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BEECHCRAFT Section X BEECHCRAFT Bonanza SectionV Safety information V35,V36A & V36B thruD-9947 Performance be reviewed periodically and kept with the airplane, along with the Information Manual and other documents required for operation of the airplane tal FAA Documents and other articles ing to the subject of safe flying. The safe pilot is familiar 7a or BES en ol WARNING Because your aircraft is a high performance, high specd designed for ope! ‘CRUISE POWER SETTINGS [seta precautions must be observed to reduce the risk of fatal or serious injuries to the pilot(s) and occupants). It is mandatory that contents of this manu # fully understand the h accompany the airer 10-5 January 1982 621 zz-s zest Avenuop 9-01 tose “uveR CRUISE POWER SETTINGS BERERRER ERR EE “SENWANDOC NOLLVHOdYOD LAVYOWIY HOA’ TIV OL SARININI ‘IW.LVa YO SOLAS HLM NOT LAVYOUIY AHL dO NOLLOMLSAG IVLOL YO ADVWVG FTAVAIGISNO “ATIVILINI LIN NI Linsau¥ NWO TTaM MOH YALLVW ON “LAVUOUIV NV dC HONVNALNIVW YO NOLLVUIEO YadOYW! “ppounyy woReULOZUL 24; yexoute ayy areado 9} Jo stuaquos ay qWIm seyRUEY A{yBNOLOy pue “pare. pur pasuasy Spadoud axe oym suiosiad Kuo mo} OA aM puL ‘EPL PayiduoD A[snoindnios aq maine: ue suoneoigiuiso ‘sunes 20} suawozinbas WY ey eoueuuo}ed ‘Auonoes, Lv6s-amusasene vSEA'SEA ezueuog 14VHOHOISE xX uoRoeg vonBuuopL) Aiapes aayuoHoaaa BEECHCRAFT Section X Safety information GENERAL As a pilot, you are responsible to yourself and to those who fly with you, to other pilots and their to people on the ground, to fly wisely and safely. Be thoroughly familiar with your airplane, know its jons and your own, n your airplane. or ha qualified you are ‘nt Use the approved check list March, 1981 10-7 BEECHCRAFT Bonanza SectionV 35, V36A & V36B thuD-9947 Portormance CRUISE POWER SETTINGS January 1982 5:23 ‘Section BEECHCRAFT Bonanza Performance V35, V36A& V36B thru 0.9947 CRUISE POWER SETTINGS Felon ans He Jenuery 1982 Section x BEECHCRAFT ‘Safety Information Have more than enough fuel for takeoff, plus the trip, and an adequate reserve. Be sure your weight loading and C.G. are within seat belts and Be sure all loose articles and baggage are secured Check freedom of all controls during pre-flight inspection and before takeoff. Maintain the prescribed airspeeds in takeoff, climb, descent and landing, Avoid big airplane wake turbulence. management before the actual flight. Utilize 'y tanks only in level cruise flight. Take off and land on the fullest main tank. Practice emergency procedure: airspeeds, preferably with a qi pilot, until the required action is instinctive. Keep your airplane in good mechanical condition. 108 March, 1981 BEECHCRAFT Section X Safety Information Stay informed and alert; fly in a sensible manner. DON'TS Don't take off with frost, ice or snow on the airplane Don't take off with less than minimum recommended fuel, plus adequate reserves, and don't run the tank dry before switching, Don't fly in a reckless, show-off, careless manner. Don't fly into thunderstorms or severe weather. Don't fly in possible icing conditions unless. the airplane is approved and properly equipped. Don't fly close to mountainous terrain. Don’t apply controls abruptly or with high forces that could exceed design loads of the airplane. Don’t fly into weather conditions that are beyond your ratings or current proficiency. Don’t attempt any take off or landing without using the check list. ‘March, 1981 10-9 BEECHCRAFT Bonanza Section V V35, V35A& V35B thuD-9947 Porformance CRUISE SPEEDS January 1982 6-25

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