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Albiad, Alexis Joseph

Atienza, Samantha Nicole

Dimaano, Karl Justine

Dimayuga, Lovely

Hawak, Alliah Nicole

Magpantay, Haryl

Mendoza, Crischel

Tuballas, Ariane Mae



This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, the research

instrument, the data collection procedures and data analysis plan.


The research design addressed the impact and approach to lessen the air

pollution in Lipa City. Eco-technology vehicle provides the best resolution in lessening

the air pollution as the Philippines encounter the greatest pollution that held through

years.The designers of this project also includes the best way for conservation of

natural gases and oil that already devour in the world.

The type of research that is used in this study is quantitative research since it is

approciate and most relevant to the study. Quantitative research design is a study that

deals with numerical information that requires computation ,accurate data , and more on

collecting and analyzing data that's why the quantitative research is accurate for this

study. The study is primarily focuses on determining how eco-technology vehicle can

solve the problem of air pollution in the city of Lipa. In order to find the result and to

know how effective it is.


From the total population of Lipa, Batangas , the researchers decided to select

respondents that will participate in the study that will consist of random commuters who

are riding everyday using a public utility vehicles and were chosen through simple

random sampling. Since the commuters has the daily experience in the environment,

they are the chosen one who can easily answer the questions that the researchers

come up.

In order to achieve a reliable source of information, the researchers chose the

participants through simple random sampling. Simple random is characterized by a

subset of individuals chosen from a larger set and each respondents is chosen

randomly by chance. Our respondents was mostly all the commuters but they are

random select. The purpose of this is to know how effective the public utility vehicle to

the commuters.The total population of Lipa, Batangas recorded by the Philippine

Statistics Authority was 385,246 in 2020. Using this numbers, the total sample size were

determined to be at least 400 respondents with a confidence interval of .05 and

confidence level of 95% respectively.


The collection of data will be done through the use of questionnaires that discusses

the impacts of eco-technology vehicles in reducing the air pollution in Lipa City for the

year 2021. The questions that will be given is all about the perspective of the

respondents regarding the issue and also their insights. This instrument is used to

easily asses the given answers from the respondents and to easily measure the data or

the responses that will be needed in the study.

The main data gathering instrument that the researchers used is in questionnaire

form that consists of 10 question survey for the researchers to collect needed

information for the study. Through the use of technology, the researchers can easily

gather the data coming from the chosen appropriate participants.


Once the researchers have decided on how they will collect the data and whom

their respondents will be. They also made sure that they will be collecting data

according to it's relevance and effectiveness for the research. The primary source of

data will come from the random citizens of Lipa, who have experienced the reducing

amount of air pollution in the area due to the eco-technology vehicles. The total

population of Lipa, Batangas recorded by the Philippine Statistics Authority was 385,246

in 2020. Using the Slovin's formula, the total sample size were determined to be at least
400 respondents with a confidence interval of .05 and confidence level of 95%

respectively. The respondents were chosen through simple random sampling.The main

data gathering instrument used in the study are questionnares based. To make sure

that the respondents answered it precisely the researchers must make sure that the

questions are accurate and direct to the point. And will let the respondents to answer

the given questionnaires for a maximum of 10 minutes.

On the other hand, some questions are needed to be valued and accepted by the

teacher for legality so that the questionnares to be used for the interview will be

precised and appropriate in gathering data. The gathering data must be located to a

private section for their individual privacy purposes.


To start the research study, approached the randomly selected commuters at Lipa

City, Batangas and the request for data and information that will be needed about the

impact of eco-technology vehicle in decreasing air pollution and the way to manage it.

1. Frequency Distribution

This was utilized to set-up clear information with corresponding frequency in each

category on the scale of measurement. It is a mathematical function used to show the

number of instances in which a variable takes each of its possible values.

2. Percentage

It is by taking the frequency in the category divided by the total number of

participants and multiplied by 100

P= (100 %)

3. Ranking

This was used to organize the data reliant on the degree from always to never,

wherein the most tended will b e rank 1. Primarily, it is the arrangement of frequencies and

percentage from lowest to highest and vice versa.

4. Weighted Mean

It is commonly used in determining the final value of the responses by computing

∑(W )( x)
their average. The formula used in solving this is: X=

5. Slovin’s Formula

This formula it is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size

(N) and a margin of error (e). It is computed as n = N / (1+Ne2). The researchers also

used the confidence interval of 0.05 with a corresponding confidence level of 95%.

n= 2
(100 % )
1+ Ne

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