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From the published links I have chosen five different topics from different

categories that contain careers I am interested in to use as examples for analysis and
answer the questions.

Describe the Rhetorical Situation of the Genre

Setting: When does the genre appear? How and when is it used? with what other genres
does this interact? How?

This genre exists in different fields such as education and jobs, in that the
educational field is used for emails, internships, scholarships and applications. for
the jobs it is used for CV and job application.

Subject: What topics, issues, ideas, and so forth does this genre address? When people
use this genre, what is it they are interacting about?

Resumes are interacted with memos as they deliver the same content.

Participants: Who uses the genre ?

Students looking for internships / scholarships…

People looking for jobs..

Purposes: Why do writers write this genre, and why do readers read it? What purposes
does the genre fulfill for the people who use it ?

If someone is looking for a job he will need a CV to put in all his information/
accomplishments/ skills ….

Identify the Patterns of the Genre

● What rhetorical appeals are used? What appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos

Pathos is an appeal to emotions, it is used to invoke the understanding of

the topic as well as the author.

● How are the texts in the genre structured? What are their parts, and how are they

it goes by the beginning, middle and ending as normal texts

● In what format are texts in this genre presented? What layout or appearance in
common? How long is a typical text of this genre?

It is organized ase paragraph under paragraph

● What types of sentences do texts in the genre typically use? How long are they? Are
they simple or complex, passive or active? Are the sentences varied? Do they share
a certain style ?

they are using simple sentences, they are not complicated because the reading
must understand what is written easily

● What diction is most common ? Is a type of jargon used ? Is slan used ? How would
you describe the writer’s voice ?

slangs are not used because they are professional resumes that maybe sent
to administrations or companies

Analyze the meaning of the patterns

● What do participants have to know, believe, or understand to appreciate the genre?

Reading is way easier.

The informations are clear

● Who is invited into the genre , and who is excluded?

● What roles for writers and readers does the genre encourage or discourage?

it encourage the reader to read faster and easier and it makes both reading and
understanding easy

● What values, beliefs, goals, and assumptions are revealed through the genre’s

● How is the subject of the genre treated? What content is considered most important?
What content (topics or details) is ignored?

the most important genre are the ones that inform you with something

● What actions does the genre help make possible? What actions does the genre
make difficult?
the genre help people to arrange what they want to say
it make it difficult when you have to follow a specific template and you can’t
write with unfamiliar language
● What attitude toward readers is implied in the genre? What attitude toward the world
is implied in it
the attitude toward the readers is implied in the topic
the attitude toward the world is implied in the way of writing, the details
selected and finally the worlds used

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