3MS Sequence 2 All Lessons 2018

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Sequence Two

Bougandoura Taher Middle School

First Sequence
Me and Lifestyles

Lesson 1
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PD
I listen and do narrate past events, experiences and childhood memories. FRAME

C.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Narrating Past Events, Experiences and Childhood Memories
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): Audio files and scripts, Flash Cards, Dialogue and handouts
Lesson Focus: Language Learning
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: (past simple and semi modal “used to”)

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

1- Intellectual Competency: - Being proud of the Algerian lifestyle.

- He can use critical thinking. - Respect our elders’ way of life.

- He can interpret oral messages.
2- Methodological competency:

- He can mobilise his resources.

3- Communicative Competency:

- He can pick up information from interview

4- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can socialise through oral exchange.

TASK 1: I listen to the interview and complete the following passage using the following words: “grandma,
Jenny, the North, Porridge, Yorkshire, beef, Sundays, jeans, wool, cotton, school uniform, blouse.”

.................. and her ............... were talking in the interview. Jenny’s grandma was not born in London, but she
was born in................. . Her grandma used to eat................ at breakfast and .................... pudding with
roast.............. on.................. . As for clothes, she didn’t used to wear leggings or................ eighty years ago.
Their clothes were made of ............ or............. . Her childhood memories were beautiful, especially her first
day at school. She put on her new................... : a nice black gymslip and a white............. with a nice big


CONTEXT (adapted audio file and script)

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role
Warm-up Visual
-Teacher greets learners -Learners respond to each
and writes the date. question.
-Teacher starts a series of Learners can also brainstorm
Introducing a new topic
questions as to get learners and learn new lexis.
L-T and eliciting data from
in the new sequence which
is all about one’s lifestyle.
Presenting a topic-
- What does “Lifestyle”
related lexis.
-In what way(s) do we
compare lifestyles?
-Teacher helps learners to
draw a comparison
between life in the past
and the present through
flash cards and learning
new lexis.

Pre- Teacher plays different Learners listen and respond Checking their

listening audio files and asks several to the questions. understanding and
10’ questions about each: L/T memory when it comes Aud
The first part of the L/L to listening.
interview: I answer with
“true” or “false”.
1- Jenny’s was born
when WWII began.
2- She was born in
3- Girls used to play
with rag dolls.
4- They did not play
5- Boys used to play .
video games too.
*Adapted audio files with

scripts can be downloaded

here or found along with
the attachment files below.
During TASK 2: I group each Learners try to order the L/T Finding a link between
Listening pair according to their sentences according to their each question and
30’ link in meaning. logical order and relevance. answer.
- No, I was born
in the North.
- Did you have a
private room
for each?
- We used to play
hide-and-seek and
skipping rope.
- Where were
you born?
- What kind of
games did you
used to play?
- No, we did not
have that chance.

TASK 3: I listen to the Learners listen and tick the Interpreting an audio
interview and tick boxes boxes. L/T message and checking
next to the items of their understanding. AVT
clothing that correspond
to each person.
(See task 9 p. 50).
(printed as handouts)

TASK 4: I l match each item AVT

of clothing mentioned with Learners listen and match. L/T Interpreting audio
its corresponding picture. message then pictures
( see task 11 p. 50) and learning new lexis.
(printed as handouts)

TASK 5: I answer my
partner’s questions Learners ask and answer Learning how to answer
about my childhood. questions in the past; questions about the past
-Did you play hide- they complete with the L/T using a target structure L/L
and seek when you correct structure as to of correct sentences in
were a child? answer the questions. the past.
-Whom did you use to Brainstorming ideas.
play with?
-What games did boys/girls
use to play?
- How often did you
play these games?

TASK 6: (pair work) I

Post listen to the interview and Learners listen and complete L/L Interpreting audio AVT
Listening complete the interview the interview card using L/T message and memorising
10’ card. information from the information or even new
Note: Teacher may read or extended audio file. lexis learned through
use an extended audio file listening.
that summarises all the Producing an interview
information used in all card with information
interview parts. (Adapted interpreted from audio
and extended audio file file.
with script).
The Quote of the Day:



People travelled by bicycles, camels in the

deserts, horse carriages or steam trains.

Now, people travel by cars, planes or high speed

Families now and then!
We used to play hide-and-seek
Boys used to play marbles
TASK 1: I listen to the interview and complete the following passage using the following words: “blouse, the
North, jeans, school uniform, Porridge, beef, Jenny, Sundays, Yorkshire, cotton, porridge, grandma, wool.”

and her (2).................... were talking in the interview. Jenny’s grandma was not born in
London, but she was born in (3)..................... . Her grandma used to eat (4).................... at breakfast and
pudding with roast (6)................. on (7).......... ........... . As for clothes, she didn’t used to
wear leggings or (8)...................eighty years ago. Their clothes were made of (9) .................or
. Her childhood memories were beautiful, especially her first day at school. She put on her
new (12)..................... : a nice black gymslip and a white (13) .....................with a nice big collar.

Correction :


TASK 1: I listen to the interview and complete the following passage using the following words: “blouse, the
North, jeans, school uniform, Porridge, beef, Jenny, Sundays, Yorkshire, cotton, porridge, grandma, wool.”

and her (2).................... were talking in the interview. Jenny’s grandma was not born in
London, but she was born in (3)..................... . Her grandma used to eat (4).................... at breakfast and
pudding with roast (6)................. on (7).......... ........... . As for clothes, she didn’t used to
wear leggings or (8)...................eighty years ago. Their clothes were made of (9) .................or
. Her childhood memories were beautiful, especially her first day at school. She put on her
new (12)..................... : a nice black gymslip and a white (13) .....................with a nice big collar.

Correction :


TASK 1: I listen to the interview and complete the following passage using the following words: “blouse, the
North, jeans, school uniform, Porridge, beef, Jenny, Sundays, Yorkshire, cotton, porridge, grandma, wool.”

and her (2).................... were talking in the interview. Jenny’s grandma was not born in
London, but she was born in (3)..................... . Her grandma used to eat (4).................... at breakfast and
pudding with roast (6)................. on (7).......... ........... . As for clothes, she didn’t used to
wear leggings or (8)...................eighty years ago. Their clothes were made of (9) .................or
. Her childhood memories were beautiful, especially her first day at school. She put on her
new (12)..................... : a nice black gymslip and a white (13) .....................with a nice big collar.

Correction :

TASK 3: I listen to the interview and tick boxes next to the items of clothing that correspond to
each person.

TASK 3: I listen to the interview and tick boxes next to the items of clothing that correspond to
each person.

TASK 3: I listen to the interview and tick boxes next to the items of clothing that correspond to
each person.

TASK 3: I listen to the interview and tick boxes next to the items of clothing that correspond to
each person.
TASK 4: I listen and match each item of clothing mentioned with its corresponding picture.

TASK 4: I listen and match each item of clothing mentioned with its corresponding picture.
TASK 5: (pair work) I listen to the interview and complete the interview card.

TASK 5: (pair work) I listen to the interview and complete the interview card.

Adapted by Ghoues Mohammed El Amin


Jenny: Hello, grandma. Please look at the camera and answer my questions. Where were you

Grandma: I was born in the North of London, in a farmhouse.

Jenny: Nice! And what did you use to eat in those days?

Grandma: We used to eat porridge at breakfast and Yorkshire pudding with roast beef on Sundays.

Jenny: Now, tell me grandma. What did you use to wear back then?

Grandma: we didn’t used to wear leggings or jeans eighty years ago. Our clothes were made of
wool or cotton.

Jenny: And what is your best childhood memory?

Grandma: I went to primary school. I was 6 years old then. I put on my new school uniform: a nice
black gymslip and a white blouse with a nice big collar.

Pre-listening TASK

Jenny: Hello, grandma. Please look at the camera and answer my questions. When were you born?

Grandma: I was born in 1939. The same year the Second World War began.

Jenny: Were you born in London?

Grandma: No sweetheart, I was born in the North, in a farmhouse.

Jenny: What did you use to play back then?

Grandma: We girls used to play with rag dolls. We also played hide-and- seek, hopscotch and
skipping rope. As for boys, they used to play with marbles and their own toys made of wood.


Jenny: Now, tell me grandma. What did you use to wear?

Grandma: We didn’t use to wear leggings or jeans. Our clothes were quite formal, not casual like in
your days. We used to wear long dresses, blouses, shawls, which mum knitted for us, headscarves
and clogs. We also used to wear hats on special occasions.

Jenny: Girls rarely wear hats those days. We prefer berets or caps and wooden clogs.

Grandma: Well, sweetheart, times changes!

TASK 6 (Extended Audio Scripts)

Grandma: I was born in 1939, the same year Second World War began.

Jenny: Were you born in London?

Grandma: No, sweetheart, I was born in the North, in a farmhouse five miles from the National
Park. Our farmhouse wasn’t big. Actually, we shared it with my three uncles and two aunts. My
dad and mum hand only two rooms. My three sisters and I shared one of them. We used to help
mum with housework and tidy our room every day. We also took turns to feed the chickens, ducks
and geese. I learnt to milk cow at 12.

Jenny: Oh, that’s really hard work! And what did you use to eat?

Grandma: We used to eat porridge, Yorkshire pudding with roast beef. Every meal consisted of
boiled potatoes with gravy, meatballs, kidney pies and brown bread. The family used to gather
around the table in the kitchen. Mum used to serve dad first and then us. We weren’t allowed to
put our elbows on the table or talk with our mouths full.

Jenny: I see! Now, tell me about clothing.

Grandma: we used to wear quite formal clothes such as long dresses, blouses, shawls, headscarves
and clogs. On special occasions, we used to wear hats. They are so classy and elegant.

Jenny: We prefer caps and berets nowadays! What about games and your childhood memories?

Grandma: Girls used to play hide-and-seek, hopscotch and skipping rope. We also played with rag
dolls. Boys used to play with marbles and toys made of wood. Let me tell you about my first day t
school. I went to primary school putting on my new school uniform: a nice black gymslip and a
white blouse with a nice collar. I was very happy that morning and I was impatient to learn a lot at

Jenny: Thanks, dear grandma for being patient with me and my questions.

Grandma: Thank you for reminding me of my old beautiful memories.

Lesson 2
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PP
I Pronounce - discriminate between the vowel sounds: /æ/ and /ᴧ/ FRAME
Part 01

L.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Pronunciation of the vowel sounds /æ/ and /ᴧ/.
Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): Audio files and scripts
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: vowel sounds /æ/ and /ᴧ/.

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

5- Intellectual Competency: - Being proud of the Algerian lifestyle.

- He can understand, interpret verbal and non - Respect our elders’ way of life.
verbal texts.
He can interpret and identify sounds.
6- Methodological competency:

He can work in pairs or in groups.

7- Communicative Competency:

- He can pick up information from (audio)

8- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can socialise through oral exchange.

TASK 1: I complete the following sentences.

1- ................and................ liked playing..................... and................

2- ...................lost the game because she couldn’t find the words.............. and..............
3- As usual, ................. is a winner!



Putty and Mat used to play scrabble and puzzle just after dinner. One day, Putty
couldn’t find the words “shut” and “bat”, so she lost the game. Mat as usual is a
winner! Now, both of them remember when they were young, and how much fun
they had those days.”
-context created by the teacher.
Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners respond to each

and writes the date. question.
-Teacher starts a quick Learners can also memorise,
Jogging their memory by
reviewing about all the review and provide
L-T reviewing some of
speech sounds, whether examples.
pronunciation concepts
consonant sounds or
already been taught.
vowel sounds seen before.
He invites some learners
to provide examples, too.

Presentation Teacher sets up a situation Learners listen and do the Checking their

and gives handouts. first task by completing understanding and

10’ (See the context above) sentences. L/T memory when it comes Aud
L/L to listening.
Teacher plays an audio file Improving their listening
first (context). And invites skill.
them to do the first task-
based on listening.
After correcting the first Learners correct their
task, teacher gives learners mistakes and learn the
the script and asks some to pronunciation of target
read it aloud. words
The teacher plays the
audio file again/can read it T/L
too as to explain any new
words or correct
mispronounced words .
preparing them for the
second task.
Practice TASK2: I read the passage

again as best as I can-orally Learners read the context Learning and improving
30’ done. after listening to it many pronunciation for
times following the correct certain words, as well as
-Teacher asks several pronunciation. T/L reading skill.
questions related to L/T
pronunciation: VA
What are the vowels Learners answer the Identifying vowel
sounds that are repeated teacher’s question. sounds most frequently
when reading the words in heard.
-These vowel sounds are:

TASK3: I classify the

following words in the Based on their slight

table. knowledge, they classify the Testing their knowledge
Words: sun- cat- cut- hat- following words. L/T and helping them
shut-- above- bat- Algeria. eliciting a rule.
/ᴧ/ /æ/

My Pronunciation Tools:
Teacher invites learners to L/T
Learners listen and
listen and repeat the repeat. They can also give L/T
following words. examples.
/æ/ Expanding their
and-scrabble- grandma- knowledge about the
national-had- thank- pronunciation of certain
salad- family- cap- hat- words, in addition to AV
have- car- gather. some possible spellings for
/ᴧ/ these vowel sounds.
uncle-London- come-
mum- tub-plus- lucky-fun-
-Teacher invites learners Learners, in this case, try to L/T
to provide the possible elicit the different spellings L/L Eliciting the
spellings of these two of these two vowel sounds. rule/possible spellings
vowel sounds.
/æ/ : a
/ᴧ/ : u( study)-o (son)-ou
(double)-oo (blood)...

That’s only for teachers:

[ᴧ] of Up
The mandible, to
accommodate the tongue, is
dropped to approximately
the position of the mid front
vowels. The tongue is resting
on the floor of the mouth
with only a slight elevation a
little below and back of the
center. The unrounded lips
follow the natural de-
pression of the mandible but
play no active part in the
[ᴧ] Spelling
cup – Chandragupta –
nothing – does – blood –
TASK4: I highlight and
Use identify the vowel sounds Learners highlight and Being able to highlight
10’ in the following identify the target vowel and identify the target
sentences. sounds based on their vowel sounds
b. Grandma is in the hut knowledge and rule.
c. The basket was full of
nuts, beets, and figs.
Peanuts and beans are up
in the cupboard.

Lesson 3
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PP
I Pronounce - discriminate between the vowel sounds: /u/ /u:/ /ə/ /ɜ:/ FRAME
Part 02

L.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Pronunciation of the vowel sounds /u/ /u:/ /ə/ /ɜ:/
Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): Audio files and scripts
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: vowel sounds /u/ /u:/ /ə/ /ɜ:/

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

9- Intellectual Competency: - Being proud of the Algerian lifestyle.

- He can understand, interpret verbal and non - Respect our elders’ way of life.
verbal texts.
He can interpret and identify sounds.
10- Methodological competency:

He can work in pairs or in groups.

11- Communicative Competency:

- He can pick up information from (audio)

12- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can socialise through oral exchange.

TASK 1: I say whether these sentences are “true” or “false”.

4- My grandmother was narrating her old childhood memories.

5- She was playing with oud.
6- Another classmate was telling a story he wrote.
7- The story was about a little bird.



My grandfather narrates his childhood memories at school!

When I was a kid, there was a big event. So in the afternoon, I took my oud and went
with my parents to school. I can’t forget such good memories when I stood on the
stage and played a song in full. I still remember when my classmate wrote a short story
too. It was fabulous. He wrote “I saw a butterfly earlier in the spring. It was flying like
a bird, happier than ever! It was eager to discover all the beautiful flowers in the
world. But soon, thunder was shouting and the beautiful scene became a blurry
image. It was fighting the strongest winds blown since many years ago...
-context created by the teacher.
Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners respond to each

and writes the date. question.
-Teacher starts a quick Learners can also memorise,
Jogging their memory by
reviewing about vowel review and provide
L-T reviewing some of
sounds seen before ( of examples.
pronunciation concepts
previous lesson- I
already been taught.
pronounce-part 1).
He invites some learners
to provide examples, too.

Presentation Teacher sets up a situation Learners listen and do the Checking their

and gives handouts. first task by completing understanding and

10’ (See the context above) sentences. L/T memory when it comes Aud
L/L to listening.
Teacher plays an audio file Improving their listening
first (context). And invites skill.
them to do the first task-
based on listening.
After correcting the first Learners correct their
task, teacher gives learners mistakes and learn the
the script and asks some to pronunciation of target
read it aloud. words
The teacher plays the
audio file again/can read it T/L
too as to explain any new
words or correct
mispronounced words .
preparing them for the
second task.
Practice TASK2: I read the passage

again as best as I can-orally Learners read the context Learning and improving
30’ done. after listening to it many pronunciation for
times following the correct certain words, as well as
-Teacher asks several pronunciation. T/L reading skill.
questions related to L/T
pronunciation: VA
What are the vowels Learners answer the Identifying vowel
sounds that are repeated teacher’s question. sounds most frequently
when reading the words in heard.
-These vowel sounds are:

/u/ /u:/ /ə/ /ɜ:/


A/ I classify the following Based on their slight

words in the table. knowledge, they classify the Testing their knowledge
-Words: learn- yearn- following words. L/T and helping them
doctor- care- above- eliciting a rule.
teacher- third- upon- first
/u/ /u:/

B/ I classify the following

words: pool-book- put- Learners listen and L/T
shoot-pull-stood- loot repeat. They can also give L/T
/ə/ /ɜ:/ examples.

My Pronunciation Tools:
Teacher invites learners to Expanding their
listen and repeat the knowledge about the
pronunciation of certain
following words.
words, in addition to
some possible spellings
Early- heard- learn- first-
Learners, in this case, try to L/T for these vowel sounds.
skirt- person- turn- refer-
elicit the different spellings L/L
hurt- world.
of these vowel sounds.
About- ago- today- collar-
shower- picture- second-
camera- again- doctor
Eliciting the
rule/possible spellings
Book- look- put-should-
foot- understood- good-
Oud-school- June- flute-
cartoon- crew- interview-
rule-two-flu-boot- blue
-Teacher invites learners
to provide the possible
spellings of these vowel
Use TASK4: I highlight and

10’ identify the vowel sounds

in the following Learners highlight and L/T Being able to highlight
identify the target vowel and identify the target
sounds based on their vowel sounds
1- The bir d’s col ours
knowledge and rule.
were too unique
and beautiful.
2- My father bought
a new camera and
a pair of boots for
3- He tried to dribble
and shoot but he
broke his foot.
4- Next year, we will
learn how to earn
money from
5- The world is

Lesson 4 Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PP
I Practise U
Talk about past habits using semi modal “used to”. FRAME
Part 1 WORK

L.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Talking about past habits using semi modal “ used to “
Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): a short text
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: semi modal “used to”.

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

13- Intellectual Competency: - Respect one’s way of life.

- Learners can interpret and understand - Valuing the intangible cultural heritage
verbal and non-verbal messages.
- He can use the past simple and time
markers to talk about past events,

14- Methodological competency:

- He can develop effective study methods
and mobilise resources efficiently
- He can work in pairs and groups.

15- Communicative Competency:

- He can talk about past events/habits.
16- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can socialise through written

TASK 1: I answer the following questions.

8- Where did the speaker go?

9- What did he use to do a month ago?
10- Did he visit touristic places in the UK?



When I was a child, I used to tell my parents that I would visit the UK someday, either for fun or
academic purposes. My dream has finally come true! A month ago, I spent a fortnight in
Canterbury. I used to go to Warnborough College for my workshop. Then, I used to visit some
touristic places like Westgate and Dover Castle. I went to London too! I took many pictures like
Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Thames River. I didn’t use to stay late as it was very cold and always
raining. I didn’t use to visit restaurants too. What an amazing journey it was!

-from the teacher’s diaries: UK at Last! December 2017

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners respond to each

T-L Refreshing their
and writes the date. question.
05’ memories by telling past
-Teacher asks learners
some questions such as:
L-T Getting them in the new
1- Where did you go last
summer holidays?
2- What did you use to do
3-Did you like the place
you visited?
4-Why did you like it?

Presentation Teacher sets up a situation Checking their

and gives handouts. understanding

20’ (See the context above) Learners interpret visual L/T Through questions.
messages. L/L
Teacher shows learners They read, listen then do
some of the pictures of the the first task.
places and activities done
during his visit. V
Then teacher invites
learners to read the
context aloud. Learners correct their
The teacher reads it too as mistakes.
to explain any new words
them for the first task. .
Teacher now tries to

highlight “used to/ didn’t Learners respond.

use to “and asks learners.
-Do these refer to the
present or the past?
Now, the teacher explains

the three different forms

how the semi modal is
used. T/L
Affirmative: Learners follow the L/T Eliciting the rule: use,
S+ used to+ stem teacher’s explanation. form and function.
I used to read a lot of
books in the past.
S+ didn’t+ use to+ stem
My brother didn’t use to
go to school.
Auxi. “Did” +S+ use to+
Did you use to play with
marbles with your
-Yes, S+ did.
-No, S+ didn’t
“Use to”
Used to talk about
something that
happened but doesn't
happen anymore.

Practice TASK2: I use “used

to/didn’t use to” in the
10’ following sentences.
Using “used to “and
1- I played hide-and- “didn’t use to” correctly
seek with my with the possible
neighbours when I Learners do the task based L/T changes made to verbs.
was a teenager. on their understanding of L/L
2- We didn’t go the rule.
fishing in the river
3- Karim travelled a
lot with his
4- In the past,
doctors prescribed
penicillin only.

TASK3: I talk about my

past habits (orally done). L/L Being able to talk about
past habits using target

TASK4: I look at each Learners look at pictures The appropriate use of

Use picture and write and write sentences using L/T the semi modal and V
15’ sentences using “used the semi modal. interpreting images to
to “and ‘didn’t use to”. meaningful sentences.
(sheet is below)

TASK 4: I look at each picture and write sentences using “used to “and ‘didn’t use to”.

Ballpoint pen

In the past,...................................................................................................... (pupils/write/ ballpoint



Quill and ink

In the past,...................................................................................(teachers/write/ using

quill and ink).


In the past,..................................................................................................(Egyptians/ shave their heads/

using pumice stone.)

Correction: ................................................................................................................................................

Pumice stone
In the past,..................................................................................(Old civilisations/ shave/ razors).


In the past, ...................................................................................(old civilisations/ set fire/using lighters.)


When I was a child, I used to tell my parents that I would visit the UK someday, either for fun or
academic purposes. My dream has finally come true! A month ago, I spent a fortnight in
Canterbury. I used to go to Warnborough College for my workshop. Then, I used to visit some
touristic places like Westgate and Dover Castle. I went to London too! I took many pictures like
Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Thames River. I didn’t use to stay late as it was very cold and always
raining. I didn’t use to visit restaurants a lot. What an amazing journey it was!

-from the teacher’s diaries: UK at Last! December 2017

When I was a child, I used to tell my parents that I would visit the UK someday, either for fun or
academic purposes. My dream has finally come true! A month ago, I spent a fortnight in
Canterbury. I used to go to Warnborough College for my workshop. Then, I used to visit some
touristic places like Westgate and Dover Castle. I went to London too! I took many pictures like
Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Thames River. I didn’t use to stay late as it was very cold and always
raining. I didn’t use to visit restaurants too. What an amazing journey it was!
-from the teacher’s diaries: UK at Last! December 2017

When I was a child, I used to tell my parents that I would visit the UK someday, either for fun or
academic purposes. My dream has finally come true! A month ago, I spent a fortnight in
Canterbury. I used to go to Warnborough College for my workshop. Then, I used to visit some
touristic places like Westgate and Dover Castle. I went to London too! I took many pictures like
Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Thames River. I didn’t use to stay late as it was very cold and always
raining. I didn’t use to visit restaurants too. What an amazing journey it was!

-from the teacher’s diaries: UK at Last! December 2017

When I was a child, I used to tell my parents that I would visit the UK someday, either for fun or
academic purposes. My dream has finally come true! A month ago, I spent a fortnight in
Canterbury. I used to go to Warnborough College for my workshop. Then, I used to visit some
touristic places like Westgate and Dover Castle. I went to London too! I took many pictures like
Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Thames River. I didn’t use to stay late as it was very cold and always
raining. I didn’t use to visit restaurants too. What an amazing journey it was!
-from the teacher’s diaries: UK at Last! December 2017
I used to visit London Eye at the weekends.

I used to visit London Eye.

I used to visit Warnborough College.

I used to go to Warnborough College every morning.

I didn’t use to visit “Azouma Restaurant” a lot.
Lesson 5 Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to: PPU
-talk about past events using past simple. FRAME
I Practise WORK
-use time marker “ago” and ask questions too.
Part 2
L.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Talking about past events using past simple.
Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): an interview
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: past simple, and asking questions about past events using time marker “ago”.

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

17- Intellectual Competency: - Respect one’s way of life.

- Learners can interpret and understand

verbal and non-verbal messages.
- He can use the past simple and time
markers to talk about past events,

18- Methodological competency:

- He can develop effective study methods
and mobilise resources efficiently
- He can work in pairs and groups.

19- Communicative Competency:

- He can talk about past events and ask
questions too
20- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can socialise through written

TASK 1: I answer the following questions.

12- Who did interview Clara?

13- How long ago did Clara start learning English?
14- Did she find any difficulties?


CONTEX: This is a job interview between Clara and Abigail.

See a section from the interview below.

-Adapted by the teacher.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAK
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners and -Learners respond to each

T-L Refreshing their
writes the date. question.
05’ memories by telling
-Teacher asks learners some
past events.
questions such as:
L-T Getting them in the
1- Where did studies when you
new lesson.
were at primary school?
2- Did you enjoy your days at
primary school?
3-How long ago did you study
English at middle school?
4- How long ago did you start
learning French?

Presentation Teacher sets up a situation and

gives handouts. Checking their

20’ (See the context) Learners read and answer L/T understanding
the questions of the first L/L Through questions.
Teacher invites learners to read task.
the context aloud.
The teacher reads it too as to
explain any new words them for
the first task.
Learners correct their
Teacher now tries to highlight
“some verbs”.
-Do these refer to the present or
the past? .
Now, the teacher highlights Learners respond.

again the time marker “ago” and

explains its function and how to
use it in a sentence.
Time reference + ago+ S+ v (past
Three years ago, we started
learning English.
Interrogative: Learners follow the T/L Eliciting the rule: use,
How long ago +did+ S+ teacher’s explanation. L/T form and function.
TASK 2: I complete the short

Practice dialogue and do the necessary Learners do the task using Practising to grasp the
modifications. the rule learnt/elicited. L/T rule and appropriately
deploy the target
10’ A: ....................did you (to study) structure.
B: I studied it 7 years........
A: How long ago......... visit

B: I............ Algiers two weeks.....
Now the teacher helps learners
to elicit the rule of past simple
by giving these examples:
-Everyday, my mother prepares Learners consider the
soup for lunch. examples and elicit the
- Two days ago, my mother rule.
prepared soup for lunch.
- Every morning, I go to school
at 7:00.
- I went to school yesterday.

There are two types of verbs

when forming the past simple:
regular and irregular.
We add “ed” or “d” in regular
We learn irregular verbs from
the list (attached below”.- no
fixed rule. Learners follow the teacher Eliciting the rule.
S+ verb (either regular/irregular)
+ o...
I finished my homework last
I met my cousin last week.
S+didn’t+ stem..... T/L
I didn’t meet my friend L/L
yesterday. L/T
Did+ S+ stem.........?
-Yes, S+did.
-No, S+didn’t.
Wh-word+did +S+stem.....?

Where did you study last year?

TASK3: I put the verb between

parentheses in the correct form. Learners do the task Grasping the rule of
1- Last month, I” to visit” applying the rule L/T using past simple.
my grandparent in the elicited/learnt.
2- We “not to study”
chemistry 3 years ago.
3- Did you “to see” the
fireworks last days ago?
4- Yes, I “to do”.
5- No, I “not to do”.
TASK4: I complete the following

sentences. (pair work)

Use 1. A/ I visited London for Learners complete L/L Grasping all the rules
the first time 20 days sentences applying all the L/T learnt about past
15’ ago. rules elicited/learnt. simple.
B/ How...............?
2. A/Roman Emperor
Nerva founded Djemila
city about two thousand
years ago.
B/......................... ?
3. A/Did you go the sea
last summer?
4. A/Where................?
B/ She studied in
Primary school 4 years


Clara is from Spain. She applied for a job as a teacher of English. She was interviewed
by Abigail. Here is a section from the interview.

Abigail: after introducing yourself, I would like to ask you several questions. How
long ago did you start learning English?
Sarah: I started learning English 15 years ago. Let’s say when I was 12 years old.
Abigail: Nice! And did you find any difficulties while learning?

Clara: Yes, I did. I had difficulties with pronunciation. I used to watch BBC World
news and other conversations by native speakers.

Abigail: That’s excellent! Maybe 10 years ago there were not many learning websites
or applications to use. How did you manage that?

Clara: Well, I admit it was very hard. I went to the British Council in Spain years ago
and they helped me a lot with learning materials. I had sessions too with native
Abigail: I see! Your pronunciation now is really improved!

Clara is from Spain. She applied for a job as a teacher of English. She was interviewed
by Abigail. Here is a section from the interview.

Abigail: after introducing yourself, I would like to ask you several questions. How
long ago did you start learning English?
Sarah: I started learning English 15 years ago. Let’s say when I was 12 years old.
Abigail: Nice! And did you find any difficulties while learning?

Clara: Yes, I did. I had difficulties with pronunciation. I used to watch BBC World
news and other conversations by native speakers.

Abigail: That’s excellent! Maybe 10 years ago there were not many learning websites
or applications to use. How did you manage that?

Clara: Well, I admit it was very hard. I went to the British Council in Spain years ago
and they helped me a lot with learning materials. I had sessions too with native
Abigail: I see! Your pronunciation now is really improved!
Lesson 6
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PPU
I Pronounce FRAME
pronounce more accurately with some words having silent letters such as “w” WORK
and “t”

L.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Silent Letters “w” and “t”

Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): Audio files and scripts
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: silent letters “w” and “t”.

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

21- Intellectual Competency: - Respect elders’ way of life.

- He can understand, interpret verbal and non

verbal texts.
He can interpret and identify sounds.
22- Methodological competency:

He can work in pairs or in groups.

23- Communicative Competency:

- He can pick up information.

24- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can socialise through oral and written

TASK 1: I say whether each statement “not mentioned” or “wrong”.

1- The woman hastened to the upper floor. (not mentioned)

2- The woman used to be a playwright. (wrong)
3- She lived in a great mansion. (wrong)



A writer wrote in his book: The widowed princess was feeling her
age. She felt pains in her wrists and knees. She couldn’t do anything
to hide her wrinkles too. Decades ago, she used to be a ballet dancer, but not anymore. She
decided to move to a small house because she used to hear whistles everywhere in her castle. Each time, she
had to fasten herself in her room upstairs!
Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners respond to each

T-L Jogging their memory by
and writes the date. question.
05’ reviewing some of
-Teacher starts a quick Learners can also memorise,
pronunciation concepts
reviewing about any silent review and provide
L-T already been taught.
letter learnt before. examples.
He invites some learners
to provide examples, too.

Teacher sets up a situation Learners listen and do the Checking their

Presentation and gives handouts. first task by completing understanding and

10’ (See the context above) sentences. L/T memory when it comes
L/L to listening.
-Teacher invites learners Improving their listening
to read the context. skill.
-The teacher reads it too
as to explain any new
words. Learners correct their
-The teacher focuses too mistakes and learn the Improving pronunciation
on the pronunciation of pronunciation of target and be aware of silent
the target words with words. letters.
silent letters. Learners now have an idea
After clarifying, he invites about new silent letters as T/L
some learners to read the to improve their
whole passage again as pronunciation.
best as they can- correct
Practice TASK2: I identify the silent Based on their slight Identifying silent letters.

letter in each word. knowledge, and what was L/T

30’ Words: thistle-wrestler- learnt, they identify and
wrong- mortgage- pronounce the words.
moisten- wreck- answer-
sword. playwright
Use TASK3: I complete the Learners complete the L/L Apart from fun, the

silent letters crosswords. game. L/T game helps learners to

10’ learn new words, as far
(See the game below). as pronunciation and
lexis are concerned.



-He is a (1) ………………….. 4 7

s w
-No, that’s (2)………………answer.
2 w e t e
-Shakespeare was a (3)……………..
i 6
3 w n t c
5 s
3 p y g h
-The knight fights with his (4) ……..
i l
-Please, can you (5)………to me?

-The king lives in a (6) ………… t

- Karim is ……………his lesson.



-He is a (1) ………………….. 4 7

s w
-No, that’s (2)………………answer.
2 w e t e
-Shakespeare was a (3)……………..
i 6
3 w n t c
5 s
3 p y g h
-The knight fights with his (4) ……..
i l
-Please, can you (5)………to me?

-The king lives in a (6) ………… t

- Karim is ……………his lesson.

Lesson 7 Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PDP
Read and gather information about a city (Constantine and Setif), fill forms and FRAME
I read and do write an email. WORK

C.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Gathering Information about a City

Lesson Focus: Language Learning
Learning Situation: 2
S.C (Situation of Communication): map and texts
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: lexis related to the topic.

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

25- Intellectual Competency: - Being proud of his identity and town.

- He can interpret verbal and non verbal

26- Methodological competency:
- He can interpret verbal and non verbal
27- Communicative Competency:
He can use ICT’s as e-mails to interact with
learners of other cultures.
28- Personal and Social Competencies:
He can show responsibility towards his
nation and culture.


I was glad to see the town of Setif standing on bare hills in the middle of a plain. On entering
the town, my eyes were refreshed by the pretty garden and boulevards, which still, as it used to be
in the time of Romans, a military station of great importance.

Under the Romans, Setif was called “Sitifis Colonia” and it was the capital of “Sitifis
Mauritania”, a place for cotton plantations and corn fields in the Middle Ages as described by an
Arab traveller, El-Bekri.

I moved to a city which struck me because of its magnificence and beauty, Constantine. It is
built on a high plateau, round which rushes a rapid river, called the Rhumel. It is called by the Arabs
“Belad –el- Houa” (the City of Air).

I walked through a narrow passage behind the hotel (Hotel d’Orient), and came into a court,
round which were a number of little rooms in which were squatted of weavers of burnouses and
haiks. The dearest and most beautiful are gandouras, which are a mixture of silk and wool; they are
only worn by the higher classes (...)

- Text 1: (Adapted from: C.S. Verker, Scenes in the Sunny South, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1871)

- Text 2: (Adapted from: Lady Herbert, A Search after Sunshine, Spottiswoode and Co., London, 1871)
Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners respond to each

and writes the date. question.
- Teacher brings a map of
Engaging them in the
Algeria and asks the
L-T new lesson. V
following questions:
* What’s the name of our Correcting their
information (when
*Where is it situated?
*What’s our capital?
*What are the colours of
our flag?
*What do colours and
symbols of the flag

Before Teacher sets up a situation Learners listen and do the Introducing the topic.

Reading and gives handouts. first task by completing

10’ (See the context above) sentences. V
-Teacher brings small map

of Algeria. L/T
-Teacher asks the question L/L
*What are the most Learners answer the Getting new information
important Algerian cities? questions and locate these from the map as the
And where they are cities on the map. location of some cities.
Cities like: Constantine,
Algiers; Annaba, Oran...
-Teacher invites learners .

to read the texts (context)

and do the first task by
answering the questions.
During TASK1: I read and answer Learners answer the L/T

Reading the following questions. questions. Learning and improving

20’ pronunciation for
-How many paragraphs are certain words, as well as
in each text? reading skill.
-What do the two
underlined words refer to? VA
It:................, It:................. Identifying vowel
-What was the name of sounds most frequently
Setif under the Romans? Based on their slight heard.
- What were Gandouras knowledge, they classify the
made of? following words.
TASK2: I complete the two Learners complete the L/T Learning how pick the

bibliographical notes for bibliographical notes. necessary information

each text. (pages 73-74) (reference).
“See the notes below”.
TASK3: I find in the text.
-Synonyms of: Learners read the texts and L/T Testing their knowledge
Happy = find synonyms and and expanding their
Town= antonyms. vocabulary.
-Antonyms (opposites) of:
TASK 4: You visited a city Learners, in this case, try to

Use before. write an email describing a L/L Writing an email and

20’ Step 1: I write an email to city visited before and fill in L/T filling a card.
my friend describing the a card about it. Describing a city using
city. the necessary language

To :

Subject: A Visit to…….

Dear ,

Step 2: Based on the

information from email, I
complete the information
card about city visited.

City :

Location :

Date of visit :

Places visited :

Lesson 8 Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PPP
I learn to integrate
conduct an interview. FRAME

C.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): Writing an Interview

Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 3
S.C (Situation of Communication):
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: lexis related to the topic and all aspects tackled in sequence 2

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

29- Intellectual Competency: - Valuing his identity and national heritage.

- He can solve problem situations using a

variety of communication means.
30- Methodological competency:
- He can work in small groups and share
information with peers.
31- Communicative Competency:
- He can process digital data in English
32- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can show responsibility towards team

Learning Situation 3:

It’s “Grandparents Day” in Algeria. To celebrate the event, I am going to make a video interview of my
grandfather or grandmother. I will post the video on the school website and my personal blog to share it with other
people around the world.
Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners interact and

T-L Engaging them in the
and writes the date. review
05’ new situation.
-Teacher splits Learners
into small groups. L-T Correcting their
-Teacher quickly reviews
information (when
things dealt with in
needed) about things
sequence two (orally
dealt with before.

Presentation -Teacher asks learners to Learners try to complete the Introducing and
open their books on page table with the teacher’s identifying the situation
10’ 75, read the situation and instructions.
complete the missing Testing prior knowledge
information in the table.
-Teacher clarifies, reviews L/T
and explains any difficult Learners answer the L/L
words if necessary. questions and locate these
cities on the map.
Getting new information

from the map as the

location of some cities.
Practice -Teacher clarifies the steps

before writing the Learners complete the L/T Following the steps of
15’ interview- see the interview card. L/l writing an interview
interview card p 76. through and interview

Production -Teacher invites each

group to write the
30’ interview, following the
instructions in course
book. Learners write and L/L Conducting and acting
-Teacher invites learners interview in groups and L/T an interview
to read/ act their present it through acting it.
-Teacher writes the best
one on the board.

Lesson 9
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PPP
I think and write write a comparison between past and present life in the Algerian cities. FRAME

C.L.O (Communicative Learning Objective): comparing life in past and present

Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use
Learning Situation: 4
S.C (Situation of Communication): texts and flashcards
Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret -Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: lexis related to daily life

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

1- Intellectual Competency: - Valuing his identity and national heritage

- He can understand and interpret verbal and - Valuing his nation and freedom
non verbal messages
2- Methodological competency:
- He can work on his own and mobilize
necessary resources to accomplish his tasks.
3- Communicative Competency:
- He can use English to compare lifestyles.
4- Personal and Social Competencies:
- He can show autonomy in his learning.

Learning Situation 4 (page 77)

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role

Warm-up -Teacher greets learners -Learners interact and

T-L Engaging them in the
and writes the date. review
05’ new situation.
-Teacher review some
concepts seen in this L-T Correcting their
sequence and try to draw a
information (when
comparison between past
needed) about things
and present and how
dealt with before.
people used to go to school
or travel (quick review)

Presentation -Teacher asks learners to Learners describe the Introducing and

open their books on page pictures and draw a L/T identifying the situation
10’ 77. comparison between each L/L
-Teacher asks learners to pair. (Constantine and Setif) Interpreting pictures
describe the pictures on
pages 77, 78 and 79.
-Teacher reads the situation
of integration and explains

Practice Guided writing: Getting new information

-Teacher writes the chart on from the chart.
15’ the board or gives L/T
handouts. L/l
TASK: I use the notes in the Based on the chart, learners

chart to write a comparison write a Using the information in

between life in Setif in comparative/contrast text. the chart to write a
1917( 100 years ago) and comparative/contrast
now: text.

Setif in Setif in
1917 2017
-Politics: Algerian
*People government
were rule
under the People are
French free
rule, citizens,
*Algerian work for
people their own
were welfare.
*They -wear all
used to kinds of
work for clothes
the (traditional
colonist. or modern)
wore the -buildings,
haik villas, …
Men wore
Turkish Each learner writes the text. L Writing comparative
pants and Transport:
kachabia. cars, buses,
planes, …
houses -All children
built from must
mud, attend
tents, and school at
low the age of
quarters. 6.

backs, on
foot, bus.
a few
went to
school but
most of

-Teacher invites learners

(each individual) to write
on the text based on previous knowledge and the L/T texts
chart above.

Text Sample:
A hundred years ago, Setif was under the French rule. Algerian people were colonised and were
considered as second degree citizens. Women used to wear haiks back then. Men on the other
hand used to wear Turkish pants and kachabias .Only a few privileged people were allowed to
attend schools, that’s why most of the Algerian population was illiterate. They used to live in old
houses of mud, tents or low quarters. They used to travel on animals’ backs, carriages, or
sometimes French buses.

Today, Algerians are free citizens. Every Algerian child must attend school at the age of 6.
Women and men are free to wear whatever they prefer. People live in their own villas, houses
they can rent flats. Both men and women work for their own welfare. Algerian people travel in
cars, buses trains or whatever is available.

There is a great change in lifestyles between 1917 and 2017. And it’s important to appreciate our
national freedom.

(Adapted by a previous teacher)

Lessons created and adapted by Ghoues Mohammed El Amin
‫ بارك هلال فيكم‬,‫التنسونا بالدعاء‬

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