wk9 Lectrure9 20nov2018

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Summary of Vibration Isolation Transmissibility Formulas

Force Transmissibility Displacement Transmissibility

f  F0 sin t
x  X sin( t   )
x  X sin( t   )

y  Y sin t

Vibration source mounted on Vibration source modelled as base motion

Here y =Ysin(wt) is the disturbance and
Here f =F0sin(wt) is the harmonic
excitation and X 1  ( 2 r ) 2
  T .R.
FT 1  ( 2 r ) 2 Y (1  r )  ( 2 r )
2 2 2
T .R.   defines the displacement transmissibility.
F0 (1  r )  ( 2 r )
2 2 2

Z r2
defines the force transmissibility for 
isolating the source of vibration. Y (1  r 2 ) 2  ( 2 r ) 2
defines the ratio between the relative
displacement and the displacement of the base.
Unit 2 Review Questions
1. Using the notation:

r = frequency ratio (= ) wn = natural frequency
 n
w = forcing frequency z = damping ratio

matching the items in the two columns below:

Displacement transmissibility
(1  r 2 ) 2  ( 2 r ) 2

1  ( 2 r ) 2 Magnification factor of an undamped system

(1  r 2 ) 2  ( 2  r ) 2
1 Damped natural frequency
1  r2
Magnification factor of a damped system
n 1   2
Unit 2 Review Questions
2. Match the following equations of motion:

 
m x  c x  kx  F0 sin  t Mass-spring System subject to force input

  
m z  c z  kz   m y Mass-spring-damper System ith rotating unbalance

 
m x  c x  kx  mu e 2 sin t Mass-spring-damper System subject to force input

m x  kx  F0 sin t Mass-spring-damper System subject to base excitation
Unit 2-- Forced Vibration of Mechanical Systems

Unit 2, Lecture 4
Application -- Vehicle Suspension
bounce, pitch, roll

4 heel
Single wheel station
• in order to study the principles of suspension design, it is possible to
look at a simple model based on a single corner of the vehicle


• “model” means an idealised representation of reality - it allo s

mathematical calculations to be performed to investigate the links
bet een key suspension features (e.g. spring and damper settings),
and ride behaviour
? Quarter

• can vie the road input as effectively being made up of lots

of individual sine aves added together
displacement, m

Time, s

Vehicle Suspension
again t o important
1/4 Car Model aspects to the problem

Relative motion, Z

Y Absolute motion, X

passenger comfort  X
analysis of deflections of the suspension components  Z
calculating the "working space" needed by the suspension  Z
calculating acceleration levels experienced by components fixed to the
chassis  X
Vehicle Suspension 1/4 Car Model
Example 10 x
You are asked to drive a vehicle over a test
track at a velocity of 100 kph. The surface
is approximately sinusoidal ith a peak to
peak amplitude value of 100 mm and a y
0.1 m
distance bet een peaks of 6m. Values for 6m
the 1/4 car model are m=300 kg, k=100
kN/m and  = 0.2

a) What is the amplitude of vibration you ill experience ?

b) What is the amplitude of deflection of the spring and damper ?
c) What is the effect of driving faster or slo er on parts a & b ?
d) What is the effect on parts a & b of reducing the stiffness of the spring but keeping 
the same ?
e) What is the effect on parts a & b of changing  ?
Vehicle Suspension
Z r2 X 1  ( 2 r ) 2
 
Y (1  r )  ( 2 r )
2 2 2 Y (1  r 2 ) 2  ( 2 r ) 2
Example10 – full solution

Vehicle Suspension
Example 10
a & b) Frequency of input = 29.1 rad/s
Natural Frequency of Vehicle = 18.26 rad/s
Frequency ratio = 1.59  vibration isolation
X/Y = 0.716 X= 35.8 mm
Z/Y = 1.53 Z= 76.5 mm
Vehicle Suspension
Example 11 c) ( Note r =1.59 )
Effect on X of driving faster Effect on Z of driving faster
X is reduced Z is reduced
Effect on X of driving slower Effect on Z of driving slower
Initial increase in X Initial increase in Z
followed by decrease in X followed by decrease in Z
Vehicle Suspension
Example 11 d) ( Note r =1.59 )
Effect on X of reducing k Effect on Z of reducing k
Reducing k reduces n hence increases r this means it has exactly
the same effect as driving faster i.e.
X and Z are reduced
Vehicle Suspension
Example 11 e) ( Note r =1.59 )
Effect on X of reducing  Effect on Z of reducing 
X is reduced Z is increased
Effect on X of increasing  Effect on Z of increasing 
X is increased Z is reduced
Example11 – full solution

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