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Received October 1, 2020, accepted October 13, 2020, date of publication October 27, 2020, date of current version

November 20, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3034231

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dielectric

Constant Temperature Characteristics of
Cross-Linked Epoxy Resin/Functionalized Carbon
Nanotube Nanocomposite
MI DING1 , LIANG ZOU 1 , TONG ZHAO 1, (Member, IEEE), LI ZHANG1 , (Member, IEEE),
1 School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Corresponding author: Liang Zou (
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant 51737005 and Grant 51977122, and in part by
the State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources under Grant LAPS19006.

ABSTRACT To explore the effect of doped with different functionalized carbon nanotubes on the
dielectric constant temperature characteristics of epoxy resin nanocomposite, epoxy resin (EP) group
nanocomposite doped with functionalized carbon nanotube (CNT) were designed through molecular dynam-
ics (MD) simulation. Four EP/CNT models were established after pure epoxy resin model (EP/neat),
doped with un-functionalized (UFCNT), amino amine functionalized (AFCNT), carboxyl functionalized
(CFCNT), and hydroxyl functionalized (HFCNT), wherein functionalized CNT grafting eight functional
groups, respectively. Dielectric constant at normal temperature (300 K) and temperature characteristics
(260 - 400 K) were calculated under LAMMPS. The results indicate that the dielectric constant properties of
the nanocomposite doped with CNT are improved compared with EP/neat. The relative dielectric constant
of the nanocomposite doped with carbon nanotube is all lower than EP/neat. The composite doped with
AFCNT (EP/AFCNT) shows the most obvious improvement including relative dielectric constant at 300 K
reduced by 10.13%. Besides, EP/AFCNT decreases the most at each temperature, with maximum reduction
percentage 11.9% and the minimum reduction percentage 10.1%.

INDEX TERMS Dielectric constant temperature characteristic, epoxy resin, functionalized carbon nanotube,
molecular dynamics simulation.

I. INTRODUCTION charge accumulation. In addition, the operating environment

The surface charge accumulation which can reduce the of the DC-GIL is complex. For example, the ambient tem-
flashover voltage along the insulator surface is the main perature of the area that the same long DC-GIL line passes
reason for the long-term operation failure of DC-GIL, through is different, leading to the different operating tem-
which is very unfavorable for the long-term stable opera- perature, and the change of temperature will affect the dielec-
tion of ultra-high voltage dc (UHVDC) gas-insulated equip- tric constant. What’s more, during the normal operation of
ment [1]–[5]. Studies have shown that coating the insulator a basin-type insulator, conductor heating will decrease the
surface with modified material doped with nanoparticles can temperature distribution of the epoxy resin insulator by gra-
improve critical physical properties, which is an effective dient from the center to the edge, thus forming a temperature
method to inhibit surface charge accumulation [6], [7]. gradient, which could affect the electric field distribution and
A small dielectric constant of the material is required to dielectric constant of the insulator [8]. Excessive temperature
maintain the uniformity of electric field and inhibit surface gradient of DC-GIL insulator may lead to uneven surface
conductivity of insulator and local electric field distortion,
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and thus increasing the dielectric constant [9]. However, in most
approving it for publication was Zheng H. Zhu . current studies, the temperature is usually set to be constant,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 204839
M. Ding et al.: MD Simulation of Dielectric Constant Temperature Characteristics

which reflects the physical property of the material itself,

and the effect of temperature on the dielectric constant is not
considered in detail [10], [11]. In consequence, it is necessary
to consider the influence of temperature on the dielectric con-
stant, which embodies the physical property of the insulator
material under working conditions.
Compared with many other dopants, carbon nanotube is
proven to obtain a positive effect on performances of polymer
matrix with splendid physical properties [12], [13]. Nicholas
A. Fasanella discovered that the epoxy resin composite doped
with discontinuous nanotube displayed an increased ther-
mal conductivity along the SWNT axis compared to neat
epoxy [14]. Jen-Yu Wang et al. explored that the dielectric
constant of polyimide decreased with the increasing graphene FIGURE 1. a) Optimized geometry and label the reaction sites of DGEBA
oxide content in nanocomposite [15]. and 33DDS b) the corresponding relationships between color and atom.
Not only that, functionalized carbon nanotube has been
subject to extensive research due to its unique structural and four kinds of epoxy resin/carbon nanotube models were
electronic properties that lead to a wide range of poten- established after the model of pure epoxy resin constructed,
tial applications from electronics to physical performances doped with 25 Å un-functionalized, amino amine functional-
enhancement in nanocomposite [16], [17]. Ketan S. Khare’s ized, hydroxyl functionalized, as well as carboxyl functional-
research demonstrated that the functionalization of the CNTs ized, wherein functionalized carbon nanotube grafting eight
facilitates the transfer of both mechanical load and ther- functional groups, respectively. Secondly, this was followed
mal energy across the matrix-filler interface [18]. The ten- by the calculation of dielectric constant at normal temperature
sile strength of s-MWCNTs/PVDF composite was further (300 K) and temperature characteristic (260 - 400 K) of
increased because the functionalized s-MWCNTs provided the above five models. The effect of different dopants on
bonding sites for polymer matrix, increasing the interaction the epoxy resin matrix was discussed after comparing the
between fillers and surrounding matrix [19]. However, few performance of physical properties.
efforts have been devoted to investigating the influence of
epoxy resin doped with different types of functionalized car- II. METHODOLOGY OF MODEL CONSTRUCTION AND
bon nanotube on dielectric constant temperature characteris- DIELECTRIC CONSTANT CALCULATION
tics [20], [21]. A. MODELING APPROACH
In recent years, molecular dynamics (MD) microscopic The COMPASSII force field was employed in the modeling
simulation have provided effective means for studying the process in which the total energy of molecular system is as
influence of nanofillers on the physical properties of the follows [24]:
matrix. Not only can it quantitatively study the properties
of nanoscale interface mechanics, thermals, etc., but also Etot = Eb + Eθ + Eφ + Eω + Ec + Eh + Ee + Ev (1)
have important significance for the preparation and devel-
opment of composite material, reducing the dependence where, Eb : bond length stretching vibration energy, Eθ : bond
on experiments, and reducing the cost and time of experi- angle bending vibration energy, Eφ : dihedral angle torsional
ments [22], [23]. Nevertheless, the effect of the functional energy, Eω : out-of-plane angular offset vibration energy, Ec :
groups on the dielectric constant temperature characteristics cross-valent bond interaction energy, Eh : hydrogen bond
of epoxy composites could not be clearly explained only mutual Energy, Ee : electrostatic interaction energy, and Ev :
through experimental studies. MD technology is used to sim- van der Waals interaction energy.
ulate the physical and chemical properties of material at the
molecular and even atomic scale, which could further explain 1) MOLECULAR MODELING
the influence of functional groups on the physical properties The initial molecular models of bisphenol A epoxy resin
of material. were established in which the monomer and curing agent
The effect of carbon nanotube grafted with different func- are bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (DGEBA) and 3,3’-
tional groups on the properties of the material is different. diaminodiphenyl sulfone (33DDS), respectively. After opti-
Besides, the working temperature of the DC-GIL will also mizing the geometric structure, reasonable three-dimensional
affect the dielectric constant of the insulating material. Taking molecular configurations of DGEBA and 33DDS were
these factors into account, and in order to more clearly explain obtained as shown in Fig. 1, where the corresponding rela-
the influence of different functional groups on the dielectric tionships between color and atom are gray - carbon atom (C),
constant, the dielectric constant temperature characteristics of blue - nitrogen atom (N), red - oxygen atom (O), yellow -
epoxy resin nanocomposite doped with functionalized carbon sulfur atom (S), white - hydrogen atom (H), respectively. The
nanotube were investigated through MD simulation. Firstly, corresponding relationships are also used hereinafter.

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M. Ding et al.: MD Simulation of Dielectric Constant Temperature Characteristics

SCHEME 1. Schematic diagram of the cross-linking reaction mechanism:

a) the reaction of the epoxy monomer with -NH2 group b) the reaction of
the epoxy monomer with -NH group.

TABLE 1. Mass percentages of carbon nanotube of the epoxy resin

nanocomposite models.

DGEBA and 35 33DDS after labeling reaction sites into a

40 Å periodic box, and proceeded with the cross-linking
FIGURE 2. Optimized carbon nanotube model structures: a) UFCNT reaction [25]. The cross-linking process is as follows: read
b) AFCNT c) CFCNT d) HFCNT. in the reaction atom list, set the reaction distance, perform
dynamic relaxation, and determine whether there were pairs
Carbon nanotube and three kinds of functional groups, of reaction atoms (ie Rc and Rn) within the reaction distance.
including amino amine (-CONHCH2 CH2 NH2 ), hydroxyl If yes, the cross-linking reaction was carried out, and the
(-OH), as well as carboxyl (-COOH), were manually con- reaction distance would be increased after relaxation. If not,
structed, in which all carbon nanotubes were 25 Å in length. the reaction distance was directly increased, and the process
As shown in Fig. 2, after optimizing the geometric struc- would be re-circulated until the maximum reaction distance
ture, four types of three-dimensional molecular configura- or target cross-linking degree was reached.
tion of Un-functionalized Carbon Nanotube (UFCNT) and Firstly, the initial molecular dynamics model of pure cross-
functionalized carbon nanotubes were obtained by grafting linked epoxy resin (EP/neat) was established through the
eight functional groups on both ends of the carbon nanotube, cross-linking process mentioned above. Afterwards, initial
respectively, including Amino Amine Functionalized Car- molecular dynamics models of the four nanocomposites were
bon Nanotube (AFCNT), Carboxyl Functionalized Carbon built with the four kinds of carbon nanotubes doped into sim-
Nanotube (CFCNT), and Hydroxyl Functionalized Carbon ulation boxes which contain 70 epoxy monomers and 35 cur-
Nanotube (HFCNT). ing agents, respectively. The following abbreviations are
applied to represent the nanocomposite models: EP/UFCNT,
According to Scheme 1, epoxy monomer and curing agent doped with UFCNT, AFCNT, CFCNT and HFCNT. The mass
molecule are cross-linked by condensation or coupling percentage of carbon nanotube in the models all was around
reaction of the epoxy group [-CH(O)CH-] of DGEBA and 10%, as shown in Table 1.
amino group (-NH2 ) of 33DDS with the ratio of 2:1, so as
to form a three-dimensional network structure. The scat- 3) MODEL RELAXATION PROCESSING
tered epoxy monomers and curing agents were thereby cross- It is necessary to relax the model after the cross-linking
linked. The name property of reaction C atom in DGEBA and to eliminate the local internal stress of the model, which
N atom in 33DDS involved in the reaction were respectively could make the model stable and close to the real material.
set to Rc and Rn showed in Fig. 1. Then, we placed 70 In addition, the molecular dynamics calculation error of the

VOLUME 8, 2020 204841

M. Ding et al.: MD Simulation of Dielectric Constant Temperature Characteristics

FIGURE 3. The epoxy resin nanocomposite models after optimization:


dielectric constant after relaxation will be smaller and more

realistic. All the initial molecular dynamics models were
relaxed under the NPT ensemble in which the temperature,
pressure and simulation time for the relaxation were set to 300
K, 1 atm and 1 ns, respectively. The epoxy resin nanocompos- FIGURE 4. The fluctuation curve of resin system relaxed for 1 ns:
a) temperature fluctuation curve of EP/UFCNT b) energy fluctuation curve
ite models after optimization are shown in Fig. 3. of EP/UFCNT c) density fluctuation curve of epoxy resin systems.
The fluctuation curves of temperature, energy and density
are usually used to judge whether the molecular dynam-
ics system has reached a steady state. The temperature and
energy fluctuation curve of EP/UFCNT and the density fluc- where, M: the dipole moment of the system at one-time step,
tuation curve of the epoxy nanocomposite system during the <M2 >: average value of the dipole moment squared, <M>2 :
relaxation of 1 ns under the NPT ensemble are shown in square of the mean dipole moment values, V : the volume,
Fig. 4. The temperature, energy and density of each system kB : the Boltzmann constant, T : the temperature, and ε0 : the
gradually tend to be balanced during the relaxation process. vacuum dielectric constant.
After equilibrium, the temperature and energy fluctuation Under the NVT ensemble, the five models were performed
range of EP/UFCNT are within 1.1% and 6.7%, respectively, dynamic relaxation at 300 K for 100 ps in order to reach a
and the density fluctuation range of the epoxy system is stable state, which was stored as a restart file as the initial state
within 0.5%. for subsequent calculation. Afterwards, the five models were
simulated through MD respectively under the NVT ensemble
B. CALCULATION OF DIELECTRIC CONSTANT at 300 K for 75 ps in the open-source large-scale atomic-
The formula for calculating the static relative dielectric con- molecular massively parallel simulator (LAMMPS) [27]. The
stant of composite is [26]: D E D E  relative dielectric constant at 300 K was calculated referring
1 2
to (2) after counting the dipole moment M of the whole
ε =1+ M2 − M (2)
3VkB T ε0 system. In addition, the relative dielectric constant of epoxy
204842 VOLUME 8, 2020
M. Ding et al.: MD Simulation of Dielectric Constant Temperature Characteristics

TABLE 2. Cross-linking degree of the epoxy resin nanocomposite models.

resin nanocomposite at different temperatures was obtained

by setting the simulation calculation temperature to 260, FIGURE 5. Relative dielectric constant of the epoxy resin nanocomposite
280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400 K for a total of eight at 300 K.
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The temperature range was set to as 260, 280, 300, 320,
A. NORMAL TEMPERATURE (300 K) 340, 360, 380, 400 K for a total of eight temperatures.
According to the calculation method of dielectric constant, According to the simulation calculation method of dielec-
the simulation was performed for 10 times repeatedly taking tric constant, the simulation was performed for 10 times
the average of 10 parallel simulations as the result, as shown repeatedly taking the average of 10 parallel simulations as
in Fig. 5. the result. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 exhibit the variation of relative
At 300 K, the relative dielectric constant of EP/neat is dielectric constant temperature characteristics of each model
2.468 in good agreement with 2.1-6.0 as observed by other and the comparison of relative dielectric constant temperature
researchers [28]. The relative dielectric constant of the epoxy characteristics of five epoxy resin nanocomposite models,
resin nanocomposite system doped with carbon nanotube is respectively.
all lower than EP/neat, ranking as EP/neat > EP/UFCNT > The large error line range at some temperatures is mainly
EP/HFCNT > EP/CFCNT > EP/AFCNT, which decreases due to the contingency of molecular simulation calculation
by 3.77%, 4.70%, 6.73%, and 10.13%, respectively. The and the limitation of computer computing resources. The
doping of carbon nanotube leads to a cavity and an increase calculation error can be ameliorated by increasing the number
in the number of surface traps, in which the deep trap can of simulation calculations. In addition, the extension of the
capture carriers and reduce the kinetic energy of the carrier, model relaxation time can also reduce the calculation error
thereby decreasing the dielectric constant. Besides, due to the of the molecular simulation, thereby a longer relaxation time
strong charge transferability and adsorption ability of carbon (1ns) was adopted in this article.
nanotube, the dipole moment fluctuation of the nanocompos- It can be seen from Fig. 6, regardless of the doping of
ite system doped with carbon nanotube decreases. That is to carbon nanotubes, the relative dielectric constants of the
say, the polarization of the composite system is difficult under composite materials gradually increase with increasing tem-
the action of the external electric field, which means smaller perature, with the similar increased amplitude. The growth
dielectric constant. range of the five models are: EP/neat–0.387, EP/UFCNT–
The relative dielectric constant of the nanocomposite mod- 0.384, EP/AFCNT–0.388, EP/CFCNT–0.356, EP/HFCNT–
els doped with functionalized carbon nanotubes is smaller 0.344. At low temperature, dielectrics kept in good condition.
than that of EP/UFCNT. The interface between function- With the increase of ambient temperature, the insulator tem-
alized carbon nanotube and epoxy matrix is larger, which perature also increases, which causes the electrons trapped in
could limit the movement of molecular chains, reduce the the impurity level to be stimulated by heat propagation, and
dipole moment, and thus decrease the dielectric constant. then could reach the conduction band to form hot electrons.
In addition, the relative dielectric constant of EP/AFCNT is The increase of volume and surface conductance resulted in
2.218 with the largest decrease of 10.13% compared with the electron migration through the in-sulating layer, resulting
EP/neat. Among the three functional groups grafted to car- in the uneven distribution of electric field and the increase of
bon nanotubes, the amino group (-NH2 ) in the amino amine dielectric constant [29].
functional group can undergo the cross-linking reaction with From the comparison diagram (Fig. 7), at each tempera-
the epoxy resin monomer. EP/AFCNT has the highest degree ture, the relative dielectric constant of epoxy resin nanocom-
of cross-linking 92.1%, and the cross-linking degree of the posite doped with carbon nanotube is all lower than EP/neat.
five models is shown in Table 2. The cross-linking composite Doping of carbon nanotubes could limit the movement of
system of EP/AFCNT reduces the dipole moment fluctua- epoxy chains and thus reduce the dipole polarization, and
tion furtherly, so that the dielectric constant decreases more the cross-linking reaction between the amino group in the
obviously. amino amine functional group and epoxy resin matrix fur-

VOLUME 8, 2020 204843

M. Ding et al.: MD Simulation of Dielectric Constant Temperature Characteristics

FIGURE 6. Relative dielectric constant temperature characteristics of the epoxy resin nanocomposite:

the dielectric constant, and the relative dielectric constant

decreases with the fluctuation of the dipole moment decreas-
ing. Therefore, in the five models, the relative dielectric
constant of EP/AFCNT decreases the most at each temper-
ature. The maximum reduction percentage is 11.9% and the
minimum reduction percentage is 10.1%.

The molecular dynamics simulation of cross-linked epoxy
resin/functionalized carbon nanotube nanocomposite model
FIGURE 7. Comparison of dielectric constant temperature characteristics was performed to calculate the dielectric constant tempera-
of five epoxy resin nanocomposite. ture characteristics. The effects of different carbon nanotubes
ther reduces the movement of molecular chain. According doping on the properties of epoxy resin nanocomposite were
to formula (2), the dipole moment (M) has an effect on calculated and compared.

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VOLUME 8, 2020 204845

M. Ding et al.: MD Simulation of Dielectric Constant Temperature Characteristics

LIANG ZOU received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. LI ZHANG (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc.,
degrees from the School of Electrical Engineering, M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Elec-
Shandong University, in 2004, 2007, and 2011, trical Engineering, Shandong University, in 2001,
respectively. He is currently an Associate Profes- 2005, and 2009, respectively. He is currently an
sor and the master’s Supervisor with the School Associate Professor with the School of Electrical
of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University. Engineering, Shandong University, with a broad
He is devoted to the research on the inhibition of research interests include power systems electro-
surface charge accumulation on DC-GIL insula- magnetic compatibility, condition monitoring, and
tors. reliability analysis of electrical equipment.

QINGMIN LI (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc.,

TONG ZHAO (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer-
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from ing from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2002 and in 1991, 1994, and 1999, respectively. He is cur-
2008, respectively. He completed his Postdoctoral rently a Professor with the School of Electrical
Research in electrical engineering at Tsinghua and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric
University, China, from 2008 to 2010. He is cur- Power University, Beijing. His research interests
rently an Associate Professor with the School of include lightning protection for new energy sys-
Electrical Engineering, Shandong University. His tems, high-frequency insulation materials, arc dis-
research interests include high-voltage engineer- charge theory and application, and DC GIL.
ing, condition monitoring, and fault diagnostics.

204846 VOLUME 8, 2020

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