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Q-1 Use the time-demand analysis method to show that the set of periodic tasks {(5, 1), (8, 2),
(14, 4)} is schedulable according to the rate-monotonic algorithm.

Q-2 Suppose that we want to make the first x units of each request in the task (8,2) non-
preemptable. What is the maximum value of x so that the system remains schedulable
according to the rate-monotonic algorithm?
Q-3 A system consists of three periodic tasks: (3, 1), (5, 2), and (8, 3). (a) What is the total
utilization? (b) Construct an earliest-deadline-first schedule of this system in the interval (0,
32). Label any missed deadlines. (c) Construct a rate-monotonic schedule for this system in
the interval (0, 32). Label any missed deadlines.

Q-4) A system contains the following periodic tasks: T1(p=8,e=1), T2(p=15,e=3), and
T3(p=20, e=4)and T4(p=22,e=6)
(a) Are the tasks schedulable according to the schedulability test of the Rate
Monotonic Algorithm (RMA).
(b) Using the Liu-Layland theorem (about the schedulability utilization of the rate
monotonic algorithm), is the above set of tasks schedulable?
(c) Find Maximum response time of each Task
(d) Draw the time demand functions of the tasks.
(e) Are the tasks schedulable? Why or why not?


Q-1 A system contains three periodic tasks. They are (2.5, 1), (4, 0.5), (5, 0.75), and
their total utilization is 0.475.The system also contains a periodic server (2, 0.5). The
server is scheduled with the periodic tasks rate-monotonically.

i. Suppose that the periodic server is a basic sporadic server.

What are the response time of the following two aperiodic
jobs: One arrives at 3 and has execution time 0.75, and one
arrives at 7.5 and has execution time 0.6.
ii. Suppose that the period server is a deferrable server. What are the response times
of the above two aperiodic job.

Q-2 A system contains three periodic tasks. They are (3, 1), (4, 0.5), (5, 0.5).

(a) The task system also contains a sporadic server whose period is 2. The sporadic
server is scheduled with the periodic tasks rate-monotonically. Find the maximum
utilization of the server if all deadlines of periodic tasks are surely met.
Q-3 Design the server S(Ps,Es) to schedule the aperiodic task A(r=8,e=1.5), for the system T
with following three periodic tasks which are scheduled rate monotonically, T1(p=3,e=0.5),
T2(20,5), T3(60,10). [Determine period Ps, and budget Es]

i.Suppose that the server in part (a) is a pure polling server. What are the response times of
the following two aperiodic jobs: One arrives at 2.3 and has execution time 0.8, and one
arrives at 12.7 and has execution time 0.6?

ii.Suppose that the server in part (a) is a basic sporadic server. What are the response times of
the above two aperiodic jobs?

Q-4 Consider a system containing the following periodic tasks: T1 = (10, 2), T2 = (14, 3), and
T3 = (21, 4). A periodic server of period 8 is used to schedule aperiodic jobs.
(a) Suppose that the server and the tasks are scheduled rate-monotonically.
i. If the periodic server is a deferrable server, how large can its maximum execution budget
ii. If the periodic server is a sporadic server, how large can its maximum execution budget


Q-1 A system contains five jobs. There are three resources X, Y, and Z. The resource
requirements of the jobs are listed below.
J1: [X; 2]
J2: none
J3: [Y ;1]
J4: [X; 3 [Z; 1]]
J5: [Y ;4 [Z; 2]]
The priority Jiis higher than the priority of Jjfor i <j . What are the maximum blocking
times of the jobs under the nonpreemptable critical-section protocol and under the priority-
ceiling protocol?
Q-2 Differences between the Priority-Inheritance and Priority-Ceiling Protocols.
It is a critical resource sharing protocol It is a critical resource sharing protocol
used for sharing critical resources among which is an extension of PIP and HLP.
different tasks.
It overcomes the limitations of traditional It overcomes the limitations of PIP and
resource sharing techniques. HLP.
It requires minimum support from the While it requires maximum support from
operating system. the operating system.
It can not prevent the deadlock. Tasks While it prevents tasks from going into
using PIP may suffer chain blocking. deadlock.
It is the simplest protocol among all While it is complex and most efficient
resource sharing protocols. among all.
It can not minimize the inheritance- related While it is able to minimize the
inversions. inheritance- related inversions.
It is mostly used in small applications. While it is used in large applications.

Q-3 A fixed-priority system contains five tasks. There are two kinds of resources X and Y .
The resource X has 3 units and Y has 2 units. The resource requirements of the tasks are as

T1 : [X, 1; 3]
T2 : [Y, 1; 4]
T3 : [Y, 1; 4 [X, 3; 2]]
T4 : [X, 1; 4] [Y, 2; 2]]
T5 : [Y, 1; 3]

The priority of Ti is higher than the priority of Tk if i < k.

(a) Suppose that the system uses the stack-based priority-ceiling protocol. What are the
maximum blocking times of the jobs?
(b) Suppose that these periodic tasks have the following parameters: T1 = (40, 5, 20), T2 =
(30, 5, 25), T3 = (35, 5, 30), T4 = (60, 6, 40), and T5 = (55, 5, 50). Are these tasks
schedulable? Explain your answer.

Q-4 Prepare the schedule for the following set of jobs according to Priority Inheritance Protocol:
J1(r=7,e=3,[B at 8;1]) J2(r=5,e=3,[A at 6;1]) J3(r=4,e=2) J4(r=2,e=6,{B at 3;4 {A at 8;1.5]])
J5(r=0,e=6,[A at 1;4] [B at6.5;0.5]) (Assume J1 has highest and J5 has lowest priority.)
Q-5 A system contains the following four periodic tasks. The tasks are scheduled by the
algorithm and the priority-ceiling protocol.
T1 = (3, 0.75) b1 = 0.9
T2 = (3.5, 1.5) b2 = 0.75

T3 = (6, 0.6) b3 = 1.0

T4 = (10, 1)
bi is the blocking time of Ti . Are the tasks schedulable? Explain your answer.

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