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Group 2
Is globalization inevitable?
The world is or people is now living a place where in
technology increases. It is indeed inevitable, with a
modern technology which our works become easier.
Is globalization irreversible?
• It results from a powerful innovation trend which is not about to stop.
It is also corresponds to real aspiration of economic agents, even if
some of them are not always conscious and if sometimes they refuse
to admit. It is happening whether you like it or not.
• There are many aspects globalization that are irreversible. Here are
• Improvement in transport and communication
• Growth of multinationals
• Increase independence of global production
• World Trade
Important political function of inevitability

•Neutralizes the challenges of alter

globalist opponents by depoliticizing the
public discourse about globalization:
Neo-liberal policies are above politics
because they simply carry out what is
ordained by nature.
Important political function of inevitability

•There is nothing that can be done about

the natural movement of economic and
technological forces: political groups
ought to comply and make the best of
an unalterable situation.

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