Barcoo Independent 131109

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In trebles at the Blackall bowls club last Sunday, Col Pfingst, Gary Whitfield and Dally Holden handled

the slow conditions better than Lou Kelly, Tex Hayward and John Carter and after a fairly good game ran out winners 21-11. In social bowls, Loretta and Julie were a bit too good for Roland and Cookie winning 15-11. If anyone is available to travel to Barcaldine on November 22, please advise Don Daly or Dally Holden as 12 players are wanted to play in the Haig trophy. The trebles final will be held this week. C Pfingst, G Whitfield and D Holden will play M Pfingst, R Robinson and D Daly. In pairs J Bowyer and R Browning will go against L Kelly and T Hayward. Games will start at 9am.

Blackall trebles

ISSN 1832-6129 RRP $2.00

Blackalls own community newspaper

Around 100 people enjoyed lunch at the Blackall Memorial and Sports Club last week for the Melbourne Cup race holiday. First prize of the Clubs Melbourne Cup sweep went to D Seaby, second prize went to J Ross and third was taken by B Prow. The full draw details are available for viewing at the Club. All of the attending ladies put in time and effort to look their best for the race, with best hat/ fascinator going to Rebekah Richardson, best overall outfit awarded to Alisa Remeikis and best accessories won by Annette Kelly. The Club are grateful to all those who attended for making it such an enjoyable day. The Club will be holding their Christmas Party on Friday, Lionel Kennedy with his free Q150 stubbie-holder December 18.

Club hosts luncheon


Dally Holden The Raw Dance Company workshops were a popular feature of the Q150 Shed entertainment on the weekend


Blackall was one of the select towns given the opportunity to host the Q150 Shed in its second tour of Queensland, in celebration of the states 150 year history. The Shed, presented by the Bank of Queensland, held a two-night show in Blackall over the weekend with performances by local artists Damien and Dylan Dolinski and fifteen members of the Blackall Community Choir, as well as a popular workshop with the Raw Dance Company. The travelling entertainment venue, based on the iconic corrugated iron shearing shed on Isis Downs station, is being transported around Queensland aboard semi trailers and will now travel on to Augathella, A $300 000 expansion to Blackalls cattle selling facility was opened last week as a reduced yarding of 1085 head were sold and trucked in the background. Senator Claire Moore, who visited the district with her cattle buying father as a child, said the Regional Partnerships project begun by the Blackall Shire Council was something that was good for the whole community. The whole idea of this funding is to enhance the community and the increase in sales generated by this expansion has got to be good for all, she said. She said it had succeeded because of cooperation between levels of government, with $220 000 coming from the Howard government and $80 000 contributed by the Blackall Shire Council. State Member for Gregory, Vaughan Johnson congratulated the former Blackall Shire Council for having the vision to expand the yards and take advantage of new heavy vehicle fatigue management laws setting rest limits on transport operators. The people taking advantage of

Q150 Shed hits Blackall

Cherbourg, Warwick, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. One half of the so-dubbed Dolinski Brothers, younger brother Dylan is a year 10 student at Blackall State School and a self-taught drummer. Dylan said it was the first time he and his brother Damien had performed as a duet, and found it relatively easy in front of the crowd on the weekend. I would do it all over again, Dylan said. They performed a dozen songs over two nights, including some that they had composed themselves. Q150 Shed Artistic Director Lyndon Terracini conducted a workshop in Blackall in late October with those artists who were to perform at the

November 13 2009


Shed. Dylan said they received very positive feedback from Mr Terracini. It was special because we were the last performers he worked with in Queensland before moving to Sydney to take on his new position with Opera Australia. Blackall has been involved in other events celebrating 150 years of Queensland throughout the year including the renaming of the Barcoo River Bridge as Kargoolnah Bridge, the nomination of the Black Stump, Jack Howe and the 1891 shearers strike as influential Q150 icons, the Q150 photo day and the Top 150: Documenting Queensland exhibition at the Living Arts Centre.


Tenders, closing with the undersigned at 4.30pm on Friday, 4 December, 2009 are invited for the purchase of vehicles:4 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 2WD Mitsubishi Triton Utility 2WD Toyota Hilux Utility 4WD Toyota Hilux Dual Cab 4x4 Mitsubishi Triton Dual Cab 4x4 Toyota Prado Station Wagon Holden Statesman Sedan 2007 01/2006 07/2007 03/2006 01/2005 2005


Tenders, closing with the undersigned at 4.30pm on Friday, 4 December, 2009 are invited for the supply and delivery to Blackall of the following Vehicles:5 x 2WD 1 Tonne Utility 2 x 4WD Dual Cab Utility 3 x 4WD Station Wagon 3 x 4WD Tray Back Utility 2 x 2WD Four (4) Door Sedan 1 x 4WD Small Station wagon or 1 x 2WD Four (4) Door Sedan (Option) Tender documents are available from Mrs Donna Richardson at the Blackall Council Office. Further enquiries regarding the vehicle can be obtained from Fleet Manager, Mr Peter Dallas. Tenders should be endorsed Contract P1 2009-2010.
PO Box 21 BLACKALL Q 4472 Fax (07) 4657 8855 KL Timms Chief Executive Officer Phone: (07) 4657 8800

Saleyards expansion good for whole community: Senator

the facilities here, they know the place to be, in these lovely shaded yards with plenty of water, he said. Blackall-Tambo Regional Council mayor Jan Ross described the spelling and selling facilities as a unique combination, so kind to man and beast. She said the yard extension was supporting a number of people in jobs, enabling agents to conduct

Sally Cripps

red hot weaner sales every six weeks and increase bull sales to four this year, as well as being the ideal location to offer spelling facilities. The added advantage is the proximity to feedlots which negates any further spelling for the cattle. Senator Moore, who is based in Toowoomba, while describing herself as an Angus woman, said she liked what she saw for sale during her inspection continued on page 4

4x4 Mitsubishi Pajero Station Wagon 2007 11/2003 2007 2004 2007 2005 2003

1 x 4WD Toyota Hilux Utility 1 x 4WD Mitsubishi Triton Utility 1 x 4WD Ford Courier Utility 1 x Mitsubishi 380 Sedan 1 x Toyota Camry Altise Sedan 1 x Toyota RAV 4

Tender documents are available from Mrs Donna Richardson at the Blackall Council Office. Further enquiries regarding the vehicle can be obtained from Fleet Manager, Mr Peter Dallas. Tenders should be endorsed Contract P2 2009-2010.
PO Box 21 BLACKALL Q 4472 Fax (07) 4657 8855 KL Timms Chief Executive Officer Phone: (07) 4657 8800

The Blackall Community Choir, led by Alison Mobbs (far left) await their performance at the Q150 Shed entertainment. Q150 photos by Karla Ward.

Trifecta of Openings for Blackall and Tambo

Page 12 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009

The weather is still about with some rain falling almost every evening. Great shows of lightning and thunder! Power outages and windfall everywhere! I have not heard of any exceptional falls in the region but there is hope! The week has been sensational for myself and the Blackall Tambo Regional Council. The Melbourne Cup holiday has been observed. Did you manage to pick the winner?? Mine are still coming home! And to think I actually did hold the 2009 Melbourne Cup only a week or so ago in Tambo!!! Labor Senator for Queensland Claire Moore and Member for Gregory Vaughan Johnson arrived by plane early Thursday morning for the opening of the Blackall saleyards and spelling centre upgrades, as well as the new Blackall washdown facility. The saleyards opening gave Vaughan Johnson the opportunity to congratulate saleyards manager David Carter on his contribution to the increasing success of the yards and spelling operation. The sale on the day of 1100 head of cattle ended just on smoko time so the Senator, Vaughan Johnson and members of Council attending were able to mingle with the vendors, buyers, agents and saleyard staff over a cuppa and some delicious food. The Senator was commissioned by Parliamentry Secretary Maxine McQue to be present on the day as there had been considerable federal funding, through the Regional Partnerships Program, granted to the former Blackall Shire Council for the saleyard project, as well as $100,000 granted to the washdown down facility through the more recent federal stimulus package. A tour of the town and the historic Blackall Woolscour before lunch gave the Senator and the Member for Gregory an overview of this wonderful town. Travelling to Tambo, we arrived during the first shower of rain which cooled things down a lot as the day was torrid, in time for the opening of the Arthur Street upgrade, by Member for Gregory Vaughan Johnson representing the Premier of Queensland Anna Bligh, accomplished with $330,000 from the Queensland State Government. A progression of the urban design strategy created some years ago by the community and the former Tambo Shire Council, the improvements have given the town of Tambo a good look and a great sense of pride. Several State and Federal departmental officers were present in Tambo for the opening, even planting a commemorative ornamental plant. A short walk up Arthur Street took us to the Grasslands@ Tambo building where a crowd of interested and excited community members, as well as those involved in this project, gathered for the grand opening of the building which houses the art gallery and workshop, the Visitor Information Centre, the Tambo Education Centre, Learning Networks Queensland and some retail office space. Senator Claire Moore spoke of the advantages to the cultural and community spirit such a great building would bring. Vaughan Johnson spoke of the efforts of Project Manager Ms Fia Hobbs who worked tirelessly to gain funding from both Federal and Q150 sources to see the project through. An exceptional collection of paintings by noted artist Metca Skobear were admired and purchased on the night by excited members of the crowd which included a contingent from Blackall who joined in the celebrations. All in all it was a sensational day! Back in Blackall for the opening of the Blackall Cultural Centres Gallery Day. I was impressed by the crowd numbers and the lovely work on sale. I have to say congratulations to the quilters for their beautiful display. I am sure that the quilt group could have an exhibition of


WHATS ON in 2009/2010

NOVEMBER 14 Isisford Ross Cup Race Meeting 17 Swan Hill Annual Bull Sale 17 Blackall Kindy Open Day 18 Blackall State School Presentation Night 19 Blackall State School Senior Formal 21 Blackall Historical Woolscour Association Annual General Meeting 26 Late Shopping and Chardonnay, Blackall Newsagency 28 Blackall Race Meeting 28 St Patricks Christmas Fete 29 Blackall Advent and Christmas Tree Festival DECEMBER 2 Christmas Break-Up, Blackall RSL Senior Citizens Club 4 Blackall Evening Community Markets 4 Landmark Christmas Party 18 Blackall Memorial and Sports Club Christmas Party APRIL 2010 Blackall Campdraft National Finals 1-24
their work which would be second to none! Another opening this time for the Q150 Shed. So very impressive! The whole concept was based on the Isis Downs Shearing Shed with not a sheep in sight! The music was wonderful with local talent provided by the Blackall choir, Damien and Dylan Dolinski, visiting artists En Garde were exceptional as were the cast of Raw Metal. The performance of the latter was cut short by some storm rain leaking in on the stage on Friday night not to be daunted, we folded up a few rows of chairs and the show went on. How good is that?!!! Saturday night was again a great night with a large crowd and top class entertainment! I am indebted to Blackall State School Principal Jason Smith and St Josephs Catholic School Principal Tim Franzmann for stepping in as compares at the very last minute. How good are they?! It was a oncefor Gregory Vaughan in-a-lifetime show Member at the Q150 Shed. Johnson, Senator Claire Moore and I hope you were Blackall-Tambo mayor Jan Ross turn there! a symbolic sod for the washdown

4:30 G.P. 5:30 Collectors 6:00 Childrens Programs 11:00 2050: How Soon is Now? 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 Parliament Question Time: The House of Representatives 3:00 Childrens Programs 6:10 The Best in Australia 7:00 News 7:30 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors 8:30 Spicks and Specks 9:00 Hungry Beast 9:30 John Safrans Race Relations 10:00 At the Movies 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Love Lies Bleeding 12:40 The Sideshow with Paul McDermott 1:40 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 2:50 Talking Heads: Peter Singer 3:25 National Press Club Address

Barcoo Independent TV Guide November 15 - 21 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Reading Room (M) 2:00 Murder, She Wrote 3:00 Infomercials 3:30 Larry the Lawnmower 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home and Away 7:30 Border Security 8:00 Medical Emergency 8:30 City Homicide 9:30 Criminal Minds 10:30 My Name is Earl 11:00 American Dad 11:30 Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia 12:00 Surviving the Outback Rivers 1:00 Infomercials 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Out of Line (M) 2:00 Murder, She Wrote 3:00 Infomercials 3:30 Larry the Lawnmower 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home and Away 7:30 Ghost Whisperer 8:30 Beauty and the Geek 9:30 The Amazing Race 10:30 Family Guy 11:00 American Dad 12:00 Room for Improvement 12:30 Sons and Daughters 1:00 Infomercials 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Moonlight Mile (M) 2:30 Golden Girls 3:00 Infomercials 3:30 Larry the Lawnmower 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home and Away 7:30 Better Homes and Gardens 8:30 Impact 12:00 Movie: Perilous (M) 1:50 The Jump-Up Land 3:00 Infomercials 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Childrens Programs 9:00 Movie: Lilo and Stitch II: The Stitch has a Glitch (G) 10:30 Childrens Programs 1:00 Rolex Spirit of Yachting: La Dolce Vita 1:30 Rolex Spirit of Yachting: La Vita Caprese 2:00 V8 Supercars 5:30 Queensland Weekender 6:00 News 6:30 Packed to the Rafters Sneakpeek 6:35 Movie: Robots (G) 8:30 Movie: Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Mans Chest (M) 11:30 Movie: Darkness (M) 1:30 The First 48 2:30 House Calls to the Rescue 3:20 Mariah Carey - Performance 3:30 It is Written 4:00 Infomercials 5:00 Dateline NBC 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days of our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom of Paramithi 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 News 7:00 Two and a Half Men 8:00 Whats Good for You this Summer 8:30 RPA 9:30 Crime Investigation Australia 10:35 True CSI 11:30 News 12:00 Danoz Direct 12:30 The Strip 1:30 The View 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 Joyce Meyer Ministries 5:30 Today

5:20 International News 1:00 Movie: Round Trip (M) 2:50 The Bus 3:00 Corner Gas 3:30 A Fork in the Mediterranean 4:00 Eco House Challenge 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour with Jim Lehrer 6:00 Global Village 6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Inspector Rex 8:30 Law and Disorder 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 The Eagle: A Crime Odyssey 11:05 Movie: Agata and the Storm (M) 1:15 Movie: Delwende (M) 2:50 Weatherwatch Overnight 5:20 International News 1:00 Food Lovers Guide to Australia 1:30 Creative Disorders 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Downunder Grads 4:00 Versailles Stories 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour with Jim Lehrer 6:00 Global Village 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Luke Nguyens Vietnam 8:00 Demetris Castle 8:30 Cooking in the Danger Zone 9:00 ADbc 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 IF Awards 11:00 Oz 12:05 Oz 1:05 Movie: Inner Senses (MA) 2:50 Weatherwatch Overnight 5:20 International News 1:00 Food Lovers Guide to Australia 1:30 The Super Comet 2:30 The Gold Rush 3:30 Living Black 4:00 Classical Destinations 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour with Jim Lehrer 6:00 Global Village 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Trawlermen 8:00 The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World 8:35 Top Gear Best Of 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 My Boyfriend the Sex Tourist 11:00 Movie: Idiot Love (MA) 12:40 Movie: Bolero (MA) 2:30 Weatherwatch Overnight 5:20 International News 1:00 La Callas 2:50 Eye for Architecture 3:55 Michael Craig-Martin 4:30 Newshour with Jim Lehrer 5:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters 8:30 Iron Chef 9:20 RocKwiz 10:05 Movie: Love Me if you Dare (M) 11:40 SOS 12:40 NEWStopia 1:10 Decadence 1:45 Weatherwatch Overnight

Wednesday Nov 18 Thursday November 19 Friday November 20 Saturday November 21

Jan Ross

block to be constructed at the Blackall sale yards complex

Advertising Rates 2009

1/8 page: $15.00 1/6 page: $25.00 1/4 page: $31.50 1/3 page: $43.50 1/2 page: $62.50


Please direct enquiries, suggestions and letters to the Full page/Insert: $125 editor to: Rowan Hunnam Classified: $5 for 3 lines or post or call at Blackall Visitor Information Centre, and $1.25 per extra line 108a Shamrock St, Blackall Phone/fax: 07 4657 6966

4:30 G.P. 5:30 Collectors 6:00 Childrens Programs 11:00 The War of the World 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Millionaires Mission 1:30 Collectors 2:00 Parliament Question Time:Senate 3:00 Childrens Programs 6:00 Journey of Life 7:00 News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Francescos Mediterranean Voyage 8:35 Addicted to Money 9:35 Tank on the Moon 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Live at the Basement 12:30 Parliament Question Time: The House of Representatives 1:35 Movie: The Challenge (G) 2:55 The Pelican Brief 3:25 Double the Fist 3:55 The Glass House 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Collectors 6:00 Childrens Programs 11:05 Penguins of the Antarctic 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Wild at Heart 1:30 Spicks and Specks 2:00 Monarch of the Glen 3:00 Childrens Programs 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Can We Help? 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 Midsomer Murders 10:05 beached az 10:15 That Mitchell and Webb Look 10:40 Lateline 11:20 The Urban Monkey with Murray Foote 11:25 Triple J tv with the Doctor 11:50 Good Game 12:20 Rage 5:00 Rage 10:00 Rage: Guest Programmers: Spiderbait 11:00 Songbook 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Best of Australian Story 1:00 Basketball: WNBL Bulleen v Perth 3:00 Football: W-League Sydney v Perth Glory 5:00 Bowls: NSW Open 6:00 Nigella Feasts 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Hope Springs 8:30 News Update 8:35 The Bill 9:20 News Update 9:25 Taggart 10:15 A Good Murder 11:25 Rage

6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days of our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom of Paramithi 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 News 7:00 Two and a Half Men 7:30 Getaway 8:30 CSI: Special Event 9:30 CSI: NY 10:30 CSI 11:30 News 12:00 Danoz Direct 12:30 The Alice 1:30 The Avengers 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 Joyce Meyer Ministries 5:30 Today 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days of our Lives 3:00 Yambas Playtime 3:30 The Kingdom of Paramithi 4:00 The Saddle Club 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 News 7:00 Two and a Half Men 7:30 Two and a Half Men 8:00 Two and a Half Men 8:30 Movie: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (PG) 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Unforgiven (M) 2:30 Alive and Cooking 3:00 Danoz Direct 4:30 Good Morning America 6:00 Childrens Programs 7:00 Weekend Today 9:00 Childrens Programs 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Rain 2:30 Cybershack 3:00 Tattersalls Finke Desert Race 4:05 Alive and Cooking 4:30 The Garden Gurus 5:00 David Attenboroughs Gorilla 6:00 News 6:30 Australias Funniest Home Videos 7:30 Movie: Polar Express (G) 9:40 Movie: Christmas with the Kranks (PG) 11:40 Movie: Stealing Harvard (M) 1:20 Movie: S.O.S. Titanic (PG) 4:00 Danoz Direct 5:00 4WD TV 5:30 Rise and Shine

Page 2 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009 - Page 11

5:00 Rage 6:30 Childrens Programs 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacific Focus 11:30 Songs of Praise 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 Revealing Gallipoli 3:00 Theatre of War

Barcoo Independent TV Guide November 15 - 21 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Childrens Programs 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Kochies Business Builders 10:30 Offshore Powerboat Championships 11:00 Magnum P.I. 12:00 Noosa Triathlon 2:00 According to Jim 2:30 Movie: Splash (PG) 5:00 Queenslands Best Living 5:30 Great South East 6:00 News 6:30 Sunday Night 7:30 Border Security 8:00 The Force Behind the Line 8:30 Bones 9:30 Castle 10:30 Real Crime 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 Movie: The Pawn (AV) 2:00 Hot Auctions 2:30 Infomercials 3:30 NBC Meet the Press 4:30 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Four Nations Rugby League: Final (continued) 7:30 Weekend Today 9:00 Wide World of Sports 10:00 Fishing Australia 10:30 4WD TV 11:00 The ARIA Music Show 11:30 Australian Masters Golf Day 4 4:30 Postcards Australia 5:00 Alive and Cooking 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 20 to 1 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 Movie: False Witness (M) 11:30 Movie: Beyond Borders (AV) 2:00 Skippy the Bush Kangaroo 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:30 4WD TV 4:00 Good Morning America 5:00 Joyce Meyer Ministries 5:30 Today 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom of Paramithi 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 News 7:00 Two and a Half Men 7:30 Two and a Half Men 8:00 The Big Bang Theory 8:30 The Mentalist 9:30 The Apprentice Australia 10:30 Amazing Medical Stories 11:30 News 12:00 Danoz Direct 12:30 Young Lions 1:30 Spyforce 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 Joyce Meyer Ministries 5:30 Today 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 Danoz Direct 2:00 Days of our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom of Paramithi 4:00 Pyramid 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 5:30 Hot Seat 6:00 News 7:00 Two and a Half Men 7:30 20 to 1 8:30 The Very Best of the Paul Hogan Show Part 2 9:30 Aussie Ladette to Lady 11:30 News 12:00 Danoz Direct 12:30 20/20 1:30 Entertainment Tonight 2:00 4WD TV 2:30 Danoz Direct 3:00 Global Shop Direct 3:30 Good Morning America 5:00 Joyce Meyer Ministries 5:30 Today

4:35 Art Museums of the World 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At the Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor 7:00 News 7:30 Darwins Brave New World 8:25 News Update 8:30 Miss Austen Regrets 10:00 Compass 10:55 Iconoclasts 11:40 Movie: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (G) 2:20 Movie: The Leopard Man (M) 3:30 Talking Heads: Kev Carmody 4:00 The Pet Show 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Collectors 6:00 Childrens Programs 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Gil Mayo Mysteries 1:30 The Occasional Cook 2:00 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 6:00 Landline Extra 6:30 Talking Heads: Darcey Bussell 7:00 News 7:30 7.30 Report 8:00 Elders with Andrew Denton 8:30 Lillies 9:30 Ashes to Ashes 10:25 Lateline 11:00 Lateline Business 11:30 The Father, the Son and the Housekeeper 12:30 Parliament Question Time: The House of Representatives 1:40 Movie: Knight Without Armour (PG) 3:25 Bowls: NSW Open 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Collectors 6.00 Childrens Programs 11:00 Primal Instincts 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Einstein Factor 1:00 The New Inventors 1:30 Dynasties 2:00 Parliament Question Time: The House of Representatives 3:00 Childrens Programs 6:05 Picture Perfect Homes 6:15 Gavin Stamps Orient Express 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Jailbirds 8:30 Secrets of the Great Plague 9:30 QI 10:00 Artscape 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Media Watch 20 Years 12:30 Poirot 1:25 Parliament Question Time: The Senate 2:25 The Winners Guide to the Nobel Prize 3:25 Good Game 3:55 Eagle and Evans

6:25 International News 10:30 Shell Be Right, Boss 11:00 Futbol Mundial 11:30 2009 Crocodile Trophy 12:00 Tour du Fasco 2009 1:00 Speedweek 3:00 Football Asia 3:30 UEFA Champions League Magazine Program 4:00 Les Murrays Football Feature 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Feast Greece 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8:30 Dateline 9:30 Science and Islam 10:35 Movie: The Navigators (M) 12:20 Cooking in the Danger Zone 12:50 FIFA U-17 World Cup 3rd v 4th 3:00 FIFA U-17 World Cup Highlights 3:45 FIFA U-17 World Cup Final 6:25 International News 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Insight 4:30 The Journal 5:00 The Crew 5:30 Futbol Mundial 6:00 Living Black 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Top Gear Winter Olympics Special 8:30 Destination: FIFA World Cup 8:35 Man vs Wild 9:30 News 10:00 Dead Set 10:30 Movie: REC (MA) 11:50 Movie: Arahan (M) 1:55 Weatherwatch Overnight 5:20 International News 1:00 Movie: Wrong Side Up (M) 3:00 Corner Gas 3:30 Living Black 4:00 Wine Lovers Guide to Australia 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour with Jim Lehrer 6:00 Global Village 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Trial 8:30 East West 101 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Hot Docs 11:50 Movie: Under the Bombs (M) 1:30 Truth, Lies and Intelligence 2:30 Weatherwatch Overnight

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Nora Roberts Carolina Moon (M) 2:00 Murder, She Wrote 3:00 Infomercials 3:30 Larry the Lawnmower 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home and Away 7:30 Highway Patrol 8:00 Destroyed in Seconds 8:30 Flashforward 9:30 Criminal Minds 10:30 Criminal Minds 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 Humps, Hooves and Feathers 1:00 Infomercials 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 12:00 Movie: Breaking the Surface (M) 2:00 Murder, She Wrote 3:00 Infomercials 3:30 Larry the Lawnmower 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home and Away 7:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8:00 Last Chance Surgery 8:30 Packed to the Rafters 9:30 Private Practice 10:30 Sexiest Celebrity Body Parts 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 House Calls to the Rescue 1:00 Infomercials 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News

Black Stump and Beyond is the theme for the 2010 Heartland Festival, which recently secured funding of $20 000 from the Queensland government. The regional festival was acknowledged by Premier Anna Bligh as one of the central wests most popular events when she made the funding announcement at Barcaldine recently. Barcaldines Tree of Knowledge Festival will also share in funding from the Queensland Regional Events Development (QERDP) Program. These events play a vital role in the livelihood of our regions - they boost tourism, create jobs, and foster local economic activity, Ms Bligh said. The fact that the Tree of Knowledge Festival and Blackall Heartland Festival are included in the list of recipients once again is a clear indication of the value they bring to the central west region. Treasurer Andrew Fraser said the $20 000 boost to the 2010 Heartland Festival budget was the highest amount ever contributed by the government of the five occasions on which the festival

Heartland Festival 2010 down in black and white

has received QREDP funding. Both of these festivals are successes in their own right, and this funding will assist in making the 2010 celebrations the best yet. Heartland Festival president Margaret Bailey said organisers were very pleased to receive the funding and were now on the lookout for a coordinator. There will a few hundred hours involved for a person to assist the committee to get the festival happening, to market it, and to assist in its long-term development plans, she said. We have some great ideas underway already, beginning with a black and white photographic exhibition at Tambos new Grasslands art gallery. Running from May 14 through to May 30, events are having a black/white theme to fit with the Black Stump and Beyond focus. We have an application in to bring Courier Mail cartoonist Sean Leahy, who also does the Black Stump cartoons, out to visit us, which we have our fingers crossed for, Margaret said. Other plans coming together are

for a fiesta at the showgrounds bringing together live music, dancing and food and beverage tastings, and the well-known Heartland Art Show, which is having a facelift to include more art forms. Margaret said one of the things she liked best about the festival was that it allowed everyone in the community to get involved. Theres opportunities to buy art for your home or business, workshops to learn at, places where local groups can join in and raise money, and it brings people to town to spend money here from all over the country. I first got involved via the Shockwave youth festival last year and remembered how Karen Hayward came up with the art show idea, and thought it was an excellent thing for people of my generation to get into. Nomination forms for the coordinators position are available from Mandy Duke and close on November 25.

Page 10 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009

Sunday November 15 Monday November 16 Tuesday November 17


Tuesday, November 17 9 - 11am
If your child is 3 or 4 years old and interested in Kindy next year, come and have a look.
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruit of the vine, splendorous of heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea help me and show me herein you are mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me here you are my mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (say three times). Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. This prayer must be said for three days and after that the request will be granted and the prayer must be published.

Sally Cripps

The Combined Churches of Blackall invite everyone to the

Christmas Tree Festival

Sunday 29 November 2009 Anglican Church, Blackall. Starts 6pm
For enquiries, phone Rev. Beth ONeill on 4657 4154


Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: G M Mature Classification Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. PG MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. AV

General Classification Parental Guidance Recommended Adult Violence Classification Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009 - Page 3

Sod turned to begin washdown installment

via the catwalk network. This must be the gateway to a very good growing area, she said. Although numbers were down at the weekly sale, fat cattle gained massive ground with agents describing the quality of bullocks and cows on offer as exceptional. Three major processors locked horns, buying bullocks from Great Southerns Inverness for up to 175 cents per kilogram, and heavy Simbrah cows from Adams and Son, Darracourt to 135 cents, averaging 600 kg. The pad for a new washdown block adjacent to the selling facilities, soon to be installed thanks to further federal funding, was also inspected during the morning and a symbolic shovel brought out for a sod-turning ceremony. The Rudd Governments Regional Stimulus Package put $100 000 into the weedbusting initiative and Blackall-Tambo Regional Council will add $80 000.

Gallery Day returns

continued from page 1

Blackall sale yards manager Dave Carter and council sale yards committee chair, Cr Grahame Schluter at the opening of the spelling facilities

Blackall Combined Agents yarded just under 1100 head of cattle at their weekly fat and store cattle sale. Meatworks cattle were met with strong demand with three major meatworks chasing cattle due to a slight lack of supply for next weeks kills. GSCM Inverness Blackall sold a draft of Brahman cross bullocks to a top of 174.2 c/kg to average 167.8 c/kg, weighing 539 kg to return $904 per head. Stewart and Sally Campbell Clarenden Blackall sold Brahman cross bullocks to a top of 169.2 c/ kg to average 163.6 c/kg, weighing 492 kg to return $805 per head.

Meatworks cattle in demand

A packed courtyard and exhibition placemats, coasters and cards. Jill said different categories of craft space at Blackalls Living Arts Centre last Friday night heralded sold equally well and local artists the successful return of the Blackall were just as popular as those from Cultural Associations Gallery other areas. Our patchworkers had a Exhibition. The event, an opportunity for wonderful display of quilts and members to showcase and sell other memorabilia, she said. Blackall Cultural Association their work, had been mothballed for a number of years but with the president Sally Campbell said Jill upgrade of the Centre, members felt needed a gold medal for all the it was time to once again stage an art work she had put in to making it happen. and craft expo for the community. Organiser Jill Taylor said it had been very successful for exhibitors and the public alike, with an attendance of over 170 people. It was very pleasing to see so many people come from Tambo for the Friday evening as this helped swell the numbers, Jill said. Photographer Lindy Hardie was the exhibitions feature artist, creating a range of products, from Blackall Cultural Association president Sally aprons and works to Campbell congratulates feature artist Lindy Hardie hang on the wall to on her successful showing at Gallery Day ES and JB Otto Minnamoora Jericho sold Brahman cross cows to average 127 c/kg, weighing 536 kg to return $682 per head. Swan Hill Cattle Co Swan Hill Blackall sold a quality line of Santa cross cows and heifers. The cows topped at 149.2 c/kg to average 133.9 c/kg, weighing 547 kg to return $733 per head. Their heifers averaged 154.2 c/kg, weighing 445 kg to return $686 per head. Alice Downs Pty Ltd Alice Downs Blackall sold a quality line of Santa cows topping at 143.2 c/kg to average 128.7 c/kg, weighing 552.8 kg or $711 per head.

Tambo streetscape completes trifecta

The christening of Tambos Arthur Street streetscaping project last Thursday completed a trifecta of openings for the Blackall and Tambo communities, recognising a surge of development activity which has taken place in the last 12 months. As well as the Blackall Saleyards spelling facility extension and the Grasslands@tambo community and cultural centre construction, the residents of Tambo now have a grassed median strip along their main street, complete with plantings at intersections, new footpaths and pedestrian walkways. The state governments Rural Living Infrastructure Program provided $330 000 for the project with the former Tambo Shire Council making up the balance of $70 000. Member for Gregory Vaughan Johnson said the RLIP had been a fantastic government program because it enhanced infrastructure. He added that the initiatives put in place by the former Blackall and Tambo Shire Councils and carried through by the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council were putting the area on the map. This town has got a real heartbeat, he said. The presentation of the main street and the presentation by the business houses has all contributed. You can be fiercely proud of what you have here. Mayor Jan Ross said the Arthur Street upgrade had been part of a wider plan for urban renewal in Tambo, and that the redevelopment of the former Woodies shop into a community centre had formed part


as I could tell, she added. of this. I just think its all been a total The streetscape project is not without controversy. Some Tambo waste of money. residents have expressed concern Sally Cripps that the extensive grass strips have taken away too much of the towns parking spaces. Prominent amongst these is Fanny Maes caf owner Joan Noonan who said she thought the street was fine before the work was done and felt that patronage to her shop could be reduced. I know people they just wont walk, she said. Ive had comments from travellers who know the town, that were surprised at the changes. Cars towing vans find it difficult Mayor Jan Ross and Senator Claire Moore were the to enter and exit assistants for Bill Byrne, the Fitzroy and Central West my block now, chair of Regional Development Australia, and Member for and buses have Gregory Vaughan Johnson as they marked the opening of trouble getting the Arthur Street upgrade in Tambo last Thursday round the Post Office corner. I know council claimed to have meetings and informed people of the changes but they were very quiet ones as far

To be held at the Woolscour Orientation Centre. Saturday 21st November 2009 at 10am. Followed by light refreshments.



for experienced Loader Operator in Central Western Qld
Former Blackall Shire councillor Mac Allan (right) at the opening Member for Gregory Vaughan Johnson gets the latest of the sale yards extension, with Dale Davison and Rhett information on cattle sales from transport operator Mobbs Scott Choyce and cattle buyer Bundy Healy Page 4 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009

Contact Andrew on 0421 072 216 or Russell on 0418 744 644

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009 - Page 9

Gday kids and welcome to kids corner with your old mate Eddie. The rain just keeps coming to Blackall these last few weeks, but unfortunately it has missed many places out of town. Heres hoping if you havent received any rain yet at your place it wont be far away. Last week I had a tap lesson from some very talented young men who like to call themselves Raw Metal. Now as you know Emus do not have the perfect physique for tap dancinghaving claws instead of feet can be a dilemma to say the least. But I ended up being good at all the jumping and prancing around. So who knows may be one day I will start up my own tap troupe I could call it Feathers and Metal. What do you think? Send me a letter if any of you can think of a better name for my Emu tap troupe and the best name will win a prize!! Email entries to or post or drop it into the Blackall Visitor Information Centre, 108a Shamrock St. Make sure you address it to Eddie Emu. Good luck.

KIDS CORNER with Eddie Emu


80 kilometres from Blackall, on the Jericho Road. December 12. Starting at 10 am.
VEHICLES 1 x 1986 Isuzu truck and stock crate, 26ft twin steer, single drive 334 000 kms 1 x Scoopmobile loader with forks and bucket 1 x 1977 Mitsubishi body truck with 20ft stock crate 1 x 1995 Landrover Defender diesel tray back Ute 225 000kms 1 x 2007 Honda 230cc motorbike 2 x Suzuki 200 Ag bikes 1 x 2007 Honda 680 ATV 566hrs 8000km 1 x Honda XR 350 motorbike 1 x beach buggy HEAVY MACHINERY 1 x 30 000L diesel tank 1 x 20ft one way disc plough Various spare parts for Scoopmobile 1 x PTO rotary hoe 1 x air buffel seeder 2 x Lincoln welders tractor packs with engines 1 x Buffel harvester 20ft 1 x small chisel plough 1 x old plough 1 x PTO slasher 6ft 1 x truck chassis trailer 1 x off set disc plough 10ft 1 x horse float 1 x fertilizer spreader with electric motor 1 x 10ft buffel tumbler planter with engine 1 x small off set disc plough 1 x large heavy 2 axle flat top trailer 1 x hydraulic wool press ANIMAL HEALTH 1 x Alflex NLIS reader 1 x Ruddweigh 200 cattle scales and weigh box AS NEW 6 x stock saddles 2 x Norphim nutrient dispensers 3 x portable race panel bows 1 x heavy portable slide gate 1 x portable cattle loading ramp 9 x 400L round poly lick troughs HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 1 x meat ban saw 1 x large deep freezer 1 x lounge suite 1x3 seater and 2x1 seater 2 x recliner chairs 1 x 2 door bedroom cupboard 1 x antique kitchen buffet 1 x antique 2 door kitchen cupboards 1 x golf clubs and buggy 2 x stainless sinks

, nd Bip la frie r y Koa s socce ur in m ort i Coloavourite sp hi s f

Q. What colour is a burp?

Comedy Capers


A. Burple! Q. What kind of dance do you do on a trampoline? A. Hip hop! Q. Why was the nose sad? A. Because he did not get picked! Q. Why is it dangerous to do math in the jungle? A. Because if you add 4 and 4 you get ate (8)

WORKSHOP 1 x Lincoln 230amp diesel welder on trailer 596 hours 1 x Uni Mig welder 270 amp AS NEW 1 x Arc welder 200 amp 1 x Arc welder 245 amp 1 x cement mixer 240 volt 1 x Ryobi chain saw 1 x Stihl 004 chain saw 1 x PTO cement mixer 1 x Homelite petrol generator 1 x Dunlite petrol generator 1 x whipper snipper 1 x wood lathe 1 x Black & Decker dual height workmate bench Large amounts of various sized NEW nuts and bolts SMALL MACHINERY 1 x small buffel spinner planter 1 x Bio diesel still + 208 x 20L Cotton seed oil 6 x Wool packs of buffel seed 1 x Ute canopy 1 x stainless steel roo racks 8 x coldroom panels WATER 2 x rolls of 200m 63mm poly pipe 2 x 1000L poly tanks 1 x large poly water trough 1 x round concrete trough mould TIMBER Salvage rights to all railway sleepers on place (number in the thousands) STEEL AND FENCING 12 lengths 4 inch pipe 4 A frame shed roof trusses 15 lengths 75x75 RHS 1 railway line cattle grid 8 A frame shed roof trusses 20ft = 40ft shed 10 assorted heavy beams 20ft 125 lengths 9 meters x 45 pound railway line 4 rolls 5mm cable 19 lengths 2 inch pipe 9 lengths 3 inch pipe 9 lengths extra heavy railway line 800 NEW 6 ft black steel posts 200 rolls NEW 1.8 HT barb wire 500m long


SU Qld, a Christian interchurch youth and childrens agency, invites applications for the position of School Chaplain for 4 days per week at Blackall State School, commencing in Term 1, 2010. Applicants will need to embrace the mission of SU Qld, and demonstrate their suitability to provide support and care to young people.
More information and apply online at
Closing Date: Friday 27th November 2009.


15 hours per week Tuesday / Wednesday Permanent / Part-Time Early Childhood Teacher (3 or 4 year early childhood qualified) o Blue card o Current teachers registration o Current CPR and First Aid
Applications close Friday, November 20
Please send applications to: The President, 76 Thistle Street P.O. Box 54, BLACKALL Q 4472

For further particulars contact Paul Holm on 0429 083 841 Blackall Office on 07 4657 4299

Enquiries: Janelle Dickson 46574275 Phil Walker 46574884 Page 8 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009

DISCLAIMER: The Vendor and / or Agents do not give any warranty as to errors or omissions, if any in these particulars, which they believe to be accurate when compiled.
The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009 - Page 5

Tambo Community and Cultural Centre the stuff of dreams

A million dollar project that has seen Tambo obtain its own art gallery, a Visitor Information Centre, a retail space and more, was opened on Thursday to much acclaim. It was described by Senator Claire Moore as an example of real cooperation between all levels of government and community while Blackall-Tambo Regional Council mayor Jan Ross said that the opening was the realisation of a dream. Money to build the complex, dubbed Grasslands @ Tambo, was sourced from the Howard governments Regional Partnerships Program ($350 000), the state governments Q150 Legacy Infrastructure Fund ($150 000) and Arts Queensland Gritty Places program ($50000), the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council ($400 000), and the Tambo Arts Council ($65 000). The complex was built on the site of a general store, known as the Woodies Building, from the era of the 1920s. The plan to obtain funding for a building to house a number of cultural activities was begun by the former Tambo Shire Council in 2006 and continued by the BlackallTambo Regional Council. The old store was purchased by the Tambo shire for approximately $30 000. Senator Moore said it was her governments joy to see its money well spent. This will make sure everyone can share and enjoy the thrill of art. State Member for Gregory,

Vaughan Johnson said art was now a part of everyones lives in ways they hadnt dreamed possible in past years. Art in western Queensland is something thats an important part of our lives just look at the work of Wolfgang John in Birdsville and so many other artists. Its masterful and its all done here. People have gone out and pursued their dreams and it is possible from western Queensland. He offered congratulations on behalf of the state government for money well spent. An art workroom and a space for the Queensland Learning Network round out the activities housed under the Grasslands roof. Following the official part of the night an exhibition of 46 paintings by prominent Australian artist Metka Skrobar was unveiled. She has since donated a $6500 acrylic titled Beneath the Southern Cross Sky to the gallery. Ms Skrobar has been a frequent tutor in the area. Her work will hang at the gallery for the next six weeks.

Grounds improvement for Blackall Kindy

Last Sunday, parents and enthusiastic community members conducted a working bee at the Blackall Kindergarten and Limited Hours Daycare Centre to give the grounds a well-overdue facelift. The morning was a result of the hard work and vision of Blackall Kindergarten director, Joanne Davison who organised and coordinated the days activities, following a successful grant application to the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal. While the centre is working towards relocation to the old State School preschool building, this remains a number of years away. Mrs Davison said that she could see the current centre needed improvement and wanted to ensure that children currently enrolled at the centre were not disadvantaged by the long-term vision of the committee. By the end of the day, a small army of workers, consisting of the hardworking parents and friends of the centre, had installed a timber cubby house and a dry river bed with a bridge crossing. Plants were planted around the river bed and the old gardens weeded and mulched.

With the help of the children, parents plowed on through the day with the assistance of a council bobcat and driver, Lloyd Alexander, Kerry Spinks delivered the pebbles for the bed of the river, and Alan Hinds provided a trailer full of larger stones to complement the landscaping. Mrs Davison said, The children have enjoyed a week full of new adventures in and around the cubby house and river bed. The revamped grounds have provided a great stimulus for their imaginations and they are utilising all areas of the changed landscape. We just need to encourage the children to play around the new plants and not on them, and it will be a wonderful addition for all our children to enjoy for years to come!

Kirstie Davison
Above right: Helping at the Kindy working bee were Glen Davison and David Dendle, assisting with the heavy lifting and building the cubbyhouse Right: Clare Barron, Therese Holm, Joanne Davison and Kirstie Davison on the newly installed bridge over the dry river bed at the Blackall Kindy

Penny Swanson and Sarah Taylor from Charleville enjoyed the opening night of Grasslands @ Tambo

Blackall truck features in new museum

The Queensland Transport Museum at the recently opened Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre in Gatton features a Commer Knocker truck from Blackall. The truck was formerly part of the fleet of Stockwells Blackall Freighters and was used in the Blackall area from 1959 onwards. Owen Stockwell said, It was an unusual truck in that the Roots diesel engine had three cylinders and six pistons; most of the engine

Sally Cripps

where Jesus makes a difference


SUNDAYS 9.00am
Minister: Rev Peter Aay 46512662
Graham & Meryl Gibson 46574740 Warren & Marg Lehmann 46574546 Phil & Ricki Walker 46574884

was made of chrome which helped its survival when it went under a Barcoo River flood. The engine developed twelve horsepower. Blackall truck driver Poddy Hillier rebuilt the vehicle before the flood and Bill Baskett, transport company owner of Toowoomba, completed the most recent restoration. The truck will be on display in Gatton until February and then at the Winton Truck Museum.

The Acacia Motor Inn is refurbishing

12 x NEC televisions
$100 each
Remote Control included

Position Vacant Executive Assistant to the CEO

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council is seeking a dynamic selfmotivator with excellent communication skills to join the team as an Executive Assistant to The Chief Executive Officer, Mayor and Councillors. The successful applicant will be responsible for providing quality, high-level personal assistance to the CEO, Mayor and Councillors including the management and coordination of all administrative tasks including correspondence, records, reports and maintenance of the filing system For more information about this position, please obtain an application package including position description and selection criteria by contacting Miss Carroll Nugent Human Resources Officer on 07 4621 6600 or emailing

Blackall Contacts

Ladies Fellowship
Heather Whitfield 46574564

Sets of curtains
$100 per set
Including blackouts, sheers and rails All are in good working condition

Thrift Shop: 9am 12 noon

Tuesday, Friday & Saturday Flo Moore 46574465 Betty Walker 46574746

Applications close Friday 20th November 2009

Ken Timms Chief Executive Officer PO Box 136 TAMBO QLD 4478

Bill Baskett, Toowoomba (left) with Robert Stockwell, Blackall and the Commer All people matter to God ! Knocker truck at the opening of the Gatton Museum. Photo by John Elliot. Page 6 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009

Call Ozzie on 4657 6022

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 13 2009 - Page 7

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