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Important Trainer Parties:

Legal Insanity Versions

This document contains full team details for every important Trainer in the game. This
includes gym leaders, named Team Flare members, rivals*, the Elite Four, the Champion,
and AZ. Trainer teams are listed under headings in the order above, and in the order they
appear in the game. Details for any rematch teams in the Battle Chateau are not included, nor
are any of the post-game teams.
All Trainers are fought in single battles unless otherwise mentioned, and all Trainers except
the rivals and Team Flare will have appropriate healing items.
*Rivals will probably be added at a later date, I just can’t be bothered adding so many copies
of the same team with slight variations right now. Expect Weakness Policy Dragonite and
Mega Kangaskhan to make appearances on their teams at some point.
Gym Leaders
Leader Viola
Single Battle

Surskit Bubble Beam Dustox* Infestation

Level: 15 Infestation Level: 15 Toxic
Ability: Swift Swim Icy Wind Ability: Compound Eyes Venoshock
IVs: 31 Sticky Web IVs: 31 Protect
Item: Focus Sash Item: Binding Band
Dwebble Smack Down Larvesta Flame Charge
Level: 15 Fury Cutter Level: 15 Morning Sun
Ability: Sturdy Stealth Rock Ability: Flame Body Zen Headbutt
IVs: 31 Aerial Ace IVs: 25 Will-O-Wisp
Item: Expert Belt Item: Coba Berry
Joltik Electroweb Vivillon Struggle Bug
Level: 15 Struggle Bug Level: 17 Electroweb
Ability: Compound Eyes Giga Drain Ability: Compound Eyes Psybeam
IVs: 31 Cross Poison IVs: 31 Stun Spore
Item: Occa Berry Item: Berry Juice
Leader Grant
Double Battle

Lunatone Psychic Aerodactyl Rock Tomb

Level: 30 Earth Power Level: 30 Sky Attack
Ability: Levitate Ice Beam Ability: Rock Head Fire Blast
IVs: 31 Light Screen IVs: 31 Thunder Fang
Item: Light Clay Item: Power Herb
Solrock Reflect Relicanth Waterfall
Level: 30 Light Screen Level: 30 Zen Headbutt
Ability: Levitate Zen Headbutt Ability: Sturdy Rock Tomb
IVs: 31 Rock Slide IVs: 31 Icy Wind
Item: Light Clay Item: Salac Berry
Cradily Giga Drain Sudowoodo Rock Slide
Level: 30 Recover Level: 32 Wood Hammer
Ability: Storm Drain Earth Power Ability: Rock Head Sucker Punch
IVs: 31 Toxic IVs: 31 Ice Punch
Item: Sitrus Berry Item: Air Balloon
Leader Korrina
Single Battle

Breloom Force Palm Gallade Bulk Up

Level: 36 Spore Level: 36 Drain Punch
Ability: Technician Bullet Seed Ability: Justified Psycho Cut
IVs: 31 Rock Tomb IVs: 31 Ice Punch
Item: Focus Sash Item: Leftovers
Terrakion Rock Slide Lucario Ice Punch
Level: 36 Sacred Sword Level: 37 Vacuum Wave
Ability: Justified Poison Jab Ability: Steadfast Flash Cannon
IVs: 31 X-scissor IVs: 31 Dark Pulse
Item: Life Orb Item: Lucarionite
Pangoro Power-Up Punch Hawlucha Acrobatics
Level: 36 Gunk Shot Level: 37 Fire Punch
Ability: Iron Fist Knock Off Ability: Unburden Drain Punch
IVs: 31 Thunder Punch IVs: 31 Iron Head
Item: Assault Vest Item: Flying Gem
Leader Ramos
Rotation Battle

Ferrothorn Power Whip Ludicolo Rain Dance

Level: 43 Thunder Wave Level: 43 Giga Drain
Ability: Iron Barbs Iron Head Ability: Swift Swim Ice Beam
IVs: 31 Leech Seed IVs: 31 Hydro Pump
Item: Rocky Helmet Item: Focus Sash
Venusaur Sleep Powder Torterra Stone Edge
Level: 43 Giga Drain Level: 43 Earthquake
Ability: Chlorophyll Sludge Bomb Ability: Overgrow Wood Hammer
IVs: 31 Earthquake IVs: 31 Synthesis
Item: Venusaurite Item: Coba Berry
Serperior Substitute Shaymin (Sky Forme) Air Slash
Level: 43 Synthesis Level: 45 Seed Flare
Ability: Contrary Leaf Storm Ability: Serene Grace Earth Power
IVs: 31 Dragon Pulse IVs: 31 Zen Headbutt
Item: Leftovers Item: Yache Berry
Leader Clemont
Triple Battle

Lanturn Discharge Thundurus-Therian Discharge

Level: 47 Ice beam Level: 47 Focus Blast
Ability: Volt Absorb Hydro Pump Ability: Volt Absorb Grass Knot
IVs: 31 Soak IVs: 31 Sludge Bomb
Item: Rindo Berry Item: Assault Vest
Raichu Discharge Stunfisk Discharge
Level: 47 Focus Blast Level: 47 Earth Power
Ability: Lightning Rod Grass Knot Ability: Static Scald
IVs: 31 Quick Attack IVs: 31 Protect
Item: Shuca Berry Item: Sitrus Berry
Electivire Discharge Ampharos Discharge
Level: 47 Cross Chop Level: 49 Dragon Pulse
Ability: Motor Drive Ice Punch Ability: Static Focus Blast
IVs: 31 Electric Terrain IVs: 31 Electric Terrain
Item: Life Orb Item: Ampharosite
Leader Valerie
Single Battle

Klefki Swagger Azumarill Waterfall

Level: 52 Foul Play Level: 52 Aqua Jet
Ability: Prankster Spikes Ability: Huge Power Play Rough
IVs: 31 Dazzling Gleam IVs: 31 Bulldoze
Item: Red Card Item: Assault Vest
Granbull Protect Diancie Diamond Storm
Level: 52 Play Rough Level: 52 Moonblast
Ability: Quick Feet Close Combat Ability: Clear Body Earth Power
IVs: 31 Earthquake IVs: 31 Trick Room
Item: Toxic Orb Item: Life Orb
Sylveon Hyper Voice Mawile Iron Head
Level: 53 Psyshock Level: 54 Play Rough
Ability: Pixilate Yawn Ability: Intimidate Sucker Punch
IVs: 31 Calm Mind IVs: 31 Fire Fang
Item: Leftovers Item: Mawilite
Leader Olympia
Rotation Battle

Jirachi Iron Head Latias Psyshock

Level: 65 Water Pulse Level: 65 Dragon Pulse
Ability: Serene Grace Thunder Wave Ability: Levitate Calm Mind
IVs: 31 Stealth Rock IVs: 31 Recover
Item: Red Card Item: Soul Dew
Sigilyph Stored Power Metagross Meteor Mash
Level: 65 Cosmic Power Level: 65 Earthquake
Ability: Magic Guard Psycho Shift Ability: Clear Body Ice Punch
IVs: 31 Roost IVs: 31 Rock Polish
Item: Flame Orb Item: Air Balloon
Deoxys (Attack Forme) Psycho Boost Medicham Drain Punch
Level: 65 Superpower Level: 67 Zen Headbutt
Ability: Pressure Fire Punch Ability: Pure Power Ice Punch
IVs: 31 Knock Off IVs: 31 Poison Jab
Item: Focus Sash Item: Medichamite
Leader Wulfric
Triple Battle

Aurorus Blizzard Kyurem-White Fusion Flare

Level: 77 Earth Power Level: 77 Blizzard
Ability: Snow Warning Hail Ability: Turboblaze Earth Power
IVs: 31 Protect IVs: 31 Dragon Pulse
Item: Icy Rock Item: Life Orb
Jynx Lovely Kiss Rotom-Fridge Blizzard
Level: 77 Psychic Level: 77 Thunderbolt
Ability: Dry Skin Blizzard Ability: Levitate Will-O-Wisp
IVs: 31 Energy Ball IVs: 31 Light Screen
Item: Life Orb Item: Icicle Plate
Froslass Blizzard Abomasnow Blizzard
Level: 77 Thunderbolt Level: 79 Giga Drain
Ability: Snow Cloak Shadow Ball Ability: Snow Warning Focus Blast
IVs: 31 Psychic IVs: 31 Ice Shard
Item: Bright Powder Item: Abomasite
Team Flare
Team Flare Aliana 1:
Power Plant

Metagross Light Screen Arcanine Fire Blast

Level: 45 Reflect Level: 45 Close Combat
Ability: Tough Claws Meteor Mash Ability: Flash Fire Extreme Speed
IVs: 31 Earthquake IVs: 31 Wild Charge
Item: Light Clay Item: Sitrus Berry
Druddigon Fire Punch Heracross Arm Thrust
Level: 45 Dragon Claw Level: 46 Pin Missile
Ability: Sheer Force Superpower Ability: Moxie Rock Blast
IVs: 31 Iron Head IVs: 31 Bullet Seed
Item: Life Orb Item: Heracronite
Archeops Acrobatics Volcanion Steam Eruption
Level: 45 Stone Edge Level: 45 Will-O-Wisp
Ability: Defeatist U-turn Ability: Water Absorb Fire Blast
IVs: 31 Earthquake IVs: 31 Earthquake
Item: Flying Gem Item: Air Balloon
Team Flare Bryony 1:
Poké Ball Factory

Darkrai Dark Void Haxorus Dragon Claw

Level: 51 Dark Pulse Level: 51 Low Kick
Ability: Bad Dreams Sludge Bomb Ability: Mold Breaker Rock Slide
IVs: 31 Protect IVs: 31 Poison Jab
Item: Focus Sash Item: Life Orb
Bisharp Sucker Punch Luxray Super Fang
Level: 51 Iron Head Level: 51 Thunder Wave
Ability: Defiant Low Kick Ability: Intimidate Wild Charge
IVs: 31 Protect IVs: 31 Ice Fang
Item: Air Balloon Item: Shuca Berry
Chandelure Shadow Ball Pinsir Quick Attack
Level: 51 Heat Wave Level: 53 Double-Edge
Ability: Flash Fire Protect Ability: Moxie Close Combat
IVs: 31 Energy Ball IVs: 31 Rock Slide
Item: Sitrus Berry Item: Pinsirite

This is a 12 v 12 multi battle with Celosia and Serena/Calem.

Team Flare Celosia 1:
Poké Ball Factory

Doublade Wide Guard Magmortar Heat Wave

Level: 51 Sacred Sword Level: 51 Thunderbolt
Ability: No Guard Shadow Claw Ability: Vital Spirit Psychic
IVs: 31 Gyro Ball IVs: 31 Will-O-Wisp
Item: Eviolite Item: Air Balloon
Drapion Aqua Tail Toxicroak Fake Out
Level: 51 Night Slash Level: 51 Quick Guard
Ability: Sniper Cross Poison Ability: Poison Touch Gunk Shot
IVs: 31 Rock Slide IVs: 31 Drain Punch
Item: Scope Lens Item: Life Orb
Hydreigon Dark Pulse Manectric Thunderbolt
Level: 51 Flamethrower Level: 53 Flamethrower
Ability: Levitate Dragon Pulse Ability: Lightning Rod Ice Fang
IVs: 31 Flash Cannon IVs: 31 Light Screen
Item: Roseli Berry Item: Manectite

This is a 12 v 12 multi battle with Bryony and Serena/Calem.

Team Flare Mable 1:
Frost Cavern

Weavile Icicle Crash Infernape Close Combat

Level: 60 Night Slash Level: 60 Fire Blast
Ability: Pickpocket Low Kick Ability: Blaze Grass Knot
IVs: 31 Counter IVs: 31 Stone Edge
Item: Focus Sash Item: Life Orb
Electivire Wild Charge Dugtrio* Sunny Day
Level: 60 Earthquake Level: 60 Memento
Ability: Motor Drive Ice Punch Ability: Arena Trap
IVs: 31 Flamethrower IVs: 31
Item: Expert Belt Item: Heat Rock
Mandibuzz Brave Bird Houndoom Flamethrower
Level: 60 Foul Play Level: 62 Dark Pulse
Ability: Overcoat Roost Ability: Flash Fire Nasty Plot
IVs: 31 Toxic IVs: 31 Sludge Bomb
Item: Leftovers Item: Houndoominite

*Dugtrio only has two moves here for A.I. abuse purposes. They’ll always send out a
Pokémon holding a mega stone last, unless it’s forced out. Other party Pokémon are sent out
if they have a move that is super effective against whatever the opponent has on the field, and
are sent out in order otherwise. Because Dugtrio has no damaging moves, it will almost
always be sent out immediately before the Houndoom, allowing it to set up Sunny Day and
faint itself (unless you KO it first).
Team Flare Lysandre 1:
Lysandre Labs

Mienshao Swords Dance Heatran Magma Storm

Level: 63 High Jump Kick Level: 64 Flash Cannon
Ability: Regenerator Poison Jab Ability: Flash Fire Earth Power
IVs: 31 Baton Pass IVs: 31 Roar
Item: Focus Sash Item: Air Balloon
Honchkrow Sucker Punch Volcarona Fire Blast
Level: 63 Brave Bird Level: 63 Bug Buzz
Ability: Moxie Roost Ability: Flame Body Quiver Dance
IVs: 31 Substitute IVs: 31 Giga Drain
Item: Leftovers Item: Charti Berry
Garchomp Earthquake Gyarados Aqua Tail
Level: 67 Stone Edge Level: 65 Earthquake
Ability: Rough Skin Fire Blast Ability: Intimidate Iron Head
IVs: 31 Dragon Tail IVs: 31 Crunch
Item: Rocky Helmet Item: Wacan Berry
Team Flare Aliana 2:
Lysandre Labs

Metagross Light Screen Archeops Acrobatics

Level: 64 Reflect Level: 64 Head Smash
Ability: Clear Body Meteor Mash Ability: Defeatist Earth Power
IVs: 31 Hammer Arm IVs: 31 Roost
Item: Light Clay Item: Flying Gem
Druddigon Fire Punch Heracross Arm Thrust
Level: 64 Outrage Level: 66 Pin Missile
Ability: Sheer Force Gunk Shot Ability: Moxie Rock Blast
IVs: 31 Rock Slide IVs: 31 Bullet Seed
Item: Life Orb Item: Heracronite
Golurk Earthquake Volcanion Steam Eruption
Level: 64 Shadow Punch Level: 64 Sludge Bomb
Ability: Iron Fist Ice Punch Ability: Water Absorb Fire Blast
IVs: 31 Drain Punch IVs: 31 Earth Power
Item: Assault Vest Item: Air Balloon
Team Flare Bryony 2:
Lysandre Labs

Darkrai Nasty Plot Haxorus Dragon Dance

Level: 63 Dark Pulse Level: 63 Earthquake
Ability: Bad Dreams Sludge Bomb Ability: Mold Breaker Iron Tail
IVs: 31 Dark Void IVs: 31 Outrage
Item: Leftovers Item: Life Orb
Bisharp Knock Off Raikou Thunder
Level: 63 Iron Head Level: 63 Aura Sphere
Ability: Defiant Low Kick Ability: Volt Absorb* Weather Ball
IVs: 31 Stone Edge IVs: 31 Rain Dance
Item: Choice Scarf Item: Life Orb
Chandelure Fire Blast Pinsir Earthquake
Level: 63 Shadow Ball Level: 65 Quick Attack
Ability: Flash Fire Energy Ball Ability: Moxie Double-Edge
IVs: 31 Endure IVs: 31 Stone Edge
Item: Salac Berry Item: Pinsirite

*This is technically illegal as the ability was never released, but it can still be encountered in
the Battle Maison, and was Raikou’s official hidden ability before Sun and Moon.
Team Flare Celosia 2:
Lysandre Labs

Aegislash Shadow Sneak Magmortar Fire Blast

Level: 63 Shadow Ball Level: 63 Thunderbolt
Ability: Stance Change Flash Cannon Ability: Vital Spirit Psychic
IVs: 31 King’s Shield IVs: 31 Focus Blast
Item: Weakness Policy Item: Air Balloon
Drapion Aqua Tail Toxicroak Sucker Punch
Level: 63 Night Slash Level: 63 Ice Punch
Ability: Sniper Cross Poison Ability: Poison Touch Gunk Shot
IVs: 31 Swords Dance IVs: 31 Cross Chop
Item: Scope Lens Item: Wide Lens
Hydreigon Superpower Manectric Thunderbolt
Level: 63 Fire Blast Level: 65 Flamethrower
Ability: Levitate Surf Ability: Lightning Rod Signal Beam
IVs: 31 Dragon Pulse IVs: 31 Charge Beam
Item: Life Orb Item: Manectite
Team Flare Mable 2:
Lysandre Labs

Infernape U-turn Weavile Counter

Level: 64 Overheat Level: 64 Knock Off
Ability: Iron Fist Close Combat Ability: Pressure Icicle Crash
IVs: 31 Stealth Rock IVs: 31 Poison Jab
Item: Focus Sash Item: Life Orb
Electivire Wild Charge Dugtrio* Sunny Day
Level: 64 Flamethrower Level: 65 Memento
Ability: Motor Drive Ice Punch Ability: Arena Trap
IVs: 31 Earthquake IVs: 31
Item: Expert Belt Item: Heat Rock
Carracosta Stone Edge Houndoom Dark Pulse
Level: 64 Waterfall Level: 66 Sludge Bomb
Ability: Sturdy Ice Beam Ability: Flash Fire Fire Blast
IVs: 31 Shell Smash IVs: 31 Will-O-Wisp
Item: White Herb Item: Houndoominite
Team Flare Xerosic:
Lysandre Labs

Crobat Brave Bird Gengar Shadow Ball

Level: 65 U-turn Level: 65 Sludge Wave
Ability: Infiltrator Heat Wave Ability: Levitate Hypnosis
IVs: 31 Cross Poison IVs: 31 Focus Blast
Item: Life Orb Item: Black Sludge
Genesect U-turn Malamar Superpower
Level: 65 Flamethrower Level: 65 Psycho Cut
Ability: Download Ice Beam Ability: Contrary Knock Off
IVs: 31 Thunderbolt IVs: 31 Trick Room
Item: Assault Vest Item: Leftovers
Darmanitan Flare Blitz Scizor Bullet Punch
Level: 65 Earthquake Level: 67 Bug Bite
Ability: Sheer Force Rock Slide Ability: Technician Swords Dance
IVs: 31 U-turn IVs: 31 Roost
Item: Choice Scarf Item: Scizorite
Team Flare Lysandre 2:
Team Flare HQ

Mienshao U-Turn Heatran Magma Storm

Level: 65 High Jump Kick Level: 65 Sunny Day
Ability: Reckless Stone Edge Ability: Flash Fire Solar Beam
IVs: 31 Knock Off IVs: 31 Earth Power
Item: Focus Sash Item: Shuca Berry
Honchkrow Sucker Punch Volcarona Flamethrower
Level: 65 Brave Bird Level: 65 Bug Buzz
Ability: Moxie Roost Ability: Flame Body Quiver Dance
IVs: 31 Superpower IVs: 31 Hurricane
Item: Life Orb Item: Weakness Policy
Garchomp Earthquake Gyarados Aqua Tail
Level: 65 Poison Jab Level: 67 Earthquake
Ability: Rough Skin Fire Blast Ability: Intimidate Iron Head
IVs: 31 Dragon Rush IVs: 31 Crunch
Item: Yache Berry Item: Wacan Berry
Team Flare Boss Lysandre:
Team Flare HQ

Eternal X:
Yveltal Oblivion Wing
Level: 67 Sucker Punch
Ability: Dark Aura Dark Pulse
IVs: 31 Roost
Item: Life Orb

Wilting Y:
Xerneas Geomancy
Level: 67 Moonblast
Ability: Fairy Aura Thunderbolt
IVs: 31 Focus Blast
Item: Power Herb

See above for Heatran Magma Storm

Yveltal (Eternal X) details. Level: 68 Flash Cannon
or Ability: Flash Fire Earth Power
Xerneas (Wilting Y) IVs: 31 Stone Edge
Item: Air Balloon
Mienshao High Jump Kick Volcarona Fiery Dance
Level: 67 Stone Edge Level: 67 Bug Buzz
Ability: Reckless Knock Off Ability: Flame Body Quiver Dance
IVs: 31 Poison Jab IVs: 31 Psychic
Item: Focus Sash Item: Leftovers
Garchomp Earthquake Gyarados Waterfall
Level: 67 Stone Edge Level: 68 Earthquake
Ability: Rough Skin Fire Blast Ability: Intimidate Crunch
IVs: 31 Outrage IVs: 31 Dragon Dance
Item: Rocky Helmet Item: Gyaradosite

To clarify, Lysandre will lead with the cover Legendary from the opposite version. The rest
of his team is identical in both versions.
The Pokémon League
Elite Four Malva
Double Battle

Ninetales Heat Wave Ho-Oh Brave Bird

Level: 82 Solar Beam Level: 82 Sacred Fire
Ability: Drought Will-O-Wisp Ability: Pressure Thunderbolt
IVs: 31 Disable IVs: 31 Roost
Item: Heat Rock Item: Charti Berry
Reshiram Blue Flare Heatran Heat Wave
Level: 82 Draco Meteor Level: 82 Rock Slide
Ability: Turboblaze Earth Power Ability: Flash Fire Dragon Pulse
IVs: 31 Heat Wave IVs: 31 Earth Power
Item: White Herb Item: Life Orb
Chandelure Heat Wave Charizard Heat Wave
Level: 80 Shadow Ball Level: 84 Solar Beam
Ability: Flame Body Solar Beam Ability: Blaze Air Slash
IVs: 31 Protect IVs: 31 Dragon Pulse
Item: Air Balloon Item: Charizardite Y
Elite Four Siebold
Triple Battle

Kingdra Surf Palkia Spacial Rend

Level: 82 Ice Beam Level: 82 Thunder
Ability: Swift Swim Dragon Pulse Ability: Telepathy Surf
IVs: 31 Flash Cannon IVs: 31 Aura Sphere
Item: Life Orb Item: Lustrous Orb
Kyogre Muddy Water Gastrodon Surf
Level: 82 Ice Beam Level: 82 Ice Beam
Ability: Drizzle Thunder Ability: Storm Drain Earth Power
IVs: 31 Rain Dance IVs: 31 Protect
Item: Absorb Bulb Item: Rindo Berry
Ludicolo Surf Blastoise Dark Pulse
Level: 82 Energy Ball Level: 84 Aura Sphere
Ability: Swift Swim Focus Blast Ability: Rain Dish Dragon Pulse
IVs: 31 Rain Dance IVs: 31 Surf
Item: Damp Rock Item: Blastoisinite
Elite Four Drasna
Single Battle

Hydreigon Dragon Pulse Noivern Hurricane

Level: 82 Dark Pulse Level: 84 Dragon Pulse
Ability: Levitate Fire Blast Ability: Infiltrator Flamethrower
IVs: 31 U-turn IVs: 31 Focus Blast
Item: Choice Scarf Item: Life Orb
Rayquaza Outrage Giratina Shadow Force
Level: 82 Earthquake Level: 82 Draco Meteor
Ability: Air Lock Dragon Dance Ability: Levitate Earthquake
IVs: 31 V-create IVs: 31 Will-O-Wisp
Item: Roseli Berry Item: Griseous Orb
Latios Calm Mind Charizard Dragon Dance
Level: 82 Roost Level: 84 Dragon Claw
Ability: Levitate Draco Meteor Ability: Blaze Fire Punch
IVs: 31 Psyshock IVs: 31 Brick Break
Item: Soul Dew Item: Charizardite X
Elite Four Wikstrom
Rotation Battle

Klefki Dazzling Gleam Aegislash King’s Shield

Level: 82 Foul Play Level: 84 Sacred Sword
Ability: Prankster Swagger Ability: Stance Change Shadow Ball
IVs: 31 Thunder Wave IVs: 31 Flash Cannon
Item: Air Balloon Item: Weakness Policy
Empoleon Agility Dialga Dragon Pulse
Level: 82 Surf Level: 82 Flash Cannon
Ability: Torrent Ice Beam Ability: Pressure Fire Blast
IVs: 31 Grass Knot IVs: 31 Earth Power
Item: Petaya Berry Item: Life Orb
Ferrothorn Power Whip Aggron Earthquake
Level: 82 Bulldoze Level: 82 Thunder Punch
Ability: Iron Barbs Leech Seed Ability: Sturdy Ice Punch
IVs: 31 Protect IVs: 31 Heavy Slam
Item: Rocky Helmet Item: Aggronite
Champion Diantha

Eternal X:
Mewtwo Psystrike
Level: 90 Aura Sphere
Ability: Pressure Ice Beam
IVs: 31 Fire Blast
Item: Mewtwonite Y

Wilting Y:
Mewtwo Zen Headbutt
Level: 90 Drain Punch
Ability: Pressure Ice Beam
IVs: 31 Fire Blast
Item: Mewtwonite X

Genesect Ice Beam Blaziken High Jump Kick

Level: 87 Flamethrower Level: 87 Blaze Kick
Ability: Download Iron Head Ability: Speed Boost Swords Dance
IVs: 31 U-turn IVs: 31 Protect
Item: Life Orb Item: Focus Sash
Lugia Extrasensory Zygarde Outrage
Level: 87 Ice Beam Level: 87 Dragon Dance
Ability: Multiscale Calm Mind Ability: Aura Break Thousand Arrows
IVs: 31 Roost IVs: 31 Extreme Speed
Item: Leftovers Item: Leftovers
Arceus Extreme Speed Mewtwo
Level: 87 Swords Dance Level: 90
Ability: Multitype Earthquake Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31 Recover IVs: 31
Item: Life Orb Item: Varies*

*Mewtwo’s held item and moveset differ depending on whether you’re playing Eternal X or
Wilting Y. See above for details.
Pokémon Trainer AZ

Bronzong Gyro Ball Sigilyph Air Slash

Level: 85 Grass Knot Level: 85 Heat Wave
Ability: Heatproof Earthquake Ability: Magic Guard Cosmic Power
IVs: 31 Trick Room IVs: 31 Roost
Item: Iron Ball Item: Leftovers
Torkoal Eruption Aerodactyl Aerial Ace
Level: 85 Stone Edge Level: 86 Return
Ability: Shell Armor Earthquake Ability: Pressure Stone Edge
IVs: 31 Shell Smash IVs: 31 Earthquake
Item: Life Orb Item: Aerodactylite
Golurk Dynamic Punch Floette Light of Ruin
Level: 85 Stone Edge Level: 88 Psychic
Ability: No Guard Earthquake Ability: Symbiosis Energy Ball
IVs: 31 Ice Punch IVs: 31 Synthesis
Item: Assault Vest Item: Sitrus Berry

Thanks to and for the Pokémon images used in this document.

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