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1. How did the purposes of sculpture and painting differ in Roman art?

Sculptures and paintings are normally used for aesthetic purposes. However, the
Romans mainly used them for political propaganda. They designed the sculptures to
symbolize the Roman concept of service and to celebrate and immortalize the lives
of their rulers and heroic military figures. Roman artists also made paintings that
incorporated realistic imagery that created an illusion of the presence of heroic
figures. The most common forms of realistic imagery that were used include
mythology, strange animals, swirling plants and portraits. The sculptures and the
paintings reminded the Romans of their historic political structures and their
allegiance to their rulers.

2. Which of the following is characteristics of the symbolist movement in art and

a) It interprets the everyday world.
b) It neglects, though it does not reject, the spiritual.
c) It insists on art for its own sake.
d) It glorifies science and technology.

Answer. C it insist on art for its own sake.

3. Give at least five reasons why man creates art. State your explanation with regard
to the reasoning you are going to give?
1. To give perceptible form to feelings and ideas.
2. Because he finds pleasure in creating art.
3. To express himself as an individual or as a member of a group.
4. Because through it, he is able to translate his creative imagination into a tangible
thing that is of practical use to him.
5. To express an appreciation of beauty.

4. How has Medieval art and Renaissance art influenced modern art?
Medieval art was more focused on religion than Renaissance art was. Statues often
looked very stiff, often there did not appear to be very much movement.
5. In business, economics, and related fields, mass production refers to techniques
for manufacturing large numbers of identical products.
6. The Statue of Liberty stands in Upper New York Bay, a universal symbol of
freedom. Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the people of
France and the U.S. and a sign of their mutual desire for liberty, over the years the
Statue has become much more. ... It represents the United States itself.
7. Art history began as academic discipline at the end of the eighteenth century with
the creation of the first museums, getting a great input at the end of the ninety
century in Europe with serious research by authors whose work pave the way to the
twenty century art specialist, but the studies about the humankind art .
8. On Father's Day, us art historians should remember the painter, architect and
biographer Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574).
9. The Histories of Herodotus (c. 484-c. 425 BCE) is the earliest extant historical
narrative. Written in the second half of the 5th century BCE, it aims to describe and
explain the long history of conflict between Greeks and non-Greeks, culminating in
the Graeco-Persian Wars of the early 5th century.
10. Art has existed for a very long time even before the beginning of formal
education. In the ancient times, it was used to appease the gods, frighten enemies,
compel people, and distinguish between various cultures and even served reasons
for personal and economic importance.

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