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NAME: Emilia Mogrovejo
DATE: 24/04/2020
GRADE: Freshmen

 Write an essay of 300 words about the following topic. “If I were
an entrepreneur”
An entrepreneur is a person who is creating their own business. An
entrepreneur can also be defined as a creative person, with ideas that
stand out from those of other people. Although being an entrepreneur can
be very difficult at first, there are some strategies that could help,
what are these? And what would it be like if I were an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur can be difficult therefore the most important part

to start your own business is to be constant as it takes time for people
to become familiar with the business. One of the most important
qualities of an entrepreneur is perseverance, it is important not to
give up right away, if a problem comes along the way you should face it
and try to solve it. Being an entrepreneur starts with taking risks from
the startup, those who don’t are less likely to be successful. It is
really important to be strategic and have an amount of money set aside
for emergencies.

If I were an entrepreneur, my business would probably be a cafeteria. I

will be very patient because a business can take months and even years
to grow. As an entrepreneur the first thing I would want to do is
start out small and as the business starts growing expand. The place
itself should de cozy and comfortable; it should be located on near a
concurred zone so that it is more visible for the people and the looks
of it must be attractive for the public. The employees should be agile
and charismatic, therefore the customers will come back. It should be a
place that people enjoy. Of course at first there will not be that much
employees but as the business begins to BOOM we will hire more people.

In conclusion, I think being an entrepreneur can be very hard but with

perseverance and constancy you can approach something. It is important
to understand that a business does not grow overnight and be patient.


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