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Exercise 40. Write the given pieces of advice in logical order.

Plan your slideshow.

Answer:Easier to read. In order to facilitate the presentation, the content on each page of the PPT is
often the focus and condensed essence after deletion. With the help of pictures, charts and even music
and video, it is easier to read and meets the requirements of people in the information age for reading
content. Easier to use

Make a storyboard.

Answer:storyboard can helps you visualise how the content of your presentation will flow
and how the slides relate to each other.

Use visual aid to present your ideas.

Answer:The use of visual aids can better display my ideas, make it easier for others to understand
my ideas, transmit information more effectively, and communicate more successfully.

Develop presentation script.

Answer:Before developing the presentation script, you need to plan the script content and
straighten out the design ideas.

Make revisions.

Answer:After the presentation is completed, try to make a speech, and timely revise the
problems found

Design your presentation.

Answer:According to different objects and contents of the manuscript, the settings are
carried out for better presentation

Choose the appropriate number of slides.

Answer:The number of slides our use will depend on the length

of your presentation; use no more than five or six slides per 10 minutes.
Exercise 41. Read the text. Match headings A-H to paragraphs 1-7. There is

one heading you will not need to use.

1:C. Be visual

2:D. Make it big

3:E. Make it clear

4:F. Do not go overboard with technology

5:B. Be consistent

6:A. Do not overdesign

7:H. Use graphics well

Вправа 42. Read the given statements. Tick (√) the common mistakes made

using PowerPoint.

Expect PowerPoint to do the presenting for you.

Focus on you and your ideas.

Visual aids are intended to support you.

(√)Spend more time on the slides than on your talk.

(√) Ignore the audience.

Plan the visuals to support your ideas.

(√)Speak to your screen, not to your audience.

(√) Hide in the corner.

(√)Don’t stand too far to the side of the room.

(√) Read directly from slides.

Avoid reading your slides.

Explain text and graphics.

Rehearse with your slideshow in advance.

Manage the technology efficiently.

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