Portfolio A12 - Juan J. Garcia

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Advanced 12
Teacher: Volodymyr Fominykh

Student: Juan J. Garcia



WELCOME PAGE ------------------------------------------------------------

INDEX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS -------------------------------------------------- 3

DRAFTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

FINAL VERSION ------------------------------------------------------------- 8

VOCABULARY LOG ------------------------------------------------------- 11

OUTCOMES REFLECTION PAPER -----------------------------------


Graphic Organizers

Graphic Organizer #1 

Points to MOOC  Traditional School Class 

  Through zoom, WhatsApp,  

How do you communicate meet, and more In class 
with your teacher?  applications 

Where do you take your Mostly at home or in quiet At school, university or
classes?  places  institute. 

When do you take your The schedule is the same for both, from Monday to
classes?  Friday. 
  Using meetings, discussing Be talkative, knowledgeable,
Ability to communicate plans, and doing study and friendly with everyone. 
with your classmates  groups. 

  Very comfortable, you can The classrooms are good,
How comfortable are your take your classes in your but spending hours and
classes?  bed with your pajama.  hours sitting become a
  I can take the class from a I have to take 2 different
Accessibility  laptop, computer, or even buses to get to the
my cell phone.  university, this becomes a bit
tiring and expensive. 

Graphic Organizer #2

opportunities are
not missed.

Allows people to
You always are
stay connected with
potentially working.

Use of digital books

in education.
Anxiety, if you do
not have the device
in your hands.
Compulsive checking

1st Draft: In these years that we have lived in quarantine due to the pandemic,
all of us students have opted for the use of new media to be able to learn and
continue with our studies, making use of educational applications and websites
proposed by the institutions to which we belong. This brought us new changes
in our academic habits, which for the most part is very different from what we
had when we had face-to-face classes. However, talking about it, the face-to-
face class system is currently being resumed, which makes us wonder, is there
a lot of difference between the classes? virtual and face-to-face classes? In my
case, I considered that face-to-face classes are better and here I will explain a
difference between both methodologies. 
We started talking about the most nostalgic, face-to-face classes. These had a
simple methodology in which we as students went to their classes to listen to
our teacher talk about the topic of the day, contributing with ideas and solving
all kinds of questions in the process. The students were mostly very talkative
and intelligent since they only concentrated on their class at that time despite
the fact that these were somewhat boring on some occasions. The only problem
in my case would be that going to class was a long trip since on many
occasions I had to take 2 buses to get to my first class on time. 
On the other hand, speaking of virtual classes. These were a complete change
to what we were used to since now all classes were held on various virtual
platforms and applications such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Meet and many more to
be able to be in contact with our teachers. which left tasks to perform with the
help of web pages and support groups, teachers made group video calls with all
their students in order to be able to carry out their classes simulating the
physical classroom. The classes were more comfortable since we could do at
home wherever we wanted (bed, sofa, desk and more) on any device providing

us with greater comfort but at the same time more things with which we could
distract our attention from the class. The work was often in groups, so we used
applications to be able to communicate and carry out the work effectively. In
contrast, the schedule did not change in both cases since they respected the
schedules given by the educational institutions. 
In conclusion, face-to-face classes are more ideal than virtual classes, since
being with the teacher in class makes students only pay attention to the
teacher, otherwise it is the virtual classes where anything could distract them
from the class causing them to stop understanding what the teacher is saying or
2nd Draft: I would like to start this essay by explaining why some devices are
important in our daily life, most of the time people use their cellphone to
communicate with each other, the students use computers and tablets to study
and have classes. In this essay, I want to explain how technology gives us an
important to work or study like tablets also this has cause and effects by our
daily use.  
One potentially positive effect of tablets in real life, and one that has caused
excitement for some in the sector, is their use in education. In general, more
and more educators are embracing the potential of technology to supplement
learning. Some teachers, for example, have introduced Twitter in the classroom,
allowing their students to comment online in real-time on discussions in class
rather than having to speak up. Such use of social media, proponents hope,
may encourage more collaborative learning, where students learn how to work
together. Whereas the effects of these is that addiction to social media like
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Can be used for entertainment and academic
ways and nowadays population use more social media are adolescents and
teenagers. The great part of the effects that these can cause are anxiety, twitch,
dependency, and the teenagers can turn into a compulsive person. 
The dependency on tablets allows people to stay connected with others, when
you are connected with the people, the business opportunities are more and
with the device, the opportunities are not missed. There are some companies
that require you to know how to use a tablet or some technological device. For

example, if you don´t know how to use a technological device is basically
impossible to work in an office because most of the time the work in an office is
that you need to read or write some documents on word and excel. There are
some people to get into a class to learn more about this technology because
they are conscious that they are not dependable of tablets. But on the other
hand, you could develop compulsive checking behavior, if you pay more
attention to your device, it´s possible that you are not attentive to your
environment of friends, you can be introverted.  
Since you become an introverted person is common that you get used to follow
your new routine, when you are comfortable with that, you don’t want to go back
anymore because you start to love what you are doing now, and the influx of
your routine are making positive changes on your life. On the other hand, there
are a lot of people who turned in their routine, for that reason a lot of people
back off their social life and since you started to turn tail from people, you may
feel lonely. Furthermore, by that affects you can trigger more psychological
problems as anxiety, depress, etc. Those can affect your mental health. 
To summarize this essay, I would like to say that the use of devices it´s
important for the job and study but always remembers that the excessive use of
a tablet can cause damage to your eyes, you can develop anxiety and stress.
The use of devices is important but moderately and appropriately for our health.

Final Products

Final Writing 1: In these 3 years (2020-2022) that we have lived in lockdown

due to the pandemic, all of us, talking about students, have adopted the use of
new media to could learn and continue with our studies, making use of
educational apps and web sides proposed by the institutions to develop our way
to study at home. This brought us new changes in our academic habits, which
for the most student was very different from what we had when we had face-to-
face classes. However, the face-to-face class system is currently being
resumed, which makes us think, are there a lot of differences between virtual
and face-to-face classes? I think that they have some significant differences,
but I prefer face-to-face classes and I am going to explain to you why.

We should start talking about the most nostalgic, for me, face-to-face classes.
These had a simple methodology in which we as students go to our classes to
listen to our teacher, who is talking about the topic of the day. We must
contribute with ideas and solve all questions in the process. Students were
mostly very talkative and knowledgeable since they only concentrated on their
classes at that time, even though on some occasions there were somewhat
boring. We only have one problem, going to the school/university, going to
classes usually is a long trip since on many occasions we had to take more than
one bus to get to our classes at the time.

On the other hand, we live in virtual classes. This was a complete change to
what we were used to since now all classes were held on different virtual
platforms and apps (WhatsApp, Meet, Zoom) to be able to be in contact with
our teachers, which left takes to perform with the help of web pages and
support groups. Teachers made group video calls with all their students to be
able to carry out their classes simulating the real classroom. The classes are
more comfortable because we can take our classes wherever we want at home,
but also, we can distract by anything or problem around us. The work has often

been done in groups, so we use apps to connect and carry out the work
effectively. In contrast, the schedule did not change in both cases, since they
respected the schedules given by the Educational Institutions.

In conclusion, face-to-face classes are a better idea than virtual classes, since
being with the teacher in class makes students only pay attention to the class,
otherwise, it is virtual classes where anything could distract them to stop
understanding what the teacher is saying, It will big problem for our exams.

Final Writing 2: I would like to start this essay by explaining why some
devices are important in our daily life. Most of the time people use their cell
phones or laptops to communicate and study or have virtual classes. In this
way, I want to explain how technology gives us an important to work/study like
laptops or PC, also this has caused some effects by our daily use.

The potentially positive effect of technological devices in real life, and one that
has caused excitement for some in the sector, is their use in education. In
general, more and more educators are embracing the potential of technology to
supplement learning. Some teachers have introduced Twitter or DC in their
classrooms, allowing their students to comment online in real-time on
discussions in class rather than having to speak up. Such use of social media,
proponents hope, may encourage more collaborative learning, where students
learn how to work together. Whereas the effects of these are that addiction to
social media like FB, Twitter, IG, and more. Can be used for entertainment and
academic ways and nowadays population uses social media for teenagers. The
great part of the effect that these can cause is anxiety with dependency and
turns into a compulsive person.

The dependency on technological devices allows you to stay connected with

others, when you are connected with people, the business opportunities are
more and with the device, the opportunities are not missed. Some companies
required you to know how to any technological Device. Some people get into a
class to learn more about this technology because they are conscious that they
are not dependable on technology. But on the other hand, you could develop
compulsive checking behavior, if you pay more attention to your device, it is

possible that you are not attentive to your environment of friends, and you can
be introverted.

Since you become an introverted person is common that you get used to
following your new routine, when you are comfortable with that, you do not want
to go back anymore because you start to love what you are doing now and the
influx of your routine are making positive changes on your life. On the other
hand, a lot of people turned in their routine, and for that reason, a lot of people
backed off their social life, and since you started to turn tail from people, you
may feel lonely. Furthermore, that affects you and can trigger more
psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, and more. Those can
affect your mental health.

To conclude this essay, I would like to say that the use of technological devices
is important for the job and study but always remember that excessive use of
them can cause damage to your eyes, and you can develop anxiety and stress.
The use of devices is important but moderately and appropriately for our health.

Vocabulary Log

# Word Definition Example

1 A period of ten years. He taught at the university
for nearly a decade
2 Transmit (a program or some The announcement was
Broadcast information) by radio or broadcast live.
3 Officially registered as a He enrolled in drama
Enroll member of an institution or a school.
student on a course.
4 A beginning or start. At the commencement of
5 A risky or daring journey or Pioneering ventures into
undertaking. little-known waters.
6 A spherical representation of His fame has spread
the earth. around the globe.
7 Doctrine, political strategy, British imperialism created
practice, state policy, or the enormous British
advocacy consists in Empire.
Imperialism extending power by territorial
acquisition or by extending
political and economic control
outward over other areas.
8 Denoting an instrument or A measuring stick.
device used to ascertain the
size, amount, or degree of
9 Viewpoints The particular way you see And that isn't exactly a
the world, or your distinct woman's viewpoint, you
perspective on things. know.
10 Extending far down from the A deep gorge.
top or surface.
11 A thing that someone says to She was in a mood to tell
cause amusement or jokes.
laughter, especially a story
with a funny punchline.
12 A piece of evidence or Police officers are still
information used in the searching for clues.
detection of a crime or
solving a mystery.
13 Void A space. The black void of space,
14 Lower and raise one's head She nodded her head in
slightly and briefly, especially agreement.
Nods in greeting, assent, or
understanding, or to give
someone a signal.
15 (Of land or earth) covered in Furrowed fields.
Furrowed long, narrow trenches formed
by plowing.
16 A thing said or done that Curious pedestrians are
serves as a signal to an actor cued by the arrival of
Cues or other performer to enter or stretch limousines.
to begin their speech or
17 A large room for meetings, Carnegie Hall.
concerts, or other events.
18 Busy; occupied. I told him I was otherwise
19 Feedback Information about reactions Throughout this process,
to a product, a person's we have obtained valuable
performance of a task, etc. is
used as a basis for feedback.
20 Surrounded by; in the Wild strawberries hid
Among company of. among the roots of the
21 The state of feeling bored. The boredom of afternoon
Boredom duty could be relieved by
friendly conversation.
22 A dentist who specializes in He is an orthodontist and a
Orthodontist correcting the position of the very bulky man with eleven
teeth. brothers.
23 Tending to forget things or Her husband
not notice things. absentmindedly forgot their
24 Extremely large. The play was a whopping
25 The action of leading a group Different styles of
of people or an organization. leadership.
26 Involve (something) as a A situation that entails
Entails necessary or inevitable part considerable risks
or consequence.
27 Causing or likely to cause Sugars can be harmful to
harm. the teeth.
28 Something that is given in The police offered a
return for good or evil done or reward for his capture.
Rewards received or that is offered or
given for some service or
29 How one acts or conducts His insulting behavior
Behavior oneself, especially toward toward me.
30 Greater Of an extent, amount, or The article was of great
intensity considerably above
the normal. interest.
31 The rapid increase in a continuing threat of
numbers. nuclear proliferation.
32 At or to the further side of. He pointed to a spot
beyond the trees.
33 Stream A small, narrow river. A perfect trout stream.
34 In every part of (a place or The event had
Throughout object). repercussions throughout
35 A place, person, or thing from Mackerel is a good source
Sources which something comes or of fish oil.
can be obtained.
36 Caveman / A cave dweller especially of He grew up as a ferocious
Cavewoman the Stone Age. and vicious caveman.
37 More intense than normal. The heightened color of
her face.
38 Software for accessing Users connect to the
websites. application (via) using a
Web Browser
web browser on their
mobile phones.
39 An object or design cut from A carving of an Asian
Carving a hard material is an artistic elephant.
40 Pieces of wood that are A fire made of driftwood.
Driftwood floating on the sea or have
been washed ashore.

Outcomes Reflection Paper

All this month and throughout this course, I have learned many things.
What I liked the most was learning to do essays, and it was very
interesting to do comparison and contrast tests along with cause-and-
effect essays. I also liked learning a new vocabulary, there were new
words that I found very interesting. Something that I would also like to
highlight is that I learned to brainstorm ideas and organize them in
charts and diagrams. Something that also caught my attention were was
reading on distance education, which is something that is seen
lately and the compulsive behavior that some people present when
using a smartphone. I feel that I have a lot to be thankful for, I think I
could not have reached this goal without the help of my colleagues,
who made me feel comfortable at all times; and that of my teacher,
who was supporting us at all times and encouraging us to participate.
Finally, I believe that everything I learned in this course will be very
useful for me when I work or when I travel, since I will be able to
demonstrate all my skills acquired in these years. Thank you to all my
teachers and colleagues, but above all, thank you ICPNA for these six
years of study


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