Assignment-2 Question

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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number Unit 3: Professional Practice

Assignment title Continuing Professional Development

Academic Year 2022-2023

Unit Tutor

Issue date 26th Oct 2022 Submission date 11th Nov 2022

IV name and date

Submission format
The submission is in the form of a completed essay report including the tasks set out in the Assignment Brief. This
assignment is an individual assignment.

Prepare a file of documents which relate to the individual which, for the purpose of this unit, is referred to
as your Personal Development Portfolio (PDP).

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO4 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal PD and transferable communication skills to a target audience.
Assignment Brief and Guidance
There is no generic scenario/case study for this unit, but there are specific tasks to be completed.

Students will examine different methods of learning and reflection, which will help
them to identify their own preferred style of learning. They will use this information as
a basis for writing an essay about learning styles, self-managed learning, the role of
lifelong learning, personality reflection and, aspects of time management.

Students will also compile a personal portfolio of information about themselves, which will help
them to identify and achieve their personal goals.

You will be assessed on the quality of the information provided in this assignment. You should
identify the above issues clearly and present professionally in a report format. Yourself evaluation
should be ‘SMART’ than a mere description. You may analyze qualities of existing business
entrepreneurs for you to carry out the self-evaluation.

Part 2: Guidance

Discuss your goal setting, personality and learning styles which can be implemented to overcome
the problems you have identified in personal development plan. You should seek to communicate
this information in an appropriate manner at various levels – strategic, tactical and operational.

Identify one work-based problem, either where you work now or where you intend to work in the
future, where the solution requires individual training or qualifications.

Your PDP should identify your short-term objectives and long-term objectives, together with the
processes and activities required to implement your development plan.  

Your PDP should identify your short-term objectives and long-term objectives, together with the
processes and activities required to implement your development plan.

The essay should be in 2000 – 2500 words in length.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working in
different environments

P5 Discuss the importance of team M4 Analyze team dynamics, D3 Provide a critical evaluation
dynamics in the success and/or failure in terms of the roles group
of your own role and
of group work. members play in a team and
contribution to a group
the effectiveness in terms of
achieving shared goals. scenario.

P6 Work within a team to achieve a

defined goal.

LO4: Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher level learning

P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and M5 Compare and contrast D4 Evaluate a range of
its contribution to own learning different motivational evidence criteria that is used
theories and the impact they as a measure for effective CPD.
can have on performance
within the workplace

P8 Produce a development plan that

outlines responsibilities,performance
objectives and required skills,
knowledge and learning for own future
I am a student and studying at the
University of Greenwich, my
major is IT because I have been
interested in it since I was a kid
and I want to become a programer
on the future. What I want to create
a game that applies virtual reality
technology, softwares and tools
that can make life easier. I also
want to
improve my English skills,
comunicate skills, time
management skill and problem-
solving so that I can
become a professional person and
easily communicate with
foreigners so that in the future I
have more
opportunities for advancement in
work and a have better life on the
This report has 6 part. In the part 1
and part 2, I will introduction about
this report, show everyone
the importance of group dynamics
in group work and my role in the
group. Next is the part 3, this
will discuss the importance of CDP
and its contribution to personal
learning. At the part 4 and 5 the
I will talk about my future
direction of development, At part
6, I will evaluation myself in this
and my goals on it.
I am a student and studying at the
University of Greenwich, my
major is IT because I have been
interested in it since I was a kid
and I want to become a programer
on the future. What I want to create
a game that applies virtual reality
technology, softwares and tools
that can make life easier. I also
want to
improve my English skills,
comunicate skills, time
management skill and problem-
solving so that I can
become a professional person and
easily communicate with
foreigners so that in the future I
have more
opportunities for advancement in
work and a have better life on the
This report has 6 part. In the part 1
and part 2, I will introduction about
this report, show everyone
the importance of group dynamics
in group work and my role in the
group. Next is the part 3, this
will discuss the importance of CDP
and its contribution to personal
learning. At the part 4 and 5 the
I will talk about my future
direction of development, At part
6, I will evaluation myself in this
and my goals on it.
1. The definitions about the three different styles of learning methodology such as AUDITORY, VISUAL
and TACTILE / KINESTHETIC.............................................................................................................................5
What is a Learning Style?.........................................................................................................................................5
Learning Style# 1: Tactile or Kinaesthetic..............................................................................................................5
Learning Style# 2: Visual..........................................................................................................................................6
Learning Style# 3: Auditory.....................................................................................................................................6
2. Choose the one among the three which is suitable for your learning style and explain in detail.................6
My learning style is Tactile.......................................................................................................................................6
3. Write about Self Managed Learning,  Role of Life Long Learning, Personality Reflection and Aspects of
Time Management, your future passionate job.......................................................................................................7
3.1 WHAT MAKES SELF MANAGED LEARNING SPECIAL?........................................................................7
3.4 Role of Life Long Learning.................................................................................................................................8
3.5 Personality Reflection and Aspects of Time Management...............................................................................8
1.The fireman.............................................................................................................................................................8
2.The multitasker.......................................................................................................................................................9
3.The one who overcommits......................................................................................................................................9
4.The One Who Undervalues....................................................................................................................................9
5.The idealist............................................................................................................................................................10
6.The irrational procrastinator...............................................................................................................................11
3.6 your future passionate job...........................................................................................................................11

I am a student and studying at the University of Greenwich, my major is IT because I have been

interested in it since I was a kid and I want to become a programer on the future. What I want to create is

a game that applies virtual reality technology, softwares and tools that can make life easier. I also want to

improve my English skills, comunicate skills, time management skill and problem-solving so that I

become a professional person and easily communicate with foreigners so that in the future I have more

opportunities for advancement in work and a have better life on the future

This report has 6 part. In the part 1 and part 2, I will introduction about this report, show everyone

the importance of group dynamics in group work and my role in the group. Next is the part 3, this report

will discuss the importance of CDP and its contribution to personal learning. At the part 4 and 5 the report,

I will talk about my future direction of development, At part 6, I will evaluation myself in this assignment

and my goals on it.

1. The definitions about the three different styles of learning methodology such as AUDITORY,

What is a Learning Style?

A Learning Style is an individual’s preferred, most effective method of absorbing new information and
learning new skills. It is also referred to as Thinking Styles, Cognitive Styles or Learning Modalities.
Learning Styles can be fluid, changing depending on the task to be accomplished. It is not a measure of
someone’s ability or intelligence, but rather a preference for one mode over another.2
Advocates of this notion believe that the individual should be taught in the style that best suits them,
regardless of content. The opposing view is that the content should be taught in the style that best suits it,
regardless of the individual.3

Learning Style# 1: Tactile or Kinaesthetic

Kinaesthetic is learning through movement or by tactile (touch) memory. Individuals who gravitate
towards this thinking style often appear restless or fidgety due to their constant need for movement. An
example of this is someone who taps their foot when thinking or frequently gestures when talking.

Kinaesthetic learn best by ‘doing’. For this reason they can struggle with memorising lists or have
difficulty spelling. Recommended teaching techniques would be;

 Experiments and Labs

 Gamification
 Field trips
 Role-playing or Scenarios
 Problem-solving; case studies, simulations

Learning Style# 2: Visual

Visual learners need to ‘see’ what is being taught instead of being ‘talked at’. Often reticent, they shy
away from active participation, preferring to observe group discussions or projects. Most commonly
associated with the concept known as ‘photographic memory’, they are adept at memorising diagrams,
charts and images, tending to ‘visualise’ even abstract concepts in order to understand it.

Visual learners are inclined to day-dream, with their mind wandering during conversations. Recommend
teaching techniques would be;

 Flash cards
 Colour coding information
 Encouraging highlighting of key points in texts
 Using diagrams, photographs, charts, maps etc.
 Having them write down notes during lectures
 Using acronyms, mnemonics or mind maps

Learning Style# 3: Auditory

Auditory learning is through the act of listening. Often outgoing, these learners revel in conversation and
dislike prolonged silences. Easily distracted, it is difficult to hold their attention if they aren’t actively
participating in the lecture or discussion. Auditory learners prefer to work or study while listening to

These learners require some form of background noise and while this may be intrusive to others, it helps
them focus and concentrate. Recommend teaching techniques would be;
 Videos or podcasts
 Having them read aloud
 Using songs, rhymes or poems
 Group discussions or debates
 Teaching concepts using rhythmic sounds
 Using word associations or aural word games

2. Choose the one among the three which is suitable for your learning style and explain in detail.

My learning style is Tactile

If I are a tactile learner, I learn by touching and doing. I understand and remember things through physical
movement. I are a "hands-on" learner who prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what I learn, and I tend
to learn better when some type of physical activity is involved. I need to be active and take frequent
breaks, I often speak with Ir hands and with gestures, and I may have difficulty sitting still.

As a tactile learner, I like to take things apart and put things together, and I tend to find reasons to tinker
or move around when I become bored. I may be very well coordinated and have good athletic ability. I can
easily remember things that were done but may have difficulty remembering what I saw or heard in the
process. I often communicate by touching, and I appreciate physically expressed forms of encouragement,
such as a pat on the back.

Here are some things that tactile learners like I can do to learn better:

 Participate in activities that involve touching, building, moving, or drawing.

 Do lots of hands-on activities like completing art projects, taking walks, or acting out stories.
 It's OK to chew gum, walk around, or rock in a chair while reading or studying.
 Use flashcards and arrange them in groups to show relationships between ideas.
 Trace words with Ir finger to learn spelling (finger spelling).
 Take frequent breaks during reading or studying periods (frequent, but not long).
 It's OK to tap a pencil, shake Ir foot, or hold on to something while learning.
 Use a computer to reinforce learning through the sense of touch.

3. Write about Self Managed Learning,  Role of Life Long Learning, Personality Reflection and
Aspects of Time Management, your future passionate job.


Self Managed Learning (SML) is a unique, research-based and practically proven approach to learning
that delivers significant benefits over conventional methods.


We know the world of work is changing and at a far faster rate than has ever been previously experienced
and we see that our current schooling systems are failing to prepare our young people to succeed in this
environment. We know that making a contribution and having a sense of purpose is important for
individuals and therefore society … and we hear that around 75% of people are disengaged from their
work and their organisations. We also recognise that work cultures and levels of engagement are heavily
influenced by the behaviour of organisational leaders.
From our extensive research on successful senior leaders, we have found that a) they are highly effective
learners and b) the most useful learning they have undertaken has little or nothing to do with formal
education or training. Our research, and that of many other studies, shows that education (school, college,
university) and training courses contribute at most 10-20% of what makes a person effective at work.
Other research shows that:

 Every individual is different in how they learn and what they need to learn
 There are at least 89 different ways people can learn
 Any change, including organisational change, requires people to learn
 For organisations to succeed, learning needs to be shared and put into practice


Through SML people, from age 7 to 70 and beyond, take responsibility for defining and achieving their
learning goals. With the support of peers and advisers, they decide how, what and when they want to learn
and most fundamentally why the learning is important to them. In this way it is not a ‘one size fits all’ but
a truly personalised learning experience. SML is not a selfish or disconnected way of learning as people
work with others to support and challenge one another; they create trusting relationships and build social
capital for organisations and society.

3.4 Role of Life Long Learning

Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated " pursuit of knowledge for either personal
or professional reasons. It is important for an individual's competitiveness and employability, but also
enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development.

3.5 Personality Reflection and Aspects of Time Management

When we are short on time, it may be tempting to blame other people.In point of fact, it is entirely up to us
how we spend our time.You certainly have the option of working on that assignment while binge-
watching television all day.Only you and nobody else can do that.

It takes time to master the art of time management.It could take a long time and involve a lot of trial and
error, new routines, and time tracking.Getting to know yourself better is the first step in understanding
how you manage your time.You will be able to identify the patterns and behaviors that are preventing you
from effectively managing your time as a result of this discovery about yourself.

The following is a list of six common time management personality types, as self-evaluation is never an
easy task.You will be able to begin implementing strategies for better time management once you identify
the one personality type that best describes you.

1.The fireman.
Are you the kind of person who, when others are fleeing a crisis, runs toward it?Do you scurry from one
fire to the next while glued to your phone?Also, do you despise wasting time?If this kind of rushing
sounds like you, you have a personality like a firefighter.

When taking risks, firefighters typically possess a Type A personality, which is advantageous.Having such
a strong sense of urgency can also have a negative impact on time management.

In a previous Entrepreneur article, Doctors Friedman and Rosenman stated to Dr. Travis Bradberry, "From
this perspective, 'now' is the only time that exists."It makes no sense to put off doing something until
later.Even though starting a job right away is usually a good thing, we might give minor issues more
importance than they deserve.

Solution:Sort your tasks into order of importance and urgency.

When everything seems to be in a "crisis," it can be hard for you personally.Using the "Eisenhower
Matrix" is one of the best ways to help a firefighter stay balanced.The strategy known as the Eisenhower
Matrix allows you to identify and organize your tasks into four distinct categories:

Important and urgent (tasks that require immediate attention).

Significant, however not critical (errands you will plan for some other time).

Not very important but urgent (tasks that can be delegated).

neither essential nor urgent (these tasks can even be eliminated if you want to).

You'll be able to stay focused on completing your highest priorities before working on less important tasks
if you use this method to organize our tasks.

2.The multitasker

I have been known to take a phone call while simultaneously working on an article draft.Some of my
coworkers look at me with doubt.I used to be someone who could do multiple things at once.I've learned
over the years that you can't do multiple things at once.It is a myth to multitask.

People who multitask believe they can manage multiple tasks simultaneously.They truly believe that they
can swiftly cross off items from their to-do list and seamlessly transition between tasks.When you try to
multitask, you end up with a lot of unfinished work, a lot of mistakes, and probably less work done.

The remedy:Single-tasking.

Before moving on to the next task, be sure to give each one your full attention and concentrate on
it.Reserve specific time slots for essential tasks.Turn off your phone and notifications during these blocks
of time to avoid being distracted, and ask other people not to disturb you.

3.The one who overcommits.

The person with an over-commitment personality type is unable to say "no" to other people and has
trouble establishing boundaries.As a result, they consistently prioritize the needs of other people over their
own.Anyone can join by simply asking if they have any time to talk, attend a social event, or assist with a

These overcommitted individuals will not only lack the time to attend to their commitments, but they will
also exhaustion and stress will cause them to burn out.There's just such a lot of an individual can do in a
day.A person will crash and burn if they jump from commitment to commitment without taking a breath.

Solution:Don't say "yes."

Even though you can't control some things, most problems with time management are your own
fault.Identify what matters most to you at home and at work to combat this tendency.Then, at that point,
think about what's significant prior to tolerating any solicitation.Say "no" to these requests if they conflict
with your goals and priorities.You will quickly discover that you will have more time to concentrate on
your preferences.

4.The One Who Undervalues

Are your well-known final words, "this will only take a minute," true?When you thought it would only
take you an hour, you end up working on something for several hours before you know it.

This underestimation may not appear to be the end of the world at first.But eventually, underestimating
causes all of your planned commitments to be postponed or pushed back.You're always playing catch-up
because you're missing deadlines and asking other people to reschedule their schedules to accommodate

Solution:Recognize that processes take longer than anticipated.

Let's say you wanted to write a brief blog post and anticipated finishing it in an hour.On your calendar,
mark two hours instead of one.You'll usually have enough time to write that post if you schedule extra
time for each task.

If you continue to struggle with not finishing your work within the allotted time, you will need to learn
how to estimate more accurately and speed up your work.

Assuming you observe that you are continuously finishing your work early, utilize that additional chance
for your potential benefit.Learn a new skill, organize your workspace, meditate, and catch up on
emails.Getting ahead of your next project might make you feel good.

Tip for professionals:examine past assignments, time logs, and calendars to estimate the amount of time it
has taken to complete particular tasks in the past.

5.The idealist.
There is a big difference between giving 110% and being obsessive about crossing out each "t" and "i." If
you are obsessed with perfection, you will eventually spend way too much time on a particular task.You
begin to delay other priorities and miss deadlines, just like the under-estimators.

Not only do perfectionists struggle with time management, but they also experience feelings of mental and
emotional exhaustion and burnout.

The remedy:Overcome your need to be perfect.

It's easier said than done to overcome perfectionism.According to research, perfectionism can be
overcome by following these steps:

Reexamine your requirements.Are your requirements excessive?Can you and other people meet these
requirements?Do your rules assist you in achieving your objectives or hinder them?If you can answer
"yes" to any of these statements, you should start setting goals that are closer to reality and easing up on
the standards you set for yourself.

Make use of "hypothesis testing."Testing hypotheses appears to be more difficult than it actually
is.Writing an email or blog post without proofreading the content is one example.Is it true that the world
ended?Nope.You might be able to gain knowledge from that particular error if there was a negative

Rethink your need for perfection.Simply become aware of your perfectionist thoughts, create alternative
perspectives, evaluate how they compare to reality, and then select a realistic viewpoint.

Confront your fears.Take a Saturday and leave your house as if you just rolled out of bed if you're the kind
of person who can't leave for work unless you're dressed perfectly.You will train your brain to deal with
this unpleasant circumstance over time.

6.The irrational procrastinator

Are you unsure of what to do or do you enjoy delaying decisions until the last minute?

Procrastinators delay completing tasks until the very last minute for a variety of reasons.Even further, they
assert that this is advantageous.Some people who procrastinate say that working under pressure makes
them more efficient, cuts down on efforts that aren't needed, and gives you more time to
think.Additionally, you are not obligated to schedule every minute of your calendar.However,
procrastination comes with significant costs.

According to Psychology Today, procrastination can result in insomnia and weakened immune
systems.The statement that "[procrastination] shifts the burden of responsibilities onto others, who become
resentful" is even more troubling.If teamwork is a part of your company's culture, having angry coworkers
is not ideal.Additionally, procrastination can harm your personal relationships.

The remedy:Start small and work your way up.

For the majority of us, starting any job is the hardest part.Set aside a small amount of time, even if it's only
15 minutes, before starting a project.You'll realize that you don't want to stop once you start.Compelling
yourself to begin — subsequently settling tarrying is something many refer to as the Zeigarnik
Impact.According to the so-called Zeigarniik Effect, not finishing a task causes mental tension, which can
only be relieved by finishing what you started.

3.6 your future passionate job.

My biggest passion is learning about software and technology. I was fascinated with computers from a
young age, so I decided to study Computer Science in college and I’ve continued in that direction since
graduating. It’s been a great choice for me! As a front-end software developer, I get to shape how the
internet is progressing and how websites are evolving, and that’s exciting to me.

1. Pashler, Harold; McDonald, Mark; Rohrer, Doug; Bjork, Robert (2009). “Learning Styles:
Concepts and Evidence” (PDF). Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 9 (3): 105–19. .
[online] Available at: [Accessed 12 October 2022].

2. Sarvenaz Hatami, Learning styles, ELT Journal, Volume 67, Issue 4, October 2013, Pages 488–490.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 12 October 2022].

3. Daniel Willingham, Do Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners Need Visual, Auditory, and
Kinesthetic Instruction? . [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 October 2022].

4. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12

October 2022].

styles/. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 October 2022].

[online] Available at: [Accessed 12 October 2022].

manage-their-time-02182249/. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 October 2022].

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