Portfolio A11 - Juan J. Garcia

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Advanced 11
Teacher: Jean Quicano

Student: Juan J. Garcia



WELCOME PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------- 1

INDEX -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

UNIT OPENER --------------------------------------------------------------- 3

VOCAVULARY LOG -------------------------------------------------------- 4


ATTACH THE WRITING EVALUATIONS ----------------------------- 7




Unit 04:
1. Acquired: Buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself. “The
team acquired three new players this year”
2. Unconscious: The part of the mind which is inaccessible to
the conscious mind but which affects behavior and emotions.
“He was knocked unconscious by a fall.”
3. Approach: Come near or nearer to (someone or something)
in distance or time. “He didn't approach the front door at
4. Achieve: Successfully bring about or reach (a desired
objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage. “A diet
that achieves dramatic results with much practice.”
5. Fathom: A unit of length equal to six feet (approximately 1.8
m), chiefly used in reference to the depth of water. “I am
within 300 yards of a pit which is 200 fathoms Deep”
6. Offspring: A person's child or children. “It found that the
offspring of older parents produced fewer young.”
7. Aeon: A unit of time equal to a billion years. “He had aeons of
time to do so”
8. Discern: Perceive or recognize (something). “You need a
long series of data to be able to discern such a trend.”
9. Kindred: One's family and relations. “I recall discussions
with her on these and kindred topics.”
Unit 05:
1. Utterly: Completely and without qualification; absolutely. "He
looked utterly ridiculous"
2. Impetuous: Acting or done quickly and without thought or
care. "Her friend was headstrong and impetuous"
3. Chilly: Uncomfortably cool or cold. "It had turned chilly"
4. Winking: Close and open one eye quickly, typically to indicate
that something is a joke or a secret or as a signal of affection
or greeting. "He winked at Nicole as he passed"
5. Skewer: A long piece of wood or metal used for holding
pieces of food, typically meat, together during cooking.
"Thread the meat onto large skewers and grill over a
gentle heat"

6. Infirmities: Physical or mental weakness. "Old age and
infirmity come to men and women alike"
7. Stagnate: Cease developing; become inactive or dull.
"Teaching can easily stagnate into a set of routines"
Unit 06:
1. Proposal: A plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written
one, put forward for consideration or discussion by others. "a
set of proposals for a major new high-speed rail link"
2. Allowance: The amount of something that is permitted,
especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose.
"a seventy-five-pound baggage allowance"
3. Devoting: Give all or a large part of one's time or resources to
(a person, activity, or cause). "I wanted to devote more time
to my family"
4. Senior: Of or for older or more experienced people. "Senior
5. Sophomore: A second-year college or high school student.
"Her 16-year-old twin sons are sophomores"
6. Fulfilling: Making someone satisfied or happy because of fully
developing their character or abilities. "A fulfilling and
rewarding career"
7. Resentful: Feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at
having been treated unfairly. "He was angry and resentful of
their intrusion"
8. Oxymoron: A figure of speech that combines contradictory
words with opposing meanings. “Parting is such sweet

Draft 01:
In extreme perception and animal intelligence, the authors Temple
Grandin and Katherine Johnson state that animals can be
considered intelligent because they use their extreme perception to
solve problem like in the cases of Seizure alert dogs and the horse
Clever Hans. Both have their own abilities depending on what they
do in their unique routine and even if they can help each other so
one is not smarter than the other one.

Seizure alerts dogs can predict seizures before they happen. They
are trained to act once a seizure has begun by lying on top of the
person and even to detect signs of this reactions ahead of time. For
example, Connie Stanley, who lives in Florida, she has two dogs
that can predict her seizures 30 minutes before they happen, which
makes Connie feel safe when having the dogs around her.

Wilhelm von Osten, thought he could count because he answered

math questions like “What´s seven and five?”. Therefore, the
psychologist Oskar Pfungst demonstrated Hans was not just
counting because he was observing unconscious human cues. That
would explain how Hans could answer questions only when the
person answering the question was in plain view and already knew
the answer. 

In conclusion, Hans and seizure alert dogs are similar because they
got their abilities without human help. However, dogs are showing
superior intelligence doing things few dogs can do, Besides, Hans
and seizure alert dogs didn´t have to do what they did. It was their
decision. So, as far as the article taught us is that intelligence is
using perceptual and cognitive abilities to achieve goals.

Draft 02:
My life in 2175: A thunderous noise woke me up; I got up quickly
and I went to check what was that and it was simply a rain. It was
another impetuous day in 2175. Out of nowhere, the room started to
smell like hot chocolate; my robot had prepared it for me. It has
been a long time since I made the decision to be immortal.
Immortality never was an option for me, but I wanted to experiment
with it and I regret of that. I feel like my life is a book because it has
some happy and sad chapters.

Writing 01:
In "Extreme Perception and Animal Intelligence" (by Temple
Grandin and Catherine Johnson) explain that many animals have
extreme perception, which makes them capable to react in different
situations in our daily life, forensic dogs are a good example of how
good their perception can be. If we focus on the intelligence, both
humans and animals have some unique abilities.
Seizure alerts dogs can predict seizures before the happen. They
are trained to act once a seizure has begun by lying a top of the
person and even to detect signs of this reactions ahead of time. A
good example is talking about Connie Stanley, Florida, she has 2
dogs that can predict her seizures 30 minutes before they happen,
which makes Connie feel safe when having the dogs around her.
On the contrary, clever Hans was a horse that could count and solve
math problems. Oscar P. (Psychologist) demonstrated Hans was not
counting because he was observing unconscious human cues.
That would explain how Hans could answer questions only when the
person answering the question was in plain view and already knew
the answer. 
In conclusion, Hans and seizure alert dogs are similar because they
got their abilities without humans help. However, dogs are showing
superior intelligence doing things few dogs can do, except, Hans
and seizure alert dogs did not have to do what they did. So, as far
as the article taught us is that intelligence is using perceptual and
cognitive abilities to achieve goals.

Writing 02:
A thunderous noise woke me up, I got up quickly and I went to
check what was that and it was simply a rain. It was another
insufferable day in 2175. Out of nowhere, the room started to smell
like hot chocolate, my robot had prepared it for me. It has been a
long time since I made the decision to be immortal. Immortality
never was an option for me, but I wanted to experiment with it and I
regret of that. I feel like my life is a book because it has some happy
and sad chapters.
I will star saying that having more time to live has given me the
opportunity to study journalism and to succeed at that. In 2075, I had

already married with 5 women because I felt alone and I needed
love in my live. Also, I have 6 children during that time and as you
could expect, I saw them dying and since that moment, I took the
decision to spend the rest of my long life alone. Now, I started
feeling so tired and I do not know how much time I will have to
support this sufferement named life. I feel totally empty and I do not
know what to do because I did everything, I wanted like traveling,
seeing my family until their last days or experiencing live. Live starts
being boring when you have done everything you planned and that
is why I would like to stop living.
In conclusion, I stopped enjoying my life many years ago and
actually I only have my robot that helps me to do my daily activities
and nothing will be the same as it was because live was beautiful for
me until I felt the effects of being immortal. Remember this: "Live is
not live without death".


Would man underestimate the intelligence of a rabbit? Humans

believe they are above all in the Animal Kingdom when it comes to
intelligence. That is because of the information we have about the
human brain and body, and how complex it is.
However, rabbits have proven to be smarter than humans
in simple tests. Intellectual coefficient tests had also been done
at Harvard universities in 2000, resulting in rabbits having sensory
abilities, among others. Researchers say that although tests have
shown that rabbits can be smarter than humans, it cannot be
accurate because animals have a different mentality than people.
One of the advantages of the human brain is that language can be
the most obvious. Many animals can transmit complex messages to
other members of their species; they can communicate about
objects that are not in sight and transmit information about
individuals and events.

However, even after years of training, many animals develop more
advanced skills like other animals. Besides, it is feasible to compare
the brain of a rabbit with that of a human. Robert Brault says, "If a
rabbit defined intelligence as man, then the most intelligent animal
would be a rabbit, followed by the animal most willing to
obey the commands of a rabbit" who discerns that humans and
animals only think differently under certain circumstances.
In conclusion, rabbits are highly intelligent animals that you would
not know very well, as they have many abilities including sensory
abilities that allow them to survive and adapt to the way of life that
they have. Besides, both humans and rabbits have different abilities
and intelligence.

If scientists could create a pill that allow people to live twice, maybe I
wouldn't take it. It's not easy as it seems, eternity isn't so incredible. I
think that there are pro and con.
Every person desire to live as much as possible, except depressed
people, hill people, and so on; on the other side, I suppose that this
is against nature and life itself. Will we be humans or transmuted
entities? Surely, I will live much longer, I'll have more time to spend
in experiences, relationships, but I couldn't see myself at the mirror. I
don't want to be gloomy but I would prefer a pill that could bring back
to life a person who I love and that is passed away.
By the way, I hope I will have a lot of years in front of me because
I'm creating my future every day, step by step, so one day I will reap
the benefits of my labor. Don't you think that eternity could be
boring, after all? We all have a duty, to enjoy our existence till our
personal doomsday.

If I were to set up a community service program in my city it would

be about raising funds (non profitable) to help the hungry and
homeless population.

People can help by donating either money, old things like clothes
and toys, food supplies like boxed or canned goods, etc. Or they can
support the program as a volunteer. Volunteers are anyone who are
capable of lending a hand in making the service program successful
can help many that are in need.
The goal would be to partake happiness among those who are less
fortunate even for a short time and hopefully can change their
outlook in life.

By: Juan J. Garcia – A11


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