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oHoaaa ‘Answer ALL questions, 1. This question is about the elements hydrogen and oxygen. (@) The circles in the diagrams represent molecules of hydrogen. Place a cross (@2) in the box under the diagram that represents hydrogen gas. wm CFR [o © a a a {b) The diagram below shows two different atoms of hydrogen. QO © () The particle furthest from the centre of each atom is A anelectron B aneutron © anucleus D aproton (i) The particle present in atom ¥ but not in atom X is a a a an electron neutron ae > nucleus ED aproton (Gil) Both atoms are neutral because they have the same number of @ electrons and neutrons a B electrons and protons electrons, neutrons and protons D. a Lx] a neutrons and protons . a | J (€) Different atoms of oxygen can be represented as % " Oand O . ‘ Select words or phrases from the box to complete the sentence about these atoms of oxygen. ‘You may use each word or phrase once, more than once or not at all, atomicnumbers isotopes ___—massnumbers —_numbers of electrons @) These atoms of oxygen are Called een nn nnn because their are the same Ut TRE onsen seme ninaene nine nnnnnnne ae different, 5 Ege) j | | | | | | peut et eHInEEEHIEEEERIEEELE ; A a (©) Pure dry crystals of magnesium nitrate can be obtained from magnesium nitrate | solution by crystallisation, | These steps describe the method, but the steps are in the wrong order. A allow the solution to cool to room temperature B heat the solution to evaporate some of the water € pour the mixture of crystals and solution through filter paper D_ putthe crystals in a warm place to dry E dip aglass rod into the solution to see if crystals form, ‘Write a letter in each box to show the conrect order. ‘One has been done for you. Turnover Ma nn nent enna 3 This question is about tests for some elements and compounds. | ( (2) What is the test for hydrogen? {b) The diagram shows hydrogen burning in air, and how some of the gases passing through the apparatus are collected and tested. \ | | | , L | | a ice and water limewater buming j A colourless liquid collects in the U-shaped tube and the limewater turns cloudy i very slowly. (Describe a chemical test to show that the colourless liquid contains water. | (2) | test. see oe 7 F | | result. a | i) Describe a physical test to show that the colourless liquid ts pure water. test. rr oN A080 6 rough > to pump (ii A reaction involving carbon dioxide causes the cloudiness in the limewater. Place crosses (&) in twe boxes to show the correct statements about this reaction. © carbon dioxide forms when the hydrogen burns 3 carbon dioxide from the air reacts to cause the cloudiness the cloudiness is caused by the formation of calcium hydroxide © the cloudiness is caused by the formation of a white precipitate [the reaction in the limewater is an example of oxidation {Total for Question 3 = 7 marks) _ Turn over > — I a 5 This question is about aluminium sulfate, a soluble salt with many uses. OG {a) One type of aluminium sulfate has the formula Al,(SO,), .16H,0(3) m Boa one > g (b) Some types of fire extinguisher use a reaction between alurninium sulfate and ‘The equation for this reaction is ()) State the names of the two metal-containing products of this reaction. (ii) Carbon dioxide is used in some fire extinguishers. (How many different elements are shown in this formula? a this formula shows that this type of aluminium sulfate is © anhydrous: - hydrated solid soluble divin hydrogencasbor25 AL{SO), + 6NaHCO, -> 2AK(OH), + 3Na,SO, + 6CO, ene et Explain why carbon dioxide is effective at extinguishing fires. a 25 4A 0 TF 6 A teacher uses this apparatus to show the reaction between ammonia gas and hydrogen chloride gas to form ammonium chloride. © i cotton wool soaked in cotton wool soaked in concentrated ammonia solution concentrated hydrochloric acid ‘The reaction between the gases can be represented by this equation. solutic Concentrated ammonia solution gives off ammonia gas. gas gi | Concentrated hydrochloric acid gives off hydrogen chloride gas. final c NH,(@) + HICKg) > NH,Clts) The diagram below shows the apparatus after a few minutes, white solid i (2) Which process occurs when the gas particles move along the tube? condensation crystallisation diffusion ooaaa on wo > evaporation (b) Explain how the diagram shows which gas moves more quickly during the ‘experiment. a 4 (©) The teacher tests a sample of ammonium chloride solution. ()) She uses this method to show that the sample contains ammonium ons, ‘© add solution X © warm the mixture cacid | | © test the gas given off with damp litmus paper Suggest the identity of solution X, the identity of the gas given off and the final colour of the litmus paper. solution X. eater i | 92s given off... ~~ final colour of litmus paper een c i) She uses this method to show that the sample contains chloride ions. ¢ ada dilute nitric ace i © add solution | © see ifa white precipitate forms Why does she add dilute nitric acid? (ii) Suggest the identities of solution Y and the white precipitate. (2) solution Yona _ white precipitate, ms eee | | | Jf | | 15 0 0 0 9 a —_— ‘Answer ALL questions, ( (b) So 1. This question is about the states of matter. | Th (@) The diagram shows the three states of matter for a substance. | | | solid liquid gas i i ' Each circle represents a molecule of the substance. h (Complete the diagram by drawing six citcles to represent molecules in the gas state. | | ee | o i oe i (i) Which statement Is correct about the movement or arrangement of the molecules i | ac | of this substance? tot mn | | ae s=—= | Cl A. Theymove randomly inthe solid state, | =— | CB Theymove randomlyin the liquid state, | =| E1 € Theyare arranged in fixed positions in the liquid state, ft ce 1 emaren ©) D Theyare arranged in fixed positions in the gas state, } | a joo (il) Which term is used for a solid changing to a liquid? | oo 1 =) 1A boiling isseeet (tana —— | 1B condensing { | aC freezing jm] BD matting i dye 4 0 las state, ecules | | | { i | a | | | | (b) Some cold water is poured into a conical flask and a bung inserted, The diagram shows the flask after a few minutes. air and water vapour liquid water (i) What is occurring in the flask? (A. bolling and condensing TB condensing and evaporating [OC evaporating and freezing [3D freezing and melting (i). Which formula represents a substance that is not present in the flask? DA Hog) GB How Be N@ OD No (Total for Question 1=5 marks) Turn over > — SUEVEN IIA UEt 2. Ateacher demonstrates, in a fume cupboard, two experiments to show the movement of particles. {@) In the first experiment she places some liquid bromine at the bottom of a gas jar. ‘She then places another gas jar containing air on top of it, as shown in the diagram, ‘The diagram shows the apparatus at the start, after a few minutes and at the end of the experiment. air Aiguid boring after a few minutes start Place crosses (Bg) in two boxes to show which statements are correct about this experiment. All the air particles in the upper gas jar stay there, Bromine and air react to form bromine oxide. aoa Bromine vapour diffuses upwards. goa A 8 € Bromine has a darker colour than alt. D E Liquid bromine sublimes during the experiment. F a The concentration of bromine in the lower gas jar does not change. ment (b) In the second experiment, she soaks two pieces of cotton wool in different liquids and places them at opposite ends of a glass tube, She immediately seals the tube : with bungs. jar gram, The diagram shows the apparatus at the start of the experiment. i cotton wool cotton woo! | ‘soaked in soaked in ammonia solution concentrated hydrochloric acid | A 8 ¢ | During the experiment a white ring appears in the tube. | (i) . State whether the white ring appears at A, 8 or C. 1 | m y feel | | (i) Explain your choice. \ 2) @) oe Seed = EEE } eee Tum over > _— on eee ee 9 This question is about bonding, structures and properties. (b) Magn {@) The box gives four types of structure. 1 Thed giant covalent giant ionic __giant metallic __simple molecular The table shows some properties of four substances, A, B, Cand D. You may use each structure once, more than once or not at all. | Complete the table by giving the correct type of structure for each substance, | it aan | es ECC HEE é | 1 aL poor | poor high \ 7 : | | = oe | 26 — EN (b) Magnesium chioride (MgCi,) is an ionic compound. ‘The diagram shows the electronic configurations of atoms of magnesium and chlorine, (Describe how magnesium atoms and chlorine atoms form magnesium ions and chloride ions. i) Draw a diagram to represent the electronic configurations of each of the ions in magnesium chloride. Show the charge on each ion. @) Turnover > —_— re (c) A molecule of carbon dioxide contains double covalent bonds. Complete the diagram, using dots and crosses, to show the arrangement of the outer electrons in a molecule of carbbon dioxide. ° Cc oO @ i (d) Indium is a metal in Group 3 of the Periodic Table. (i) Describe the structure and bonding in indium. cry = : ny nee

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