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Module Code & Module Title

CC4057NT Introduction to Information Systems

Assessment Weightage & Type

30 % Individual Coursework -3

Year and Semester

2020-21 springs, Semester

Student Name: Puja Timsina

London ID :20048478
Assignment Submission Date:4/30/2020

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.
Information system CC4057NT

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4
HTML: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
CSS: ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Java script: .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Wireframe: .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Wire frame of Home page: .................................................................................................................. 9
Wire frame Curriculum vita: .............................................................................................................. 10
Wire frame Contact me ..................................................................................................................... 11
Wire frame BLOG............................................................................................................................... 12
Wireframe Research .......................................................................................................................... 13
Wireframe About me: ........................................................................................................................ 14
Home page ........................................................................................................................................ 15
CV page ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Blog ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Contact page: .................................................................................................................................... 18
About me: ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Research............................................................................................................................................ 20
Testing .................................................................................................................................................. 21
CONSLUSION: .................................................................................................................................... 27
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 28

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Table 1 testing1 ..................................................................................................................................... 21

bTable 2 testing2 ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3 testing 3 .................................................................................................................................... 25
Table 4 testing 4 ................................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 1: HTML ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Figure 2 css ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3 java ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 wire frame of home page ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 wireframe of cv ........................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 6 wireframe of contact................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 7 wire frame of blog ................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8 wire frae of research ................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9 wireframe of about .................................................................................................................. 14

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The WWW was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and made available to the public
in August 1991. The documents are formatted in HTML, a markup language (Hypertext
Markup Language). Web page facilitates access to the World Wide Web . The World
Wide Web operates on a client-server paradigm. Client communicates with the server
by sending requests. The server processes the requests and returns the desired
information. A website is a group of websites with comparable content Web pages
include relevant information. Examples include text, links, images, music, and video.

In this coursework, I found out about HTML, CSS, and Java script, just as how to build
these three components. In this course work, I made six wed site pages. I learnt about n
different aspect of html, CSS, and java content, and I improved the usefulness of my
pages. As we as a whole know, there is a serious requirement for web designers in our
general public. Each and every and significant organization needs to advance towards
digitalization so they may speak with an expanding number of clients through online
pages. Moreover, they can broadcast their merchandise. This coursework empowers
me to improve my design skills and allows me to create more web pages, which
improves my design skills and allows me to create more web pages, which improves my
web design skills.

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HTML is an actual word for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to graph web
pages with the aid of a markup script. HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup
Language. The relation between web pages is defined by hypertext. A markup language
is used to describe the textual material report within the tag that describes the type of
web pages. This language is being used to annotate (make annotations for the
computer) text so that a computing system can interpret it and manipulate text
appropriately. The majority of markup languages (for example, HTML) are human-
readable. Tags are used in the language to describe what manipulations must be
performed on the text. HTML is a markup language that browsers use to edit text,
images, and other content in order to display it in the proper way. Tim Berners-Lee
invented HTML in 1991. Basic of HTML Syntax is given below (school, 1999)

Figure 1: HTML

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CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a basic programming language designed to make
the challenge of rendering website pages presentable easier. CSS is in charge of a web
page's appearance and feel. CSS allows the person to change the color of the text, the
font type, the distance among lines, how columns are sized and laid out, which
background photographs or colorings are used, interface styles, design modification
with number systems and screen sizes, and a host of other effects. CSS is easy to learn
and understand, but it gives you a lot of influence over how an HTML web page looks.
CSS is most widely used in conjunction with the scripting language HTML or XHTML.
(tutorialpoint, 2021)

Figure 2 css

TYPES OF Cascading Style Sheets

The types of CSS are as follow:

 Inline CSS.
 Internal or Embedded CSS.
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 External CSS.

 Inline CSS:
Inline CSS consists of the CSS property in the body section connected with issue is
known as inline CSS. This kind of style is detailed within an HTML tag the usage of the
style attribute.

 Inter or embedded:
when a single HTML text need to be styled differently, this may additionally be used.
The CSS rule collection has to be in the head component of the HTML file, i.e. the CSS
is contained inside the HTML file.

 External CSS:

When External CSS is a separate CSS file that solely includes style properties with the
aid of tag attributes (for example, class, id, heading,... etc.). CSS homes have to be
written in a separate file with the.css extending and related to the HTML file by using the
use of hyperlink tag. This signifies that the style can only be set once for every function
and will be prolonged through web pages.

Java script: java script

is a complex programming language for computers. It is lightweight and is most widely
used as a component of web pages, where its implementations allow client-side script
to communicate with the person and create interactive pages. It is an object-oriented
programming language that can be interpreted. JavaScript was once originally
recognized as Live Script however Netscape changed its name to JavaScript, possibly
due to the buzz generated by (tutorial point, 2021)

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Figure 3 java


The limitations of java script are as follows:

 From the client hand JavaScript does not support file reading or
writing. This was held for confidentiality purposes.
 Since there is no such provision, JavaScript cannot be used for
networking applications.
 JavaScript does not support multi-threading or multiprocessors.
 JavaScript, once again, is a lightweight, interpreted programming
language that helps you to incorporate accessibility into otherwise
Wireframe is a method of designing a website service on a technical
basis. A wireframe is widely used to layout content and features on a
website by taking user preferences and wireframes into account. Until
graphic design and content are introduced, wireframes are used to

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define the basic layout of a page early in the creation process


Wire frame of Home page:

Figure 4 wire frame of home page

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Wire frame Curriculum vita:

Figure 5 wireframe of cv

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Wire frame Contact me

Figure 6 wireframe of contact

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Wire frame BLOG

Figure 7 wire frame of blog

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Wireframe Research

Figure 8 wire frae of research

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Wireframe About me:

Figure 9 wireframe of about

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Home page
His is the stating page of the website .it commonly fill by the serving as a table of the
contents for the site and this website page set as the start-up page of browers .and in
right side there Is photo of the user and in bottom there is footer there is contact details.

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CV page: This page is about my curriculum vitae and gives personal details about the
career, qualification, contact, hometown and other information of the users and in CV
there is photo of the user in the right side and in bottom there is footer and which gives
information about the users.

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Blog: This page is about blog which display the information about the the introduction
and impact of the technology. In this page its gives details information technology useful
in daily life.

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Contact page: this page is known as common webpage on a website that allows for
the viewer to consult the organization or individual who operate the website. This page
has many more term like e-mail contact form for query

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About me:
this page gives the information about the user who visits to this page and the like and
disk like of user and this page may build the genuine relation with the user by the client.

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Research: this page is knows as search page which gives details about the research of facts
and other this

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Objective To inspect while click on the about then change the another page

Action When we click the navigation bar it show another pages

Expected result While clicking the navigation bar it moves to another page will shown

About result Page is move on the homepage

Conclusion Test successfully

Table 1 testing1

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Testing 2

Objective To inspect that hovering the submit bottom me section

Action While cursor is pointed in hire me the it hover

Expected result Cursor is pointed in the hire me than it will hover

About result Cursor is pointed in hire me and it hover

Conclusion Test successfully

Table 2 testing 2

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Testing 3

Objective To inspect while clicking the link then it moves to websites

Action While clicking the image of research section then it moves to the websites

Expected result Website will be open while clicking the image

About result Websites was display

Conclusion Test successfully

Table 3 testing 3

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Testing 4

Objective To inspect when click on link and move to websites

Action While clicking the link then it moves towards the websites

Expected result Website will be shown while click on the link

About result Website was shown

Conclusion Test successfully

Table 4 testing 4

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As we know that this is third coursework of information system and this coursework is
total different then previous one and this coursework is about the web deginers while
doing this coursework I have gain many knowledge and I have got chance to
experience it. While starting the coursework I have faced many more problems and to
overcome the difficulties I take help from my subject teacher, from friend and from
internet sources. And slowly I trickled all the problem and difficult. At least it personal
portfolio content 5 page they are Home, about, service, team, phone etc. BY using
HTML, CSS, JAVA Script I have created by web pages. And also I have used different
picture to deginers my webpage. For coding I have used sublime.

This course has six pages that are connected to each other. The first page is a home
page with a fast clarification of me. The subsequent page incorporates an about page
with data about me and a graphical portrayal of my talent. The third page has my CV,
which contains data about my experience. The fourth page has a blog page that gives
data on a specific point. The fifth page has research pages that immediate you to my
exploration on my site, and the 6th page is a contact page that permits you to reach out
to us.

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adrianhopper. (n.d.). experience we. Retrieved from 2021:

school, w. (1999). w3 school. Retrieved 2021, from

tutorial point. (2021). Retrieved from

tutorialpoint. (2021). Retrieved from

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