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Demeter - God & Clerics

emeter is the queen of the fruitful earth the
goddess of agriculture. Without her blessing, no Demeter's Avatar
crops may grow on the earth. Demeter will not Demeter's avatar is usually a beautiful woman, though she
hesitate to use this fact to blackmail men and sometimes takes the form of a female horse.
other gods if the need exists.
In gratitude for help she once received while
searching for her lost daughter Persephone
(who had been abducted by Hades), she also taught the men Demeter's Avatar
of Eleusis the secrets of making the earth fertile. The exact Wizard 15, Druid 14
nature of these secrets, called the Eleusinian Mysteries, Proficiency bonus +10
remains unknown to this day. In her true form, Demeter is a Medium humanoid, neutral good
beautiful woman, but she can change her own shape and that
of others at will. She also has complete control over the Armor Class 20
weather. Hit Points 318 (15d6 + 60, 14d8 + 56)
Speed 75ft.
Roleplaying Tips
Because Cronus remains penned in Tartarus, he is unable to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
influence events on earth except through his avatars. 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)
Therefore, at least one avatar is constantly moving about
Greece, promising Generally, Demeter is a benevolent Saving Throws Int 14+, Wis +14
goddess. However, if her worshipers ignore their duties, she Skills Any
does not hesitate to destroy their crops and send famine Senses passive Perception 14
upon them. evil. Languages All
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
Alignment. Neutral Good.
Worshippers Alignment. Any non-evil. One with the Forest. Demeter's avatar can only be
injured by magical weapons and spells. In five
Spheres of Influence. Agriculture. rounds, a tree sprouts from any wound made by her
spear. Two rounds after it sprouts, the tree
Holy Symbol. Mare's head. becomes a treant that pursue the target until
Clerics of Demeter Spellcasting. Demeter's avatar is a 15th-level wizard
and a 14th-level druid. Its spellcasting ability as a
Priests devoted to Demeter must spend a year on Eleusis wizard is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with
being initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries. After that, they spell attacks). Its spellcasting ability as a druid is
must return to Eleusis every February to help with the Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell
ceremonies surrounding the Lesser Mysteries, and every five attacks). Demeter's avatar has access to all spells
years in September to help with the Greater Mysteries. from the wizard and druid list.
Though it might be permissible to miss the Lesser Mysteries
for a good reason, any priest missing the Greater Mysteries Actions
loses his clerical benefits until he attends the next set of Spear +5. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit; one
Greater Mysteries in five years. target. Hit: 15 (1d8 + 9).
Alignment Restriction. Any non-evil.
Weapons Allowed. Club, Flail, Sickle.
Armors Allowed. Non-metal armors.
Divine Domains. Knowledge, Life, Nature, Tempest.

Granted Powers
Level 1. Plant Growth
Level 10. Control Weather
Level 20. Create Potion of Longevity

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