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REF: PJE 1607/27


Registered at Vol. 928 Fol. 60

Surface Water Drainage

Prepared for: EGBERT RHODEN

JULY 2016

This engineering report describes the surface water drainage designs and
structures for Agricultural/Housing subdivision lots within part of Denbigh
District on Lands Registered at Vol. 928 Fol. 60 in the Parish of Clarendon.
The development comprises of lands totaling 38,261.266 sq.m. into 34 lots
and 1 roadway for Residential purposes. Lot #24 will be retained as open
community space between the entrance and exit access within the
development. One roadway in and out of the development in the form of a
horse shoe.
The entire 34 Lots and roadway situated on 38,261.27 sq.m of land form the
entire surface water drainage which will flow into existing open curb drains
along the roadway which will be collected at the entrance/exit roadway of the
development and flow towards the open drainage channel flowing back
towards the existing drainage channel at rear of the development. The total
flood waters and control over the proposed roadway and development area
will be channeled to this existing drainage. The surface water drainage over
the entire area of land development will be computed from a maximum
rainfall intensity for 25 years flood rains return period over a 24 hours
maximum intensity within Denbigh, Clarendon. This data is collected from
the Jamaica Metrological Office.

Surface Water Drainage Design and Flood Control

Design References
The surface water drainage design was prepared with reference to the
Developers Manual Volume 3, Section 1 - “Roads, Infrastructure, Drainage &
Traffic Management” – by the National Works Agency (NWA)
Water Resources Engineering – Ray K. Linsley & Joseph B. Franzini –
McGraw-Hill series publications on Water Resources Engineering
National Meteorological Service, Govt. of Jamaica - on rainfall intensity

Design Criteria
The basic design criteria used in the computation of surface water within the area
is the T25 years return period of maximum 24 – hours Rainfall intensity in mm
for the Parish of Clarendon. The 25 year maximum flood return period for
Denbigh, Clarendon as obtained from the Met Office data is 400 mm rainfall for
24 – hrs. maximum intensity period.
Other data used in the design of surface water drainage and flood control of the
site are existing drainage features, soil type, topography of site, type of drainage
materials and conduits to be used as well as sloping features and outlet for final
run off.

Existing Drainage Features of Site

The existing site is slightly sloping from the rear towards the frontal area of the
development. The site is somewhat an agricultural flat plain area with loamy sand
and calcareous rocks soil profile with little percolation rate in the region of 18 mpi
(minutes per inch), nominal absorption rate (NAR) for loamy sandy soil of
0.5l/m2/sec0.00092 cm/sec.
There will be one main road way which accommodated runoff from within the
Lots which will be used as the main flood water control conduit from the entire
housing development as proposed. These Lots will be drained independently onto
the roadway where the surface water will be collected for final outfall into the
main road then to an open channel which will then flow backwards to the existing
open channel drain.

Proposed Drainage Features of Housing Scheme

The proposed drainage for the housing scheme is by surface water along the
concrete curb and channel along the road ways into culverts then into main open
channel drain along the main roadway. The main open channel will then be
connected to the existing open drain.


Maximum rainfall intensity for 25 years flood return period of 24-hrs is, T25
Denbigh, Clarendon = 400 mm

Total area of development = 38,261.27 sq.m.

Drainage within the Proposed Roadway and Lots –Controlled Drainage

Total flow for all proposed Lots of the development is Q = i*Ad = 0.4/24 *
1/3600 * 38,261.27 = 0.1771 m3/s

Main open drain along main road way, max permissible velocity in concrete
channel = 3.6 m/s

Therefore, using an average velocity flow of 1.0 m/s area of main open channel
drain from road way = 0.1771/1.0 = 0.1771 sq.m.

with Nominal Soil Absorption rate for sandy loamy soil = 0.5 l/m2/sec

Absorption pit requirement = 0.0005 * 0.1771 * 3600 * 24 = 7.65 m3/day (if


Flow from roadway into 225 mm freeboard open concrete drain will be
450 mm Wide x 450 mm Deep

Note: open channels are designed and sized according to the quantity of flow
within the area from which surface water runoff is computed and controlled.

Typical Drainage Features of Housing Scheme along Main Road

Drainage plans and details are included with the accompanied engineering

Prepared by:

Dennis P. Chong, M.Sc., P.Eng.

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