Choosing A Career

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Choosing A Career

Done By: Jashanpreet Kaur and Smyrna

10 - L
Words of Wisdom
If you have clear idea of the career you
want to pursue, it will motivate you to
perform well in school. Choose your career
with great care in order to avoid a life of
Choosing a Career
An individual's career is a job or profession they
pursue for an extended period of their life. The
choice of a career should be made in
consideration of our interests, values, skills and
preferences, as well as the learning options
available to us, ensuring that our career is
compatible with our individual circumstances.
The career requirements enable us to
be happy
The following are some requirements that we need to
meet in order to be satisfied with our careers are:
● Our life’s work should help us lead a good life.
● Our career should help us serve God and mankind.
● Our career should make use of our talents.
Real Life story of how a person choose his or her
Shreyas, an 18-year-old commerce student, told me how he got inspired by his uncle who is a
Chartered Accountant. He dreams of becoming as good an accountant as he is, someday. Listening to
his uncle’s experience in Chartered Accountancy aroused his interest in the field that lead him to
explore the career further, do his own research to find out options, following which he decided to
pursue the field. He told me how watching his uncle’s work and lifestyle made him more inclined to
Accountancy and made his career decision firmer and stronger.

Our family members offer us valuable guidance as their experiences help us understand the pros and
cons of a particular career decision through empirical evidence. Many students get inspired to opt for a
particular field after marvelling at their parents, relatives or cousins who were in the field of their
choice. Besides that, students also develop an aversion to certain kinds of careers because of
witnessing their effects on their family members and their lifestyles. Many may mistake this for family
influence, but it isn’t. Talking to our well-wishers and discussing their career paths helps one get first-
hand information about careers, and how one right or wrong decision can change a person’s life.
Thank You

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