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Mackensey Beale Journal 2

I have not done much so far, as I am still trying to get my zoom calls started. I did get accepted
into West Coast Kids, I got the email Nov 22nd since my interview was last week so that’s
exciting! This next steps with this is starting training as I do this for a week or so to learn their
own strategies before I start taking charge in my own one on one hangouts. As far as the IBD
child goes that I am also working to mentor. I had a meeting booked with them on Nov 14 th
which got rescheduled to Nov 16th which they then couldn’t do. This is a bit frustrating for me
as I come prepared every time and I really need to get a start on my project. I understand life is
very busy but I'm not sure when I will get to meet them. Throughout the rest of the week, I will
be filling out the online forms for WCK as well as reading the handbook and answering the
questions about that to start the training. As well as this I will be trying to find a date to meet
the IBD girl and start that as soon as possible. I am feeling a bit less stressed as I know things
are starting to get a move on at least with WCK. With this whole process I've really enjoyed
having the opportunity to meet so many valuable people for my project and the amount of
knowledge I have already gained.

See below for my evidence:

Here is my confirmation email of me being accepted into WCK and the links to fill out the
required forms to start. Along with this, I have been emailing back and forth about the next
steps after that. This includes the training and other booklets I need to read that I plan on
getting done over the weekend in order to start as soon as possible.

This is the confirmation to hopefully be able to meet the family and their daughter for the 3 rd
attempt. Once this meeting starts and it hopefully goes well I should be able to start the
hangouts with the daughter immediately. I am all prepared for these meetings as I have spent
lots of time preparing games and activities as well as countless amounts of research on how to
make children feel more comfortable.

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