Contemporary Art Our Universal Language

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Contemporary art: our universal language

Art is one of the many languages of the world. But what differs it, is that its our main and most beautiful.
It’s the most diverse language that’s speaks every language there is to know. We lived through it and we
live through it. From Romanesque to contemporary it was what joined and united our world. With our
similarities and differences. Its universal.
It spread with people through people. Lived through war and destruction and flew high as the Goldfinch.
It’s the communicator of love and hate and indescribable emotion, and upholds philosophes. It has been
the longest reigning language of the world. It traveled and evolved and spread like diseases.
Through its travels, it has evolved. The new and undiscovered lands affected it, made it grew louder and
louder until popularized everywhere. Globalization has worked its way through it and with it.
Aristotle wrote about art as: “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their
inward significance.” And he was correct, arts aim is show a person’s inner significance. But, through
romanticism and … focused on technique and an average of showcasing the rich, bourgeoisie, rather than
showcasing the art of pain and poverty and from rich perspectives. Although, it was favored in that era,
now its only observed and know ledged, whereas our current art that has risen to a royal level. For its,
realistic, truthful, diverse works. And what makes it even more great is its relation to the real world and to
the emotion of others. Others seek refuge in this art, because it manifests their lives, emotion, and world.
Also, because it evolved, broke-free from what we knew, and what ‘was right’, for now, art has grew
through the world and became our universal language.
For example, the art that has been a reaction to the Russian and Ukrainian war. The art that this war
caused effected and brought to life the feeling of loss, hurt, destruction. Our art isn’t, narrowed down to
technique and rich material, but to everything. Technique has been individualized to each artist, materials
are recycled and changed. Artists have broken free from the salone. Each drawing, Painting,
sculpturing…into a unique and unseen. Rather than, plain works—all the same—subjected to prejudice
form the rich and the salone. For now, it has broken the barrier of subjected prejudice because the art we
see today manifests everything, each unique to the artists idealism, life, material, setting, style, and even a
story behind their art. And because of this art it has revolutionized the 21 st century; because of them, we
couldn’t be the communities we are today.
Today, the modern contemporary movements has developed towards digital art, which also counts as
contemporary. In fact, this revolutionizing aspect of contemporary art has helped it globalized. Artist
work that haven’t succeeded before, has now became popular, due to it being transmitted through the
modern internet trends. Artists now conceive their art on their devices, and showcasing it around the
world, rather than, having to have galleries and exhibitions, you showcase them by the internet, and even
sell them. Like, for example, NFT’s, where artists from around the globe displays their art and even sell
it. That’s what make contemporary art even more special, you don’t have to be of class to experience art
or even buy it, you should only have a device and their the artistic world is exposed.
Art itself is something that lasted and will last forever, it is what we all speak and communicate with. And
no matter what movement it is, it will be always love and cherish, by whomever might see it. Our current
movement is something that has never been seen before, something so unique and vulnerable emotion; it
connects to us, as no other movement has. For our contemporary art, we salute you, for you are the
shower of our unknown, hidden, and vulnerable emotion.

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