21ST 11 - Week 2

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Teaching Dates: Quarter 1 Week 2 August 31-September 4, 2020

I. Learning Competencies:
MELC Q1 – 1: Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine
literary history from precolonial to the contemporary

Achieve it! Specific Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. define literature and differentiate Literature from literature;
2. explain the standards of literature;
3. identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of
the Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to
contemporary, and;
4. note significant points from the reading material/passage.

II. Content:

TOPICS/SUBTOPICS/ Descriptions References

a. Literature and Literature refers to highly Uychoco, M. (2016). 21
literature acclaimed classical works Century Literature from the
that are considered Philippines and the
exemplary because they World. Rex Bookstore:
provide knowledge and Quezon City.
understanding of the world Sanchez, L. (2016). 21
and man. Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World.
literature is anything that
Vibal: Quezon City.
is written such as novels,
poems, plays, articles with
Pamintuan, F. & Caballa R.
popular appeal
World Literature.St. Andrew
Publishing House: Plaridel,

B. Literary Standards 1. Universality – appeals to Sialongo, E., Cunanan, J.,

(to be fully presented in everyone regardless of Balinas, E., Nakpil, C., Colle,
the discussion part) culture, race, sex, and time A., Infante, D., Daenos, R.A.,
which are all considered Pagala D., Dingal, R.(2007).
Literatures of the World. Rex
2. Artistry – has aesthetic
appeal and thus possesses a
Book Store Inc.: Manila
sense of beauty
3. Intellectual value –
stimulates critical thinking that
enriches mental processes of
abstract reasoning, making
man realize the fundamental
truths of life and its nature
4. Suggestiveness – appeals
to our emotions.
5. Spiritual value – appeals
to our sense of morality by
making us undergo self-
realization that makes us
better persons.
6. Permanence – it stands the
test of time.
7. Style – it manifests the
artist’s ingenuity and

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C. Geographic, linguistic 1. Pre-colonial Period or Divina B., Aquisanay-Lazaro,
and ethnic dimensions of Pre Spanish Period- (BC to B., Baretto, M.D., Tatoy, W.
Philippine literary history 1564) 21st Century Literature from
(to be fully presented in 2. Spanish Period- (1565 – the Philippines and the World
the discussion part) 1863)
3. American Period-(1910-
4. Japanese Period-
5. Martial Law Period
6. Post martial Law
7. Contemporary Period-
8. 21st Century Literature-

III. Procedure:

A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

Activate it!

Directions: Write the letter of your answer. Suggested Questions for Discussion:

1. Which among the following books were you 1. What impression did the book leave you
able to read? when you read it?
a. The Fault in Our Star
b. The Space Between Us
c. The Alchemist
d. The Five People You Meet in Heaven

2. Which among the poems below have you 2. Did you enjoy studying the poem? Justify
encountered during your Junior High School your answer
a. Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa
b. Sa Aking Mga Kabata
c. Annabel Lee
d. Sonnet 29

3. Which of the movies below did you like the 3. What made you like the movie that you
most? chose in item no. 3?
a. Bird Box c. The Notebook
b. A Quiet Place d. A Walk to Remember

4. Which of the songs below do you find 4. Why do you think you made you
yourself singing every now and then? remember the song such that you constantly
a. Tala c. Pagtingin sing it?
b. Savage Love d. Perfect

5. Which of the stories below will you want to 5. Why would you like to retell the story you
retell if given a chance? chose in item no. 5?
a. Ang Kalupi c. Si Mabuti
b. Dead Stars d. Juan Tamad

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Dive into it!
Defining Literature

Literature comes from the Latin word ―Litera‖ which literally means an ―acquaintance with
letters‖. It is a body of work either written, oral or visual containing imaginative language that
realistically portrays thoughts, emotions and experiences of the human condition.

Literature transcends time and space. It encompasses all human life. It mirrors life itself.
It gives us a glimpse of what we were in the past, what we are in the present and what we will
become, everything as reflected in the pages of literature.

What is literature? literature (little l)- Broadly, anything that is written such as novels, poems,
plays, articles. These are written works with popular appeal.

What is Literature? Literature (Big L)- These are classics that have been read over and over
again or have been acclaimed throughout the years. Moreover, these are the works that are
considered exemplary because they provide knowledge and understanding of the world and man.

Introducing Poetry and Prose

Poetry is the art of expressing various emotions by a poet using a language that
speaks more than what an ordinary language deliver. Commonly, it focuses on the aesthetic of
language and oftentimes uses rhythmical patterns and unexpected figurative comparisons.
Poetry is most remembered not only for what is said but also how it is delivered.
Prose is a man’s thoughts put into print. It is the written equivalent of spoken
language done in sentences and paragraphs.

Types of Prose
A. Fiction is both written and oral imaginative literature. It is the output of man’s rich
imagination. Works of these types may seem realistic or life-like but are away from
the truth. Mysteries, science fiction, romance, fantasy, chick lit, crime thrillers are all
examples of fiction genres.

B. Non- Fiction refers to literature based on fact but written in creative way. Examples of
non-fiction works are biography, memoir or autobiography, essays, and speeches.

Ingredients in Studying Literature

1. Content
2. Form
3. Point of View

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B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Directions: In the first column, write what you think you already know about Literature/literature
(K) and in the second column, list down what you want to know and in the third column, enumerate
what new learnings you have acquired. (To be done after the entire lesson is completed.)


Literature is about How is literature different from Literature

_______________________ Literature?____________________ is_________________ while
_________________ _____________________________ literature pertains to

I think literature is A particular example of literature is Materials to be considered as

____________________ ____________________________ literature are

Literature may be oral, _____ How do I classify folk songs? Folk Songs
& visual. ___________________________ are _____________________

Directions: Complete the concept map below by choosing from the idea box the words
associated with literary standards.

endures time
applies to all
spiritual value
reflects ideology and social class
mentally stimulating

Literary Standard

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1. Which among the words from the IDEA BOX did you associate with literary standard?
2. Literary standards make literature different from what is not literature, choose one of
the words you associated with the literary standard to justify this foregoing statement.

3. Which among these standards do you think is most important?

Why? _________________________________________________________________

Dive into it!

Literary Standards

1. Universality – appeals to everyone regardless of culture, race, sex, and time which are all
considered significant

2. Artistry – has aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of beauty

3. Intellectual value – stimulates critical thinking that enriches mental processes of abstract
reasoning, making man realize the fundamental truths of life and its nature

4. Suggestiveness – appeals to our emotions. It makes us sympathize and empathize with the
people involved in a literary piece

5. Spiritual value – appeals to our sense of morality by making us undergo self-realization that
makes us better persons. It subsumes the capacity to inspire, ordinary people who do things
extraordinarily well

6. Permanence – it stands the test of time. It can be read on several occasions with the feeling you
are reading it for the first time. Each reading provides new insights about the world we live in.

7. Style – it manifests the artist’s ingenuity and originality; he deviates from the usual
convention; showcases his talent beyond mediocrity.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

ACTIVITY #4 Directions: Read the sample text below.

The Story of Mariang Sinukuan

Once upon a time, they say that Mt. Arayat abounded in all kinds of fruit trees. Aside from
the fruit trees, it is said that animals of all kinds once roamed this mountain. The strange thing
about this fruit trees and animals is that the fruit trees bore exceptionally big fruits all the year
round and the animals were no other than Mariang Sinukuan. These fruit trees and animals,
Mariang who Sinukuan used to distribute to the poor. Needy families often woke up on the
morning to see at their doorsteps fruits and animals for their needs. They knew it was Mariang
Sinukuan who left these foods while they were sleeping. How grateful the people were to be
graced by the enchanted lady. And to show their gratitude and respect they never tried to go to
her hide-out in the mountain. The people considered her home as a sacred place.
But such was not always the case. There came a time when the people were no longer
satisfied with what the enchanted lady left at their doorsteps. They wanted to get more.
One day, some young men decided to go up Mt. Arayat. They wanted to get more of Mariang
Sinukuan’s fruits and animals. They started for the mountain early at dawn. They reached the
base of the mountain at sunrise. Guavas bigger than their fists dangled from the guava trees.
Pomegranate branches almost reached to the ground because of the many and big fruits they
bore. Ripe mangoes were just within one’s reach. Fowls of every kind were plentiful. Pigs, goats

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and other animals roamed around. The young men were still viewing this wonder of nature
when from nowhere came Mariang Sinukuan. They were dazzled by her brilliance. They
could not find any words to say to her. It was Mariang Sinukuan who first spoke to them.
‖ Welcome to my home, young men. Help yourself to the fruits. Eat as much as you can but
I’m warning you not to take anything home without my knowledge.‖ With this, the enchanted
lady departed.
After recovering from their amazement, the young men started to pick up fruits. They ate and
ate until they could not eat any more.
―Let us pick some more fruits. I want to fill this sack which I brought,‖ said
one. ―No, let’s not do that. Let’s go home now,‖ said another. ―I’m scared.‖
‖ Why be scared? Did we not come to get more fruits and animals?‖
‖ But the lady warned us not to take anything home without her knowledge.‖
―Oh, come on. She won’t know we took home fruits and animals. They’re so plentiful, she
won’t know the difference.‖
And so the young men started to fill their sacks with as many fruits and animals as they could get
hold of. Then they started for home. As they were about to begin their descent they felt their sacks
becoming heavier. They didn’t mind this, but they had not gone ten steps farther when they felt
that their load was pulling them down. Putting the sacks down, how surprised the young men were
to find that the fruits and animals had become big stones. They remembered Mariang Sinukuan’s
warning. The young men became terribly frightened. Leaving their sacks behind, they ran as fast
as their feet could carry them. But before they reached the base of the mountain, who did they see
blocking their way? It was Mariang Sinukuan who was very angry.
―You ungrateful wretches! I help you in times of need. But how do you repay me.You are not
satisfied with what I leave you at your doorsteps. And now you even try to steal my things!
Because of your greediness I’m going to turn you all into a swine.‖ With the wave of her wand,
Mariang Sinukuan changed the young men into swine.
This was not the last time that people tried to get hold of Mariang Sinukuan’s fruits and
animals. Again and again they tried to steal them. At last, fed up with the people’s greediness,
Mariang Sinukuan stopped leaving food at their doorsteps. She caused the fruit trees and
animals in the mountain to disappear. She no longer showed herself to the people for she
was disgusted with their greediness.

Do it!
D. Discussing New Concepts
Guide Questions

1. Who was the enchanted lady who gifted the natives of Arayat with fruits and animals?

2. Why did some young men decide to go up Mt. Arayat?


3. When did some young men decide to go up Mt. Arayat?


4. How did Mariang Sinukuan treat the men who went up Mt. Arayat?

5. Why did the men end up arguing?


6. How did Mariang Sinukuan punish the young men?


7. If you were Mariang Sinukuan, would you give them the same punishment?
Justify your answer.

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8. How familiar are you with the story of Mariang Sinukuan?


9. Have you witnessed the Kapampangan Sinukuan festival? Is the story given here
the same as the story narrated in the festival?


10. Did you find the story of Mariang Sinukuan interesting and relevant? Why?


11. Did the story of Mariang Sinukuan take place at a specific time? Point out part of
the story to justify your answer.


12. Old stories like Mariang Sinukuan do not have identified authors. Most of them fall under the
classification of oral literature, how were they transferred from one generation to the next?


13. Oral literature mostly includes stories that were narrated during the pre-colonial period,
how come the title Mariang Sinukuan contained the word Maria which is an influence
of the Spanish era?


Dive into it!

Philippine Literary Periods

I. Prehistoric Period
A. Oral literature - Oral literature is a broad term which may include ritual texts, curative
chants, epic poems, musical genres, folk tales, creation tales, songs, myths, spells,
legends, proverbs, riddles, tongue-twisters, word games, recitations, life histories or
historical narratives. Most simply, oral literature refers to any form of verbal art which is
transmitted orally or delivered by word of mouth.

B. Riddle (Bugtong o Palaisipan) - it is a question or a statement intentionally phrased so

as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.
It is typically presented as a
game. Example/s:
1. Isang prinsesa, punong puno ng
mata. Sagot: pinya
2. Hindi hayop, hindi tao, pumupulupot sa tiyan mo.
Sagot: sinturon
C. Myths - a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or
explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or
1. Sinukuan
2. Story of Creation

D. Folks songs - are one of the oldest forms of Phlippine literature that emerged in the Pre-
Spanish period. Folk songs mirror the culture of the early Filipinos. They express the
hopes and aspirations, the people’s lifestyles as well as their loves. These are repetitive
and sonorous, didactic and naive as the children’s songs.
1. Kundiman

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2. Ang oyayi o Hele
E. Epics - are long narrative poems where a series of heroic achievements or events,
usually by a hero, are dealt with.
1. Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang)
2. Indarapatra
F. Folk tales - are made up of stories about life, adventure, love, horror and humor
where one can derive lessons about life. These are useful to us because they help us
appreciate our environment, evaluate our personalities and improve our life’s perspectives.
1. The Monkey and The Turtle
2. A Crocodile’s Tale
G. Legends - are a form of prose and the common theme of which is about the origin of a
thing, location or name. The events are imaginary, devoid of truth and unbelievable. Old
Filipino customs are reflected in these legends and they aim to entertain.
1. Ang Alamat ng Pinya
2. Alamat ng Sampaguita

H. Sayings (Kasabihan) - A saying (kasabihan) is an often repeated and familiar

Example of usage in sentence:
1. That’s an old saying we have here in the Philippines.
2. Actions speak louder than words.
I. Proverb (Salawikain) - is an old and popular saying that illustrates something such as a
basic truth or
a practical precept.
―Slow and steady wins the race.‖
―Walang naninira sa bakal kundi sariling kalawang.‖
J. Fables - are short allegorical stories where the characters are non-human behaving like
humans. They are of moral lessons and commonly told to kids to put them asleep.
1. Si Langgam at Si Tipaklong
2. Si Kuneho at Si Pagong
II. Spanish Period
• burned many of the writings
• printed religious materials
• Doctrina Cristiana
• Pasyon
Sample Literary Work: Florante at Laura by Fransisco Balagtas
Urbana at Felisa
III. American Period
Filipinos began to write in English.
It is known as the most productive literary period.
IV. Japanese Period
Nippongo/Nihongo language was introduced
Haiku (5-7-5)
Tanka (5-7-5-7-7)
V. Martial Law Period
Only government publications were allowed to print
VI. Post Martial Law Period
Benefits on freedom of speech
Freedom to write any subject
National Artist award was introduced

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VII. Contemporary Period
Rise of literary groups
Patronage of locally produced works
21st Century Literature
(literary works written and published from 2001 onwards

E. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the Lesson

Literature consists of those writings which interpret the meanings of nature and
life in words of charm and power touched with the personality of the author, in artistic
form of permanent interest. (Henry van Dyke)
Literature Vs. literature:
Literature refers to highly acclaimed classical works that are considered
exemplary because they provide knowledge and understanding of the world and man.
literature is anything that is written such as novels, poems, plays, articles with
popular appeal.
Literary standards:

1. Artistry 4. Intellectual Value 7. Style

2. Universality 5. Spiritual Value
3. Permanence 6. Suggestiveness

Literary Periods/Dimensions of Philippine Literature

1. Pre-colonial Period or Pre Spanish Period

2. Spanish Period
3. American Period
4. Japanese Period
5. Martial Law Period
6. Post martial Law
7. Contemporary Period
8. 21st Century Literature
F. Evaluating Learning

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, indicate the letter of
your answer.
Column A
_____ 1. It includes symbolisms and implied messages. Column B
_____ 2. It has distinct qualities that a particular literature
A. Oral literature
possessed which separate it from other forms of writing.
_____ 3. Haiku and Tanka are conventional poems introduced B. Japanese Period
in this literary period.
C. Contemporary Period
_____ 4. Significant change is evident in this literary period
since Filipino writers utilized English language in writing. D. Pre-Colonial Period
_____ 5. It refers to the kind of literature which existed
E. National Artist
before the writing system was established.
_____ 6. Atin Cu Pung Singsing is an example of F. literary standards
Kapampangan folk song which was
G. Doctrina Christiana
produced in this literary period.
_____ 7. This literary period includes short stories, poems and H. American Period
novels written and published from 2001 onwards.
I. Literature
_____ 8. It is the first book published in native language
_____ 9. It pertains to the art of expressing different J. Poetry
emotions using figurative language. L. Noli Me Tangere
_____ 10. It contains significant human experience

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