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1) As a Quality Assurance Officer for a start-up company developing the innovative food

products from agro-industrial waste/residues, please develop a strategic direction,

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Scheme and Standard Operating
Procedures (SSOPs) using risk-based approach and tools. You can create any food
products and describe the innovative thoughts behind working on that product. [15]
Food processing industry as a kind of agro-industry generates a large amount of waste. These
wastes have potential since they contain carbohydrates, oil, fat vitamins, mineral nutrients,
and other compounds with functional properties. Here I am considering, wastes generated
from jackfruit processing industries. From all parts of jackfruit, jackfruit seeds are
underutilized and considered as waste. Seeds of jackfruit converted into flour for
miscellaneous uses
Jackfruit Seed Flour: Jackfruit seeds may be converted into flour after inactivating the anti-
nutritional factors by drying. The flour prepared from Jackfruit seeds can be used for making
chapattis by blending with wheat flour (25:75). Further, Jackfruit flour produced may be used
as thickening and binding agent in food systems. Jackfruit seed flour is a good source of
protein and exhibits low water and fat absorption capacity hence, the flour could be
incorporated in the preparation of deep fried products. Jackfruit seed flour can be used for
preparing cereal/pulse based fried preparations like vada, Pazhampori, Bajji and Puri by
replacing 50% of flour of cereals/pulses. The products were found highly acceptable in
sensory evaluation test. Further, seed flour can be used to produce biscuit. Jackfruit 365 a
new Kerala based company is focused on selling Jackfruit flour and is popularising this
product through recipes for a number of food items which are normally prepared with other

Product Name: Jack Biscuits

2) Describe the implications of excessive antibiotics used in food production systems.
Develop strategy and design a conceptual framework being a Food Safety Expert to mitigate
the challenges imposed by excessive use of antimicrobials in food systems. How does
effective risk management assessment (RMA) to prevent the recurrence of food- borne
illness/ food poisoning? Propose a technology with a case enable the traceability systems in
Food Supply Chain. [15] use RFID
3) A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach
to long-term success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an
organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which
they work. However, as much as this principle stands, other requirements are yet to be
fulfilled. The Ready-to- Eat (RTE) chicken company for which you are working as Quality
Assurance Officer, has received more than 200 complaints regarding quality and later
outbreak of food poisoning within 15 days. As Quality Assurance Officer, define and
evaluate the risk framework as well as using various quality management tools to get error
free products in future. [20]

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