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Ingles 2

Task 2 - Writing task

Lisbeth Lorena Giacometto Charris


Tutor: Daniel Moreno

Grupo: 90021_16


Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia

Escuela De Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas Y De Negocios

Enero de 20201
Development Of The Activity

 You must attach the 6 screenshots after being posted on the fórum
Five sentences
in present
1. If the
weather is
nice, she
walks to
2. I read if there is nothing on TV.
3. If I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach.
4. Mom helps me with my homework when he has time.
5. I stay with my friends near the harbor.

Ten sentences in future factual conditional.

1. If we have enough money, we will travel to Europe next year. (Si tenemos
suficiente dinero, viajaremos a Europa el siguiente verano)
2. If we don’t hurry, we will be late. (Si no nos apuramos, llegaremos tarde)
3. If I have time, I will go to the movies with you. (Si tengo tiempo, iré al cine
4. If she has enough money next year, she’ll buy a car. Si tiene suficiente dinero el
próximo año, se comprará un auto
5. If I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight, I will take a bottle of wine or some
6. If the weather is good, we’ll go to the beach. (iremos a la playa si hace un buen
7. If you finish your homework on time, you will go to the party. (Si terminas tu tarea
a tiempo, irás a la fiesta)
8. If you sleep early, you won't feel as tired. Si duerme temprano, no se sentirá tan
cansado. (Si vas a la cama más temprano, no te sentirás tan casado)
9. If you drive slowly, you will not have any accidents. (Si conduces despacio, no tendrás
ningún accidente.
10. When I have a day off from work, I am going to go to the beach

The chart with the 21 phrasal verbs and the text with seven phrasal verbs

Keep on need to Turn down

Call back Turn off Pick up
gave up Warm up Plug in
Get along Find out Broke up
look up to work get together
come back Came up

The text with 7 phrasal verbs.

One Saturday, Sarah woke up early. She had breakfast with her family, she had a quick
shower, and left home to work.
On her way to the office, a handsome man asked her if she knew where the closest bank
was. She told him where it was. The man asked her if she could go with him to the bank
and a cup of coffee afterwards. She said yes.
Sarah and the man had coffee. After that,get together they went to the cinema and then to a
disco. They danced for 3 hours. Sarah didn’t ask for the man’s name, she didn’t add him
on Facebook or Whatsapp. At midnight, the man said he have to go to the bathroom, but he
didn’t come back.
Sarah fell in love with the man; she wanted the man to come back. She waited for him for 5
years, but he didn’t come back. Sarah had lost all hope about love. She gave up to God
One day, Sarah was waiting in line in the bank when a man came up to her and asked her
what time it was. His voice sounded familiar, it was the same man; his name was Joseph.
Since then love turn on their hearts…

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