Problem Solving 2

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Problem Solving #2


In this exercise, you will produce four graphs which are commonly seen in the lecture and laboratory
for second-semester general chemistry. Please produce four (appropriately labeled) graphs and
complete the following pages. Samples of the graphs appear on the last page for reference.

Graph I: Acid-Base Titration Curve

Use the following table of data to produce a scatter plot of pH versus volume (mL).

Volume, mL pH (no units) Volume, mL pH (no units)

0.00 9.56 19.51 4.77
0.36 9.42 19.75 4.47
2.47 7.35 20.03 3.98
5.01 6.88 20.25 3.64
9.87 6.41 20.51 3.31
14.97 5.92 21.08 3.02
18.21 5.36 21.97 2.71
19.09 5.09 25.05 2.34

The equivalence (stoichiometric) point is the point in the titration where the amount of added
titrant is equivalent to the amount of analyte. This point may be identified as the middle section
of the rapid change in pH – the steep section!

a. Identify the following from Graph I:

volume of acid added to reach the equivalence point

pH at the equivalence point

b. Assume that the diprotic acid (H2A) was 0.1325 M and that 25.00 mL of the base (BOH) was
titrated. Determine the concentration of the base.

___ BOH + ___ H2A → ___ H2O + ___ B2A

Show your work for the calculation of the concentration here:

Graph II: Beer-Lambert Plot

Use the following table of data to produce a scatter plot of absorbance versus concentration
(M). The data points will not be connected with a line but, rather, a best-fit (or trendline) will be
added to show the trend in the data – the equation for the trendline and the square of the
correlation coefficient (“R2”) should appear on the plot.

Concentration, M Absorbance (no units)

0.00 0.000
0.01 0.095
0.02 0.202
0.04 0.413
0.06 0.629
0.12 1.203
The best-fit line (trendline) on the Beer-Lambert plot provides a relationship between
concentration (x) and the absorbance (y) of light.

a. Identify the following from Graph II:

slope of the trendline

y-intercept of the trendline

b. Use the equation for the trendline to predict the molar concentration of a solution with a
measured absorbance of 0.872. Be sure to show your work.

Show your work for the calculation of the concentration here:

Graph III: First-Order Kinetics Plot

Use the following table of data to produce a scatter plot of the natural logarithm (Ln) of
pressure (mm Hg) versus time (sec). The data will first be manipulated; take the natural
logarithm of the pressure and then, as before, add a best-fit (or trendline) to the data – the
equation for the trendline and the square of the correlation coefficient (“R 2”) should appear on the

Time, s Pressure, mm Hg
0 284
100 220
150 193
200 170
250 150
300 132

The relationship between concentration and time in a reaction is provided by an integrated rate
law – in this case a first-order integrated rate law. The integrated rate law for this particular first-
order reaction can be written as…

Ln(Pressure, mm Hg)t = −kt + Ln(Pressure, mm Hg)0

… where the negative of the slope provides the rate constant (k) – a positive number – and the
inverse natural logarithm of the intercept provides the initial pressure.

Identify the following from Graph III:

rate constant (k)

initial pressure

Show your work for the calculation of the initial pressure here:
Graph IV: Arrhenius Plot

Use the following table of data to produce a scatter plot of the natural logarithm (Ln) of a rate
constant (1/sec) versus the inverse of temperature (1/K). The data will first be manipulated; take
the natural logarithm of the rate constant and the inverse of the temperature. Be sure to add a
best-fit (or trendline) to the data – the equation for the trendline and the square of the correlation
coefficient (“R2”) should appear on the plot.

Temperature, K Rate Constant, 1/s

700.0 0.0105
750.0 0.101
800.0 0.600
850.0 2.92

The slope of the Arrhenius plot provides the activation energy (Ea). Also known as the “barrier to
reaction”, the activation energy is a positive number. The relationship between the rate constant
of a reaction and temperature at which the reaction occurs is provide by the following…

Ea 1
Ln(k, 1/s) = − ( ) + Ln(A, 1/s)

… where the negative of the slope is equal to the ratio of activation energy to the universal gas
constant (R = 8.314 J/mol K).

Identify the following from Graph IV:

slope of the trendline

activation energy

Show your work for the calculation of the activation energy here:
Once complete… your graphs should be similar:

Acid-Base Titration Curve First-Order Kinetics Plot

Acid-Base Titration Curve First-Order Kinetics Plot

12.00 5.700

Ln(Pressure, mm Hg)
8.00 5.400
5.300 y = -0.0026x + 5.6481

5.200 R² = 1
4.00 5.100
2.00 4.900
0.00 4.800
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Volume, mL Time, s

Beer-Lambert Plot Arrhenius Plot

Beer-Lambert Plot Arrhenius Plot

1.400 2
1.200 1
1.000 0

Ln(k, 1/s)
0.800 -1
y = -22262x + 27.304
0.600 -2
R² = 0.9993
0.400 y = 10.089x + 0.0033 -3
0.200 R² = 0.9993 -4
0.000 -5
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.001 0.0011 0.0012 0.0013 0.0014 0.0015
Concentration, M 1/T, 1/K

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