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Soil Characterization
Read: Coduto et al. (2011) Chapter 4

Soil Characterization
Learning Objectives: Coduto et al. (2011) Chapter 4 (pages 121 – 158)

A. How soil is formed?

B. Difference phases of a soil
C. Soil weight-volume relationships
D. Determination of soil particle size distribution
E. Soil particle shape
F. Characteristics clays
G. Differences between clays and sands
H. Plasticity of soil and Atterberg limits
I. Organic soils
J. Examples problems

A. Sadrekarimi 1

Soil Characterization
How soil is formed? By weathering of rock

Residual soil: formed by in-situ weather of parent rock


A. Sadrekarimi 2

Soil Characterization
Clays: produced by chemical weathering of rocks


A. Sadrekarimi 3

Soil Characterization
Soil is a three phase material composed of
1. Soil particles (solid phase)
2. Liquid phase (water)
3. Gaseous phase (air)

Soil Characterization
Weight-Volume Relationship
Vt: total soil volume Mt: total mass of soil
Vv: volume of void space Mw: total mass of pore water
Vw: volume of water Ms: total mass of soil particles
Va: volume of air
Vs: volume of soil particles

Phase Diagram

A. Sadrekarimi 4

Soil Characterization
Weight-Volume Relationship

Vt = Vv + Vs = Va + Vw + Vs

Mt = Mw + Ms

Phase Diagram

Soil Characterization
Weight-Volume Relationship: Moisture content
w(%) = × 100%
Measured by conducting a “Moisture Content Test” according to ASTM
standard code D2216

A. Sadrekarimi 5

Soil Characterization
Weight-Volume Relationship: Degree of saturation

S r (%) = × 100%


A. Sadrekarimi 6

Soil Characterization
Weight-Volume Relationship: Unit weight
Wt (M s + M w )g
Total unit weight γ= =
Vt Vt
W M g
Dry unit weight γd = s = s
Vt Vt
Unit weight of water γ w = 9.81 kN m 3 = 62.4 lb ft 3

Submerged unit weight γb = γ −γw

Ws + Ww Ws + γ wVv
Saturated unit weight γ sat = =
Vt Vt

Soil Characterization

A. Sadrekarimi 7

Soil Characterization
Weight-Volume Relationship: Specific gravity of particles
Gs =
Vs (γ w g )

Determined using ASTM standard test method D854

Often Gs = 2.65 – 2.70

Void ratio: Porosity:

Vv Vv
e= n=
Vs Vt

Soil Characterization

A. Sadrekarimi 8

Soil Characterization

Soil Characterization
Maximum soil dry density, γd,max from ASTM D4253

Minimum dry density, γd,min from ASTM D4254

Ws M s g Gs γ w
γd =
e= −1
Gs γ w
emax = −1
γ d ,max

Gs γ w
emin = −1
γ d , min

A. Sadrekarimi 9

Soil Characterization
Relative density
Dr (%) Classification
Indicates how densely the particles 0 – 15 Very loose
are packed in a granular soil
15 – 35 Loose
35 – 65 Medium dense
e −e
Dr (% ) = max × 100 65 – 85 Dense
emax − emin 85 – 100 Very dense

Useful Weight-Volume Relationships

S r e = wGs w
S r (% ) = × 100
γw 1
γ Gs γ w −
γd = = γ d Gs
1+ w 1 + w Gs S r


A. Sadrekarimi 10

Soil Characterization
Example: The bulk soil density and moisture content of a soil have been
measured as 1.76 Mg/m3 and 10%, respectively. Find the following parameters

1) Dry unit weight

2) Void ratio (e)
3) Porosity (n)
4) Degree of saturation (Sr)
5) Saturated unit weight


A. Sadrekarimi 11

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes

Determined in the laboratory using (ASTM D422):

Sieve analysis

Hydrometer analysis

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes

A. Sadrekarimi 12

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes
Sieve analysis: particle sizes are measured by passing soil
through a series of sieves (for particles > 0.075 mm)

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes: Sieve Opening size Soil classification
ID Inch mm
ASTM standard sieves 3 in. 3.0 75.0
2 in. 2.0 50
Coarse gravel
1½ in. 1.5 37.5
1 in. 1.0 25
¾ in. 0.75 19
Fine gravel
⅜ in. 0.374 9.5
#4 0.187 4.75
Coarse sand
#8 0.0929 2.36
#10 0.0787 2.00
#16 0.0465 1.18 Medium sand
#20 0.0335 0.85
#40 0.0167 0.425
#100 0.00591 0.150 Fine sand
#200 0.00295 0.075

A. Sadrekarimi 13

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes:
Fines: soil particle sizes passing #200 sieve (D < 74 µm)

Consistency Description
Very soft Exudes between fingers
Soft Very easy to mould and stick to hand
Firm Mould easily with moderate pressure
Very firm Moulds only with considerable pressure
Hard Will not mould under finger pressure
Crumbly Breaks up into crumps

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes:
Hydrometer Analysis: Based on Stoke’s Law of motion

D 2γ w (Gs − GL )
v: velocity of settling soil particles
D: particle diameter
γw: unit weight of water
Gs: specific gravity of solid particles
GL: specific gravity of soil-water mixture
η: dynamic viscosity of soil-water mixture

Not suitable for D > 0.15 mm (#100 sieve)

A. Sadrekarimi 14

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Sizes:
Hydrometer Analysis: Based on Stoke’s Law of motion

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Size Distribution Curve:

A. Sadrekarimi 15

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Size Distribution Curve:

Dx : is the particle sizes that correspond to certain (x%) percent-

passing values for a given soil.

For soil A:
D10 = D30 =
D60 =

Coefficient of uniformity
Cu =
Coefficient of curvature
Cc =
(D30 )2
D10 D60


A. Sadrekarimi 16

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Size Distribution Curve:

Well-graded soil

Cu ≥ 4 & 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3

Poorly-graded soil

Cu < 4 & Cc <1 or Cc > 3

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Shape

A. Sadrekarimi 17

Soil Characterization
Soil Particle Shape
Platy particles: mica

Micaceous sand: sands that include mica particles

Soil Characterization
Clays: how large are clay particles?

Clay particles are often less than 2 µm

Scale of clay particle Flaky or needle shaped

A. Sadrekarimi 18

Soil Characterization

Kaolinite: pottery clay

produced by chemical weathering of orthoclase feldspar


A. Sadrekarimi 19

Soil Characterization
Silicon Aluminium
tetrahedron octahedron

Soil Characterization
Clays: what is the fabric (structure) of clay particles?

Flocculated fabric Dispersed fabric

A. Sadrekarimi 20

Soil Characterization
How do we identify clay soils?

clay sand

What is the difference?

Soil Characterization
How do we identify clay soils?

Plasticity: response of a soil to change in moisture content

Sands and gravels: non-plastic

Silt: slightly plastic
Clay: very plastic

A. Sadrekarimi 21

Soil Characterization
How do we measure plasticity (limits)?

Atterberg limits

Liquid limit (wL): liquid limit test (ASTM D4318)

Plastic limit (wP): plastic limit test (ASTM D4318)

Shrinkage limit (wS): shrinkage limit test (ASTM D427)

Albert Atterberg
(1846 – 1916)

Soil Characterization
Liquid Limit (ASTM D4318)

wL is when the groove closes along a

length of 12.5 mm in 25 drops

A. Sadrekarimi 22

Soil Characterization
Plastic Limit (ASTM D4318)

wP is a thread of 3 mm (⅛") diameter

breaks by rolling and drying.

Soil Characterization
How do we identify clay soils?

Plasticity Index (PI or IP): I P = wL − wP

range of water content over which the soil remains plastic
w − wP
Liquidity Index (LI or IL): IL =

IL = 0: w = wP IL = 1: w = wL

A. Sadrekarimi 23

Soil Characterization
How do we identify clay soils? Casagrande’s plasticity chart

Soil Characterization
Organic Soils?

Contain significant amount of organic plants and animal material

 Weak and compressible

 Not suitable for engineering projects
 Dark color
 Organic odor
 Visible fibers


A. Sadrekarimi 24

Soil Characterization


A. Sadrekarimi 25

Soil Characterization
Example: A moisture content test was performed on a soil sample obtained from
the field. A small amount of this soil sample was put in a steel can and weighed. The
mass of the can plus the soil in it was 18.68 gr. After oven-drying, the mass of the can
and dried soil was 16.22 gr. The mass of the can was 8.3 gr. Compute the moisture
content of the soil.


A. Sadrekarimi 26

Soil Characterization
Example: A density test was performed on a soil sample obtained from the field.
The soil sample was obtained from a cylindrical sampler made of 4 brass rings of 1 in
long and an inside diameter of 2.43 inch. The net weight of the soil in the four rings
was 1.35 lb.
Compute the unit weight of the soil.


A. Sadrekarimi 27

Soil Characterization
Example: A 27.5 lb soil has a volume of 0.22 ft3, and a moisture content of
10.2%. Compute the unit weight, dry unit weight, degree of saturation, void ratio, and


A. Sadrekarimi 28

Soil Characterization
Example: For a soil with n = 42.9%, and w = 21.3%, find Sr and the unit weight.


A. Sadrekarimi 29

Soil Characterization
Example: The standard method for measuring soil particles specific gravity
(ASTM D854) is by using a calibrated flask known as a pycnometer as shown in the
figure below.
The pycnometer is first filled with water and set on a balance to find its mass. Then, it
is refilled with a known mass of dry soil plus water so the total volume is the same as
before. Again, its mass is determined. From this data, Gs is computed.

Using this technique on a certain soil sample, we have obtained the following date:

Mass of soil = 81.80 g

Moisture content of soil = 11.2%
Mass of pycnometer and water = 327.12 g
Mass of pycnometer, soil and water = 373.18 g
Volume of pycnometer = 250.00 mL

Calculate Gs.


A. Sadrekarimi 30

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