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Jl Raya Pemda Pangkalan II No. 66 Kedung Halang Kec. Bogor Utara Kab. Bogor
Telp. 0251-7502137 Kode Pos : 16710 Bogor Jawa Barat

NIM : 02211110059
DATE /TIME : 31-10-2022

A. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed inorder for the
sentences to be correct.
1. By the end of 1932, they their farm and moved to the city.
a. Had already lost
b. Had lost already
c. Lost
d. Have been loosing
2. Before world war I, the majority of Americans in rural areas or in small
a. Has lived
b. Had lived
c. Lived
d. Has been living
3. It began to rain when I .
a. Went out
b. Go out
c. Will go out
d. Had gone out
4. She had just barely recovered when the biggest challenge of her nursing career
a. Has presented
b. Had presented
c. Presented
d. Presents
5. Until 1932, the O’keefe on a farm.
a. Worked
b. Has worked
c. Have worked
d. Had worked
6. In 1990, over 40 percent of the U.S. population farms.
a. Had lived
b. Lived
c. Lives
d. Have been living
7. John quite ill in the past few days
a. Had became
b. Had become
c. Has became
d. Has become
8. It had begun to rain when I .
a. Had gone out
b. Went out
c. Was going out
d. I have gone out
9. Before you came, I to make dessert.
a. Have planned
b. Have plan
c. Had been planning
d. Has a plan
10. He his secretary go home before I came.
a. Had had
b. Had
c. Has
d. Had been having

B. Create two conversations that contains past perfect tense, past perfect continuous,
simple future, future continuous, future perfect, dan future perfect continuous tense.
Jawaban B
1. Past perfect tense conversation
Naura : Hey Putri, had you done your math homework?
Putri : I had not done it yet, it's so confusing. How about you?
Naura : Of course Putri, I will help you
Putri : Okay I'll waiting you in my house this evening at 4 p.m
Naura : I'll be there on time Putri
Putri : see you

2. Past perfect continuous conversation

Ayu : Hello, Fita! What had you been doing?
Fita : Hello Ayu! I had been studying for to hours
Ayu : I had not been working for five days.
Fita : Had you not been writing poems?
Ayu : We had been playing for hours.
Fita : I had not been playing because my examination it at hand
Ayu : Haf you not been receiving financial assistance from the government?
Fita : I had been getting the assistance since 1992 only.

3. Simple future coversation

Thomas : it's Friday! What are you going to do this weekend?
Harry : A friend is going to visit me. I think we will have dinner together.
Thomas : Nice! I will you go to that Italian restaurant?
Harry : No, we won't. She doesn't like Italian food.

4. Future Continuous Conversation

Pablo : you won't want to sleep outside with the snow falling
Robert : (seeing trough Pablo's intention ): No ?
Pablo : No. Very cold very wet
Robert : Then I sould sleep in here?
Pablo : Yes.
Robert : Thanks I'll be sleeping outside
Pablo : in the show?
Robert : yes, in the snow

5. Future perfect conversation

Lisa : Mia, where are you?

Mia : I will be there in 15 minutes, have you ordered yet
Lisa: I will have ordered orange juice for you and ice tea for me when you get here. Do you
want something to eat
Mia : I have eaten at home. I think just a drink for me

6. Future perfect continuous tense conversation

A : your English is so good. How do you speak so well?
B : I will have been studying English for 10 years after this year. So, I have spent a lot of
time studying and practicing
B : do you have any advice for me?
A : Speak English every chance you get and do not be afraid to make mistakes

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