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DIT PROJECT( IT201) - Windows 2000

1. Overview The project is a research based one. For certain topics the students are expected to write the procedures. All projects are expected to be submitted by end of 14th lesson. Your lecturer will be guiding you to proceed your projects.
1.1 Punctuality in Submission

Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their project on time at each stage as late submission leads to 5% deduction per day. 1.2

Candidates are requested to constantly scan their project file and to keep a backup to prevent any lost of files due to virus attack. 1.3
Integrity and Plagiarism

Project (identical topics and content) found to be copied/photocopied from either classmate or from elsewhere lecturer has the right to reject or assign zero for the project. Candidates MUST NOT discuss contents/notes of their project with their classmates as it might lead to identical projects. Lecturer has to monitor candidates work closely. If failed to monitor, candidates results of any particular center would be held back for investigation.

2. General Rules and Regulations 2.1 All students who fail their projects will have to redo the whole project. 2.2 All submissions must be in A4-size paper and original, photocopies are not accepted. 2.3 Plagiarism, when detected will result in the whole project being given zero marks. 2.4 The main text cant exceed 15000 to 20000 words (about 50 pages) for each project. 2.5 The diagrams can be printed using screen capture. 3. Documentation guidelines 3.1 All documentation is to be filed with proper labeling 3.2 The first page of the document is to contain only the project title (as shown in page2).

IT201/T300/Project Guidelines/V1.1

3.3 Main report is to be type written using double line spacing. 3.4 Typing should be double-spaced with 1 inch left margin and a 1-inch right margin. 3.5 Each chapter should start on a new page with a title typed in black letters. 4. Report Structure 4.1 Title page: Project title, course and academic year 4.2 Contents: Main headings and sub- headings with appropriate page numbers 4.3 Acknowledgements: Discretion of the author 4.4 Introduction: To make the report intelligible to anyone. 4.5 Main text: A reasoned discussion of the subject with reference to the specification o page number 3. 4.6 Conclusion: It should contain the comments on the approach adapted to the project and in retrospect that how this could have been improved. The main learning experiences should be outlined and work should also discussed. Remember 4.7 Reference material: Wherever you cite reference material from the Bibliography in the report this must be clearly indicated and the author acknowledged. The Bibliography list should be in alphabetic order. 5. Project proposal 5.1: Each student needs to submit one project proposal in your 3rd lesson. 5.2 Late submission will not be accepted. 5.3 The project proposal must contain the following items A cover page containing the title, full name of the student, unit class code, the centre and country. State briefly the objectives of the system. Specify both hardware and software tools that you may be using in the project development. Presentation and demonstrations: Provide fixed point in the academic year at which students must demonstrate the progress made, and the outline the future work to be done. Enable students to practice presentation skills

The presentation should include An outline of the project A review of the progress to date in relation to the project plan.



Full name: _______________________ Class: Centre: Country: <class code>

Candidates are required to submit their project documentation part by part. The project supervisor/lecturer has the right not to accept or award a fail grade to candidate who fails to submit their project documentation progressively. The following submissions should be handed according to the stated lesson number.

1st submission on lesson 4 with the following chapters, total marks is 30:
Introduction Objective Installation of Win2000 Using MMC, Task Schedular, Control Panel

2nd submission on lesson 8 with the following chapters, total marks is 20:
Managing Windows 2000 file system, storage Users, Group, Profiles and policies

Windows 2000 security and access controlSet

3rd submission on lesson 12 with the following chapters, total marks is 20:
Network Protocols, Explain TCP/IP, Advantages and disadvantages of TCP/IP Netware connectivity

4th submission on lesson 14 with the following chapters, total marks is 20:
Printing Performance tuning

Final submision is on lesson 14 with all the chapters compiled properly as a whole, total mark is 100.

Project Specification:
Part1 : Introduction Give brief introduction about the organization or the case study you have chosen. Part2: Objective Explain briefly the intention of doing this project. Give an overall view of what your project is doing. Chapter2 Part3: Installation of Windows 2000 Factors to be considered during installation. Chapter3 Part4: Using the MMC, Task scheduler, and Control Panel Chapter4 Part5: Managing Windows File system and storage Modify File systems settings based on the requirements Chapter5 Part6: Users, Groups, Profiles, Policies Create Group accounts with minimum five users and set rights for group and individual users. Chapter6 Windows 2000 Security and access controls Part7: Assign rights for different groups Create legal warning message Chapter 7 Description of protocols Chapter8 Part8: Link with NetWare & Security Procedure to link with Netware. Chapter 9 Remote access service Procedure to install RAS Chapter10 Printing

Create a local printer and shared printer in a network Chapter 11 Performance tuning Create Alert object Basic problems and the possible solution Presentation and demonstrations: Provide fixed point in the academic year at which students must demonstrate the progress made, and the outline the future work to be done. Enable students to practice presentation skills The presentation should include An outline of the project A review of the progress to date in relation to the project plan. Note: All students must use screen Capture to show the required output.

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