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Internship Report


Production & Operations in RTML

Regent Textile Mills Limited,

East Kalurghat, Bandar, Chittagong.

Submitted to: Mr. Md. Monowar Hossain

Assistant Professor Department of Management Studies University of Chittagong

Submitted by:

Mohammad Mozammel Hossain

MBA Examination: 2005, Examination Roll No: 2005/1, International Management Class Roll No: 14687, Registration No.10666 Date of Submission: July 19, 2008

University of Chittagong
Chittagong, Bangladesh

Internship Report
(As a part of MBA academic program)

On Production and Operations in RTML (Regent Textile Mills Limited),

East Kalurghat, Bandar, Chittagong.

Regent Textile Mills Limited,

East Kalurghat, Bandar, Chittagong.

Internship Report
(As a part of MBA academic program)

Submitted to: Mr. Md. Monowar Hossain

Assistant Professor Department of Management Studies University of Chittagong

Submitted by:

Mohammad Mozammel Hossain

MBA Examination: 2005, Examination Roll No: 2005/1, International Management Class Roll No: 14687, Registration No.10666
Date of Submission: July 19, 2008

University of Chittagong
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Dated: July 19 2008

To Honorable Sir and Supervisor, Mr. Md. Monowar Hossain

Assistant Professor Department of Management Studies University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh Sub: Submission of the Internship Report. Dear Sir With due respect, I would like to submit my internship report tilted Production and Operations in Regent Textile Mills Limited. I chose the production and operations as scope of my study in Internship and in preparing the report because I think these experiences will help me a lot in my practical career in merchandizing. This is the last part of my educational life in Chitagong University and I am very much eager to make and mark this last part into a wonderful experience in and a hallmark for my life. Moreover, I want to present RTML an excellent report in order to make a good image of our department and our university so that they may continue inviting our junior batch-students to RTML for their internship. With the above objectives in my mind, I worked very hard on the production floors in RTML and now in preparing this report. It is worth mentioning here that due to some limitations and caveats the report may not be like my dream report .But I hope the readers will like it very much. The main achievement of my internship is that now I know painstakingly how a textile mill operates in practical. I hope this will certainly help me in my upcoming career. Although I enclose acknowledgement later in the report, here I would like to give thanks to our honorable Chairman Sir for giving me a good placement, to My Supervisor and Sir for allowing me to work at my own will, to MR. Md. Yasin Ali for allowing me to work in his RTML and all the members of RTML for giving me their valuable time and sharing their knowledge and experiences. Finally, I cordially and humbly do request you to accept my internship report and oblige thereby. Sincerely Yours,

Mohammad Mozammel Hossain

MBA Examination: 2005, Examination Roll No: 2005/1, International Management Class Roll No: 14687, Registration No.10666 Session: 2004-05.

After completing my MBA, (major in International management) written and oral examinations from Department of Management Studies, I have been placed in Regent Textile Mills Limited (RTML) for my internship, which is a part of our MBA academic program in University of Chittagong. The duration of the internship was about six to eight weeks in formal. Now after successfully completing my internship in RTML for more than eight weeks I am about to prepare my internship report titled Production and Operations in Regent Textile Mills Limited. I chose production and operations for my internship because completed my MBA in International Management. Moreover, I am interested to build my career on Merchandising because there are bright futures for RMG and textile sectors in perspective of Bangladesh. Thus there is also a good career opportunity for merchandisers as well. This is the last part of my educational life in Chitagong University and I am very much eager to make and mark this last part into a wonderful experience and as a hallmark for my life time. Moreover, I want to present RTML an excellent report in order to make a good image of our department and our university so that they may continue inviting our junior batch-students to RTML for their internship. With the above mottos in my mind, I worked very hard on the production floors in RTML and now in preparing this report. It is worth mentioning here that due to some limitation and caveats the report may not be like my dream report .But I hope the readers will like it very much. Naturally, as custom properly dictates, I am responsible for whatever errors in fact, deficiencies in coverage or exposition, and oversights that remain. At last, I would like to conclude by mentioning that the scope of this report is production and operations only, leaving many other important facts unrevealed in RTML. I hope further researches by junior batch students will add up to this report to a wider scope and to an array of new features and new options.

I have benefited from the help of many people in completing my internship and in preparing this report. Discussion with my Honorable Sir & Supervisor, materials supplied by my friends-everything helped me in an unfold number of ways in shaping this report. My intellectual debt to all of them who blazed me with helps. I am particularly indebted to our honorable Chairman Sir, My Supervisor, and Mr. Md. Yasin Ali for allowing me to complete my internship in his well esteemed organization. It is worth mentioning here the name of the following members in RTML for their help in particular:


Mr. A. k. M. Ilias GM (accounts & Finance) and Company Secretary 2. Mr. Mohammad Masud Hossain Director Marketing 3. Mr. MD. Kamal Uddin Ahmed General Manager-Operation 4. Mr. A .K. Bhattacharyya Deputy General Manager (A&F) 5. Mr. Md. Altafur Rahman Senior Manager-Weaving 6. Mr. Ahmed Rafiq Imtiaz Manager-Administration 7. Mr. S.M. Abdur Rahman Production Manager 8. Mr. Mukti Brata Das Assistant Manage-marketing


Mr. Shamim Shah Assistant Engineer Mechanical- Weaving


Mr. Ratan Mitra Store Officer I am in fact indebted to every members of RTML and without whose help this would not be possible for me to complete my internship and to publish this report.


Contents in Brief
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Introduction Weaving Department Dyeing Department Stitching and Other Departments concluding Part Appendices: Annexure:

Page Number
1-2 3-14 15-29 30-39 40-42 43-56 57-88

List of Figures and Flow charts

Flow Chart: Production Operations in RTML Flowchart: Weaving Department Flowchart: Dyeing Department Figure: Washing Machine Figure: Rotary Printing Machine Flow Chart: Printing Section Flowchart: Inspection and Delivery Department Flowchart: Stitching Department 2 8 15 20 24 25 28 30

Page Number

Contents in Detail
Particulars Abstract Chapter One: Introduction Objective of The Report Introduction to RTML Flow Chart: Production Operations in RTML Weaving: A Classic Art History Weaving As a Industry Page Number 12 1 1 2 3 3

Chapter Two: Weaving Department

Modern Weaving in Textile Factories Weave Types Weaving Process Different Types of Weaving Techniques Flowchart: Weaving Department Warping Machine Sizing Machine Dressing Section Looming Machines Warehousing Metering Mending Grading Folding 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 15

Weaving Department in RTML

Chapter Three: Dyeing Department

Introduction To Dyeing

Flowchart: Dyeing Department Singeing and De-sizing Scouring and Bleaching Drying Mercerization Washing Figure: Washing Machine Dyeing and Printing

15 16 16 18 18 18 20 21 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 30

Dyeing Printing Printing in RTML Figure: Rotary Printing Machine Flow Chart: Printing Section Flowchart: Inspection and Delivery Department

Fabric Finishing Inspection and Delivery

Chapter Four: Stitching and Other Departments

Introduction to Stitching Department in RTML

Flowchart: Stitching Department

Laying And Spring Cutting Sewing Quality Control Finishing Delivery and Shipment

30 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33

Introduction to Lab Lad Dip Matching Chemical Test Physical Test Fabric Analysis: Yarn Size, Yarn Substance

Fabric Analysis: Fabrics Weight Calculation Dimensional Stability Colorfastness to Wash Colorfastness to Light, Colorfastness to Rubbing, Colorfastness to Perspirations

34 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 43

Quality Control

Chapter Five: concluding Part

Shrinkage Store Department Marketing Department Other Departments Conclusion Limitations and Caveats Weaknesses and Threats Strengths and Opportunities Recommendations


Appendix 1: The Classic Cloth Making Process: Weaving a Simple Tablemat Using Rag Shuttle and Two Harnesses Appendix 2: Lists for Popular Fabric-Types Available in Market Appendix 3: List for Common Fabrics Offered by RTML Appendix 4: List for Yarn Sizes Appendix 5: Sub-Sector Study on Textile Dying and Printing in Bangladesh Appendix 6: Bibliography Annexure1: Specimen for Salary Sheet Annexure 2: Specimen for Daily Production Report Annexure 3: Specimen for Dyeing Recipe Annexure 4: Specimen for Order Program (RMG) Annexure 5: Specimen for Letter of Credit Annexure 6: Specimen for Proforma Invoice Annexure 7: Specimen for Packing List Annexure 8: Specimen for Delivery Order Annexure 9: Specimen for Gate Pass

47 49 51 52


56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Annexure 10: Specimen for Delivery Challan Annexure 11: Specimen for Finished Fabric Delivery Status Report Annexure12: Specimen for Finished Fabric Inspection Report Form Annexure13: Specimen for Finished Fabrics Report Annexure14: Specimen for Requisition Annexure15: Specimen for Purchase Requisition Annexure16: Specimen for Materials Received Register Annexure17: Specimen for Materials Receipt and Inspection Report Annexure18: Specimen For Bin Card Annexure19: Specimen for Batch Card Annexure20: Specimen for Stock Register Annexure21: Specimen for Store Requisition And Issue Note Annexure22: Specimen for Daily Store & Spares Received Status In General Store Annexure23: Specimen for Yarn Stock Status Annexure24: Specimen for Commercial Invoice Annexure25: Specimen for Weighting List Annexure26: Specimen for Bill of Lading Annexure27: Specimen for Beneficiary Statement (Certificate Of Inspection) Annexure28: Specimen for Membership Certificate Annexure29: Specimen for Certificate Of Origin Annexure30: Specimen For Bill of Entry Annexure31: Specimen for Airway Bill Annexure32: Specimen for Insurance 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88



Regent Textile Mills Limited, often abbreviated as RTML in this report, is one of the leading textile mills in Bangladesh. It offers only weaving fabrics for their own home textile production and for Ready-made Garments for the outside customers. It is situated at east kalurghat, bandar, about fifteen kilometers far from the heart of chittagong city. This organization is 100% export oriented and their main buyers are from Europe. This organization is running with the help of total 1231 numbers of personnel. The business operations of this organization are briefly outlined below: a. Marketing Department contacts to the buyers by offering their products with prices- quoted.

b. Buyers replied and sent a sample of swatch to Marketing Department to

ensure whether it is possible for them to supply this fabrics or not.

c. Marketing Department forwards this swatch sample to General Manager

(Operation) to know whether it is possible for his team or not. GM further forwards it to the Production Manager who in turn sends it to Laboratory Department for testing and analysis.

d. After taking the report from the lab through the production manager, GM
sends s it to Marketing Department with decisions-mentioned.

e. Marketing Department now answers the buyer positively or negatively as

per GMs decisions. When the decision is positive, the Marketing Department also sends the sample made by Lab (under supervision of GM) in order for the buyers physical analysis.

f. If the buyer is satisfied with the sample then place orders and opens a
Letter of Credit and sends it to the Marketing Department through bank.

g. After completing the documentation and getting confirm orders, the

Marketing Department advises the GM to start the productions and gives copies of the documents to him to take necessary actions at his part.

h. Now GM instructs his team members through Production Managers to start

productions. The Production Managers prepares the programs and the actual production starts. First, the fabrics are woven in weaving department then dyed in the dyeing department then inspected and delivered/shipped to the buyers in case of RMG. But in case of home textile, the fabrics are now sent to stitching department for lying, cutting, stitching, finishing, QC, and packing, cartooning and then making shipments. In this course of time, the Marketing Department keep contact with the GM and get up-to-date information on the production and operations.

i. After the goods are shipped, the buyer sends the Bill Of Lading to the
Marketing Department. Marketing Department sends this document to the head office Accounts and Finance Department and they collect the payment through the bank.

j. After receiving the goods, the buyers sends to the Marketing Department
a receipt letter to let them know whether they are satisfied or not. If the buyer is not satisfied, say for example, they found a 100 meters roll is defective then they tell it to the Marketing Department and the Marketing

Department replies that they will re-send the 100 meters roll with the next consignment. k. Thus the business takes place in a continuous manner. They usually do not suffer from any big problem because most of their buyers are permanent. These main production and operations in RTML are performed by the following departments: a. Marketing Department b. Weaving Department c. Dyeing Department d. Stitching Department Apart from the above mentioned, there are also the following departments that supplement the main departments. These are as follows: a. Department of Lab b. Department of Store c. Department of Management Information System(MIS) A brief explanation of each department is given below:

Weaving Department
Weaving is an ancient textile art and craft that involves placing two sets of threads or yarn called the warp and weft of the loom and turning them into cloth. This cloth can be plain (in one color or a simple pattern), or it can be woven in decorative or artistic designs, including tapestries. The flow chart for weaving is as follows




Figure: The Flow-Chart Of the Weaving Department. The main purpose of this department is to produce grey fabrics.

Dyeing Department

After fabric is woven from the weaving department, this gray fabric is pushed forwarded to Dyeing Department. From its name it is clear that the main purpose of the dyeing department is to dye the gray fabric in different colors as per buyers demands. The dying process is different for knit and woven fabrics. But in Regent Textile Mills Limited, only woven fabrics are made and forwarded for dyeing. However the overall dyeing process for woven fabrics in Regent Textile Mills Limited is outlined as under:

Woven fabrics from weaving department 6 Washing After Mercerization 7 Drying For Dyeing/Printin g
12 Inspection And Delivery

2 Singeing & Desizeing 5 Mercerization

3 Scouring & Bleaching 4 Drying For Mercerization 9 Washing After Dyeing/Printin g 10 Drying For Finishing

8 Dyeing And/or Printing

11 Finishing

Figure-Flow chart of Dying Department in Regent Textile Mills Limited Now from the last stage-Inspection and delivery, RMG fabrics are delivered but the fabrics for Home textile forwarded to next stitching department. The summary flow chart for this section is as follows:

Delivery Rolling Inspection Forwarded to Stitching section

Figure: Flow chart for Inspection and Delivery Department


Stitching Department
Stitching department in RTML is for home garments. After inspection and delivery section under he dyeing department the RMG fabrics are delivered to the customers but the home textile fabrics are proceed to this stitching department for stitching. The flow chart for this department is outlined as under:

Fabrics come from Inspection & delivery

Laying or Spring






Quality Control

Figure: Flowchart for the Stitching Department

Lab is a special department in Regent Textile Mills Ltd. Every other department seeks helps from the lab to continue their jobs. Daily they need much vital information and testing which are provided by the lab. In short, Lab in Regent Textile Mills Ltd performs the following operations which are described in short: a. b. c. d. e. Lab dip matching chemical test physical test Quality control shrinkage

Marketing Department

Marketing department, like all other organizations, play a vital role in the business operations of RTML. This department is running with a few but qualified personnel. They are devoted to their works. Because they are very few in numbers and their all buyers are foreigners they could not give us much time in spite of being interested. Therefore, the following paragraphs are about marketing, in very short. The main marketing policy to grasp buyer-orders is to offer quality products in cheap rate. In this respect, the credit goes to the production personnel for both quality and cheap rate.Because their all buyers are foreigners in Europe they keep communication through E-mail. Their mains are outlined briefly in below: 1. To grasp orders by convincing buyers: this is a tuff job in fact. 2. To make sure that the delivered goods will satisfy the buyers demands. 3. To keep communication with every individual buyers with a view to make them permanent customers. 4. To perform supply chain management operations to make sure that the delivered goods are reached to buyers in good conditions and in time. 5. To keep tight delivery schedules and so to win over the production personnel to produce in due time. These are all about Marketing department in RTML, in short.

Other Departments
There are also a MIS Department, Store Department and a few administrative personnel in RTML.

This report is aimed at giving a clear picture about the flows of production and operations in RTML. In order to keep pace with this objective, I gave emphasis on production and operations related subjects in preparing this report. At the same time, I avoided discussions on other general topics like, administration, MIS, commercial, documentations etc. In fact, I do not want to make the readers bored with traditional information. I mentioned only the information that is not traditional but special and unique for RTML. Apart from this, I was strongly influenced by certain other limitations in preparing this report. This part is coming in the forthcoming paragraphs.

Limitation and Caveats for the Report

I underwent the following limitation and caveats while preparing this report: 1. The internship duration is six to eight weeks in formal. But in fact, we could work for lees than the time mentioned above due to many practical reasons. The textile operations are so vast that it is not possible to complete within this time limit. But I tried my level best to present you a standard report. 2. There is no remuneration allowed to the researchers by the management of Regent Textile Mills Limited. Neither it is possible for a student to invest huge amount of money in this research. Hence, money acted as a strong limitation for this report preparation.


3. Regent Textile Mills Limited is 100% export oriented firm. So, the employees are always on a run. Hence they cannot give us much time although we found them cordial and inclined. 4. The journey to the factory from city very lengthy. To reach there in the mill from Chittagong city, we have to change vehicles for four times. This makes the journey boring and de-energizes us a lot. 5. As the mill is out of the city of Chittagong and the locality is still a rural place, we underwent many sufferings to get a good diet in lunch. 6. The production floor is very hot where we spent much of our times. It also de-energizes us a lot. These are the limitations in short that we have to accept and that influenced me in shaping the report, in fact.

Weaknesses and Threats

However I observed that this organization suffers from certain weaknesses as well as is facing certain threats. It is worth mentioning here that these discussions again from the view point of only productions and operations. However, these threats and weaknesses are outlined below in brief: 1. The organization lacks in skilled production people. 2. The factory is about fifteen kilometers far from the Chittagong city. Neither management can provide transport facilities to all employees. 3. The only canteen inside the factory premises is sub-standard. 4. There is lack of strategic/long term thinking. 5. There is high perspectives. competition from both national and international

6. No hindrance for new competitors to entry in the industry. 7. The organization is 100% export oriented for which it has to maintain tight production and shipment schedules. 8. The organization offers a wide range of product diversification. 9. The organization does not have sufficient backward and forward linkage facilities.

Strengths and Opportunities

The organization also has some strengths and opportunities which are briefly outlined below. It is worth mentioning here that these discussions again from the view point of only productions and operations: 1. The organization can enjoy cheap labor. 2. The organization can enjoy both water and land transport facilities because the factory is situated on the bank of Karnaphuly River.

3. The organization has strong capital back up because of having sufficient banking facilities in Chittagong.. 4. The organization has sphere spaces where it can expand it production facilities .It is very important for further product diversifications. 5. The textile industry is very big and growing day by day in Bangladesh. At present there are more than 400 textiles in Bangladesh. 6. The textile industry in Bangladesh is mainly export oriented for which The Regent Textile Mills Limited can enjoy positive government attitude. 7. There are available facilities for water, sewerage, electricity and gas which help it to minimize its production costs and thus make the organization more competitive. 8. The organization belongs to Habib Group which has a spinning mill. Thus the organization can enjoy backward linkage facilities. 9. The organization is 100% export oriented and it has plenty of orders in hand now.

The organization has both positive and negative sides. Hence, it has a bright future if it can tackle its threats and weaknesses by using its strengths and opportunities. It is worth mentioning here that these discussions again from the view point of only productions and operations. However the following practical recommendations are offered for its bright future: 1. Expanding of production facilities to increase product diversifications. 2. Expanding of the housing facilities to provide sufficient housing facilities to its employees. 3. Establishing backward and forward linkage facilities to minimize production costs and to meet tight delivery schedules. 4. To arrange training for the production people. 5. To offer handsome remunerations to production people. 6. To provide sufficient transport facilities to its employees. 7. To make strategic directions for long time survival. 8. To provide standard canteen facilities to ensure that employees can reenergize and refresh themselves without going to outside the main gate of the factory. Because it interrupts the production and operations flow, With all of the above mentioned recommendations I would like to conclude by saying that Regent Textile Mills Limited deserves a very bright future and to be the leading textile in Bangladesh and even in this sub continent.


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