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Answer the question:

1. Define the term ‘Project’. How will you classify the projects?

ANSWER.A project is an effort by people to organize resources such as human, material

and financial resources by using various methods to carry out an independent one-time or
long-term indefinite work task according to the planning arrangements related to the
business model with the aim of achieving the objectives defined by quantitative and
qualitative targets.

(i) Classification according to whether or not to form product production capacity

Engineering projects can be divided into productive engineering projects and non-productive
engineering projects according to whether or not to form product production capacity.

(B) Division by the purpose of construction of engineering projects

According to the purpose of construction of engineering projects can be divided into capital
construction projects (referred to as construction projects) and renewal projects.

(C) according to the basic nature of the project division

Divided by the nature of the basis of the project can be divided into new projects, expansion
projects, reconstruction projects, restoration projects and relocation projects.

(D) according to the total scale of construction and the total amount of investment divided

According to the construction scale and total investment amount, the engineering projects
can be divided into large projects, medium-sized projects and small projects.

(E) According to the source of capital funds

According to the source of capital can be divided into domestic projects, foreign investment
projects and Sino-foreign joint venture projects

2. Define Project Management and outline its features clearly.

Answer: The process of applying specialized knowledge, skills, tools, and methods in project
activities to enable a project to meet or exceed set needs and expectations with limited
resources. Project management is the overall monitoring and control of a number of
activities (e.g., tasks) related to the successful achievement of a set of objectives. This
includes planning, schedule planning and maintaining the progress of the activities that
make up the project.

Features: 1. The object of project management is the project or project-based operation.

2. the whole process of project management is permeated by the idea of systems


3, the organization of project management has a special character.

4. the system of project management is a system of individual responsibility based on team

5, the way of project management is goal management.

6, the point of project management is to create and maintain an environment that makes the
project run smoothly.

7, the methods, tools and instruments of project management are advanced and open.

3. What can a firm do to stimulate the flow of Project Ideas?

Answer: The company should create the company concept of reading more and learning
more, constantly accumulate more knowledge and experience, make yourself a
knowledgeable and knowledgeable person, develop good brain habits, and form good
thinking patterns. Attract talents, form a team to help the development of the company, and
conduct data research. Do not do creative projects blindly, but rely on data to speak. In
addition to data research, you also need to consult some expert people's suggestions and
ideas, keep a high degree of seriousness and attentiveness, make a list of plans, and
arrange your time and energy.

4. What factors influence the project ideas?

Answer: The factors that influence creativity are 1 a compelling reason to innovate, 2 a well-
coordinated strategic innovation plan, 3 an inspiring, shared vision of the future, 4 open
engagement by senior management, 5 a dedicated team creatively resourced to cover
multiple functions, 6 a willingness to take risks and find value in the absurd, 7 a decision-
making model that fosters teamwork and supports passionate advocates, 8 enlightened
exploration of the market drivers of innovation, and 9 a clear and flexible execution process.

5. What do you understand by project identification?

Answer: Project identification is when, faced with an identified need from the client, the
contractor selects a possible project solution to meet that need from among alternative
project solutions. The difference between project identification and requirements
identification is that requirements identification is an act of the client, while project
identification is an act of the contractor.

Project identification is an important issue that project managers should be aware of. Project
managers should not only accept the commission from others, but also turn their ideas into

After a long period of development, the competition in the market in developed countries is
very high. Most of the markets for products or services that we can think of projects offering
are already saturated in them. To squeeze into their markets, or to open up new markets,
new products and new services for customers are necessary. For this to happen, there are
new programs. That's why it's important to identify new programs.
6. What is a business plan. Why you think it’s important for an entrepreneur to write a
business plan?

Answer: The business plan includes the blueprint and guide for all business activities such
as enterprise fund raising, SME financing, enterprise strategic planning and execution, and
is also the action program and execution plan of the enterprise, which aims to provide
investors with a business project introduction, show them the potential and value of the
business, and convince them to invest in the project.

 Business plan is a company, enterprise or project unit in order to achieve investment and SME
financing and other development objectives, after the preliminary scientific research, analysis,
collection and collation of relevant information on the basis of the project, according to a certain
format and content of the specific requirements and editing of a comprehensive display of the
company and the project's current status, future development potential of written materials, it is
different from the traditional "project proposal" and "project feasibility study". Project Proposal" and
"Project Feasibility Study". It is different from the traditional "Project Proposal" and "Project
Feasibility Study". The business plan is more comprehensive, with more emphasis on operability and
economic benefits, and has different format and content requirements. In addition, the target audience
is also different, "Project Proposal" and "Project Feasibility Study Report" are written materials for
China's government and other relevant departments at all levels and requirements, while the business
plan is the most important written materials for all kinds of potential investors and need to be
prepared from the beginning. And, if international SME financing is a category of your SME
financing plan

7. What are your ideas for the components you think would be important to include in
a business plan?

Answer: The content of the business plan mainly includes 12 aspects, which are: summary,
project introduction, market analysis, industry analysis, marketing, management team,
financial analysis, capital requirements, capital exit, risk analysis, conclusion, and annexes.


Abstract is the "phoenix head" of the whole business plan, which is the most highly
summarized of the whole plan. In a way, whether investors like your project, depends mainly
on the summary section. It can be said that without a good summary, there is no investment.

2、Project introduction

It mainly introduces the basic information of the project, the main facilities and equipment of
the enterprise, the basic information of the production process, the basic information of
productivity and productivity, as well as quality control, inventory management, after-sales
service, research and development, etc.

3、Market Analysis

It mainly introduces the market situation of the product or service. Including the basic
situation of the target market, the development trend of the future market, the market size,
the purchasing power of the target customers, etc.

4、Industry Analysis
Mainly introduce the basic situation of the industry and industry field to which the enterprise
belongs, and the status of the enterprise in the whole industry or industry. Compare and
analyze with the same type of enterprises, do SWOT analysis, show the core competitive
advantages of the enterprise, etc.


Mainly introduce the development goals, development strategies, development plans,

implementation steps, the development of the overall marketing strategy and the analysis of
risk factors, etc.

6、Management Team

Mainly introduce the management concept, management structure, management style, basic
information of main management personnel, basic information of consultant team, etc., staff
arrangement, salary standard, etc.

7、Financial analysis

Mainly estimate the operating income and cost for the next 5 years, calculate and produce
sales estimation table, cost estimation table, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement,
calculate break-even point, payback period, return on investment, etc.

8、Funding requirements

Mainly introduce the amount of funds applied for, the way of application, detailed use
planning, etc.

9、Funding withdrawal

Mainly tell the investor how to recover the investment, when to recover the investment, about
how much return rate, etc.

10、Risk analysis

Mainly introduce the various risks that the project will encounter in the future, and the
specific measures to deal with these risks.


A concluding summary of the whole business plan.


The annexes are supplementary to the main part. Due to the limitation of space, some
contents are not suitable to be described too much in the main part. Put these contents, or
those that need to provide references, in the appendix section for investors' reference when

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