculation of nitrified leachate, there are a number of rates of 25 and 50 mg NH4-N g l1 d1, respectively.
technical matters that should be taken into account. Given the similar level of loading rates applied on these
First, it should be ensured by design and selection of two processes, the use of waste material as biofilter
leachate distribution method that the leachate is evenly media for full-scale application might also be economic-
distributed to avoid destabilising the waste body by ally attractive.
flooding it (reviewed by Reinhart and Townsend [20]). When applying in-situ nitrogen removal, leachate
Secondly, the recirculation of leachate could increase its COD and ammonia concentrations and their changes
particulate content, which might cause problems in the need to be taken into account, especially in landfills
form of drainage clogging. Thirdly, leachate recircula- containing leachate with varying characteristics and age.
tion may be limited by the low hydraulic conductivity of This was indicated in the present study by the fact that
the landfill waste. If the hydraulic conductivity of well- leachate with an exceptionally high COD value severely
compacted waste is approx. 105–108 m s1 (reviewed depressed nitrification, probably owing the competitive
by Saarela [21]), then only 0.1–90 m3 d1 of leachate can advantage of heterotrophs over nitrifiers. Onay and
be recirculated on 100 m2 of landfill site. Fourthly, an Pohland [7] also concluded that the anaerobic treatment
J.P.Y. Jokela et al. / Water Research 36 (2002) 4079–4087 4087

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Helsinki, Finland (in Finnish), 1988.
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[15] SFS standard 5508. Determination of biochemical oxygen
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Mustankorkea and Amm. . assuo landfills for providing Standard Association, Helsinki, Finland (in Finnish),
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