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on the

A Sophie Houlden Adventure Gamebook

The terrible Frost King has haunted the winter solstice for
many ages. Once a year he flies from his fortress atop the world
to wreak havoc and horror upon the vulnerable mortals living
In this story, there is no hero who can truly stand against this
despicable foe, so our hero must be… YOU!

Read the following instructions to create a character, a hero,

and learn what you will need to take them on a quest to defeat
the foul Frost King, who waits within his Frozen Fortress.

Content Warning: This story features gratuitous descriptions of

violence, gore, perilous situations, and terrifying monsters. It is not
intended for young children, or anyone who wishes to have a
pleasant adventure. The vast majority of outcomes in this story are
the horrific death of your character.

To play, you will need:

• Six-sided dice (you only need one, but having a couple
that look a little different would be ideal).
• Pen and Paper (you can also take notes on a computer or

Character Creation
The first step on your adventure should be to create a
character - the hero you will play as within the story. Take your
pen and paper, and:

1. Write down a name for your character.

2. Choose a Class from the ‘Character Classes’ section on the

next page

3. Write down the stats (Health, Dexterity, Power, Magic)

determined by your character’s class.
(Make sure to leave room to change these stats as you fight
battles and progress through the story).

4. Write down the skills and traits of your character, or just

place a bookmark where your character class is described so
that you can reference them later

5. The story will tell you when you may collect items. Leave
room to write down what you collect.

Once you have done this, you have made your character! You
are ready to take them on an adventure!
Character Classes:
Your character’s Class determines how they can act in combat,
as well as how effective they are when facing challenges outside
of combat.

The three core Character classes are Rogue, Warrior, and

Mage. Choose one of these for your character to be.

If you’re feeling extra adventurous, there are other classes listed

at the back of the for players who are more experienced or looking
for something a little different.

Health Dexterity Power Magic
9 3 1 2
A rogue is not especially strong, but can make up for that with their
great agility and reflexes. They are fast and precise, and adapt as
their circumstances require.
You spot an enemy’s weak point and your next attack roll against them (that
hits) does triple damage. However all enemies get to take an extra action
against you this round.
The next three times you would take damage, you instead take none. However
all enemies get to take an extra action against you this turn.
Can re-roll an attack (twice per battle).
Health Dexterity Power Magic
12 1 3 1
Warriors are strong and powerful in all things. When confronted with an
obstacle, the warrior rarely seeks to move around it, and instead will move
straight at it. Be the obstacle a monster, a wall, or an awkward topic of
Skills: Traits:
Primal Yell Powerful
Your next three attack rolls are ‘Primal’ Can add +1 to an attack roll (once per
(when your warrior rolls a die, values battle).
below 4 count as 4). All damage that Powerful Lv. 2
you *receive* is doubled until your Can add +2 to an attack roll (once per
Primal attacks are spent. battle).
Reckless Charge
Take 3 damage, and increase your
Power stat by 1 for this battle.

Health Dexterity Power Magic
10 1 1 4
The mage is studied and wise, and can command powerful magic spells.
Comfortable in matters of the arcane, but often uneasy in situations
requiring force or speed.
Psychic Barrier
Roll a die, if you roll above a 3 then the damage you receive is halved for the
rest of this battle.
You begin an incantation with a magical charge of 1, on each subsequent turn
you may either:
1. Roll a die and add its value to your magical charge, or
2. End the incantation and make an attack roll, adding the magical charge of
the incantation.
Can decide an enemy action (once per battle).
Story Progression
To move through the story is relatively straightforward: like
most stories you must start at the beginning - but where you go
from there is up to you! Read through the story until you must
make a choice, and follow wherever that choice takes you.
As you read, you will see Bold Text which indicates things you
should make note of, such as:
• Picking up an item
• Learning some important information
• Being joined by a non-player character

Bold Text  can also indicate times when you must roll your
dice to see how a situation resolves, such as:
• Ability Checks
• Battles

Ability Checks
Sometimes events in the story will test your character, they
will usually appear like this:

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check now!

This indicates that you must roll a die and add the specified
stat (in this case, Dexterity). The value you get will be used to
determine whether you were successful or not.
You will be asked to make checks of your character’s Dexterity,
Power, and Magic, depending on the circumstances in the story.
At points in the story you must battle various opponents.
The first step of any battle is to write down the names and
health stats of the enemies you face. You may wish to write a
copy of your own character’s statistics too, as they can vary a bit
during battle and this can save making constant changes to your
main character notes.

Battles are split up into ‘Rounds’, a round consists of:

1. Player Party Turns:

Characters in your party take turns. Often this will just be
one turn for your one character, but if you are playing with
other people who have made characters, or if you have non-
player characters in your party - all of these characters may
take a turn now. The order of these turns is up to you, so long
as each character takes only one turn per round.
2. Enemy Party Turns:

Opponents then take their turns. The order of enemy turns
should be the same order they are listed as.
After your party and the enemy party has taken all their turns,
a new round begins. Rounds continue until the battle ends.

Battles end under the following conditions:

• You Win:

There are no enemies remaining.
• You are Defeated:

Your character’s Health stat is zero or less.
• You Survive:

The battle has continued for a certain number of rounds,
specified by the story. Make sure to count the rounds during
these battles!
Player character actions:
On their turn, a character or enemy may make one action.

Actions: Description:

Deal damage of a Dexterity check vs an

Dexterity Attack
Opponent’s Dexterity check

Deal damage of a Power check vs an

Power Attack
Opponent’s Power check

Deal damage of a Magic check vs an

Magic Attack
Opponent’s Magic check

If you have an item in your inventory that can

Use an item
be used in battle, you may use it on your turn.

If your character has any skills that can be used

Use a skill
in battle, these can also be used on your turn.

When making a Dexterity, Power, or Magic attack the damage

is calculated by opposing Checks.
For example, a Power Attack’s damage is determined by a dice
roll plus your Power stat, but an opponent will act to reduce the
damage - so you subtract a dice roll plus the opponent’s Power
stat to determine how much damage is dealt to the opponent.
If damage dealt is less than 1, the opponent has completely
blocked or evaded your attack and receives no damage.

Damage = (Roll + Your Stat) - (Roll + Opponent Stat)

Non-player character actions:

Actions for non-player characters (including enemies) are
determined by their character sheets: These show a table of
actions, and a dice roll determines which action is performed.

Players can decide who is targeted whenever Player Party
members perform actions, you can attack whichever enemy you

But deciding which member of the Player Party is targeted by

an enemy attack is not so straightforward (unless there is only
one party member - in which case they are always the target).

There are three ways you can determine who is effected by

enemy attacks, and which one you use is entirely up to you:
• Randomly:

Roll a dice, or use some other method to determine who is hit.
• Formation:

At the start of a battle, choose your party formation - from
front to back. The character at the front is always the target,
but characters can move to another point in formation on their
• Player Choice:

Just choose which character is hit by the enemy yourself.

When working with numbers that aren’t integers (whole
numbers), always round to the nearest odd number. For example;
both 0.5 and 1.5 count as 1, both 2.5 and 3.5 count as 3.

You won’t often need to round when playing, but when you do
(such as when taking half damage), this is the rule.

Along your adventure, you may find some items that you can
collect and use:

Ration Restores 4HP outside of battle

Dart 2 damage to target of your choice

Deals 3 damage to all opponents on the turn it is

Toxic Grenade thrown, then 2 damage on the following turn, and
finally 1 damage the turn after that

Sturdy Needle It's a long, thin needle

Health Potion Restores 4HP in or out of battle

Hunk of half-
... It's disgusting!
eaten flesh

Some sage advice for new adventurers:
• Pay attention - You will learn many things on your
adventure, there is no telling what information might save your
life later on, so note anything that seems important.
• Fight smart - study your opponents and choose what type of
attack is most likely to deal damage. Don’t try to use magic
attacks on an enemy with strong magical defence.
• Stay organised - Your character notes are essentially you
during this adventure, try to keep them tidy so you can clearly
see what items and knowledge you have, and be prepared to
add, remove, and change things in them as you go.
• Be brave! - It is OK to be afraid sometimes, but an
adventurer always acts with courage when it counts!
A Note On "Cheating"
Nobody can stop you from going back and undoing a choice
you have made, or pretending your dice are rolling better than
they really are, or giving yourself a lot of potions… and if you
want to do that, that is fine!

The rules and story have been made with the intention of
providing a fun experience for players, but if you enjoy playing a
different way then please do so! This is a game of many choices,
and how you play is also up to you.

There is no wrong way to play!

Assault on the
Frozen Fortress

Everyone knows the stories - on the darkest night of the year,
within the deepest depths of winter comes the coldest horror, the
freezing fright,
The Frost King.
You were just a child on that solstice night, many years ago.
Living a happy life in a quiet village, until the Frost King flew
overhead and on a whim decided that everyone in your village
would die.
You still remember the flames, the bodies, the screams, and
most of all - the terrible laughter of the Frost King as he and his
minions tore apart everything you held dear.
But the Frost King made his greatest mistake on that night - he
left a single survivor, you.
(turn to 16)

You hear the distant clatter and rattle of machinery, dully
falling through the cavern rock above you, and see that the
source of the miasma is a series of pipes poking out from the
stone above.
You must be right beneath the fortress' dreadful workshop!
Thinking back on your research, you are filled with trepidation
to know that some distance above, hundreds of goblins are
building tools for the Frost King's next wave of destruction,
his "toys".
You press on through the miasma, thankful that it seems to
thin as the path leads upwards and towards a  doorway  (turn
to 123).

Here in the cave where you landed after the fall, faint flecks of
snow dance their way through a hole in the roof above. It looks
like it would be tricky to climb back up, but you could try (turn
to 41).
Looking about you, there are two paths;
The path to the left that you have returned from no longer has
the sound of haunting music, but you now know it is a dead end.

The path to the right looks well-travelled, but dark. There

seems to be a murky miasma sweeping slowly along the floor
from this direction (turn to 107)

Looking around further, you see what could be a small

crawlspace (turn to 108).
You catch yourself on a sharp rock that juts out from the wall
of the tunnel;

💔 You take 1 point of damage!

Continuing for a good distance along the little crawlspace, you

place your hand on a rock that gives way, then another beside it
gives way, and within a moment the whole floor crumbles
beneath you and you fall into an exposed cave below...
(turn to 110)

As you make your way down a wide corridor, an ominous
feeling fills you with dread.
At the back of the corridor is a door, from beyond which you
hear a terrible laughter, a laughter that has haunted your
nightmares for years...

You are about to face the Frost King!

If Mofflepip is in your party (turn to 79)

Otherwise, you go through the door and into the back

room (turn to 118).
With a final charge, the Tarandus rushes at you, skewering
you with its horns.
It shakes its head and throws you to the floor, your back
makes a horrible 'crunch' sound. You feel your blood pooling out
around you, and cannot move as the beast steps up to sink its
razor-sharp teeth into your neck.

Game Over!

You resist the goblin's magic, but he doesn't give up! He keeps
trying to cast some foul spell - but your resistance is too strong,
and the strain for the goblin seems to be causing him a great deal
of pain...

His head explodes!

You see more goblins are coming and don't have time to wipe
away the chunks of brain and skull, you can rush all the way to
the vent at the back of the walkway (turn to 126).
The figure is large and imposing. Silhouetted by the flames of
the furnace, they seem like a demon to you.
Their hulking form steps closer, there is no escape!

⚔ Battle the Fire Feeder now!

Fire Feeder

Clumsy Swing
A powerful attack, but it misses

You are knocked off-balanced and your Health: 9
next attack roll is -1
DEX: 1
POW: 3
Hammer fists MAG: 0
2 Damage

Stunning hit
1 damage, and you cannot act on your
next turn
Standing at least twice your height, the Fire Feeder is a huge
opponent. Perhaps more menacing even than their incredible
strength, is their odour of death that clings to them.

What is the result?

• You win (turn to 57)
• You are defeated (turn to 127)
You make your way back down the cold stone passage, once
again finding yourself at the forking path within the
underground caverns.
(turn to 3)

You stay in your hiding place and try to hold on to your sanity.

You don't know how much time passes, but by the time your
senses return, the music has stopped - both room and cave seem
empty of danger, the Frost King now gone.

You step from the cave exit and into the  music room  (turn
to 94).

🎲 ⭐ Make a  Magic Check  now to see if you can distract
the beasts!

What is your result?

• 6 or more (turn to 134)
• 5 or less (turn to 113)

You rush to reach the contraption before the bucket becomes
too light, but in your haste you lose your footing and trip.
You fall off the ledge and slide down towards a pit of large
and cruel spikes, which skewer you.

Game Over!

Scouting the wall around the right side of the Fortress, you
eventually find a small ventilation hatch. A little steam rises from
it, dissipating into the cold night air.
You can crawl in, but it will be a tight fit.

To crawl through the vent, (turn to 95).

To return to the front of the Fortress, (turn to 66).

You hear a chiming from an ornate clock resting on the
mantlepiece above the hearth.
The beautiful Elf looks from it to you and smiles.

"It is time, I suppose."

If you drank the tea earlier, (turn to 32).

If you did not drink the tea earlier, (turn to 17).
Using sheer force of will, you manage to resist the pull of the
music... but it has drawn you a long way down the tunnel to a
point where it opens into a room, a room that seems to be the
source of the malefic melody.

Looking into the room, you see a man you haven't seen since
you were a child - the Frost King!
He plays a great organ in the centre of the room. His back to
you, you are unnoticed and manage to resist the pull of the
music to steal yourself away to a hiding place within the tunnel
you came from.
You wait to see if the Frost King noticed you...

...but the music continues.

You try to find the nerve to rush in and attack, but to your
shame you do not have it.

You try to find the strength to sneak back through the cave,
but the music still holds you.
(turn to 10)
Years later, you stumble through the snowy wastes at the peak
of the world.

All that is left in your pack after the long journey here are 🔸 3
Rations and 🔸 3 Darts.

You have spent your life until now with one goal in mind,
travel to the home of the Frost King, his Frozen Fortress, and kill

Having reached the peak of your training, and having studied

all that is known of the Frost King, you decided to head out on
your quest:

Before the next solstice, the Frost King will die by your hand...

...if you can make it through this blizzard (turn to 34).

The Elf stares at you, eyes glistening. You realise that they are
trying to mesmerise you with some kind of magic!

🎲 ⭐ Make a  Magic Check  now, to see if you resist the

elven mind trick!
What is your result?
• 4 or more (turn to 106)
• 3 or less (turn to 65)

The Elf does their best to make you feel safe and comfortable,
you have some time to speak.

You may ask up to 3 questions.

"Why are you helping me?" (turn to 49).

"Where am I?" (turn to 38).
"How did I get here?" (turn to 54).
"What was in the tea?" (turn to 99).
"What can you tell me about the Frost King?" (turn to 90).
"Will you join me, and help to defeat the Frost King?"  (turn
to 31).
"Can I stay here... with you?" (turn to 23).

If you have asked 3 questions, or if you are ready to move

on, (turn to 14).

You heave with all your might, and feel the fixings give way
the slightest bit. Summoning the very last of your strength, with
a yell and exhausting display of force - You break free of your
bonds, the chains that bind you being pulled straight from their
fixings upon the wall!

But once the clanging stops, you hear another sound - the
sleigh is beginning to leave! You must chase after it!
(turn to 44)

Air rushing past you, you leap into the back seat of the sleigh,
and hold on tightly.
The cold wind stinging your face, you look out and see a
mountainside rushing up to meet you, you can do nothing but
duck inside the sleigh and hope.

There is a loud crash, you feel yourself thrown and jostled

violently, something hits your head and everything goes dark.
(turn to 64)

You successfully sneak behind the sleigh and both beasts
without making even the slightest noise. You reach the opposite
door and enter the back room corridor (turn to 5)...

"Do'n worreh!" Mofflepip yells to you through the rushing
wind, "Ahv, go' a plan!"
The old dwarf takes one of the Frost King's bladed weapons
from his large sack, and then begins to cut material from the sack
itself. He takes one end, throws the other to you and shouts
The two of you leap from the sleigh, and the large square of
material between you and Mofflepip fills with air, slowing your
descent like a parachute.

You watch as the sleigh smashes into the ground below, and a
few moments later you land safely with Mofflepip.

"No' bad, eh?" beams the elderly goblin.

You smile to your friend as the blizzard finally comes to an

end. Your quest is complete.

No more shall the Frost King terrorise good people upon

winter solstice nights. Your deeds shall live on in legend, as the
one who saved the world in their Assault on the Frozen Fortress.

The End!

The Elf smiles more warmly than ever.

"I would like that very much."

(turn to 18)
You follow the fortress wall to the left for some distance, but
the blizzard wind picks up - stronger and stronger it blows, you
can barely see through the snow ahead of you.

And one step doesn't find solid ground, you fall forward!

With no time to react, you land on an icy slope, which directs

you straight into a pit full of large, sharp stalagmites. One of
which impales you so far that you cannot life yourself from it.
Skewered and unable to move, you bleed out into the freezing
pit beside the Fortress, your quest a failure.

Game Over!

You try to press one of the keys of the organ but it barely
moves, you realise the strength required to make even the
slightest sound with this instrument must be immense.

🎲 💪 You may optionally make a Power Check, to see if you

can play the organ.

Or you may ignore the organ, and return to surveying

the twisted music room (turn to 94).

If you chose to make a Power check, what was your result?

• 5 or more (turn to 29)
• 4 or less (turn to 72)

You continue crawling, following the occasional twist and the
infrequent turn, unsure how far this tiny passage extends.
Your hands begin to sweat, and sometimes slip a little against
the surface beneath you... is it getting warmer still?
(turn to 124).

You make it some way up the side of the Fortress, but even the
parts of the wall that aren't made of thick ice are covered with
ice anyway - you lose your grip and come crashing down into the
freezing ground.

💔 You take 2 points of damage!

If you survive the drop, you  look for another entrance  (turn
to 66).
If you have run out of health (turn to 30).

The elven person looks slightly saddened by your refusal, but
they accept your choice and don't push you on the matter. They
simply place your tea at your bedside, should you want it later.
(turn to 18)
Summoning your strength, you push down on an organ key -
it is no small feat, but you manage to bring a deep bellowing
note from within the organ.

A moment later, you hear a 'click' noise behind you.

You turn slowly, dreading what new horror you may have
sprung loose...
(turn to 98)

You try to get back on your feet, but your body - if it is even
still there - won't respond.
With barely any strength left, you carelessly tried to climb a
giant wall made out of ice. You can't help but be morbidly
amused by your foolishness, Of course you're a pile of slush on
the floor now.

The freezing night grows even colder, and you realise you are
losing blood. You are going to die here.

Game Over!

The Elf seems held in memories for a moment, and then
shakes their head slowly.
"I cannot. A long time ago, I made a deal with the Frost King -
it allows me to live safely here, so near to his Frozen Fortress,"
wearing a pained look, the Elf continues, "and because of that
deal he cannot claim me or my guests... but I cannot go against

Sensing that you are about to enquire about the pact they
made, the Elf adds "Regardless of all that however, the Frost King
is much too strong.”

They smile again, this time a slightly sadly, "You should give
up your quest."
(turn to 18)

Your mind has begun to feel... cloudy.

You notice that the Elf's stare and glistening eyes seem to have
become more and more mesmerising. However, you realise too
late that they are trying to control your mind with magic!

🎲 ⭐ Make a  Magic Check  now, subtracting 1 (due to the

addling effects of the tea), to see if you resist the elven mind

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 106)
• 3 or less (turn to 65)
Shortly after the Frost King leaves, a small movement in the
corner of the room draws your attention. You see it again - a
screw falling from a hatch in the ceiling, and then another.
The hatch pops open and you watch as Mofflepip drops from it
and lands clumsily on the floor.
He quickly rushes up to you and begins to unlock your

"Ah'm so sorreh! Ah was too afreid, an mah fe'uh go'ut better

o' me."

You step free, heartened by the mirroring of events that have

saved both you and Mofflepip.

"No moah! Ah'l fight b'side ye! Wi' all me radge!"

🔻  Mofflepip rejoins your party!

From down the corridor, you hear the sleigh as it begins to

leave! It's time for you and your ally to chase after it!
(turn to 44)
The snow blasts at you, so cold it feels like knives cutting at
your cheeks. But you just pull your coat tighter and press on
through frozen tempest.
It is a dark, cold, and cruel night... but you know that you
must face greater tests than this before your quest is done, and
you refuse to be daunted by the mere location where the
Freezing Fortress is said to be.
And so, you keep wandering through the ice and snow... (turn
to 93)

You spot a particularly sharp rock jutting out from the tunnel
wall and manage to manoeuvre around it safely.

Continuing for a good distance along the little crawlspace, you

place your hand on a rock that gives way, then another beside it
gives way, and within a moment the whole floor crumbles
beneath you and you fall into an exposed cave below...
(turn to 110)
The Frost King wears an expression of shock,

"What?! WHAT?!" He stumbles back, disbelieving your rapid

attacks could fell him so quickly, "No! NO NO NO! This wasn't
supposed to happen!"

The Frost King screams in pain and denial, but cannot change
what happened; you have won.
Your foe begins to crumble, parts of his body cracking, falling,
and shattering upon the floor.

"Did I... Did I go too easy on you?!"

You kick over what remains of the Frost King, and he shatters
into nothing.

You have done it, you have claimed your revenge, you have
killed the Frost King.

You turn around, and see Mofflepip, with many Goblins

behind him.

"Ahm... ahm sorreh ah ran! Ah was too scared!" He says

"A'soon as ah found me nerve, ah told 'ut othes about ye, we was
gonna help ye..."
Mofflepip smiles and laughs, "But ah guess ye don' need us
aftah all!"
Heartened by Mofflepip's courage, and knowing that the other
goblins were not so loyal to their cruel king, you have an idea.

You tell Mofflepip that you will need him, that perhaps he and
his friends could make something instead of weapons, something
that could bring joy instead of terror on solstice nights.
You get to talking and soon have a plan, and a lot of work to
do ahead next year's winter solstice!

By defeating the Frost King, not only have you found your
revenge, but you have found a way to bring new light into the
world. Never again must someone brave an Assault on the
Frozen Fortress.

The End!

Looking to the wound, blood is spilling from it at an alarming
rate. You try to stop it but the force of the flow is too much, the
goblin must have sliced through an artery!
Blood spraying everywhere, you fight in vain to stay
conscious, to find some first aid, to find anyone that might help...
but the world grows darker, colder, and then leaves you.

Game Over!
"This is the Northern Lodge, the only place of warmth you will
find up here at the peak of the world.”

You ask if that means you are still near the Frozen Fortress,
and the kind Elf looks saddened.
They nod, "Yes, that place is not far from here."
(turn to 18)

Looking around the lodge you find a 🔸 Health Potion, and a
🔸 Sturdy Needle amongst some haberdashery supplies.
The only other things you find are some rooms with long-dead
bodies within, each with a large hole in their chest.
There is nothing else to do but leave this treacherous lodging,
and go back out into the blizzard (turn to 89).

The Tarandus lets out a sickening yelp as you make your final
attack, it stumbles and slips in its own blood. Once it hits the
ground its heavy breathing begins to slow, and after a minute it
stops moving.
Catching your breath and looking around the beast's lair, there
is here but a 🔸 hunk of half-eaten flesh.
From here you leave the cave and travel to a view of  The
Frozen Fortress (turn to 89).
You try to climb up, and get some of the way... but the rock
and ice that you scale are treacherous and before you get too far,
you slip and can't find purchase soon enough to stop yourself
You smash into the cave floor.

💔 You take 2 points of damage!

If you survive the fall (turn to 86).

Otherwise (turn to 74).

You place the bucket under the waterfall, it begins to fill but
water is slowly leaking out of the hole in the bottom.
If you want to use the bucket to weigh down the contraption,
you must get it there before all the water leaks out!

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check now!

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 85)
• 3 or less (turn to 12)
The Hearteater staggers, bleeding heavily from the wounds of
your battle. They fall to their knees and look up to you.

"A little taste of your comfort, was that too much to ask?"

They cough, and blood sprays from their mouth. The Elf
collapses to the floor and wheezes, choking, "I suppose, a heart
might be a lot to ask for…"

With a final sickening gurgle, the Hearteater quiets and stops


You have won the battle, and can continue with your quest.
(turn to 39)
The sleigh is getting away, being pulled down the runway!

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check now, to see if you can catch

up to the sleigh before it takes off.

Add +1 for every Tarandus you have defeated before now (the
sleigh will be moving slower with fewer beasts pulling it).

What is your result?

• 6 or more (turn to 46)
• 5 or less (turn to 71)
🔻  Mofflepip joins your party!

Nothing Happens

Cheer Health: 7
+1 on your next roll
DEX: 1
POW: 0
Goblin Punch MAG: 1
1 Damage

You may choose to force one enemy to
preroll their action this round
Trait: Hardy
If Mofflepip's Health drops to 0 in battle, they recover with 1 Health
point after the battle.
Mofflepip is clearly an elderly goblin, but they have no shortage of
energy - fueled by anger at being discarded after centuries of service.
But more than that, upon hearing what it is like to suffer from the
Frost King's deeds, Mofflepip is determined to atone for having helped
the tyrant.

The other goblin begins swearing profanities at you, yelling

that she can't wait to hear of your defeat by the Frost King. You
decide to leave the furnace room without her.
(turn to 114)
You reach the sleigh, and climb upon it just before takes off
into the night sky.
The Frost King turns to see you, and is furious.

You stand face to face with your enemy, upon an enchanted

sleigh, flying high through a blizzard.

⚔ Battle The Frost King and his Loyal Goblin now!

The Frost King

Nightmarish Laughter
No longer has any effect upon you

Bulk Up Health: 13
The Frost King’s Power stat increases
by 1 DEX: 1
Magic Barrier POW: 2
Your next attack is -1 MAG: 2

Freezing Fist
Deals damage equal to The Frost
King’s Power stat, and you cannot act
on your next turn

The Frost King (still recovering from your previous dual) is no longer
amused by you, his wicked rage has begun to grow. He won't allow
you to claim revenge easily.
Loyal Goblin
Attack rolls vs The Frost King are -1 on
the next turn
Loyal Goblin loses 2 Health, The Frost
King gains 2 Health Health: 6

DEX: 1
POW: 0
MAG: 1
Ferocious Bite
1 Damage

This goblin joined The Frost King's flight tonight, hoping to prove
himself as a monstrous dealer of death and suffering. He does all he
can in the fight to demonstrate his viciousness, and his loyalty to his

What is the result?

• You win (turn to 115)
• You are defeated (turn to 55)
Not far from the Fortress' main gate, you spy a window high
up in the wall, and decide it would be your best way in, you
attempt to climb up to it.

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check now!

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 51)
• 3 or less (turn to 27)

"Stay back!" She spits and squirms and struggles, but you
unlock the manacles and release the old goblin.
True to her word, the moment you turn your back she leaps
onto you, climbs across your shoulder and bites clean through
your throat.

"HYEA HYEA HYEA! Look at you! Bleeding everywhere! Fool!

Serves you right! HYEA HYEA!"

You fall over and everything begins to turn dark... all the
while, the old goblin continues her hideous laugh and kicks you
until you stop feeling anything.

When people tell you who they are, perhaps you should listen.
...Although it is too late for that now, you won't get another
chance to make the mistake again.

Game Over!

"Why am I helping you?" The Elf appears surprised to be
asked, "Isn't it normal to help one-another?"

They take a moment of pensive silence, and look out through

a window to where the blizzard continues furiously, beyond this
warm lodging.

"I suppose in these circumstances, it makes sense that you

would be weary..."

They turn back to you and smile kindly, "But I promise, the
reason I help is entirely because I want your heart to be warm
and comfortable."
(turn to 18)
You walk up to the two goblins, one of which glares at you
and begins yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Back off! I dare you to take one more step closer! I'll tear your
throat out!"
She struggles in her chains.
"Don't think you can get away! I will mess you up! And if I
don't, the Frost King will!"

The other goblin remains quiet, he looks at you, and then

hangs his head, staring at the floor.
The Fire Keeper's keys are nearby, you may release a goblin.

Free the loudmouth goblin (turn to 48).

Free the quiet goblin (turn to 132).

Leave the furnace room without freeing a goblin (turn to 114).

You climb up the Fortress wall, carefully manoeuvring
between cracks, and the stones and bones that protrude from the
wall, often making for morbid footholds.
You reach the window safely, and climb through it and onto a
catwalk suspended high over the workshop below.
Looking down, you see hundreds of goblins crafting
instruments of death and torture, all excitedly preparing for the
Frost King's next solstice tour.
Though there is a lot of noisy machinery below, the walkway
you find yourself on seems especially rickety, the slightest
mistake as you move across it might alert some goblins below -
just one of the hundreds of cruel creatures spotting you could
make your doom certain!

Can you cross these rickety metal pathways to reach the back
of the workshop without alerting the goblins below?

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check now!

What is your result?

• 5 or more (turn to 100)
• 4 or less (turn to 102)

If Mofflepip was in your party earlier (turn to 36).
Otherwise, (turn to 105).
Unable to resist the music, you realise you have lost control of
your body. With each note of the terrible tune you move further
down the tunnel; each beat a step, each flourish a skip.
You are merely a puppet, unable to do anything as your body
dances out through the end of the cave pathway and into a room
where you see a large organ, and the man playing it - the Frost

Terror grips you as you see the monster that tore your life
apart when you were just a child, but your face expresses
nothing but cheer and amusement - your body dances
whimsically around the organ... and it's sinister manipulator.
Once the music stops, your body freezes in place, a jolly pose
which you cannot break.

You feel the Frost King lift you up,

you feel the cold as he carries you to another building,
you feel the pool of thick liquid as you are plunged into it,
you feel the varnish flood your throat and nostrils while you

but all the while, you smile merrily.

When the varnish dries, what a fine doll you will make.

Game Over!
"I found you unconscious out in the cold, you gave me a real

The Elf smiles with relief, "I was so glad to find you were still
alive, but you needed warmth so I brought you back here

Laughing heartily, the Elf adds "You might not think I'd be able
to carry someone through a blizzard, but I'm stronger than I
look!" They flex their arms jokingly.

"Also, well, you weren't that far away... a stroke of luck I

suppose..." The Elf becomes serious and stern for a moment, "But
you shouldn't go out wandering in a blizzard like that! Next time
there might not be someone to help!"
(turn to 18)
The Frost King sees that you have no energy left to fight, and
laughing, kicks you off from the sleigh and into the night.
The cold wind rushes past you for a minute until you feel and
hear a terrible impact throughout your body.

You hear screams all around, and realise that have you landed
in the middle of a town square, the herald of a Frost King attack.

There is just enough life left in you to watch as once again the
Frost King begins to slaughter a town before your eyes.
You came so close, but could not complete your quest.

You die cold, broken, and shamed in the freezing cold of a

solstice night.

Game Over!

Unable to hold your breath through a particularly dense cloud
of the gas, you gasp, and the thick miasma seeps into your lungs.

✏ 💔 Your Maximum Health is reduced by 1 point!

Coughing, you continue on through the smoggy tunnel (turn

to 2)...
The large creature, dazed, stumbles backward. You have no
idea how much more of a beating they can take, but you spot an
The huge Fire Feeder looks off-balance and is standing near
the open furnace - you rush at them and shove with all your

Your foe trips into the roaring fire, screaming as they are
embraced by the fire they tended. The flames devour them, and
eventually the screaming stops.

Catching your breath and looking around, there are two old
goblins still chained to the wall, and a doorway leading out of
the room.
What will you do?
Approach the goblins (turn to 50).
Leave the furnace room (turn to 114).

In the middle of your battle with the Frost King, his eyes seem
to glint, he grins, and you immediately realise you've made a
mistake - not paying attention to your footing, you stood over
some coiled chains.
The Frost King quickly grabs an end of chain and yanks,
within a moment you become ensnared by cold, unforgiving,
metal. You have been immobilised and can no longer fight.
The Frost King ties you up beside the corpse of the other
"Ho ho ho! This has been fun, but I have my solstice travels
tonight, all the children of the world are expecting me - I
wouldn't want to let them down!"

He puts his hand beneath your chin and lifts your head,
forcing you to meet his gaze, "Don't look so down, you too can
expect me soon! When I come back, we will have much more fun
together, so much more!"

Laughing, the Frost King leaves you. From down the corridor,
you hear as he readies his sleigh for a night of slaughter.

If Mofflepip was in your party earlier (turn to 33).

Otherwise, if you have a Sturdy Needle in your inventory (turn

to 125).

If you have no other hope, you must try to  break free using
brute force (turn to 121).

🎲 👋 Make a  Dexterity Check  now, to attempt to pass
unnoticed behind the sleigh and its beasts!

What is your result?

• 6 or more (turn to 21)
• 5 or less (turn to 73)
You jump to the side and prepare to counter the surprise
attack... but the goblin is already dead and it hits the floor with a
wet, bloody, slap. Its last act of violence done.
You look around the small room (turn to 96).

You can't overpower the Strong Goblin, they pick you up and
throw you over the side of the walkway.
There are a couple of seconds where you think you might be
able to survive a fall from this height, before you land in
churning machinery. Feeling incredible pain as the mechanisms
chew, you live just long enough to realise that you have failed

Game Over!

Keeling over, unable to stand, you know that you have lost the
But the Hearteater is not done with you yet, in their frenzy
they kick you backward and leap onto your body, stabbing you
over and over in the chest, screaming all the while,
They continue to stab.
The Hearteater pushes their hand into the slurry that was once
your chest and pulls out a handful, devouring it as fast as they

The last things you hear are more screams, "COLD! IT TASTES

As the world fades, you feel as the Hearteater continues to

frustratedly stab at you.

Game Over!

Running out of breath, you fumble an attack and are gored
upon a Tarandus horn.
You collapse to the floor, feeling your own blood pool around
you, and feeling sharp teeth begin to tear away chunks of your
Before the world fades completely, the Frost King steps into
view. He laughs down at you, the same laugh that has haunted
your nightmares since you were a child.
He pushes your corpse out of the way so that he can take the
sleigh out on his night of terror.

You are broken and dead.

Game Over!
When you awake, you open your eyes and see the sky. The
night is over, the blizzard has gone.
You sit up and looking about, all around you is the wreckage
of the sleigh, splintered wood and broken weapons, none much
bigger than your arm.
Your survival seems to be a miracle, especially considering you
have no significant injuries - you are pretty sure you can make
the trip South safely even.

You stand, and realise you have done it - you claimed your
vengeance and killed the Frost King.

Forevermore, none shall have to fear the cold winter solstice

nights again, none shall have to undertake such a difficult quest,
none shall have to brave such an Assault on the Frozen Fortress.

The End!
Completely entranced by the beautiful Elf, they smile warmly
as they draw a knife and come closer.

You don't move as they start cutting into your chest.

You don't move as they snap away the ribs between their teeth
and your heart.
You don't move as they grip your heart with long, sharp
You don't move as they lean forward and whisper into your
ear, "A calm heart tastes the most delicious!"

The Elven Hearteater wrenches your heart from your chest,

and you watch them sink their teeth into it as the darkness takes

Game Over!

Looking for another way into the fortress other than the main
gate, you may:
follow the outer wall to the left (turn to 24),
try following the outer wall to the right (turn to 13),
or try to scale the wall itself (turn to 47).
Here in the cave where you landed after the fall, faint flecks of
snow dance their way through a hole in the roof above. It looks
like it would be tricky to climb back up, but you could try (turn
to 41).

Looking about you, there are two paths;

The path to the left seems to curve away and you hear the
faint sound of haunting music echoing down it (turn to 88).

The path to the right looks well-travelled, but dark. There

seems to be a murky miasma sweeping slowly along the floor
from this direction (turn to 107)

Looking around further, you see what could be a small

crawlspace (turn to 83).

You accept the tea from the kind Elf and take a sip.
It is delicious and sweet, with a hint of a mint flavour. You feel
completely warmed and refreshed.

❤ You Recover 6 Health now.

(turn to 18)

⚔ Battle The Frost King for no more than 4 rounds now!

The Frost King

Nightmarish Laughter
You cannot act on your next turn

Bulk Up Health: 15
The Frost King’s Power stat increases
by 1 DEX: 1
Magic Barrier POW: 2
Your next attack is -1 MAG: 2

Freezing Fist
Deals damage equal to The Frost
King’s Power stat, and you cannot act
on your next turn

The Frost King, the terror from the top of the world, the solstice
slaughterer. He stands above you, skin like ice, his features sharp and
wicked, he looks upon you with hideous pleasure.

What is the result?

• You win in 4 rounds or less (turn to 52)
• You survive 4 rounds (turn to 58)
• You are defeated (turn to 101)

The ice melts away leaving you a clear, if very cramped, path.
You crawl slowly through the tunnel, making your way around
large boulders and jagged rocks.

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check Now!

What is your result?

• 3 or more (turn to 35)
• 2 or less (turn to 4)

You can't reach the sleigh in time, it pulls up into the sky and
out of reach. You watch as it flies off into the night, carrying the
Frost King into another night of terrible deeds.

As you stand there, watching your quarry escape into the

night, in your lament you don't hear the crowd of goblins swarm
you from behind.

You feel every one of hundreds of whacks from heavy

workshop tools, until one finally caves in your skull.

Game Over!
You press down on the organ keys and they move a little, but
only enough to cause a creaking sound. Nothing happens.
You remain in the twisted music room (turn to 94).

You try to sneak behind the sleigh out of sight, but you
accidentally knock something over, and the beasts suddenly turn
and spot you.

Howling, they attack!

(turn to 111)

Unable to move, you look up through the hole in the cave roof
and see through the blizzard into the dark sky above. Your body
begins to grow even colder, and your vision fades.
You freeze in a forgotten hole in a frozen wasteland.

You are never heard from again!

Game Over!

You travel towards the warm-looking lodging, its lit windows
like beacons drawing you to safety through the cruel night.
But the blizzard blows colder than ever, and you feel your
body growing heavy. Each step grows more taxing than the last,
and you start to lose feeling in your extremities.
Weary, you collapse into the snow, unable to press on.

(turn to 78).

As you crawl onward through the vents, a growing sense of
unease fills you - you are closer than ever to completing your
quest, to avenging all those taken from you (and many others) by
the Frost King...
...But you are also crawling closer and closer to your greatest
challenge, deep into the belly of the most dangerous place in the
The vent might be an easy ingress, but it is an ingress into the
Frozen Fortress, what little safety you feel from being hidden
here is only temporary.
As you silently creep and crawl through long, narrow,
ventilation ducts, you know they could well lead to your doom.
(turn to 26).
You try to move the large door but it is bolted shut and you
haven't the strength to move it.
You remain in the twisted music room, the only way out being
through the cave that you came from.
(turn to 94)

You awake to find yourself feeling much better in a warm bed,
soft embroidered cushions propping you up slightly, and the
smells of spices and incense fill you with a sense of deep comfort.

Looking around it seems you are not where you passed out,
but have been moved to a warm and comfortable bedchamber.
You look into a burning hearth set into the wall near the foot
of your bed, and feel as though the blizzard and the freezing
wastes are a thousand miles away.

You find yourself so relaxed, you don't even think to reach for
your weapon when you notice the room’s door begin to open.
(turn to 91)
Mofflepip looks incredibly nervous, you try to calm him down
but it's as though he doesn't hear you. Terrified, he runs back
down the corridor, vanishing before you can do anything to stop

🔺  Mofflepip leaves your party!

No matter, it is time; you must face the Frost King yourself!

You move through the door and into the  back room  (turn
to 118).

You struggle with all the strength that you can summon... but
it is not enough, you can't escape. You hear the sound of the
sleigh leaving, carrying the Frost King away to a night of horror
for all unlucky enough to be in his path.
But you… you remain trapped. Chained to the wall, helpless
and alone.
But not alone forever - when the Frost King returns, he grins.

"Well then, for now until the next fool comes to challenge
me... let's you and me..."

He picks up a brutal, rusty-looking implement of torture

"...let's make every night our solstice of terror!"

Game Over!

The cruel Mister Notnice surrenders, and promises not to be so
mean ever again.
You know they are sincere, and that the Candy Village will
now be safe forever.

"That was a close one, but I'm glad we did it!"

You nod to Dr. Woofy Cuddles, your dearest companion.
Together, you both turn away, and walk into the welcoming
arms of a grateful world.

You Win!

The figure glares at you and begins to make a high-pitched
humming noise. There is a bright flash of light and you feel a
great heat and then a sharp pain.
The eyedol stops humming, and you look down to see that its
energy beam has burned a hole straight through your chest.
You collapse to the ground, dead before you can contemplate
your terrible failure.

Game Over!
Crouching and peering into the crawlspace, you see many
large and sharp icicles blocking the way. You are confident that if
you could clear them away, you could crawl through the narrow

🎲 ⭐ Make a Magic Check now, to see if you can melt the

ice with a magical flame.

What is your result?

• 4 or more, you melt the ice and may proceed down
the narrow crawlspace (turn to 70)
• 3 or less, you cannot pass land in a cave (turn to 67)

The narrow staircase spirals up quite a distance and ends at a
door that opens onto the blizzard outside.
Peering through the darkness and flurries of ice, for the first
time you see…

The Frozen Fortress (turn to 89).

You reach the contraption quickly, place the bucket down upon
the scales (sealing the leak in the bucket's base) and the great
door before you begins to slowly open.
After a few moments you can see into the dingy area within,
but you see a familiar eyedol!

If you have the Emerald Orb, (turn to 104).

If you do not have the Emerald Orb (turn to 82).

You survive the hard impact, but the fall has caused you to
sprain something in your leg, you pass out from the pain!


(turn to 78).

The last Tarandus falls down dead atop the other, their blood
pooling and staining a Sleigh runner.

You can now safely move about the room, and when searching
the front seat of the Sleigh you find 🔸 1 Health Potion  and
🔸 1 Ration.

You continue through the door across from where you

entered, and into the back room corridor (turn to 5).
You follow the path to the left, and the music grows louder. At
first it echoes between the cold stone walls of the cave, but
where it resonates is within you.
After a time you realise that you are not walking towards the
music as much as the music is pulling you closer! You are losing
your senses, struggling to resist the charm of the haunting

🎲 💪 Make a  Power Check  now, to see if you can regain


What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 15)
• 3 or less (turn to 53)

Standing outside, you peer through the blizzard and see the
dreaded Frozen Fortress ahead of you. It rises from the icy plane
below as huge walls and white towers, each growing into vicious
points that slice at the night sky.
Upon the cold walls you see what you at first think are dashes
of paint, but a keener glance reveals that it is blood, spilling from
body-parts pinned to the fortress exterior.
Your destination is more daunting than you had heard, a
suitable place from which the Frost King may work his terrible

The blizzard still blows strong but it does not obscure drops of
red upon the ground nearby, leading to a cave. A sign marks the
cave as the lair of a Tarandus (turn to 110).

You can proceed towards the Frozen Fortress (turn to 117),

or travel in the opposite direction, where you sight a welcoming,
warm-looking lodge upon a nearby hill (turn to 75).

The Elf's smile falls, and they look saddened.

"That man is... very cruel."

The Elf stands and paces anxiously, "I see some of the things
his followers do, some of the things he does…"

They walk up to you and kneel beside the bed, grasping your

"Please, I beg you, do not seek him out. You can be safe from
him here."
Looking a little distressed, the Elf attempts to regain their
composure and sits back down. They smile again, though it looks
somewhat forced.

"I know it might be asking a lot, but please - forget about him."
(turn to 18)

A beautiful elven person steps into the room, looks to you and
smiles warmly.

"You're awake again I see, how wonderful!"

The Elf walks over and sits beside you on the bed, their long
hair spillng over their shoulders and they look at you kindly with
sparkling eyes. They carry a tray upon which are two steaming

"I was worried you wouldn't make it, it's such a relief that
you're alright! You should have some tea; beat back the last bit of
blizzard chill from within you."

The charming Elf offers you a cup.

Take the tea (turn to 68).

Don't take the tea (turn to 28).

You drop into a very hot room just in time to see a huge figure
throwing an old goblin into a furnace before you. The goblin
screams in pain and protest, but not for long.

Looking to one side you see a couple of other old goblins

chained to the wall, presumably awaiting the same fate.

Unfortunately, your entrance was not silent, and the large

figure turns to face you before you can hide!

(turn to 8)

As you walk forward, a shape emerges from the flurries of
snow ahead of you - a pole sticking straight up from the ground,
red markings smeared in a spiral around it, and a skull placed on
This is it, the warning that you can turn back and perhaps the
Frost King won't kill you on his solstice night hunts, but if you
proceed - your death will be certain.

The Frozen Fortress must be close.

A chill runs down your spine, nothing to do with the freezing

cold around you. But you steel yourself and press on.
Unfortunately, with your first step you hear the crack of ice,
and the ground beneath you gives way! You plummet down an
icy chute and land in a cave (turn to 67).

Dominating the music room is a large organ with many pipes
twisting outward from it, snaking their way across the walls and
Looking around, you see several life-sized puppets hanging
from their strings. They appear very realistic, and wear joyful
expressions. You approach half-expecting them to spring to life,
but their glossy faces remain motionless. They are just dolls and
puppets, but you feel uneasy looking at them.

One wall of the room has a  large door  (turn to  77), and
through windows beside it you see the billowing snow storm
You may try  playing the organ  (turn to  25), or return into
through the opening into the cave path you entered (turn to 9).

You squeeze into the small shaft, it is a tight fit but you are
able to press forward.
What discomfort you feel from the enclosed space is almost
made up for being out of the cold - the vent seems to be
somewhat warm even.
You continue forward, crawling slowly so as not to alert the
many workshop goblins to your presence.
(turn to 76)
The goblin body lays on the floor at your feet, silhouetted by a
pool of its blood.
Looking around, you see a workbench where the goblin
seemed to have been inventing new weapons and mechanisms
that the Frost King might take on his solstice trips. Most seem
incomplete or broken, but there is one thing that catches your
eye, a 🔸 Toxic Grenade.

There is a path leading back into the miasmic caverns, but you
know if you go back there now the smog will surely overpower
you, and there will be no return.
You can only press onward through a small doorway that leads
to a staircase (turn to 84)

Things seem to be going well, until you slide down further
into the pit and see what is at the bottom: a grid of vicious
looking metal spikes.

There is no avoiding them, and you are impaled - forever to

remain at the bottom of the pit. Your skeleton kept company by a
couple of others who arrived before you.

Game Over!

You see the source of the click, a mechanism has sprung open
a hatch in the floor, revealing a small secret compartment.
Within you find 🔸 1 Health Potion, and 🔸 1 Ration.

You remain in the twisted music room (turn to 94).

"Oh a few things! It's pretty hard to get good ingredients this
far North - very little grows well, but I maintain a little garden
where I raise a good variety of plants." The Elf tries to smile
humbly, but you sense pride in their accomplishment.

"Anyway it's a recipe I've been working on for a while, I'm

trying to make a drink that can fight off the cold, calm the heart,
and ease the mind - all things that help a great deal around

If you have not yet drunk the tea, you may choose to  do so
now (turn to 68),

otherwise (turn to 18).

Keeping yourself as small and unnoticeable as you can, you
make your way across the catwalks above the goblin workshop
inch by inch, being careful not to make too much noise or
You reach the back of the workshop without alerting any of
the many goblins below!

Here, there are stairs down into the workshop proper, you
could rush these and  surprise the many goblins below with a
reckless attack (turn to 116), or you might try to climb through
a vent at the back of the walkway (turn to 126).

The Frost King laughs over your body as you bleed out. There
is no doubt that your wounds are fatal.

"Ho ho ho, perhaps I should have gone a little easier on you?

Oh well, at least..." He picks you up by your head,
"I can watch your twisting face as you die!"

He slices through your neck and for a moment you feel your
body fall away from you. You see your horrified expression
reflected in the Frost King's icy and cruel gaze.


Game Over!

A clumsy misstep as you move across the walkway causes it to
clang, rattle, and sway - drawing the attention of a goblin below,
who quickly begins to yell.
Now hundreds of goblins have spotted you, many rushing for
the stairs up to the walkway, the others cheering for your
imminent and violent death.

You try to run the rest of the way toward a vent in the back
wall, but are soon obstructed by several goblins, the first of
which looks very strong!

🎲 💪 Make a Power Check now, to get past the first goblin!

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 128)
• 3 or less (turn to 61)

You cough a little, but can hold your breath long enough
between the thicker parts of the dark smoke so that you take no

You continue on through the smoggy tunnel (turn to 2)...

The Emerald Orb pacifies the eyedol, and you step into the
room unharmed.

There is a 🔸 bucket with a hole in the base here.

There is also an intricate contraption connected to a door on

the other side of the room, seemingly activated by some
weighing scales beside it.

You also see a waterfall to your left, and a deep, dark pit to
your right.

What do you do?

Jump into the pit (turn to 97).
Fill the bucket with water (turn to 42).
Place the Emerald Orb upon the scales (turn to 82).
The Frost King wears an expression of shock,

"What?! WHAT?!" He stumbles back, disbelieving your rapid

attacks could fell him so quickly, "No! NO NO NO! This wasn't
supposed to happen!"

The Frost King screams in pain and denial, but cannot change
what happened, you have won.
Your foe begins to crumble, parts of his body cracking, falling,
and shattering upon the floor.

"Did I... Did I go too easy on you?!"

You kick over what remains of the Frost King, and he shatters
into nothing.
You have done it, you have claimed your revenge, you have
killed the Frost King.

You turn around, and walk straight through the workshop and
out through the main gate - the goblins now too fearful of you to
dare attacking.

Legend will tell of your Assault on the Frozen Fortress.

The End!

You resist the elven trickery and leap up, drawing your

"Curses!" yells the Elf, their smile turning wicked and cruel, "A
heart tastes so much better when it is content and defenceless!"

Free of the Elf's mesmerising gaze, you remember now - your

research told legends of an Elven Hearteater that lived this far

The Elf draws a blade and lunges toward you,

⚔ Battle the Elven Hearteater now!

Elven Hearteater

Mocking Glare
You cannot use a skill on your next

Mesmerise Health: 11
-2 on your next roll
DEX: 1
POW: 0
Quick Jab MAG: 2
1 Damage

Poison Blade
1 damage for each time the poison
blade has hit you (including this time)
Their kind manner disgarded, they move around quickly, a wicked
look in their eyes!

What is the result?

• You win (turn to 43)
• You are defeated (turn to 62)
You travel on down the path to the right, the miasma getting
thicker and thicker the further you go, its source unclear.

🎲 💪 Make a Power Check now!

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 103)
• 3 or less (turn to 56)

Crouching and peering into the crawlspace, you see many
large and sharp icicles blocking the way. You are confident that if
you could clear them away, you could then crawl through the
narrow tunnel.

🎲 ⭐ Make a Magic Check now, to see if you can melt the

ice with a magical flame.

What is your result?

• 4 or more, you melt the ice and may proceed down
the narrow crawlspace (turn to 70)
• 3 or less, you cannot pass and remain at the  forking
path (turn to 3)

The goblin drops to its knees and slumps its shoulders. It
seems down but at the last moment it lurches up at you,
swinging a concealed rusty knife.

🎲 👋 Make a Dexterity Check now!

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 60)
• 3 or less (turn to 129)
You find yourself in a cave built slightly into a cliffside, there
are bones and bloodstains all across the floor, you are almost
overpowered by the smell of rotting flesh... but there is no time
to worry about that because before you stands a snarling
⚔ Battle the Tarandus now!

Tarandus Slasher

Stomp Hooves
Nothing Happens

Health: 10

DEX: 2
POW: 0
Charge with Horns
MAG: 1
1 Damage

2 Damage - with +1 damage for every
other Tarandus present
It has huge horns with sharp spikes jutting out in all directions. From
its mouth hang hundreds of long, pointed teeth, and you see sharp
bone-like protrusions pointing through its furry body.

What is the result?

• You win (turn to 40)
• You are defeated (turn to 6)
⚔ Battle both Tarandi now!

Tarandus Blitzer

Stomp Hooves
Nothing Happens

Health: 9

Charge with Horns DEX: 2

1 Damage POW: 1
MAG: 0

2 Damage - with +1 damage for every
other Tarandus present
Its hooves are large and thud loudly as it dashes
Tarandus Preyer

Vicious Gaze
-1 on your next roll

Health: 8

DEX: 1
POW: 0
Charge with Horns
MAG: 2
1 Damage

2 Damage - with +1 damage for every
other Tarandus present
It's clear from the bloodstains upon its horns and around the mouth
that it has hunted recently, but the vicious look in its eyes show the
beast is not yet sated.

What is the result?

• You win (turn to 87)
• You are defeated (turn to 63)
You try to resist the Goblin's magic, but start to feel a pulling
sensation, a ripping in your gut...
The Magical Goblin tears you into two pieces using telekinesis!
You watch as your lower body is flung through a far window,
while the rest of you is slammed into the walkway where you are
left, your blood pouring down into the workshop below.

Game Over!

You attempt to conjure some dancing lights further down the
runway, so that the beast might be focussed in that direction and
give you time to reach the door opposite... but your magic has
little effect, and if anything it only makes the Tarandi more alert.
They notice you and rush towards you, fangs bared!
(turn to 111)

You move down a corridor and see a sign marked
"Retirement!" pointing back towards the furnace room, after it is
a T-junction.

To your left the corridor ends in a door leading into the

workshop. Through a small window in the door you see
hundreds of goblins within, still working away. Fortunately they
seem to be too busy for any of them to be patrolling for
intruders. If you want to, you can charge in and try to fight the
many goblins there (turn to 116).

The opposite way, however, has a door leading into what is

marked "The Sleigh Room" (turn to 130)

The Frost King stops as you pull back from the final attack.

"I... Impossible!" he stumbles, clutching at his chest as though

his very heart has shattered.

He Screams, yells, chokes, wheezes, and then whimpers - the

last of his energy spent. He looks at you, furious, helpless,
Parts of the Frost King begin to fall from him and shatter into
nothingness. He wears a pained expression upon his face, until it
too breaks apart.

The Frost King is dead. You have your revenge.

But your adventure is not over yet, the sleigh is so high in the
freezing night sky that you cannot see the ground below, and the
Tarandi pulling the sled begin to crumble and vanish amongst
the blizzard snow, just as the Frost King did...

The sleigh starts to fall!

If Mofflepip is in your party (turn to 22),
Otherwise, you must brace for impact (turn to 20).
You rush into the workshop proper, ready to do battle with the
hundreds of Goblins there.

Only you aren’t ready, there are HUNDREDS of Goblins. You

realise you've made a terrible mistake, but you have no time to
turn back.
You are easily overpowered by hundreds of goblins and they
quickly tear you to pieces.

What else could have happened?

Game Over.

You walk up to the Frozen Fortress, which towers above you
now, with great walls made of stone, ice, and bone.

Ahead you see the main entrance, a large gateway that

appears to lead directly into the main workshop - from which
you hear the sounds of a great many goblins working.

You can try to charge in (turn to 116),

or look for another entrance (turn to 66).

Before you, the Frost King laughs as he swings a whip of many
wicked blades at a prisoner chained to a wall.
"Ho ho ho, so you're finally here!"

The Frost King looks to you, a devilish wide grin across his
face, revealing many knife-sharp teeth. Again, he lashes the
person tied to the wall.

"This is the last 'hero' who came to stop me!" He chuckles, "Ho
ho, this is what happens to all of them!"

The Frost King puts down the bladed whip and walks over to
he prisoner, placing his giant hand upon their head.

"I like to keep one around, to keep me occupied in-between

the solstices."

Staring right into your eyes and not breaking contact, the
Frost King crushes the skull of his prisoner and smiles as the
body goes limp.

"Like I say; I only keep one around, and the next one is you!"

The Frost King approaches with large, heavy footfalls. His

terrible laugh ringing in your ears louder and louder.

You must now face the Frost King (turn to 69)!

The Octographer begins to ascend, the bells of attrition cease
their ringing, and the snowstorm finally stops.
Your foe fades from view, gone from this dimension forever.

It is finally over.

The viltrasp within your chest withdraws, and from beneath

the quaking ground, your welcoming home returns.
You step within and claim your rest for the next thousand
years, until you are called upon once again.

You Win!

You realise that you are losing the fight and turn to run, but
feel the goblin leap upon your back, you try to shake him off but
haven't the strength left.
You see a rusty knife in the corner of your eye a split second
before feeling a sharp coldness across your throat. You feel warm
blood spill down your front.

You collapse.

As you bleed out, unable to move, you watch as the goblin

walks up to you and begins cutting into your belly. He pulls out
your guts and bites into them. He looks down at you with bloody

The world fades.

Game Over!

🎲 💪 Make a Power Check now!

What is your result?

• 6 or more (turn to 19)
• 5 or less (turn to 80)

Fortunately the wound was not too great and you manage to
stop the bleeding without much difficulty.

Looking around, you find yourself in a  small room  (turn

to 96).

You step through the doorway into a small room.
Unfortunately you are still a little disoriented from the miasma,
and you practically walk right into a goblin!

It turns from a workbench to see your intrusion, and it

⚔ Battle the Workshop Goblin now!

Workshop Goblin

Swing & Miss

Nothing Happens

Toxic Scratch Health: 7

-1 on your next roll
DEX: 1
POW: 1
Goblin Punch MAG: 0
1 Damage

Ferocious Bite
2 Damage
He wears crimson clothes, you realise they are dyed with the blood of
people killed on past solstices!

What is the result?

• You win (turn to 109)
• You are defeated (turn to 120)

Eventually you reach a dead end, but there is a hatch in the
base of the vent, through which you see the a room below -
though you don't see much of it.
You do however hear yelling,
"Please, No! I've been loyal! All my years!"

You hear a the sound of chains being moved and then the
yelling becomes more desperate,

"WAIT! I can still work! I can still serve! I'll do it! Please, just
don't do this!"

The narrow crawlspace is too small for you to turn back, the
only way for you to go is down through the hatch and into
the furnace room (turn to 92).

It takes a little time, but using the sturdy needle you manage
to pick the lock holding you to the wall, and free yourself. But as
you rub your sore wrists you hear the sleigh as it begins to leave -
you must chase after it!
(turn to 44)

As soon as you enter the vent, you start quickly sliding down -
the chute is sloped with no way to slow yourself.
You bump against the sides as the vent curves left, then right,
then bumps and finally throws you from it into a room.
(turn to 92)
Tired, your muscles aching, you try to dodge the massive hand
of the Fire Feeder but fail miserably.
You are picked up and thrown right into the furnace, where
the flames grip you tightly, cooking you alive.
If there is any fortune in this circumstance, it is that you were
so near being beaten to death that the scorching fire does not
take long to kill you.

Game Over!

You overpower the strong goblin and push them from the
walkway, they topple over the side and fall to their death into the
workshop below, crushing two other jeering goblins in the

The next goblin blocking your path looks like it has some
magical ability,

🎲 ⭐ Make a Magic Check now!

What is your result?

• 4 or more (turn to 7)
• 3 or less (turn to 112)
💔 You take 1 point of damage!

You prepare to counter the creature's attack but by the time

the blade catches you - the goblin is already dead, and it makes a
wet slap as its body hits the cold floor.

You look at your wound, did you survive (turn to 122)

or were you killed by the goblin blade (turn to 37)?

There is a large, ornate, sleigh here - the colour of blood. It
has a large magical sack on the rear seat, being filled with
weapons (both mundane and magical) fed from the workshop by
a conveyor belt above.

You see a Tarandus here, and then a second. Both are

harnessed to the sleigh with room for even more of the beasts,
which are presumably being fetched. The sleigh and the Tarandi
are pointed toward a runway down which you see the blizzard
outside, blowing harder than ever.

There is also a door on the opposite side of the room.

What will you do?

Attempt to sneak around the Tarandi (turn to 59).
Try to cause a magical distraction for the Tarandi (turn to 11).
Charge at the Tarandi! (turn to 131)

Unafraid of their horns with many razor-sharp prongs, their
giant teeth, the bloodstains of their victims upon their fur - you
charge right at the Tarandi!
(turn to 111)

Taking the keys, you release the quiet goblin from his chains.

He stands before you, rubbing his wrists.

"Why? Ah served 'ut Frost King for cent'rees... E' was goin t'
burn me jus't' keep 'ut furnace go'in... jus't' keep 'is machines

The goblin looks up to you,

"You 'elped me, an yeh don' even know who ah am..."

The old goblin thinks for a moment and then declares,

"Ahm Mofflepip, wha'ever ah can do t' repay yeh, ah will!"

(turn to 45)
The Frost King contemplates the riddle you have presented,
and after a moment he drops his weapons.

"You're... you're right." He drops to his knees, "What a fool I

have been! Of course, the love was in my heart all along!"

You approach the Frost King and know now that he has
realised the error of his ways - the Frost King poses a threat no
more. Your need for revenge seems to fade away, and you let it

You embrace the weeping Frost King, and a new era begins.

You Win!

The Tarandi are distracted by your magic for long enough that
by the time they notice you, you have already slipped through
the opposite door and into the back room corridor (turn to 5).

This book would not have been possible without the generous
support of my wonderful patrons:

Abraham Gellis Colin Strong Ed Key Hannah Cairns

Agent V Connor Sherlock Ed Harry Danby
Alan Hazelden Cool Ghosts edderiofer Hayden Scott-
Alex Mole curiousDNA Edmund Lewry
alex baldwin Cyrus Edward Prosser
Amazing Stace Dan Fries Elliott Davis
Ian Danskin
Andrew Lim Dan Stott Eric Schwarzott
Andrew Daniel Ziegener Eric Spain
Shouldice J Prater
Daniel Cassidy Erin Congden
Andrew Jack Milton
Darkflux Evan Gale
Jake Hadley
Dave Reed fernlager
Andy Noelker
David Chaney Fragglerock
Andy Busch
Jason Papp
David Green Francis
Fernandez jctwood
Ryskalczyk Freyja Domville Jess Triska
Davio Cianci Froyok Joakim Almgren
Bruno Guerrero
Derek Carroll Gary Jonathan Wright
C Postlethwaite
Dethe Elza Joseph
CB Droege George Harnish
Dorian Justin Lawen
cecelia wren Beaugendre gkr
Kathryn Long
Charles Drew Graham Morph
Keith Evans
MacMullen Messinger- Taylor
Michaels & Kevin
Chris Greg V.
Lauren Villegas
Cian Booth Gregory Avery-
Weir Kirbyrocket
Clarity McKenzie
kleril Miles Ryan McCoy
known_blob Sarah
Mistodon McCormack
Kshitij Sobti
mono Sean Curry
Kylie Backstrom
MutantMecha Sean Dick
Neil Shmlonathan
Lax Stoler
Nick Ver Voort
Le-Roy Signe G
Karunaratne Nicolas Brignol
Lee Norgg
Stacy Read
Lenny Parachuting
Morayniss Turtle StingingNettle
Leonard Witte Periwinkle Tad Patterson
LiaSae Perplamps Terry
I love you all,
Lily White Pete Alex Harris Thornae
Thank you so
Lottie Phoebe Smith Tim Flusk
Ltreon Piper Gordon Tim Monks
Lucas Augusto Pyroka Tobbun
Luke Rav Tobi
Malcolm Brown Rgn Tom McLean
Marcelo Perez Richard Fabian Tom Vine
Martin Hellqvist Rob Colvin Trace Bullet
Max Friedman Rob & Jenny Vince Mckelvie
Max Vorundor
Robby Mitchell
Max E. Aubrey Weeble Wilson
Rog Dolos
Michael Will Templeton
Roger Dominick
Michael Adams Willem Jager

Mike Watson William D
Mike the Prips Zoya
Royce Rogers
기용 박
Extra Character Classes
Here are some alternative classes for more unique play.

Health Dexterity Power Magic
7 2 1 1
The viper is a speedy and well-trained combatant. Though weaker
than some, they attack quickly and often, overwhelming their
Skills: Traits:
Riposte Rapid
Adjust your stance, and the next time Can make two attack rolls per turn as
you take damage, an enemy take twice a single action in battle
the amount of damage.
Poison Blade
Deal 1 damage this turn, poisoning the
enemy, who takes 1 damage after each
of their next 3 turns.

Health Dexterity Power Magic
10 1 1 3
The Seer has a mystic sight which shows what will happen in the
near future. Seers may seem strange to others, but their unusual
actions are often in anticipation of the futures that only they foresee.
Skills: Traits:
Brace Foresight
Any damage received this round is The seer knows what actions enemies
halved will take on their next turn. (Roll for
Accurate enemy actions before the Seer’s turn,
but don’t perform the enemy action
Take a turn to foresee the enemy
until their turn)
movements - by knowing where the
enemy is all your future attacks will
still do 1 damage even if they miss.
Health Dexterity Power Magic
9 3 2 1
The Energist is a master of their own body, able to adjust and adapt
to any situation simply by focusing themselves, the only downside is
it takes time for the Energist to adapt, and if they push their body to
one extreme they may not be prepared for when circumstances
require something else.
Skills: Traits:
Redistribute Energy Reactive energy
Move up to 2 stat points from one stat Can use the Redistribute Energy skill
(Dexterity, Power, or Magic) to once before making any ability check.
another. You cannot reduce a stat to
below zero.
Block Energy
Choose one of the enemy actions, and
strike the enemy in a way that prevents
them from performing that action for
three turns. This skill can be used once
per battle.

Health Dexterity Power Magic
7 2 0 2
With extensive knowledge of biology, a Doctor has a deep
understanding of how to heal, and of how to cause harm.
Skills: Traits:
Bandage Triage
A party member recovers from all Can grant 3 points of health to a party
damage taken in the last turn. This can member following a battle
be used no more than twice per battle.
You release a cloud of gas which
poisons all enemies. Each takes 1
damage at the end of their next 4
Health Dexterity Power Magic
5 2 2 1
The Zombie is undead and, whilst easy to kill, often recovers from
death. They can also make strong, reckless, attacks - but at risk of
permanently losing the limb they use.
Skills: Traits:
Limb Attack Undead Recovery
Attack with a limb, dealing 5 damage. If your Health drops to zero, roll a die -
Then roll a die and on a 1, you lose the if the result is greater than the number
limb. If you lose all 4 limbs your of times your health has dropped to
Health is reduced to 0 and you cannot zero, you immediately recover and
use Undead Recovery. have maximum health again.

Health Dexterity Power Magic
11 1 2 3
The Devout are warriors with a strong connection to a deity, through
prayer they call upon the subject of their worship for aid.
Skills: Traits:
Pray Divine Protection
You pray to your deity, roll a die to see Twice per battle, you may choose to
how they respond: half damage you receive.
1. Your lack of faith angers your Divine Assistance
deity, you take 2 damage Once per game, you may choose to pass
2. With your mind’s-eye, you glimpse any Ability Check without having to
your deity and are so awed and roll.
overwhelmed that you cannot act
on your next turn
3. Nothing happens
4. You are granted temporary
strength, increase your power or
dexterity by 1 point this battle
5. Your deity strikes at an enemy
dealing 2 points of damage
6. Your deity causes great damage to
an enemy, equal to half of their
Maximum Health
Astral Mage
Health Dexterity Power Magic
10 2 1 3
An Astral Mage is someone who has studied stars and fates
extensively, and by using magic is able to shift them ever so slightly -
pulling more favourable outcomes into being.
Skills: Traits:
Rebind Fate Fate Binding
Discard all remaining Fate Binding At the start of every battle, roll four
values, and roll four new ones. dice values and note them. When
Fate Shift attacking, the Astral Mage may choose
to expend one of these values instead of
See the threads of fate around your
enemies and manipulate them - for the making an attack roll.
next two rounds, you can choose to add
or subtract 1 to any enemy action roll

Health Dexterity Power Magic
9 2 1 2
A Phantom is someone who moves between two realms, this world,
and the realm of shadows. The realm of shadows however is a dark
and dangerous place, and the longer you spend there, the more you
are changed.
Skills: Traits:
Veil Step Dark Mist
Cross between realms, whilst in the A dark mist emanates from the
Realm of Shadows, take 3 points of Phantom, making them difficult to hit.
damage at the start of your turns. Once per battle, you may choose not to
Shadow Blade receive damage.
Leave the Realm of Shadows, bringing
with you a dark ethereal weapon that
deals 6 points of damage to a target.
This skill can only be performed if you
are in the Realm of Shadows.

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