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Activity 23.

Reflect on and address the following:

1. Describe the process of curriculum development practiced by your college or university.
The aim of curriculum development is to provide students time to master skills and concepts then
when they become teachers, they will be qualified to teach students. The development of
curriculum is a critical part of teaching and learning. It's a multi-step method for creating and
refining a college or university curriculum. It discusses the curriculum's aims, goals, and
objectives, as well as a number of other significant topics. Assessment of educational needs,
formulation of objectives, selection and organization of material, selection and administration of
learning opportunities, and evaluation and need of assessment are some of the processes in the
curriculum development process. It also illustrates the interplay and connections between the
four key stages of the curriculum creation process. The basic stage in a college/university event
is planning, followed by content and approaches, implementation, and finally evaluation and
reporting. It's critical to recognize that the items don't always function correctly.

2. Develop a flowchart describing how a curriculum proposal reaches the level of approval
in your college or university.

1. Department Sponsor types proposal submits

electronically to department members. This Teacher Education
may be different in each department. Committee (TEC):
2. Proposal is reviewed and discussed at a College-wide licensure
department meeting and; issues for example process
of portfolio, admission to
a. if rejected, end of process.
professional education,
b. if approved, the sponsor seeks appropriate assessment plan, decisions
consultation. and informational items.
Chairperson signing form
3. Sponsor sends an electronic copy to
approved by TEC and
department Program Assistant and College
forwards to Office of the
Curriculum Committee (CCC) Chairs Program
Provost, maintaining a
Assistant two weeks prior to the scheduled
copy of the records
(proposal) in the Associate
4. The sponsor delivers consultation forms and Deans Office.
signature pages of program assistant.
1. Program assistant of forwards UNDERGRADUATE PROPOSAL
electronic copy of proposal, one
1. Program assistant of CCC forwards
printed signature page and
electronic copy of proposal, one printed
consultation page if necessary to
signature page and consultation page if
necessary to Chairperson of CCC.
2. Chairperson reviews proposals for
2. Chairperson reviews proposals for
mechanics, clarity and completeness
mechanics, clarity and completeness and
and if necessary consults proposal.
if necessary consults proposal
3. Program assistant, types of agenda and sponsor(s).
sends notice of agenda and all course
3. Program assistant for CCC types the agenda
proposals electronically to members of the
and sends notice of agenda and all course
CCC and COE faculty and staff and proposal
proposals electronically to members of the CCC
sponsors if not in the college, one week prior
and COE faculty and staff, and proposal
to meeting.
sponsors if not in the college, one week prior to
4. Proposal is reviewed by the sponsor or meeting.
representative was strongly encouraged to
4. Proposal is reviewed by the CCC (Sponsor or
representative is strongly encouraged to attend),
a. if rejected, the CCC program assistant
a. if rejected, the CCC program assistant returns
returns proposal to proposal sponsor with an
proposal to proposal sponsor with an email to
email to department chair and program
department chair and program assistant.
b. if approved, the sponsor with the support of
b. if approved, the sponsor with the support
the departmental CCC representative, makes
of the department representative makes any
any minor corrections and forwards copy of
minor corrections and forwards copy of
revised proposal to the Department Program
revised proposal to the Department Program
Assistant and CCC Program Assistant. The
Assistant and CCC Program Assistant. The
CCC program assistant forwards an electronic
CCC program assistant forwards an
copy of the proposal to Program Assistant for
electronic copy of the proposal to Program
University Curriculum committee (UCC) and
Assistant for University Curriculum
Graduate Studies if required; and sends the
Committee (UCC) and Graduate Studies if
printed/signed signature and consultation page
required and sends the printed/signed
to Program Assistant for UCC and Graduate
signature and consultation page to Program
Studies if required.
Assistant for UCC and graduate studies if
1. Program assistant for graduate
council receives the proposal
electronically and printed signature and
consultation pages from the program
2. Program assistant for graduate
council types the agenda and sends the
agenda and all course proposals
electronically to members or the
graduate council.
3. Program sponsor is encouraged to
attend the graduate council meeting.
4. Proposal is reviewed/discussed at
graduate council meeting and,
a. if rejected, it is returned to the
department chairperson
b. if approved, proposal is forwarded to
registrars for addition to catalogue or
time table.
3. Identify the people involved and their level of involvement.
Teachers, principals, and other higher management of the educational system are involved in my
learning. Curriculum consultants, district supervisors, education supervisors, division
superintendent, regional director, education program specialists, technical panels, and technical
committee are also involved in my learning. And their level of involvement is to inform, which
includes communicating what's organized, mind mapping, and exchanging ideas, discuss, which
includes monitoring preferences, identifying problems, and listening to feedback, decide
together, which includes determining collaboration on the most effective way, act together,
which includes forming a partnership and building relationships, and finally, support.

4. Discuss how your college/university addresses several issues and challenges and
integrates them in the curriculum.
In my case, college was difficult because we students had to adjust to online classes, which is the
new normal of learning nowadays because of the pandemic that prevented us from going to
school or interacting with students and faculty members. Instructors also have difficulty teaching
in online classes due to the weak signal as well as the students and the teaching is not on hand.
Since 2021, I would say that the percent of effective distance learning in my college has been
90%, not 100% due to adjustment, but now. In the last two years, I've been more efficient at
learning in modular learning reading modules, and I've studied more often, but I still have
difficulty understanding the module because there is no teacher to question and explain things to
Activity 24. Reflect on and address the following:
1. Collect samples of syllabus in your school.
2. Examine how each syllabus considers the various factors affecting the identified
curriculum implementation.

The syllabus is a collection of techniques to teaching subjects that are divided into two
categories: teacher-centered and student-centered. In teacher-centered learning, the teacher's
responsibility is to teach students the curriculum and help them reach their goals. The major job
of the teacher is to provide knowledge and information to the students. The purpose of a syllabus
is to assist students in understanding the subjects. Teachers provide the highest learning
resources in the syllabus with student study through research, portfolio, reporting, and
presentation. The student must conduct self-study in order to improve their knowledge of social
studies, science, and technology, as well as their impact on society. This is a list of some of the
syllabus that were identified throughout the implementation of the curriculum. Curriculum
implementation, is directed by an educational or curriculum philosophy. Different curriculum
workers, those who impact the process, such as educators, have a big influence on how
curriculum is practiced. Learners, resource materials and facilities, teachers, school environment,
culture and ideology, instructional supervision, and evaluation are some of the aspects that
influence curriculum implementation.

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