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More than three million people have taken to the streets across France to protest against the government

of the economic crisis. When hundreds of demonstrators, mostly youths, clashed with police in several locations, throwing stones and bottles, and setting rubbish bins and bicycles on fire.

Police used tear gas and batons to disperse hundreds in Paris, About 10 police officers were injured, while around 300 people were briefly detained and police said 49 of those would face charges 300 49 10. With the cost of living rising, strikers called for higher wages, better methods for protecting employment and higher taxes for high earners. Public transport and schools, hospitals and the postal service were affected by the strikes, which were supported by around 75 per cent of the population, according to opinion polls . Private sector workers also participated in the protests, including employees of Air France and oil company Total.

The French president had already said that nothing more could be done beyond previously announced measures, but many are complaining that the package will not benefit them; our correspondent said the

Government is very cautious because it knows that there is popular support for these demonstrations but ministers say there will be no more concessions , explaining that the previous measures had not yet taken effect.

Underscoring the tensions, workers at a tire factory in northern France recently pelted managers with eggs after they were told it was closing and, last week, staff at a Sony plant locked up their bosses for a night to demand better redundancy cover.

The emir of Kuwait has dissolved parliament for the second time in a year after a bitter dispute with the government In a televised speech on Wednesday, Sheikh Sabah also called for a snap general election to elect a new 50-seat parliament. He did not give a date for new elections, but under the Kuwaiti constitution they must be held within two months. Abused democracy and become a threat to stability, Liverpool and Chelsea will meet for the fifth successive season in the competition. . The quarterfinal first legs will be played on April 7 or 8 with the return matches the following week. Avoiding having to play on April 15 the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster. We do not want to play on the 15th, it's massively important to the club and to every Liverpool fan," The final will be played on Wednesday, May 27

The team moved into the third position by beating Ansar and Ohud in succession losing in consecutive matches for the first time in four years. / Chelsea, missed a chance to close the gap on the leader, losing 1-0 to remain four points adrift. lost Scholes in

the 18th minute when he used his hands to block shot on the goal line. 1Thousands of Venezuelans have protested against an attempt to arrest opposition leader on corruption charges,

In a march that swelled a main avenue Case of political persecution

of the oil city.

"There is no justice in Venezuela," he told the crowd. "But we will continue fighting." The public prosecutor on Thursday asked a court for a warrant to arrest him, a former presidential candidate who is mayor of Maracaibo, the second-largest city in the large oil-producing nation. . Your Saudi Aramco monthly annuity whenever you are eligible for a pension. Medical Expenses While on Vacation Saudi Employees Only the company recognizes that you or your dependent(s) may become ill or be hospitalized while you are on vacation. In the unfortunate event that this happens, you may be reimbursed up to 80%* for medical expenses you incur outside areas served by the company medical facilities (either InKingdom or Out-of-Kingdom) or medical designated facilities as per your medical coverage registration, on condition that the medical recipient is not within reasonable community distance from his health care coverage center. The director said there was a strong probability that prices of drugs imported from other countries to Bahrain may also reduce depending on market fluctuations. . The trainees will be undergoing counseling sessions so that they can easily grapple will be reduced .

with delicate situations effectively and with discretion. The institute also focused on convincing the members on the need to develop good relations with the media, Generally everybody liked the change Kevin, the prime minister of Australia, brought to that country by ousting Bushs very close ally John Howard. s .I had the opportunity to read the outburst of Rudd in a foreign publication. Although it was addressed to all immigrants, part of it was directed at Muslim immigrants . However, we cannot blame the prime minister alone for this since the behavior of some immigrants has been less than desirable. They try to change their adopted country the way they want it, against the wishes of the people of that country. The Muslim community there is his support for spy agencies to monitor the mosques. In the meantime, we believe the paramount need for the immigrants is to coexist with the Australians who are mostly very friendly and not to confront them. The Airlines did not arrange any restroom. They did not provide any snacks either. I spent the whole time on the first floor of the airport. When I tried to exchange Indian rupees through the bank situated on the first floor, they flatly refused to exchange Indian rupees. My purpose was to get some dollars so that I can have some snacks or a bottle of water. So I was unable to get a cup of coffee during my stay at Colombo airport, even though I had sufficient Indian currency with me. There are so many banks on the ground floor, but transit passengers are not allowed to go to the ground floor. Desperate , I approached the airport authorities, but I could not get any reply from them. It is the responsibility of an airline to take care of its passengers. At least it should give food, if not accommodation, to the passengers. The airline has some responsibility toward passengers until they reach their destination. I would also request passengers to keep some dollars to meet emergency requirements From my experience I can tell you that. I have seen excellent treatment by Saudis Some 70 percent of India lives in villages. The governments should provide excellent living amenities locally to prevent uncontrolled migration to urban cities like Mumbai. Such exodus leads to, generating

intense poverty and crime, as witnessed graphically in The Ministry of Haj has instructed Umrah companies to streamline their services to foreign pilgrims and warned of punishment if they violate regulations. The ministry urged the companies not to seek Umrah visas for people who had overstayed their visas in the past. They should coordinate with their agents abroad to prevent overstayers from entering the Kingdom. Foreign agents who violate the ministrys regulations will now be forced to bear the cost of air tickets and meet other expenses incurred in sending back unauthorized pilgrims, They have to coordinate with Tasheel 24 hours before the departure of pilgrims, confirm their reservations and send a representative with them to entry points to assist them, On arrival in Makkah, pilgrims should be given ID cards that mention their names, passport numbers and health conditions. If any company fails to provide the required services as per the contract, its pilgrims will be shifted to another company at the expense of the previous company. The ministry also urged companies to appoint efficient officials to ensure pilgrims are served well. There should be at least one official for every 200 pilgrims. There was a 16 percent increase in complaints received in 2008 compared to the previous year, About one third of complaints were related to administrative matters. The cases focused on arbitrary decisions regarding termination of service, changing job positions, demanding financial dues, unemployment issues and arbitrary transfer of jobs. The number of complaints received from men exceeded those from women. We received only 1,495 complaints from women last year Family violence cases were related to physical torture , prevention of education and marriage, torture under the influence of drugs, sexual harassment, preventing children from seeing their mothers and requests for shelter. Speaking about complaints related to the Kingdoms prisons, Al-Qahtani said these included complaints about detention without trial, requests for the release of prisoners who have completed their jail terms, attacks on fellow inmates, demand for compensation, maltreatment by judges and complaints about long procedures. The labor issues were mainly related to forcible deportation , nonpayment of dues, denial of vacations and forcing workers to pay for exit-re-entry visas. The societys branch office in Riyadh received the largest number of complaints while its office in Makkah received the lowest number Personal Data / Birth Date: / Gender: Male / Termination date: /Base salary: /Merit increase: /Housing Allowance:/ Age at Retirement / Hospitals in the Eastern Province / Region

Hospitals in the Western Region/Urban Hospital Registration of a Newborn With the birth of a new family member, the newborn should be registered with the nearest Area Personnel Office. This enables the newborn to be eligible for all applicable Aramco benefits, including health care coverage. With the birth of a new family member, the newborn should be registered with the nearest Area Personnel Office. This enables the newborn to be eligible for all applicable Aramco benefits, including health care coverage. Carefully following all the instructions on the form. Be certain that you have entered the correct dependent relation /To register a newborn, follow these steps:. As an employee of Aramco, you can apply for a temporary birth certificate at your Area Personnel Office. You should bring the following documents: MMR vaccination record/ Immunization record for the first 12 months For Saudi Arabs: You must be registered as a company employee in the family booklet / For Expatriates: SR 30 for endorsement of the original birth certificate by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Conversion Privilege: If a person leaves Company service for any reason, such as retirement, termination or resignation, he/she can continue participation in the insurance plan. He/she can convert their insurance to an individual plan by contacting Saudi Arabian Insurance Co. These non-Saudi Aramco employees can receive the same terms and conditions of the plan but not Conversion Privilege. They must complete a medical questionnaire and pay an annual premium. They can register in the plan through the Risk Management Division . Person must have been enrolled in the plan for a minimum of 2 years. An employee can withdraw from the plan at any time The amount should not exceed Saudi Riyal 3,000,000 / medical exam is required. /

president Arrested Republican Justice Embassy Leader Freedom Enemy Law Flag Conference hostage human rights blockade . siege election voting war .warfare withdrawal .pullout victims Forces occupation negatiations hijack homeland spy atomic bomb terror terrorism case of peace treaty convention explosion blast plot conspiracy empire protocol . ceremonies

During the first quarter of 2009

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