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Martinez 1

 How do the ideas and information in your sources address your research question? What

answers do they give? What information do you find the most relevant useful and


The sources talk about how the Covid-19 vaccines affect the people and some of

the sources also talk about how the vaccine helps people healthy. Most of the sources talk

about how the vaccines have alt of risks and that people get sick or have problems with

their health because of the Covid-19 vaccines. The information that I find most relevant

useful, and persuasive are the ones that have examples or evidence of the research they

are doing on the article.

 How do they support your tentative thesis? Do they suggest reasons or ways that you

should expand qualify or otherwise revise it?

They support their thesis with evidence and example of the topic. For right now I don’t

see any suggestions on ways to expand nor revise it.

 What viewpoints in your sources do you most agree with? Disagree with? Why?

The viewpoints in my sources most agree are that the Covid-19 vaccines has a lot of side

effects, and they are not 100 percent effective. I disagree that Covid-19 vaccine helps

people on their health because a lot of people got hospitalize after getting the covid


 What conclusion can you draw from the ideas and information you’ve learned from your

sources? What discoveries have you made in studying these sources and what new ideas

have they led you to?

Martinez 2

The conclusion that I can draw is that the old people are the most affected by the vaccine

and most that get hospitalized. The discoveries I made in these sources are that females

would get heavy menstrual, and people were getting allergic reaction within few minutes

after getting the vaccinated. The new ideas have led me to go further to look more about

the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines and how well does it work from the virus.

 Has your research changed your own views on your topic? Do any of your sources raise

questions that you can pursue further?

Yes, three of the sources raise questions that I can pursue further because the first source

talks about how women’s get bad menstrual symptoms after getting vaccinated, the

second resource talks about the safety of the vaccine and the last talks about the risks of

the covid-19 vaccines. This would lead me to pursue further research about the covid-19

vaccines effectiveness and the percentage of effectiveness.

 Have you encountered any ideas that you would like to build on or challenge?

 From everything you’ve read. What is the significance of the topic you’re researching?

Who cares and why does it matter?

The importance of this research is to make sure that the vaccines are safe for people and

that they are really effective. Also, educate people about the side effects of covid-19

vaccines and help people make sure they do their research on covid vaccines first.

The people that want to get vaccinated are the ones that care about this research, and it

matters because this will help people to decide to get vaccinated or not.

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