Capstone Project Melc 6-9

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Tittle: Natural Repellent from Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. Leaf against Cockroach
 Collection and Preparation of Test Insects (Cockroach)
 Collection and Preparation of Chemical Tools
 Extraction and Treatment Preparation
 Bioassay Procedure
 Repellency Assay or Testing
 Data Analysis

Guide Questions:
1. The format of methodology/materials and methods is the most appropriate is the biology-related parts
because it shows all the used materials and methods. It includes concise description of the materials,
procedures, and equipment used, including how the study was conducted, how data were collected, and
what statistical and/or graphical analyses were undertaken.
2. It its applicable because an in-text citation is the brief form or shorten form of the reference that
you include in the body of your work. It gives enough information to uniquely identify the source in
your reference list. The author’s family name and year of publication are also involved in this citation.
3. A. Material and methods: In this section, ethical approval, study dates, number of subjects, groups,
evaluation criteria, exclusion criteria and statistical methods should be described sequentially. Materials
and methods should be written in past tense, either in passive or active voice.
B. Data Collection: Collection of data or data collection depends upon a variety of factors, which
involves the following: accuracy, reliability, time, cost, and utility. Thus, conduction of interviews,
distribution of questionnaires and surveys, observing, gathering documents, record, related studies or
histories must be considered in data gathering/collection
C. Data Analysis: In data analysis information must be accurate and reliable. As far as possible, avoid
statistical errors, and data must be collected through primary or secondary research, also make an
inference about the collected data.
4. A research proposal is written in the future tense, whereas the tense used in the research report is past
tense, as well as it is written in the third person

1. I can say that the materials and methods of my proposed study is acceptable when the readers
understand what procedures, approaches, designs, and treatment the I have carried out in the research.
2. Proper data collection and data analysis in a scientific study which enables the researcher/s to take
decisions that is related to the information available and to understand how helpful is the information that
will support in carrying forward the research work.
3. To cultivate students' curiosity about the world and enhances scientific thinking. Through inquiry
process, students will recognize the nature of science and develop scientific knowledge. Also, with
science process skills they may be able to evaluate the impacts of scientific and technological
4. The scientific concepts of my proposed study’s materials and methods anchored upon to facts, data,
hypotheses, laws, and theories.


Weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding (in kilograms)

Treatment 1 Treatment 2
Commercial pellets P. canaliculata
1 1.00 1.69
2 0.99 1.97
3 1.06 2.00
4 1.67 2.02
5 0.99 1.96
6 1.04 2.04
7 1.50 1.78
8 1.23 1.84
9 1.59 1.94

1. Based on the table above; it shows the weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding in kilograms of
Commercial pellets (Treatment 1) and P. canaliculata (Treatment 2), in each treatment, nine (9) chicken
were used. Moreover, treatment the weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding are presented in kilograms:
Treatment 1(Commercial pellets) - 1.00, 0.99, 1.06, 1.67, 0.99, 1.04, 1.50, 1.23 and 1.59; Treatment 2 (P.
canaliculata)- 1.69, 1.97, 2.00, 2.02, 1.96, 2.04, 1.78, 1.84 and 1.94.
2. Both given statistical analysis (t test) is useful and appropriate in identifying the ratio and mean of the
weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding using two (2) treatment. Textual presentation of data is used to
support in carrying out/forward the data in finding the mean of the chicken’s weight. In tabular form, it
shows that there is a significant difference in the weight of chicken feed with commercial pellets and P.

Weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding (in kilograms)

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 2
Commercial pellets P. canaliculate (5%) P. canaliculate (10%)
1 1.00 1.69 2.69
2 0.99 1.97 2.97
3 1.06 2.00 3.00
4 1.67 2.02 2.82
5 0.99 1.96 2.96
6 1.04 2.04 2.74
7 1.50 1.78 2.78
8 1.23 1.84 2.84
9 1.59 1.94 2.94

1. Based on the table above; it shows the weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding in kilograms of
Commercial pellets (Treatment 1), P. canaliculata – 5% body weight (Treatment 2) and P. canaliculata –
10% body weight (Treatment 3), in each treatment nine (9) chicken were used. Moreover, weight of
chicken after 45 days of feeding in each treatment are presented in kilograms: Treatment 1(Commercial
pellets) - 1.00, 0.99, 1.06, 1.67, 0.99, 1.04, 1.50, 1.23 and 1.59; Treatment 2 with 5% of body weight ratio
(P. canaliculata)- 1.69, 1.97, 2.00, 2.02, 1.96, 2.04, 1.78, 1.84, and 1.94; Treatment 3 with 10% of body
weight ratio (P. canaliculata)- 2.69, 2.97, 3.00, 2.82, 2.96, 2.74, 2.78, 2.84 and 2.94.
2. A. Table 4.5 or One-way ANOVA is the most appropriate because one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) is used to determine whether there are any statistically significant differences between the
means of three or more independent (unrelated) groups.
B. The study Pomacea canaliculate Meat as Natural Protein Diet for Broiler Chicken used three (3)
treatment that is why one-way ANOVA is the most appropriate statistical analyses tool in getting the
weights of chicken after 45 days of feeding.
C. It shows that, there is a significant difference in the weight of chicken feed with commercial pellets,
5% of P. canaliculate meat and 10% of P. canaliculate meat using one-way ANOVA.
3. I think the scientific statistical analyses are the ones that draw the process of tabulation, analyzation,
and interpretation on data on a study.



Name: Christer John M. Hang Grade and Section: 12- STEM
Date: May 26, 2022 Score:
1. The decision is to accept the null hypothesis since the finding have shown that there is no
significant difference in the weight of Broiler chicken fed with Pomacea canaliculata meat and
commercial pellets.
2. The findings show the collected data on the weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding based on
body weight ratio with 9 chicken per treatment:
Commercial pellets 1. 45, 1.98, 2.00, 2.34, 1.23, 1.56, 1.50, 1.50 and 1.59 (in kg)
Pomacea canaliculata Meat – 1.69, 1.97, 2.00, 2.02, 1.96, 2.04, 1.78, 1.84, and 1.94 (in kg)
3. Based on the findings of this research, it was found out that P. canaliculate meat was effective
natural protein diet for broiler chicken compared to commercial pellet.
4. Based on the result of the study, the researcher recommends using Pomacea canaliculata meat as
natural protein diet since it is convenient, cheap and eco- friendly compared to commercial pellet.
The researcher also suggests comparing the Pomacea canaliculata to other natural protein diet for
Broiler chicken.

1. The decision was to reject the null hypothesis because it shows in the findings that there is a
significant difference in the weight of Broiler chicken fed with commercial pellets and Pomacea
canaliculata meat.
2. The findings of the study states that the weight of chicken after 45 days of feeding based on the
body weight ratio with 9 chicken per treatment in commercial pellets has: 1.00, 0.99, 1.06, 1.67,
0.99, 1.04, 1.50, 1.23 and 1.59 (in kg), wherein in 5% body weight of P. canaliculata meat has:
1.69, 1.97, 2.00, 2.02, 1.96, 2.04, 1.78, 1.84 and 1.94 (in kg), while in 10% of body weight of P.
canaliculata meat: 2.69, 2.97, 3.00, 2.82, 2.96, 2.74, 2.78, 2.84 and 2.94 (in kg).
3. Therefore, I conclude that based on the findings of this research, 10% of the body weight of P.
canaliculata was effective natural protein diet for Broiler chicken compared to commercial pellets
and 5% of body weight of P. canaliculata meat.
4. Based on the results of the study, the researcher suggests that P. canaliculata meat can be an
alternative natural protein diet for Broiler chicken. This because it can lessen the use of chemicals
added in the commercial pellets.
5. Yes, it summarizes the thoughts of a researchers and conveying the larger significance of the
study and it introduces the possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research

In this activity, I have developed my Critical and Thinking Skill. Critical Thinking is at the
forefront of learning, as it aids a student reflect and understand their points of views. This skill helps a
student figure out how to make sense of the world, based on personal observation and understanding.
Critical Thinking will enable you to better express your thoughts and ideas, and beliefs. It can also fosters
creativity and out-of-the box thinking that can be applied to any area of your life.


Name: Christer John M. Hang Grade and Section: 12- STEM
Date: May 26, 2022 Score:
IMRaD Sections and Descriptions RATING
1. Ideally, 12 key words indicating the Independent and Dependent Variables. 5
2. Exactly, 250 words containing background, objective, methods, findings, and 1
1. Tell readers why the study has been undertaken and providing sufficient 4
background information.
2. Short and arresting. 4
3. The structure from a broad perspective to a specific aim of the study:
 First paragraph showed a short story of the current knowledge.
 Second paragraph summarizes what was done and existing gaps. 4
 Third paragraph, stating the aim, the hypothesis, and the design, and the
importance of the study.
4. In- text citation and paraphrasing are evident. 4
5. Discarded scientifically weak studies and focused on the most rigorous, most 4
relevant, and most valid.
1. This section describes logically (contains subheadings) the following: research 4
design, procedure, data collection and data analysis.
2. Written in details, replicability and reproducibility is given with scientific merit. 4
3. Study research design (homogenization and randomization) dictates the type of 3
preparation and generic names of data.
4. Materials exact technical specifications and quantities, as well as the method of 3
preparation and generic names are used.
5. Exact form of treatment used is described to allow replication and trials. 5
6. If the methods, devices, or techniques are widely known however, described fully 3
uncommon methods.
7. If statistical analysis is present, feature and expected data are discussed, not the 3
1. In this section, the readers led to follow the author’s thoughts by using a suitable 1
mixture of text, tables, and illustrations.
2. It begins with characteristics of the study sample or baseline as basis of 1
3. Answer to research questions in a story from logically in textual form. 1
4. Tables present the essence of the results and establish the statistical validity of the 1
5. Illustration used for emphasis of the important points. 1
6. Tables and illustration can stand alone. 1
7. Numbers already presented in a table (or in a figure) and not repeated in the text 1
8. Different types of illustrations labeled properly. In addition, photographs include
measures to protect the anonymity of patients and micrographics need measures of 1
scale; both need professional production.
9. Illustration followed by an appropriate legend with clearly defined possible 1
abbreviations or symbols.
1. Starts with a brief summary what was really found and why it is important. 1
2. The aim of the study was restated in more general terms, but the results give a 1
general picture not repeated exactly as in the results section.
3. Address the strengths and limitations of the study design and methods. 1
4. Explains how the results agree or disagree with other studies or related theories. 1
5. The last paragraph showed an exciting summary of scientific implications of the 1
1. Answer the questions without repeating the data in the previous sections.
2. Significant findings are endorsed.
1. Recognize limitations of the study and suggested for further study.
2. Significant findings are endorsed.
1. All in-text citation is bibliographically cited following the APA format.
1. Provide evidence of photography, raw data, etc.
Guide Questions:
1. Yes, the rubric provided is helpful
2. Self- assessment can provide insight into student’s true comprehension and can help to identify
gaps in student’s knowledge. Encouraging students to examine their own learning and levels of
understanding can also be an important “wake-up call”, identifying areas that require

The lifelong skills that I have developed in the course of this whole experience are the skill of being
resourceful. My intellectual and critical thinking skills have developed which I can use in my future

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