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This mod aims to improve your Fallout:NV experience. It features new gameplay mechanics
from most recent FPS games. It's combination of Lazarus Project and Animation Project.

Animation Project Features:

Combat Takedowns - Animated third person non-lethal or lethal combat and sneaking
Combat rolls - Animated third person combat rolls to evade an attack or get closer to enemy.
Animated sprint - First\third person sprint with brand new animations. You can tackle enemies
by pressing "Attack" button while sprinting.
Animated Ingestibles - When you take Stimpak, Super Stimpak, MedX, Tourniquet, Jet,
Vodka, Whiskey - Player will play first person animation.
Object grabbing - Special animation plays when you activate objects or open doors.
Animated Landing - Landing animation when you fall.
Melee Combat - Knockout your enemies, performing melee hits with your ranged weapon.
Lowering weapons - Lower your weapons when looking at NPCs or a wall.
Obstacles climbing - Climb buildings or objects in front of you.

Lazarus Project Features:

Wheel menu - new HUD item selection menu which allows you to quickly equip
Item\Weapon or consume an ingestible.
Gamemode Companion Wheel - Appears instead of vanilla companion wheel. Works with custom
companions. You can disable it for particular companion if needed.
VATS Criticals - similar to Fallout4 when you hit enemy in VATS you build up a critical
meter. When it's full you can execute a devastating attack on enemy (Usual attack + 4x of base
weapon damage) and enemy target below heal threshold (30% by default) will be killed
instantly. It does NOT override vanilla criticals.
Ladder climbing - climb ladders. Can be switched off for non-vanilla ladders.
Visual Objectives + New Dishonored 2 Objective Markers - places floating markers
over quest objectives automatically. You can change color of the arrows and their size according
to their distance to player.
FO4 Dynamic Crosshair - Turns vanilla reticle into FO4 styled Crosshair and makes
activation prompt into FO4 one.
FPS Weapon Crosshair - Crosshair when your weapon is out. + Special crosshair for
FO4 Radiation Meter - Replaces vanilla radiation meter with FO4 one.
Hit marker - displays hit marker when you hit an enemy.
Hit Indicator - displays indicator when you are hit by enemy.
Real Time Equipper - you can equip\unequip items, consume ingestibles,attach\remove
weapon mods and drop items in real time. Also used to store items to Wheel menu.
Item Previewer - Emulates Fallout 4 preview item menu. When you pick up an item you'll be
able to inspect it before taking it in your inventory.
Install Instruction:

Make sure SolidProject.esm is loaded after FalloutNV.esm!
When you first load a savegame with Solid Project you will see initialization menu where you
will be able to choose what features you want to use.
Features you chose will be enabled by default on any other clean save (savegame previously not
loaded with Solid Project active).
If you want to change your default settings you need tohold "backspace" for 4 seconds in main
menu until you see the message "Solid Project::Initialization reset. Load Solid Project with any
clean save."
All features can be enabled and disabled in MCM menu at any time during gameplay.

You have 3 hotkey buttons

1) Lazarus Project hotkey button ("K" by default). You can use it to invoke Real Time
Equipper. You can make it invoke Wheel Menu by ticking "Invoke by" in "Main" subsection of
"Solid Project#2" MCM submenu . Also you can use it to add\remove companions from ban list
for Gamemode Dialogues. (you need to have companion in your crosshair)
2) Animation Project hotkey button ("L" by default). You can use it to initiate takedowns. Press
hotkey to perform non-lethal takedown, hold hotkey to perform lethal takedown.
3) Melee hits hotkey button ("O" by default). You can use it to perform melee hits with your
ranged weapon.
4) To sprint press "Shift" by default.

Solid Project has means to retrieve text from game settings so I can use user's localization entries
which means that simple words like "Category", "Armor", "Aid" will be written in your
language. To activate this tick "Use translation" in "Main" subsection of "Solid Project#1"in
MCM menu. Unfortunately not all required text is contained in game localization so I asked
members of Nexus community to translate remaining UI entries in following languages:
Russian, German, Spanish, French. Choose translation in same MCM menu.

(Animation Project)

Combat Takedowns
(Solid Project#1 -->> "TK:Main")
- Press TK hotkey button ("L" by default) to perform non-lethal takedown.
- Hold hotkey button to perform lethal execution move.
- If target doesn't see you you will perform sneaking lethal\non-lethal takedown.
- By default you will need perk to initiate takedown but you can disable check for perk in MCM
- By default takedowns chance will be calculated based on your Unarmed
skill(for non-lethal takedowns) and Melee Weapons skill (for lethal
takedowns). But you can change it in MCM menu, setting check to "Random
- To perform lethal takedown you need to have One-handed melee weapon equipped and out.
Otherwise you will perform non-lethal
takedown instead.
- You can perform unarmed lethal takedown but only from stealth.
- You can perform takedowns on creatures - you need to have any ranged weapon equipped.

Combat rolls
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Sprint & Rolls")
- Press Sprint hotkey button ("Left Shift" by default) and corresponding movement button to
perform a roll in corresponding direction.

Animated sprint
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Sprint & Rolls")
- Hold Sprint hotkey button ("Left Shift" by default) to start sprinting.
If you are sprinting in first-person mode you will need to hold "UP" button.
To jump from sprint - press "Space" button.
Press "Attack button" to push NPC in front of you.

Animated Ingestibles
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Animated Ingestibles")
- Activated automatically when you use Stimpak, Super Stimpak, MedX, Tourniquet, Vodka,
Whiskey or Jet.

Object Grabbing
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Animated Interaction")
- Activated automatically when you use activate valid object (Item, Door etc.)

Animated Landing
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Animated Interaction")
- Activated automatically when you fall from specified height (Can be changed in MCM menu).

Melee combat
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Melee hits")
- Press "O" with pistol, rifle, automatic rifle or heavy weapon (minigun) to perform melee hits
with them.

Obstacles climbing
(Solid Project#1 -->> "Obsctales climbing")
- Press "E" while jumping in front of obstacle to climb it. Not all obstacles can be climbed.

(Lazarus Project)

Wheel menu
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Wheel Menu")
Press and hold "Middle mouse" button to bring up Wheel menu. Move your mouse to select a
section and release it to equip the item.
Press "R" to change item in selected section.
Alternately you can enable additional controls in MCM menu and use "Left mouse" to equip
item, "Right Mouse" to hide the wheel.

By default Middle Mouse button will be disabled. if you want to keep using it you need to
disable "Invoke by Middle Mouse" in MCM menu and then invoke wheel by Lazarus Hotkey

Real Time Equipper

(Solid Project#2 -->> "Real Time Equipper")
Access it via Wheel menu
Use movement controls to switch through entries and categories;
Press "Reload" button to drop an item;
Press "Grab" button to Modify a weapon;
Press "Space" to stop item from rotating;
Press Lazarus hotkey button to close Real Time Equipper.

Press "Pipboy" button to enter\exit positioning mode. In positioning mode:

-Press MOVEMENT CONTROLS to move UI elements.
-Press LEFTSHIFT to change current UI element.
-Press PIPBOY button to exit positioning mode.
-Hold RELOAD button to reset position of UI elements.

Item Previewer
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Item Previewer")
In button mode - press "Activate" button to take an item and "Sneak" to put it back.
In arrow mode - use movement controls to switch options and "Activate" to confirm.

VATS Criticals
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Vats Criticals")
Press "Space"to execute a critical once meter is full.

Gamemode companion Wheel

(Solid Project#2 -->> "New Companion Wheel")
Use Lazarus hotkey button to add\remove companion from allowed list. You need to have a
companion if your crosshair.
Use 1-8 buttons to choose a dialogue option.
Double tap "E" to talk to companion quickly.
Look away from companion or move to exit dialogue.

Ladder Climbing
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Main")
Press "Left Shift" to climb up\down faster.
Press "Jump" to jump from ladders.
press "Activate" to skip climb and activate ladder immediately.

Visual Objectives
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Visual Objectives")
Activated automatically when you have active quest in your pipboy tab.

FO4 Radiation Meter

( Solid Project#2 -->> "Main")
Activated automatically when you are irradiated.

FO4 Crosshair
(Solid Project#2 -->> "FO4Crosshair")
Activated automatically when you have anything in your crosshair.
Disable "Force hide vanilla INFO text" if you are experiencing any troubles with vanilla prompt
after activating FO4 Crosshair.

FPS Crosshair
(Solid Project#3)
Works when you have your weapon out.(Gun).

Hit Marker
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Hit Marker")
Activated automatically when you hit anything.

Hit Indicator
(Solid Project#2 -->> "Hit Indicator")
Activated automatically when you are hit by anything.

XNVSE >6.1.2.
JIP LN NVSE Plugin >V56.18
JohnnyGuitar NVSE >V3.90
SUP NVSE Plugin >V3.0
MCM menu (Optional)

- Does Solid Project slow down my game?
-No. If you have any doubts - feel free to express them in comment section.

- Why did you merge all features into one package?

- Because I wanted to release a big project, the quintessence of all my work before I retire
from F:NV modding community. Also having all mods in all package allows me to lessen
CPU load on your PC and save your Frames-per-second.

- Will you release standalone version of N? (N == any feature in this mod)

- No.

- Will you release this mod for Fallout 3 ?

- No. FOSE lacks NVSE and JiP plugin functions. Its highly recommended to use Tale of
Two Wastelands mod instead.

- Will you release this mod for Skyrim \ Fallout4 ?

- No. Skyrim and Fallout4 utilizing different script language (papyrus).
- Will you make new features in the future?
- Unlikely because I no longer have time for it. I will concentrate on merely maintaining
this project.

- I see 4 arms while sprinting if playing with Enhanced Camera Mod.

- Enable "No hands for Unarmed FP" in MCM menu. It is enabled automatically on first
game load if you have Enhanced Camera mod installed.
Lutana plugin (Gamepad support)
If you use a controller - Lazarus Project will pick it up automatically. No special activation
needed. You can disable controller detection in MCM menu.

Solid Project does NOT affect any vanilla records.

Solid Project is compatible with Project Nevada (except Sprint and Weapon crosshair).

Solid Project's Sprint is NOT compatible with Project Nevada sprint, and you will be given a
choice to switch off Project Nevada's sprint from message which appears on game load only one
time. DO NOT use Project Nevada Sprint and Solid Project Sprint at the same time - this will
cause serious issues.

Gamemode dialogue wheel will not work well with any "Talk" mods like "Small talk",
"SmallerTalk", "Forced talk" or "AfterTalk".

Wheel menu slow-mo might not be compatible with SuperHot (Redone) or Project Nevada bullet
time (but only if you enable "Slow-mo" option in MCM menu).

Some features might be not compatible with FPS weapon wheel because it disabled 3rd person
camera control. (i.e. Rolls not executing from first person).

For modders:

NOTE:: I've left all name of events unchanged from Lazarus Project and Animation Project.

Solid Project has means to communicate with other mods. Main tool is the multipurpose function
for external use which will help you gain access to mod's variables to make our mods compatible
with each other. You will need NVSE for it.

Since V16 AUX variable is set on Player reference named "*_SolidProjectVersion"(temprorary-

public) which indicates Solid Project version
Do NOT affect any variables in this mod - in future updates you might break it. Contact me if
you want new functions or function requests.


Assets used:
Hitman47101's ingestibles 1st-person animations (MedX, Jet, Tourniquet, Vodka, Whiskey) and
weapon meshes from Animation Resources by Hitman47101 and Fallout2AM)
icons by skoll from

All permissions to use these assets in this project are valid on the time of it's release.

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