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Graphical representation of Data

One of the very simplest but effective forms of statistical analyses is to represent the tabulated data with the help of graphs and diagrams.

Uses of Graphs and Diagrams

1) It is helpful to elucidating the main features of a set of data. 2) It is often suggests an appropriate method of analysis. 3) It can sometimes pinpoint gross errors in statistical records.

Basic principles to construct graphs

1) A graph should be clear and simple. 2) A graph should be completely self-explanatory. 3) The origin, the vertical or the horizontal scales should be so chosen that a graph does not convey a false impression about the nature of the data. 4) Frequency or rate is usually represented on the vertical scale, the variable or the method of classification on the horizontal

Limitations of graphs
(1) They may be misleading, unless drawn and studied with care (2) The conclusions drawn from graphs should normally tentative and therefore the graphs are no substitute for more critical statistical analysis.

Types of Diagrams and Graphs

The most common form of diagrams and graphs are: 1) Bar diagram/chart. 2) Pie diagram/chart 3) Histogram 4) Line diagram 5) Scatter diagram

6) Frequency polygon 7) Cumulative frequency polygon or ogive. (1) Bar diagram and (2) pie diagram are mainly used for portraying categorical or qualitative data. Bar diagram is also frequently used for depicting numerical of a given item over a period. Line diagram is widely used to studying the changes in the values of a variable with the passage of time. Histogram, frequency polygon and cumulative frequency polygon are used to represent frequency distribution. Scatter diagram is very useful in studying the inter-relationship of two variables.

Bar diagram
Foreign trade of Bangladesh at current market prices: Table-1 Year 2001(2000-01) 2002(2001-02) 2003(2002-03) 2004(2003-04) 2005(2004-05) Exports (billion taka) 306 302 338 437 532 Imports (billion taka) 743 820 844 1067 1302

1) Construct a bar diagram from the following data for the exports and 2) Construct a bar diagram from the following data for the exports and imports of Bangladesh

Pie diagram
This type of diagram enables us to show the partitioning of a total into different components.

The pie chart is so called because the entire diagram is look like a pie, and the components resemble slices from it. The whole component is taken as 100. Shares of different sectors in GDP for 2005-06 at current market prices: Table-2 Sectors Agriculture Industry Services Total (GDP) Shares(billion taka) 785 1117 2101 4003 % 19.6 27.9 52.5 100.00

Construct a pie diagram The components are a. Agriculture = b. Industry = c. Services =

785 360 0 = 71 0 4003

1117 360 0 = 100 0 4003

2101 360 0 = 189 0 4003

Therefore, the pie diagram is

Line diagram
If we are given the values of a variable at different points of time, the set of values is known as a time series. The line diagram is used to represent this type of data. Time in the x-axis in the y-axis Variable -

From the Table-1 form a line diagram for the exports of Bangladesh.

Scatter diagram
Scatter diagram often shows at a glance whether a relationship exists between two sets of data. It is usually constructed when there are two sets of variables. Age (years Weight(Kg)

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

30 40 50 60 55 50 55 50

Draw a scatter diagram

Histogram/Column diagram
Most popular and widely used diagram to graphical represent the data. Class intervals Frequencies - On x-axis - On y-axis

On the y-axis, frequencies are represented by vertical adjacent rectangles. Construct histogram for table-1 and table-2 Table-1 Age 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 Table-2 Age 0-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 No. of persons(f) 15 30 25 10 No. of person(f) 15 30 25 10

Frequency polygon
It is used to represent a frequency distribution. On x-axis mid values of class intervals

On y-axis - frequencies. Classes of zero frequencies are added at each end of the frequency distribution so that the frequency polygon touches the horizontal axis at both end of the graph. Weights(Kg) 4.5-9.5 9.5-14.5 14.5-19.5 19.5-24.5 24.5-29.5 No. of children 8 29 27 12 4

To form a frequency polygon we have to find mid values of the class intervals as follows: Class intervals 4.5-9.5 9.5-14.5 14.5-19.5 19.5-24.5 24.5-29.5 Mid values 7 12 17 22 27 frequencies 8 29 27 12 4

Cumulative frequency polygon or ogive

A graph of cumulative frequency distribution or relative cumulative distribution is called a cumulative frequency polygon or an ogive. This graph is helpful in identifying the central value of a distribution. Age 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 No. of persons 5 15 30 25 10 7

We have to construct less than type of cumulative frequency polygon. Intervals Less than 10 Less than 20 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 50 Less than 60 Less than 70 Frequencies 0 5 15 30 25 10 7 Cumulative frequency 0 5 20 50 75 85 92

On the x-axis, we have to start from the lower limit of first class and end with the upper limit of last class.

Stem and leaf plot

A stem and leaf plot leaf plot (or stem plot) is an easy and quick graphical technique of representing quantitative data. It is similar to histogram assists in visualizing the shape of a frequency distribution, the range and the point of concentration of the values. This is a useful tool in exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand and explore data through statistical analysis.

Principles to construct a Stem and leaf plot

- A basic stem plot contains two columns separated by a vertical line. The left column contains the stems and the right column contains the leaves. - To construct a stem and leaf plot, the observations must be first sorted in ascending order. - It is imported that each stem is listed only once and no numbers are skipped, even if it means that some items have no leaves. - prepare an appropriate key for the graph.

How to find stem and leaf

- We will use first or leading digits (tens) as the stem and the trailing digits as the leaf.

- The leaf is usually the last digit of a number and the other digits to the left of the leaf form the stem. -For example, split the numbers 56, 40, 126 into stem and leaf For 56, stem - 5, and leaf 6, For 40, stem 4, and leaf 0, For 126, stem 12, and leaf 6 Example 1. Statistics test scores out of 50 are: 35, 36 50, 49, 38, 50, 42, 40, 44, 50, 47, 45, 48, 45, 42 Construct a stem and leaf plot. Solution: (i) (ii) (iii) first of all arrange the data in ascending order, separate each number as stem and leaf group the number with the same stem,

Stem and leaf plot

Stem 3 4 5 Leaf 5 68 022455789 000

Key 35 means 35, 50 means 50 Example 2. Construct a stem and leaf plot for the observations: 44, 75, 47, 46, 107, 68, 68, 72, 88, 89, 106, 46, 49

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