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November Travesti (Kulik) – (283)

The wind-up bird chronicle

How to fight for our lives: A memoir (208)
December The purple hibiscus (336)
The Norwegian Wood (350)
The Magic Mountain -305
January The Magic Mountain 305-700
Sputnik sweetheart (221)
I am Malala (288)
February Crime and Punishment (967)
February/March Idiot (913)
March Herman Hesse – Steppenwolf (237)
The great Gatsby (218)
April What we talk about when we talk about running - Murakami (175)
November Atomic Habits – james clear (210) (YouTube)
November The 7 Habits of highly effective people – Stephen R.Covey (172)
The four hour workweek (YouTube)

Goal for 2021 – read at least 35 books.

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