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AUGUST 21, 2011


DYNAMICS 1. The competition is open to all YFC members who underwent Covenant Orientation and either of Family Culture or Youth Power. Preferably, one who was able to finish 1year track for YFCs. (Except: Cluster Heads). 2. There should be one entry per Cluster. Title of the songs and lyrics SHOULD be specified. All Clusters should confirm their entry on or before August 7, 2011. 3 points will be deducted from total score per day of late submission. 3. The number of band members may range from 5 to 12 persons (instrumentalists and singers combined). One point will be deducted from the total score for every person in excess or in deficiency of this provision. 4. The band is allowed to play two (2) songs, 1 contemporary/pop secular songs or medley and 1 Liveloud song designated for every Cluster. 5. Presentation should not exceed 10 minutes. One point will be deducted from the total score for every minute or fraction thereof in excess of the time allotted. NOTE:Each band will also be given 5 minutes sound check one hour before the entire event starts. 6. The bands look, which includes costumes of singers and band members, must be decent and proper. 7. It is the bands responsibility to signify their presence one hour before the competition and to show up at least one hour before their performance. All groups should register from 7:30-8:00 AM. A point will be deducted for every 5 minute late. 8. The Competitions Committee will provide, as part of the sound system, all amplifiers,vocal microphones and set of drums for all competing bands. The competing bands must provide for themselves additional instruments and other gadgets in excess need of what the Organizers will be providing, if necessary. 9. To avoid song repetition, a first come, first serve rule will be applied. In case of duplication, band/s concerned will be notified immediately by the Competitions Committee in order to change their song.Only songs specified in the entry forms and approved by the Competitions Committee are allowed to be played during the competition proper. Bands who will not comply will risk disqualification. I. CRITERIA FOR JUDGING
ABILITY TO ENTERTAIN .40% Ability to choose and arrange order of songs 15% that builds up excitement among the audience Audience impact/ stage presence/ confidence 15% Rapport with the audience/ showmanship 10% SKILL 30% Band (instrumental arrangement and harmony) 15% Singers (vocal arrangement and/or quality) 15% CONTENT .15% Lyrics of songs 10% Clarity of Lyrics 5% BAND CHARACTER...15% (band look, actions, spiels are of Christian character) Band look 10% Exciting spiels 5% TOTAL 100%

This form will also be used for filing purposes of the CFC-YFC Intensify Community-Based Conference.

CLUSTER : ___________________________________

NAME OF THE GROUP : _______________________ TITLE OF THE SONG/S : _______________________ ________________________


NO. OF PERFORMERS : ___________



MEMBERS OF THE BAND/INSTRUMENTS TO BE USED: e.g. Rico Blanco Vocalist _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

TIME OF PERFORMANCE : ___________ minutes AND __________ seconds GROUP REPRESENTATIVE : ___________________________________ CONTACT NUMBERS: MOBILE NO. ___________________________ LANDLINE NO. _____________________________


DATE RECEIVED: ____________________ RECEIVED BY: ______________________

NOTE: This entry form should be submitted to the West B Community Conference COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE on or before August 7, 2011. Please email at, and NOTE: Late submission of Entry Form will result to disqualification. NO ENTRY FORM, NO PRESENTATION.

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