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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

Faisalabad Campus

Lab report # 11
Subject Title:
Dye Stuff and Color Science

Subject code:
Submitted by:
Awais Aslam (2020-TXE-31)
Abdull yaseen (2020-TXE-35)
Abdullbasit (2020-TXE-41)
Rana Umair Islam (2020-TXE-42)

Submitted to:
Engr. Mrs. Sidra Almas/ Engr. Mr. Shahbaz

Submission Date:
06-April -2022

Table of Contents

1. Introduction:..................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Spectrophotometer...................................................................................................................3
1.2 Principle of spectrophotometer:...............................................................................................3
1.3 Application:...............................................................................................................................4
2. Experimental:................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Material:....................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Equipment:................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Procedure:.................................................................................................................................5
3. Result and discussion:........................................................................................................................5
4. Conclusion:........................................................................................................................................5
5. References:........................................................................................................................................5
6. Sample representation:.....................................................................................................................5

Table of figures:
Figure 1:-...............................................................................................................................................3
Figure 2:- ..............................................................................................................................................4

Table of tables:
Table 1:..................................................................................................................................................5

To measure Standard shade depth and calculate K/s value of given samples
by using reflectance value.

A spectrophotometer is an instrument which measures the color of an object. Reflectance and
transmittanceBased spectrophotometer were used to measure the shade depth between target and
sample swatches and values are easily not down

The color strength of a dye is a measure of its ability to impart color to other materials.
This property is characterized by the absorption in the visible region of the spectrum and can
be expressed as a color strength value (Werener et al., 1987)..

1.1 Spectrophotometer

A spectrophotometer is a color measurement device used to capture and evaluate color. As part of a
color control program, brand owners and designers use spectrophotometers to specify and
communicate color, and manufacturers use them to monitor color accuracy throughout production.
Scientist Arnold J. Beckman and his colleagues at the National Technologies Laboratory (NTL)
invented the Beckman DU spectrophotometer in 1940.

Spectrophotometers can measure just about anything, including liquids, plastics, paper, metal and
fabrics, and help ensure that color remains consistent from conception to delivery.
Color spectrophotometers allow you to measure and quantify color on a variety of surfaces.
Spectrophotometers come in a range of sizes, including portable handhelds, large benchtops, and
inline instruments that measure color right on the production line.

Fig.1 spectrophotometer

1.2 Principle of spectrophotometer:

The spectrophotometer technique is to measure light intensity as a function of wavelength. It does this
by diffracting the light beam into a spectrum of wavelengths, detecting the intensities with a charge-
coupled device, and displaying the results as a graph on the detector and then on the display device.

 In the spectrophotometer, a prism (or) grating is used to split the incident beam into different
 By suitable mechanisms, waves of specific wavelengths can be manipulated to fall on the test
solution. The range of the wavelengths of the incident light can be as low as 1 to 2nm.
 The spectrophotometer is useful for measuring the absorption spectrum of a compound, that
is, the absorption of light by a solution at each wavelength.

Fig.2 Principle of spectrophotometer

The calibration reference consists of a ceramic disk for white calibration measurements, and a trap
opening for black calibration measurements. The instrument shoe fits snuggly in both positions.

1.3 Application:
Some of the major applications of spectrophotometers include the following:

 Detection of concentration of substances.

 Detection of impurities.
 Structure elucidation of organic compounds.
 Monitoring dissolved oxygen content in freshwater and marine ecosystems.
 Characterization of proteins.
 Detection of functional groups.
 Respiratory gas analysis in hospitals.
 Molecular weight determination of compounds.
 The visible and UV spectrophotometer may be used to identify classes of compounds in both
the pure state and in biological preparations.

1. Experimental:

2.1 Material:

 Swatch

2.2 Equipment:

 Spectrophotometer (Konica CM3600A)

 Computer with software

2.3 Procedure:

 First of all connect the spectrophotometer to the PC with the USB cable and then it
connects to the AC outlet with the AC adapter.
 Now, Spectrophotometer was calibrated by white and black standard before taking
 Target is placed under spectrophotometer. And also name to save it.
 Then sample is placed under spectrophotometer.we change the position of given
samples were measured using spectrophotometer.

2. Result and discussion:

Table Show absorbance values.

K/S ST Max K/S ST d*E (D65)

1 450 19.42
2 450 3.50
3 450 83.50
4 450 2.53

3. Conclusion:
After performing the test, comparison between the target and sample values can be easily
observed.From the tabular form of spectral values. Shape depth difference between target and
sample are low

4. References:

5. Sample representation:


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