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1. Which one is a group formation activity?

a. Guess the word – learners compete to guess words from definitions

b. Fill in the gap dictation – students work in pairs and find out missing words from the text (each of them has different
c. Project work – students design and present a Guidebook of their city
d. Students listen to the story and confirm their predictions in pairs

2. A class contract is recommended as a means of

a. getting students to do their homework

b. identifying the problems of shy students
c. getting students to agree on ways of behaving in class
d. getting students to arrive for class on time

3. Which one of the following is evidence of good rapport? The teacher

a. always plans lessons

b. uses students‘ names
c. knows a lot about grammar
d. works at the students‘ pace


1. What does each of these sets of words have in common? Are they synonyms, antonyms, lexical sets,compounds,
collocations, words with prefixes or suffixes?

A. table,chair, sofa, bed, bookcase, desk...

B. old-young, bright-dark, loud-quiet,fast-slow...

C. a straight road, hard work, no problem, extremely useful...

D. microwave, compact disc, toothbrush, lampshade...

E. imperfect, rewrite, unable, incorrect....

2. For each lexical item in the following random list, suggest a different way that you could present the meaning (eg.
miming, picture,explanation).

Gloves ____________________________

Disgusting _________________________

Swimming _________________________

Café ______________________________

Often _____________________________

Chase _____________________________

Frightened _________________________

Window sill ________________________

Exploitation ________________________
3. Which of the following ways of showing meaning (1-3) would explain quickly and effectively each of the following forms.
Put 1, 2 or 3 next to each one.

1 - miming 2 - quick board drawing 3 - realia


bright pink

half full


4. Can you suggest a good English dictionary for

1. a class of elementary adult students

2. a class of primary elementary pupils
3. a class preparing for FCE
4. an English teacher

5. We know a dictionary gives the meaning of a word, its spelling and so on. How many other pieces of information does a
good learners´ dictionary give? Write at least 5.






6. Which activity is not a vocabulary practice exercise?

1.Complete these scales.

…………….wind – strong wind - ……….. – hurricane

…………….hot – warm – not very warm – cold -………

2. Look at the list of the words. Put them into three groups.

Things that live in rainforests

Things that we get from rainforests

Words to describe rainforests and trees

Words: animals, wood, birds, dark, trees, air, hot, rain, rubber, plants, fruits, tall, medicines, wet, insects.

3. Circle the correct word(s).

Find a job/a work at

For more information/informations go to

Go to for hundreds of advice/suggestions for your summer holidays


1. Which of the following is a minimal pair?

A. pin/bin        B. so/sing       C. lot/list

2. Which of the following is a contraction?

A. see you      B. ASAP      C. haven’t

3. Which is not a problem for Czech learners?




word stress

4. Which of the following words refer to teaching pronunciation?

sounds    sinking    stress    reach    linking    silent letters

5. Which of the following activities are not suitable for pronunciation practice.

drills     tongue twisters    dialogues    jigsaw reading   rhyming words

songs     chants     


1. Which one is NOT an effective presentation technique?

- limit yourself to one or two aspects of the new grammar point

- use visual aids

- give lots of examples

- elicit from learners what they aready know

- set the context first

- use grammar terminology

- ask concept questions

2. Choose the best option to complete each statement about the uses of grammatical structures.

We use superlative forms of adjectives to

A describe equal things or people

B show differences between groups of things or people

C compare things or people to a whole group they are part of

We use will to express

A obligation in the future

B decisions about the future

C fixed plans

We use the passive to

A say what happens to the subject of the sentence

B show that the verb is not important

C focus on the object of the verb

3.Match the teacher´s words with the purposes of the presentation activities. There is one extra option that you do not
need to use.

Purposes of the presentation activities:

A setting the context

B concept checking

C explaining meaning

D focusing on pronunciation

E using aids to convey meaning

F drilling

Teacher´s words:

1. Can you give me another word with the same meaning?

2. Listen. The stress is on the fourth syllable.
3. We use it to clean our teeth.
4. Today we´re going to talk about inventions.
5. Look, here´s a picture of one.


1. Which of the following activities focuses on form and is accuracy based?

1. Interview each other and find out the names of the members of the family (the oldest, the youngest, the closest, the
richest…) and what they are like.
2. Listen to the story and write down all the past tense verbs you hear.
3. Complete the questionnaire about your favourite class activities.
4. Write an e-mail booking a hotel room.

2. Order the activities from accuracy focused (1) to fluency focused (4)

Students are given five verbs and they are asked to create five true sentences about themselves using the verbs.

Memory game - Ss say which countries they have visited, they have to remember all students in the circle.

Eg. Maria´s visited Spain, Tom´s visited Austria and I´ve visited Italy.
Students work in pairs. They have a list of countries and they interview each other to find out which countries they´ve visited.

Students discuss the topic Travelling, they talk about countries they have visited and they specify why they liked or disliked


1. Match the instructions with the ways of listening.


A. Watch the video to see how the woman looks. How do you think she feels?

B. Listen to each pair of words. Say if they are the same or different.

C. What town does Jim live in? Listen and find out.

D. Listen to the description of the boy and the girl and draw them.

E. Listen and underline the word in the sentence that the speaker says most strongly.

F. Listen to the story and decide what is the best title for it.

Ways of listening:

1. listening for gist

2. understanding body language

3. listening for individual sounds

4. listening for detail

5. listening for sentence stress

6. extensive listening

7. listening for specific information

2. What are the two major reasons for teaching listening?

a) exposure to a variety of accents

b) listening is important for good pronunciation

c) as a model for spoken language

d) it helps language acquisition

3. Which of the following are effective listening techniques?

Teacher tells learners their purpose in listening.

Teacher plays the taped passage once, without preparation, asking the learners to listen for the main ideas.

Teacher plays a short passage, then orally asks learners basic comprehension questions.

Teacher asks learners to predict questions that might be asked in a taped conversation.
4. Prediction is an effective way of encouraging students to listen to a text. Select True/False beside these possible

It´s real - we all do it.

It saves time because, if the students have already guessed what the text is about, it means they don´t need to listen to it.

It makes the students more involved and interested in listening to the text: having made guesses, they want to know if their
ideas were right.

It means the students know what the text is about before they listen to it.


1. Which of the following sentences are true for reading.

Reading is the most passive of the language skills taught.

Reading out loud is a very good practice of reading comprehension.

Translating the text into the mother tongue helps reading comprehension.

Teachers should provide as wide a variety of texts and tasks as they can, to give learners practice in different kinds of reading.

2. Match the instructions with the ways of reading.

Ways of reading:

A reading for specific information

B reading for detail

C reading for gist

D intensive reading

E deducing meaning from context

F extensive reading


1. Find all the words in the story about pets.

2. Read the text. Decide which is the best heading for it.

3. Read the article to find out exactly how the machine works.

4. Finish reading the story at home.

5. Read the poster to find the dates of Annie´s, Sam´s and Julia´s birthdays.

3. Match a suitable text to reading sub-skill that is supposed to be practised.


A  a railway or bus timetable

B instructions for using an equipment

C a local newspaper to find out what´s on

D letters from friends

E a local newspaper to find out what time a TV programme starts

Reading sub-skills:

1. Reading to get a general idea

2. Scanning

3. Reading in detail

4. Name 5 sources of authentic reading texts which you can use for your classes and classify them according to the level
of the texts you would look for (elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced) 


1. Which of the following activities can be said to be speaking activities.

Students read out loud a story.

Students find out what place in the town one student has in mind by asking questions.

Students work in pairs, they make correct sentences from mixed up words.

Students make a class survey about their food preferences. 

2. Label the activities as information gap (I), jigsaw (J) or opinion gap (O).

Students have got a map of a town with different places labelled. They should find out about each other´s places.

Each student has a sentence from a story. They learn their sentences by heart and they should order the story.

Students should stand on the line according to their attitude to smoking. They should tell each other why they have chosen the
place on the line and what their attitude is.

3. Which of the following is considered good practice after a speaking activity?

a) correcting errors

b) sharing ideas

c) asking for feedback

d) giving learners a mark


1. Which of the following are the characteristics of spoken (S) and which of them are the characteristics of written (W)

repetition           complex grammar     interruptions    incomplete sentences

instant feedback   cohesive features   punctuation    intonation    false starts

2. Which of the following activities is aimed at developing linguistic skills (L) and which is aimed at developing writing
as a skill (W)?

Re-write the following story in the past simple tense.

Write a review of your favourite book for a school magazine.

Imagine your ideal school. Describe it.

Read the text about a group of students and match the names to hobbies they have. Write about them. Eg.Maria - tennis  Maria
plays tennis.

3. Match the coursebook instructions with the writing subskills.

Writing subskills:

A punctuating correctly

B planning

C linking

D using the appropriate layout

E proof-reading

Coursebook instructions:

1. Tick the correct place in this letter for the address of the receiver and put a cross in the correct place for the date.

2. This letter has no commas or full stops. Put them in the correct places.

3. Join these pairs of sentences by using the best conjunction from the following: because, after, while.

4. Look at this list of ideas for a composition. Number them in the order you would write about them in your composition.

5. Check your work for language mistakes after you have finished writing.


Which of the following sentences are not true:

1. Students do not need to know about the culture of the target language if they don ´t want to go to that country.

2. Cultural awareness is knowing as much factual information about the target language country as possible.

3. Culturally competent learners should know how to present their own culture to foreigners.

Make one more sentence which is true about teaching culture.


1. Complete the sentence stems below. Be as practical and specific as you can.

Teachers should interrupt learners when they make a mistake or error when......
Teachers can give delayed feedback in the following situations:........

Five practical ways of giving feedback on spoken errors are........

Some errors and mistakes should remain uncorrected by the teacher, for example.........

2. Match the teacher´s behaviour with the correction techniques.

Correction techniques:

A ignore the mistake

B use self-correction

C draw a time-line on the board

D use finger correction

Teacher´s behaviour:

1. You have used a correction code to show learners where they have made mistakes in their writing.

2. You are working with a class of elementary ten-year-olds who are doing a fluency activity. One of the learners is talking to
the class about her pet. She says: "My rabbit eat lettuce." You let her continue talking.

3. You are doing a controlled practice activity. One of the learners says: "I have been working last week." You show her a

4. A learner is repeating the instructions for an activity and says: " Then I choose /tri:/ (three) objects." You just listen.

5. You are focusing on spoken language and the use of contractions. A learner says:"I am going swimming tomorrow." You
want to show her where the mistake is. You use your hand.

6. An advanced learner asks you: "Can you borrow me a pencil?" You ask him to think about what he has said and try again.

3. For questions 1 to 5, match the underlined mistakes with the types of error listed A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F)
on your answer sheet.

There is one extra option which you do not need to use.


1 Ghosts are usually saw at night.

2 I am very much like football.

3 Every festival are different in my country.

4 We must to protect the environment.

5 What time did you say you going out later?

Types of errors

A unnecessary auxiliary verb

B missing auxiliary verb

C wrong verb form

D wrong verb pattern

E wrong phrasal verb

F wrong subject-verb agreement

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