Personal Year Cycles Free PDF Beau Life Switzerland

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How To Calculate and Discover Your

Personal Year

written by Vanessa Somuayina, CEO of Beau Life Switzerland. all rights reserved.
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 23463
what is your personal year cycle?
Your personal year cycle in numerology begins at the moment of your birth. This unique number in your birth chart works independently
of the calendar year and is calculated from the moment you took your first breath. By learning more about your personal life cycles and
your personal year number, you are able to learn to work and flow with your natural cycles, rather than trying to control them.
When you become more sensitive to your own personal year number, you are able to gain deeper insights into your future and past,
resulting in you being able to make the most of the present moment. The term personal year cycle and personal year number is

How to calculate your personal year number

Calculating your personal year number is straightforward and simple. All you need to consider is the day and month in which you were born
as well as the year you are trying to learn more of. Here’s an example:

Let’s say Crystal was born on the 23rd of January 1990. If we want to find her personal year cycle, we add her day and month of birth to the
year 2022 (or any year which is of interest). The calendar year in which she was born is irrelevant to calculating this particular number.

Year: 2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6

Day of birth: 23 = 2+3 = 5
Month: 1 (January)

You then add the day of birth, the month as well as the reduced year of interest (in this case 2022 = 6) together. In Crystals case we receive
the number 12. Double digits are reduced to a single digit from 1-9. Therefore Crystals Personal Year Number for 2022 would be:

12 = 1+2 = 3 or 12/3 Crystal is a personal year cycle 3 from January 23rd of 2022 until January 23rd of 2023.

watch the full explanation video on @Vanessa_Somuayina ’s YouTube channel

written by Vanessa Somuayina, CEO of Beau Life Switzerland. all rights reserved.
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 23463

your personal year cycle lifetime chart

This is Rose’s personal year number lifetime chart. You can see precisely
By calculating your personal year number at the time of your what cycle she is in during any given age and stage of her life. Knowing
birth, you are able to fill out your personal year cycle lifetime this can offer valuable information
chart. This chart can help you in reflecting and make sense of
past events and the timing of these occurrences in your life as 1 age 5 age 14 age 23 age 32 age 41 age 50
well as help you successfully map out your future.
2 age 6 age 15 age 24 age 33 age 42 age 51

3 age 7 age 16 age 25 age 34 age 43 age 52

4 age 8 age 17 age 26 age 35 age 44 age 53

Rose was born on July 6th 1990.
Her personal year number at the time of her brith would be 5
(32/5) because: 5 age 0 age 9 age 18 age 27 age 36 age 45 age 54

1990 = 1+9+9+0 = 19 6 age 1 age 10 age 19 age 28 age 37 age 46 age 54

July = 7
Day = 6 and so
7 age 2 age 11 age 20 age 29 age 38 age 47
Add & reduce: 19+7+6 = 32 = 3+2 = 5
8 age 3 age 12 age 21 age 30 age 39 age 48

9 age 4 age 13 age 22 age 31 age 40 age 49

watch the full explanation video on @Vanessa_Somuayina ’s YouTube channel

written by Vanessa Somuayina, CEO of Beau Life Switzerland. all rights reserved.
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 23463

your personal year cycle lifetime chart - For you to fill out
Feel free to fill out your very own personal year life cycle chart using the examples provided in the previous pages as well as the
blank chart below. For more information on what each cycle from 1-9 means, please visit Vanessa Somuayina’s YouTube channel.

5 .

watch the full explanation video on @Vanessa_Somuayina ’s YouTube channel

written by Vanessa Somuayina, CEO of Beau Life Switzerland. all rights reserved.
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 23463

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