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RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS 2010-11 AICRP (Vegetable Crops) :

A. Breeding
GERMPLASM 1.Collection evaluation and conservation of Amaranthus germplasm Among the accessions IC 257789 recorded higher leaf yield (380 g) for 5 plants followed by IC 257790 recording leaf yield of 300g / 5 plants. The same accession recorded higher seed yield (260 g/pt) and was closely followed by IC 446471. 2. Collection evaluation and conservation of Pumpkin germplasm CM-115 has recorded maximum fruit yield/ vine 28.0 Kg/vine with 6.5 fruits per vine followed byCM-27 (20.2 Kg/vine with 6 fruits per vine) and CM-25 (18.0 Kg/vine with 4.5 fruits per vine). VARIETAL TRIALS 3. Tomato (Determinate) AVT-I Among the entries tested 09/TODVAR-6 recorded significantly higher yield (367.3 q / ha) and it was found to be on par with 09/TODVAR-5 (329.5 q/ha). Highest fruit weight was recorded by 09/TODVAR-6 (111.6 g) followed by H-86 (105. g). HYBRID TRIALS 4 Okra Hybrid IET Among the entries evaluated, 10/OKHYB/8 recorded significantly higher yield (80.3q/ha). Average fruit weight was highest in 10/OKHYB/8 (20.6 gm) and 10/OKHYB/7 (18.5gm). 5. Okra Hybrid AVT-I 09/ OKHYB/9 recorded significantly highest yield (78.4 q/ha ) and was followed by 09/Okhyb/10 (74.2 q/ha).Average fruit weight was maximum with 09/okhyb/9 (19.9 g).

6. Okra Hybrid AVT-II OKHYB/2 recorded significantly highest yield (74.4 q/ha) and was followed by 08/okhyb/4 (57.9 q/ha). Average fruit weight was maximum with 08/okhyb/2 (17.4 gm). 7. Tomato Hybrid (Indeterminate) AVT-II 08/TOINHYB-1 recorded significantly higher yield (450.4 q/ ha), higher number of fruits per plant (26.8) and was on par with 08/TOINHYB-5 (419.4 q/ha) recording higher fruit weight of (88.7 g). 8. Ash Gourd Hybrid IET 10/Ashyb-3 recorded significantly higher yield (756.1 q/ha) with significantly maximum fruit weight (10.16 kg) and was found to be on a par with VRAG-90 (670.0 q/ha, 9.93 kg).

Non-Plan Trial
9. Suitability of different varieties of Onion for Kharif season The variety Agri Found Dark Red recorded maximum yield (413.1 q/ha), registering highest bulb weight (86.2 g) followed by N-53 (332.4 q/ha & 84.0 g) respectively. TSS was found to be maximum with Arka Pragathi (4.1oB) while least was noticed in Agri found White (2.5 oB B. Agronomy: In organic production of leaf amaranthus application of neem cake @ 2 t/ha recorded highest leaf yield of 97 q/ha with more uptake of nitrogen and potassium, where as with application of vermicompost @ 5 t/ha recorded more uptake of phosphorus. In organic production of leaf palak application of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer recorded significantly higher yield in first and second harvest, where as with organic treatments application like FYM @ 20 t/ha or vermicompost @ 5 t/ha or neemcake @ 2 t/ha recorded significantly higher yields from third harvest to fifth harvest (248 q/ha). Fertigation scheduling at 3 days or 5 days interval with recommended dose of fertilizers to tomato recorded highest yield of fruit (212 q/ha)

C. Entomology: Experiment conducted during 2010-11, Kharif on the bio-efficacy of new insecticides against brinjal shoot and fruit borer showed that application of chlorantraniliprole 20 SC @ 0.3 ml/lt decreased the fruit damage (18.71%), followed by flubendiamide 39.35 SC @ 0.3 ml/lt (21.61%) and Spinosad 45 SC @ 0.5 ml/lt (21.64%) but there was no significant difference between the three treatments. Experiment conducted on Pest management in chilli with mineral and botanical oils, lowest thrips population was recorded in the treatment sprayed with Acephate which was followed by Neem oil 1% and mineral oil 0.2 %.However, all the treatments were ineffective in reducing the incidence of leaf curl disease and yield was poor in all the treatments. Experiment conducted on evaluation of newer molecules against gall midge in chilli showed that the treatment with chlorantraniliprole recorded lowest flower damage (27.40%) followed by Triazophos (30.23%), Azadirachtin 10,000 ppm (31.61%) and carbosulfan (33.76%) all were at par with each other. All the treatments were ineffective in reducing the fruit damage and recorded lower yields Experiment conducted on insect pest management in organically grown cabbage or cauliflower showed that the lowest head damage was recorded in the module consisting of Chinese cabbage as border crop and alternate spraying of neem soap and Bt which was followed by organic module and non organic module. However, these treatments were significantly superior compared to control. D. PLANT PATHOLOGY : Management of blight diseases of tomato The disease incidence ranged from 13.6 to 21.0. Foliar spray with Metiram @ 0.3%) recorded minimum incidence of the disease (13.6 PDI) and 44.0 t/ha yield. However, in control plot, the disease incidence recorded was 24.6 PDI with 32.8 t/ha yield Integrated management of TOSPO virus disease of tomato Four sprays i.e, First spray of Acephate @ 1.5 g/l + Neem oil @ 2.0 ml/l, Second spray of Regent @ 1.5ml / l + Neem oil @ 2.0 ml/l, Third spray of Admire @ 2g / 15 l + Neem oil @ 2.0 ml/l , Fourth spray of Acephate @ 1.5 g/l + Neem oil @ 2.0 ml/l at 10 days interval were found to exhibit minimum disease incidence of 7.2%. Whereas in control plot, the disease incidence recorded was 18.8 %.

RESEARCH HIGH LIGHTS PERTAINING TO TUBER CROPS HORTICULTURE:: 1) Germplasm collection evaluation and maintenance of tuber crops: Characterization was done during this year and same was send to CTCRI, Thiruvanthapuram 2) Multi Location Trial on Colocasia (Taro) (MLT Co 09): This experiment was conducted at different four different locations in the state. Research findings are hereunder. i) Vegetable Research Station, Rajendranagar, Rangareddy district: Maximum cornel yield was recorded by RNCA-1 (35.17 t/ha) followed by KCS-3 (33.32 t/ha) and Jagtial (33.32 t/ha). ii) H.R.S., Malyal, Warangal district: Maximum cornel yield was recorded by RNCA-1 (33.20 t/ha) followed by KCS-2 (32.80 t/ha) and Satamukhi (30.85 t/ha). iii) K.V.K. Wyra, Khammam district: Maximum cornel yield was recorded by RNCA-1 (11.31 t/ha) followed by KCS-3 (10.94 t/ha) and Satamukhi (10.84 t/ha). iv) Farmer Field, Tugota, Medak district: Maximum cornel yield was recorded by RNCA-1 (8.07 t/ha) followed by KCS-3 (8.06t/ha) and Jagtial local (7.99 t/ha). In the all locations RNCA-1 has got the highest yield among all other varieties 3) Multi Location Trail on Xanthosoma (MLT Xa 09) Among the entries tested KKV-Xa-4 recorded the maximum yield of 15.07 t/ha followed by KKV Xa-1 13.59 t/ha and as KKV-Xa-3 recorded the 12.14 t/ha. 4) Integrated nutrient management in sweet potato (INM sp):
No significant difference between the treatments was observed. Maximum Tuber yield was recorded in T6 (12.37 t/ha) application of FYM @ 10 t/ha + neem cake @ 1 t/ha followed by T4 poultry manure applied @ 5 t/ha (11.60t/ha).

High lights of AICRP Tuber crops -Plant pathology

1. Survey and surveillance of pests and Diseases In fixed plot survey on sweet potato high incidence of sweet potato weevil was recorded (up to 32%), wilt (up to 8%),moderate incidence of Cercospora leaf spot (up to 12%) and slight incidence of mosaic diseases (< 5%) was recorded . Leaf eating caterpillars and leaf miner attack was moderate in September, 2010 on sweet potato. In colocasia incidence of leaf blight was first noticed during August, ( 12-29%) mosaic disease incidence 5-10% and aphids infestation was recorded < 10%.Amorphophallus recorded 14% mosaic incidence; bacterial and fungal leaf spots up to 20% each and tuber rot 5% during the period under report. During roving survey, at Peddapuram area cassava was infested with CMD up to 36% in different varieties.Mealy bug infestation was sever and it was recorded 100 per cent in many entriesof Cassava. Sweet potato showed up to 20% wilt disease; 0-5% Cercospora leaf blight, mosaic 0-3% and sweet potato weevil incidence was found to be up to 20%. In Colocasia incidence of leaf blight was ranging between 2-30%; of mosaic incidence 5-10% and aphids infestation recorded up to 20%.The aphid infestation was recorded on tubers in storage also on colocasia.
2.Integrated disease management in Amorphophallus

During 2010-2011, Increased and early sprouting of EFY was recorded in the plots of IDM package compared to farmers practice. The results show that there was no significant difference between IDM and Chemical treatments. However Minimum incidence of Leaf blight (15.26%) and Mosaic of 11.9% was recorded in chemical control, where as , minimum incidence of collar rot was recorded in IDM Package, and maximum yield of 48.5 t/ha was recorded in chemical treatment fallowed by IDM package (46.9t /ha). 3. Evaluation of colocasia lines for Phytophthora blight resistance/ tolerance . During 2010-2011,All the fifteen cultivars showed low to moderate blight infection in the filed. The cultivar C-266 has very high PDI of Phytophthora disease (37.8%) and minimum PDI of 21.6 per cent was recorded in RNCA 1. Among fifteen cultivars the susceptible check Telia was found very fast blighting variety, where as RNCA-1 and Jagitial local were very slow blighting varieties. The results on the yield performance showed that RNCA 1 was recorded maximum yield of 32.4 t/ha fallowed by Muktakeshi (30.8 t/ha). The leaf blight disease incidence was mainly depending on RH-II, (Max. RH), rainy days, rainfall and sunshine hours. The disease incidence was more from July to October months.

4.) Management of sweet potato weevil through barrier crops of yam bean and marigold

The results on the effect of barrier crops (Yam Bean and marigold) indicated that planting of sweet potato with marigold as alternate planting (T5&T6)) is the best effective treatment to reduce the weevil infestation among the non-chemical treatments followed by yam bean planting, which have similar trend in reducing the weevil.
5 ) Sweet potato weevil management by bio-pesticides and microbial agents

Among nine treatments tested during 2010-11, (kharif) against the sweet potato weevil lowest infestation of weevil was recorded by T9 - Chemical control (check) spray at monthly intervals how ever it was on par with Metarhizium anisoplia(T2) and Beauveria bassiana (T1). Among treatments of the bio-pesticides and microbial gents low infestation of 21.3 and 19.2 were recorded with T1 - Beauveria bassiana (Bio-power 1.5% WP) and T4 - Neem (Azadiracta indica) Cake respectively. Yield of 21.8 t ha-1 were recorded with T9- Chemical control (check) and Beauveria bassiana (T1). This was followed by T4 Neem (Azadiracta indica) Cake which recorded total tuber marketable yield of 19.2 t/ha with weevil infestation of 24.3per cent .
6) Biointensive management of taro leaf blight

During 2010-2011, In all the treatments the disease incidence was recorded high compared to last year. How ever the treatment T 3 recorded minimum disease incidence of 15.9 per cent .Where as susceptible check cv Telia recorded the blight incidence up to 30.9 PDI on leaves, with 7.63 t/ha yield of healthy cormels. When the same susceptible check cv Telia was applied with four different treatments, the results revealed that treatment T3 Seed tuber treatment with Trichoderma viride (5g /kg cow dung slurry) and soil application of 1 kg Trichoderma viride enriched compost per pit recorded the disease of 15.9 PDI on leaves and yield of 14.03 t/ha. 7) Evaluation of tuber crops based bio-pesticides against pests of national importance: Aphids and leaf eating caterpillars were major problems in colocasia cultivation. The treatments T2 and T1 were significantly over rest of the treatments. In treatment T2, Aphid mean population was 10.4 whereas, in T1 it was 16.3.The cormel yield was statistically significant ion treatment T2 (25.5t/ha) and T1 (23.8t/ha) these two treatments were at par with each other. 8) Integrated disease management in taro The experimental treatments showed differential responses in the IDM of the colocasia. Increased and early sprouting of EFY was recorded in the plots of IDM package compared to farmers practice. The results show that there was no significant difference between IDM and Chemical treatments. Minimum incidence of Leaf blight (7.2%) and Mosaic of 3.9% and maximum yield of 12.12 t/ha was recorded in IDM, where was in chemical treatment 11.37t /ha was recorded.

9) Evaluation of cassava lines for mosaic tolerance/ resistance. Cassava germplasm lines of 52 entries were screened, of them zero incidence of CMV was recorded in CMR-10,11,13,15,17, TCS-3,20,25,H-150/93,S-731,TCH1,LOCAL and Co-3,where as 100 per cent CMV incidence was recorded in H282/94,Sri Harsha,KSLO3/92,AK X CI-649,AK X S -731,KTP 1/94,TCS-25 ,H-43 etc 10) Etiology of Gummy stem blight on Bottle gourd. (observation trail) The pathogen was isolated and identified as Didymella bryoniae and its incidence was recorded as 43 per cent during this season in farmers fields and in musk melon it was recorded as 100 per cent.( Entry T2).

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS NON-PLAN In Dolichos bean (pole type), of the several transgressive segregants selected from F 2, the selection Sel-3 recorded highest pod yield (427.3 g/plant) followed by Sel-4 (407.2 g/plant) and Sel-1 (334.6 g/ plant). Sel-4 and Sel-1 were found to be superior with regard to morphological. The seeds of Sel-4 recorded highest protein (18.34%) followed by Sel1 (15.80%). In tomato, out of 24 F1 hybrids evaluated, the cross LE-64 x Arka Vikas produced maximum fruit yield (3.90 kg/plant) followed by LE-53 x Arka Alok (3.83 kg/plant) and LE-53 x Arka Meghali and LE 64 x Arka Meghali (3.53 kg/plant) when compared to checks US-618 (2.50 kg /plant)and Lakshmi (2.27 kg/plant). In brinjal, the seed of Improved Bhagyamati, which was found superior to Bhagyamati with respect to morphological and yield characters, has been multiplied and ready for minikit testing. In cluster bean, of the ten genotypes evaluated under preliminary yield trial, RCT-73 produced significantly higher pod yield (275.00 g/plant), followed by RCT-68 (270.00 g/ plant) and RCT-69(242.00 g/ plant), which are at par with check i.e. Pusa Naubahar (262.44 g/ plant). In ridge gourd, of the 25 germplasm lines characterized and evaluated under germplasm evaluation, LA-181 was found to be high yielding (2.35 kg/vine) with acceptable fruit quality (24.67 cm length, 4.80 cm width and 203.0 g weight) which is within the acceptable limits of consumer preference. In ridge gourd, of the six promising lines evaluated under preliminary yield trial (PYT), the line LA-74 produced significantly longer vines (3.08m), higher yield (1.76 kg/vine)

coupled with good quality fruits of acceptable length (26.7cm), breadth (4.66cm) and weight (198.00 g). In bottle gourd, of the 25 germplasm lines characterized and evaluated under germplasm evaluation, the line LS-111 was found to be not only precocious with first female flower appeared at 10th node at 60 DAS, but also prolific with yield potential of 13.34 Kg/vine with acceptable fruit quality (44.0 cm length, 9.10 cm width and 1.915 kg weight). In bitter gourd, of the 30 germplasm lines characterized and evaluated under germplasm evaluation, the genotypes MC-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were found to be promising with respect to yield and fruit quality. In musk melon, out of 35 genotypes characterized and evaluated under germplasm evaluation, the genotypes RNMM-3, 9, 10 12,13, 22 and 29 were found to be promising with respect to yield, while RNMM-12 and 31 were found to be of good fruit quality with higher fruit weight (> 500 g) and high TSS (>80 Brix ). Out of 11 genotypes of snake gourd evaluated TA-6 was found to be superior in terms of yield (14 kg/vine), number of fruits (10) and fruit weight (1.4 kg) over the other lines and swetha (check). Out of 41 genotypes of cooking melon evaluated RNC 16 was found to be superior in terms of yield (12.5 kg/vine) followed by RNC-17 (6.6 kg) over RNSM-3 check variety (2.7 kg/vine). Out of 26 genotypes of ashgourd evaluated BH-24 was found to be superior in terms of yield (57.3 kg) and fruit weight (19.1 kg) over check variety shakthi. RKVY Of the three non-traditional vegetables tested for their adaptability under open field conditions during Rabi 2010 under Hyderabad conditions, all the three viz., Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprout and sprouting broccoli fared well with an yield potential of 22.29, 5.12 and 7.87 t/ha, respectively. Among the three, Chinese cabbage was found to be highly prone to aphids, diamond back moth and Prodenia, while the remaining were relatively free from these pests. In spine gourd, of the 130 lines characterized and evaluated under germplasm, the line RNK-13 was found to be superior with respect to yield (2.5 kg plant-1) and fruit quality with cylindrical shape, green colour and thick and hard spines, which can be exploited for commercial cultivation after further testing. In tomato, of the different interspecific hybrids evaluated, fruit yield was highest in LE59 x LP6 (3.0 kg) followed by LE-60 x LP6 (2.9 kg) and LE-65 x LP6 (2.3 kg).

SEED SPICES Of the five seed spices evaluated under three different dates of sowing (25th November, 5th and 15th December) at ten days interval, relatively high seed yield was observed under the first date of sowing (25th November) in black soils in coriander, fenugreek, fennel, ajowan and nigella.









Horticultural produce-RKVY Sweet orange

BA 50 ppm + Wax 6 % were found to increase shelf life at ambient as well as low temperature storage. There is a profound effect of wax emulsion interms of storage. The organoleptic studies indicate that the shelf life at ambient temperature was 15 days. At low temperature irrespective of the treatments has enhanced shelf life. The BA 50 ppm + Wax 6 % followed by 2,4-D 500 ppm + Wax 6 % has exhibited a shelf life of 90 days. MANGO(MAP) Banganpalli fruits harvested at TSS 6-7, held in polybags of 50,100 and 150 gauge polypropylene and modified atmosphere bags (X tend bags) and stored at low temperature (12.50C1) for 14 days and evaluated at 0,4th and 8th day at ambient temperature did not show any significant increase in TSS and colour development, whereas the fruits softened progressively at ambient condition from 0 day to 8th day. The results show that fruits harvested at TSS 6-7 did not attain the required quality and 6-70B maturity stage is not the ideal commercial maturity stage for harvesting and exporting the fruits.

Storage of pomegranate(MAP)
. For a period of 30 days storage, fruit can be held in cold storage (40C 10C) without any need for modified atmosphere. For storage periods of up to 60 days after harvest, pomegranate fruits can be stored in 100 gauge polypropylene bags and for 90 days storage after harvest Xtend bags can be used to pack fruit. Xtend bags are characterized by high Moisture Vapor Transmission Rates (MVTR) in comparison to polypropylene films. This assures that excess moisture is eliminated from the bag. This in turn, alleviates decay development and other problems associated with excess moisture. . Standardization of Solar drying for Mango bars Funds were also utilized for taking up training programmes for farmers from the project of NAIP given to APHU. Four training programmes on fruit bars with a special emphasis on mango pulp through solar drying was conducted for 80 farmers(twenty farmers per training) along with society for energy, environment and development (SEED). The aim of this programme is to develop micro enterprises so as to enhance the income level of the farmers/small enterprises. As apart of the above SEED is also offering marketing of the products developed to limited extent.

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